
  • Target


  • Size


  • Sample


  • MD5


  • SHA1


  • SHA256


  • SHA512


Malware Config




Ransom Note
you i to that it me what this know i'm no have my don't just not do be your we it's so but all well oh about right you're get here out going like yeah if can up want think that's now go him how got did why see come good really look will okay back can't mean tell i'll hey he's could didn't yes something because say take way little make need gonna never we're too she's i've sure our sorry what's let thing maybe down man very there's should anything said much any even off please doing thank give thought help talk god still wait find nothing again things let's doesn't call told great better ever night away believe feel everything you've fine last keep does put around stop they're i'd guy isn't always listen wanted guys huh those big lot happened thanks won't trying kind wrong talking guess care bad mom remember getting we'll together dad leave understand wouldn't actually hear baby nice father else stay done wasn't course might mind every enough try hell came someone you'll whole yourself idea ask must coming looking woman room knew tonight real son hope went hmm happy pretty saw girl sir friend already saying next job problem minute thinking haven't heard honey matter myself couldn't exactly having probably happen we've hurt boy dead gotta alone excuse start kill hard you'd today car ready without wants hold wanna yet seen deal once gone morning supposed friends head stuff worry live truth face forget true cause soon knows telling wife who's chance run move anyone person bye somebody heart miss making meet anyway phone reason damn lost looks bring case turn wish tomorrow kids trust check change anymore least aren't working makes taking means brother hate ago says beautiful gave fact crazy sit afraid important rest fun kid word watch glad everyone sister minutes everybody bit couple whoa either mrs feeling daughter wow gets asked break promise door close hand easy question tried far walk needs mine killed hospital anybody alright wedding shut able die perfect stand comes hit waiting dinner funny husband almost pay answer cool eyes news child shouldn't yours moment sleep read where's sounds sonny pick sometimes bed date plan hours lose hands serious shit behind inside ahead week wonderful fight past cut quite he'll sick it'll eat nobody goes save seems finally lives worried upset carly met brought seem sort safe weren't leaving front shot loved asking running clear figure hot felt parents drink absolutely how's daddy sweet alive sense meant happens bet blood ain't kidding lie meeting dear seeing sound fault ten buy hour speak lady jen thinks christmas outside hang possible worse mistake ooh handle spend totally giving here's marriage realize unless sex send needed scared picture talked ass hundred changed completely explain certainly sign boys relationship loves hair lying choice anywhere future weird luck she'll turned touch kiss crane questions obviously wonder pain calling somewhere throw straight cold fast words food none drive feelings they'll marry drop cannot dream protect twenty surprise sweetheart poor looked mad except gun y'know dance takes appreciate especially situation besides pull hasn't worth sheridan amazing expect swear piece busy happening movie we'd catch perhaps step fall watching kept darling dog honor moving till admit problems murder he'd evil definitely feels honest eye broke missed longer dollars tired evening starting entire trip niles suppose calm imagine fair caught blame sitting favor apartment terrible clean learn frasier relax accident wake prove smart message missing forgot interested table nbsp mouth pregnant ring careful shall dude ride figured wear shoot stick follow angry write stopped ran standing forgive jail wearing ladies kinda lunch cristian greenlee gotten hoping phoebe thousand ridge paper tough tape count boyfriend proud agree birthday they've share offer hurry feet wondering decision ones finish voice herself would've mess deserve evidence cute dress interesting hotel enjoy quiet concerned staying beat sweetie mention clothes fell neither mmm fix respect prison attention holding calls surprised bar keeping gift hadn't putting dark owe ice helping normal aunt lawyer apart plans jax girlfriend floor whether everything's box judge upstairs sake mommy possibly worst acting accept blow strange saved conversation plane mama yesterday lied quick lately stuck difference store she'd bought doubt listening walking cops deep dangerous buffy sleeping chloe rafe join card crime gentlemen willing window walked guilty likes fighting difficult soul joke favorite uncle promised bother seriously cell knowing broken advice somehow paid losing push helped killing boss liked innocent rules learned thirty risk letting speaking ridiculous afternoon apologize nervous charge patient boat how'd hide detective planning huge breakfast horrible awful pleasure driving hanging picked sell quit apparently dying notice congratulations visit could've c'mon letter decide forward fool showed smell seemed spell memory pictures slow seconds hungry hearing kitchen ma'am should've realized kick grab discuss fifty reading idiot suddenly agent destroy bucks shoes peace arms demon livvie consider papers incredible witch drunk attorney tells knock ways gives nose skye turns keeps jealous drug sooner cares plenty extra outta weekend matters gosh opportunity impossible waste pretend jump eating proof slept arrest breathe perfectly warm pulled twice easier goin dating suit romantic drugs comfortable finds checked divorce begin ourselves closer ruin smile laugh treat fear what'd otherwise excited mail hiding stole pacey noticed fired excellent bringing bottom note sudden bathroom honestly sing foot remind charges witness finding tree dare hardly that'll steal silly contact teach shop plus colonel fresh trial invited roll reach dirty choose emergency dropped butt credit obvious locked loving nuts agreed prue goodbye condition guard fuckin grow cake mood crap crying belong partner trick pressure dressed taste neck nurse raise lots carry whoever drinking they'd breaking file lock wine spot paying assume asleep turning viki bedroom shower nikolas camera fill reasons forty bigger nope breath doctors pants freak movies folks cream wild truly desk convince client threw hurts spending answers shirt chair rough doin sees ought empty wind aware dealing pack tight hurting guest arrested salem confused surgery expecting deacon unfortunately goddamn bottle beyond whenever pool opinion starts jerk secrets falling necessary barely dancing tests copy cousin ahem twelve tess skin fifteen speech orders complicated nowhere escape biggest restaurant grateful usual burn address someplace screw everywhere regret goodness mistakes details responsibility suspect corner hero dumb terrific whoo hole memories o'clock teeth ruined bite stenbeck liar showing cards desperate search pathetic spoke scare marah afford settle stayed checking hired heads concern blew alcazar champagne connection tickets happiness saving kissing hated personally suggest prepared onto downstairs ticket it'd loose holy duty convinced throwing kissed legs loud saturday babies where'd warning miracle carrying blind ugly shopping hates sight bride coat clearly celebrate brilliant wanting forrester lips custody screwed buying toast thoughts reality lexie attitude advantage grandfather sami grandma someday roof marrying powerful grown grandmother fake must've ideas exciting familiar bomb bout harmony schedule capable practically correct clue forgotten appointment deserves threat bloody lonely shame jacket hook scary investigation invite shooting lesson criminal victim funeral considering burning strength harder sisters pushed shock pushing heat chocolate miserable corinthos nightmare brings zander crash chances sending recognize healthy boring feed engaged headed treated knife drag badly hire paint pardon behavior closet warn gorgeous milk survive ends dump rent remembered thanksgiving rain revenge prefer spare pray disappeared aside statement sometime meat fantastic breathing laughing stood affair ours depends protecting jury brave fingers murdered explanation picking blah stronger handsome unbelievable anytime shake oakdale wherever pulling facts waited lousy circumstances disappointed weak trusted license nothin trash understanding slip sounded awake friendship stomach weapon threatened mystery vegas understood basically switch frankly cheap lifetime deny clock garbage why'd tear ears indeed changing singing tiny decent avoid messed filled touched disappear exact pills kicked harm fortune pretending insurance fancy drove cared belongs nights lorelai lift timing guarantee chest woke burned watched heading selfish drinks doll committed elevator freeze noise wasting ceremony uncomfortable staring files bike stress permission thrown possibility borrow fabulous doors screaming bone xander what're meal apology anger honeymoon bail parking fixed wash stolen sensitive stealing photo chose lets comfort worrying pocket mateo bleeding shoulder ignore talent tied garage dies demons dumped witches rude crack bothering radar soft meantime gimme kinds fate concentrate throat prom messages intend ashamed somethin manage guilt interrupt guts tongue shoe basement sentence purse glasses cabin universe repeat mirror wound travers tall engagement therapy emotional jeez decisions soup thrilled stake chef moves extremely moments expensive counting shots kidnapped cleaning shift plate impressed smells trapped aidan knocked charming attractive argue puts whip embarrassed package hitting bust stairs alarm pure nail nerve incredibly walks dirt stamp terribly friendly damned jobs suffering disgusting stopping deliver riding helps disaster bars crossed trap talks eggs chick threatening spoken introduce confession embarrassing bags impression gate reputation presents chat suffer argument talkin crowd homework coincidence cancel pride solve hopefully pounds pine mate illegal generous outfit maid bath punch freaked begging recall enjoying prepare wheel defend signs painful yourselves maris that'd suspicious cooking button warned sixty pity yelling awhile confidence offering pleased panic hers gettin refuse grandpa testify choices cruel mental gentleman coma cutting proteus guests expert benefit faces jumped toilet sneak halloween privacy smoking reminds twins swing solid options commitment crush ambulance wallet gang eleven option laundry assure stays skip fail discussion clinic betrayed sticking bored mansion soda sheriff suite handled busted load happier studying romance procedure commit assignment suicide minds swim yell llanview chasing proper believes humor hopes lawyers giant latest escaped parent tricks insist dropping cheer medication flesh routine sandwich handed false beating warrant awfully odds treating thin suggesting fever sweat silent clever sweater mall sharing assuming judgment goodnight divorced surely steps confess math listened comin answered vulnerable bless dreaming chip zero pissed nate kills tears knees chill brains unusual packed dreamed cure lookin grave cheating breaks locker gifts awkward thursday joking reasonable dozen curse quartermaine millions dessert rolling detail alien delicious closing vampires wore tail secure salad murderer spit offense dust conscience bread answering lame invitation grief smiling pregnancy prisoner delivery guards virus shrink freezing wreck massimo wire technically blown anxious cave holidays cleared wishes caring candles bound charm pulse jumping jokes boom occasion silence nonsense frightened slipped dimera blowing relationships kidnapping spin tool roxy packing blaming wrap obsessed fruit torture personality there'll fairy necessarily seventy print motel underwear grams exhausted believing freaking carefully trace touching messing recovery intention consequences belt sacrifice courage enjoyed attracted remove testimony intense heal defending unfair relieved loyal slowly buzz alcohol surprises psychiatrist plain attic who'd uniform terrified cleaned zach threaten fella enemies satisfied imagination hooked headache forgetting counselor andie acted badge naturally frozen sakes appropriate trunk dunno costume sixteen impressive kicking junk grabbed understands describe clients owns affect witnesses starving instincts happily discussing deserved strangers surveillance admire questioning dragged barn deeply wrapped wasted tense hoped fellas roommate mortal fascinating stops arrangements agenda literally propose honesty underneath sauce promises lecture eighty torn shocked backup differently ninety deck biological pheebs ease creep waitress telephone ripped raising scratch rings prints thee arguing ephram asks oops diner annoying taggert sergeant blast towel clown habit creature bermuda snap react paranoid handling eaten therapist comment sink reporter nurses beats priority interrupting warehouse loyalty inspector pleasant excuses threats guessing tend praying motive unconscious mysterious unhappy tone switched rappaport sookie neighbor loaded swore piss balance toss misery thief squeeze lobby goa'uld geez exercise forth booked sandburg poker eighteen d'you bury everyday digging creepy wondered liver hmmm magical fits discussed moral helpful searching flew depressed aisle cris amen vows neighbors darn cents arrange annulment useless adventure resist fourteen celebrating inch debt violent sand teal'c celebration reminded phones paperwork emotions stubborn pound tension stroke steady overnight chips beef suits boxes cassadine collect tragedy spoil realm wipe surgeon stretch stepped nephew neat limo confident perspective climb punishment finest springfield hint furniture blanket twist proceed fries worries niece gloves soap signature disappoint crawl convicted flip counsel doubts crimes accusing shaking remembering hallway halfway bothered madam gather cameras blackmail symptoms rope ordinary imagined cigarette supportive explosion trauma ouch furious cheat avoiding whew thick oooh boarding approve urgent shhh misunderstanding drawer phony interfere catching bargain tragic respond punish penthouse thou rach ohhh insult bugs beside begged absolute strictly socks senses sneaking reward polite checks tale physically instructions fooled blows tabby bitter adorable y'all tested suggestion jewelry alike jacks distracted shelter lessons constable circus audition tune shoulders mask helpless feeding explains sucked robbery objection behave valuable shadows courtroom confusing talented smarter mistaken customer bizarre scaring motherfucker alert vecchio reverend foolish compliment bastards worker wheelchair protective gentle reverse picnic knee cage wives wednesday voices toes stink scares pour cheated slide ruining filling exit cottage upside proves parked diary complaining confessed pipe merely massage chop spill prayer betray waiter scam rats fraud brush tables sympathy pill filthy seventeen employee bracelet pays fairly deeper arrive tracking spite shed recommend oughta nanny menu diet corn roses patch dime devastated subtle bullets beans pile confirm strings parade borrowed toys straighten steak premonition planted honored exam convenient traveling laying insisted dish aitoro kindly grandson donor temper teenager proven mothers denial backwards tent swell noon happiest drives thinkin spirits potion holes fence whatsoever rehearsal overheard lemme hostage bench tryin taxi shove moron impress needle intelligent instant disagree stinks rianna recover groom gesture constantly bartender suspects sealed legally hears dresses sheet psychic teenage knocking judging accidentally waking rumor manners homeless hollow desperately tapes referring item genoa gear majesty cried tons spells instinct quote motorcycle convincing fashioned aids accomplished grip bump upsetting needing invisible forgiveness feds compare bothers tooth inviting earn compromise cocktail tramp jabot intimate dignity dealt souls informed gods dressing cigarettes alistair leak fond corky seduce liquor fingerprints enchantment butters stuffed stavros emotionally transplant tips oxygen nicely lunatic drill complain announcement unfortunate slap prayers plug opens oath o'neill mutual yacht remembers fried extraordinary bait warton sworn stare safely reunion burst might've dive aboard expose buddies trusting booze sweep sore scudder properly parole ditch cancele




Ransom Note
the of and in was is for as on with by he at from his an were are which doc https also or has had first one their its after new who they two her she been other when time during there into school more may years over only year most would world city some where between later three state such then national used made known under many university united while part season team these american than film second born south became states war through being including both before north high however people family early history album area them series against until since district county name work life group music following number company several four called played released career league game government house each based day same won use station club international town located population general college east found age march end september began home public church line june river member system place century band july york january october song august best former british party named held village show local november took service december built another major within along members five single due although small old left final large include building served president received games death february main third set children own order species park law air published road died book men women army often according education central country division english top included development french community among water play side list times near late form original different center power led students german moved court six land council island u.s. record million research art established award street military television given region support western production non political point cup period business title started various election using england role produced become program works field total office class written association radio union level championship director few force created department founded services married though per n't site open act short society version royal present northern worked professional full returned joined story france european currently language social california india days design st. further round australia wrote san project control southern railway board popular continued free battle considered video common position living half playing recorded red post described average records special modern appeared announced areas rock release elected others example term opened similar formed route census current schools originally lake developed race himself forces addition information upon province match event songs result events win eastern track lead teams science human construction minister germany awards available throughout training style body museum australian health seven signed chief eventually appointed sea centre debut tour points media light range character across features families largest indian network less performance players refer europe sold festival usually taken despite designed committee process return official episode institute stage followed performed japanese personal thus arts space low months includes china study middle magazine leading japan groups aircraft featured federal civil rights model coach canadian books remained eight type independent completed capital academy instead kingdom organization countries studies competition sports size above section finished gold involved reported management systems industry directed market fourth movement technology bank ground campaign base lower sent rather added provided coast grand historic valley conference bridge winning approximately films chinese awarded degree russian shows native female replaced municipality square studio medical data african successful mid bay attack previous operations spanish theatre student republic beginning provide ship primary owned writing tournament culture introduced texas related natural parts governor reached ireland units senior decided italian whose higher africa standard income professor placed regional los buildings championships active novel energy generally interest via economic previously stated itself channel below operation leader traditional trade structure limited runs prior regular famous saint navy foreign listed artist catholic airport results parliament collection unit officer goal attended command staff commission lived location plays commercial places foundation significant older medal self scored companies highway activities programs wide musical notable library numerous paris towards individual allowed plant property annual contract whom highest initially required earlier assembly artists rural seat practice defeated ended soviet length spent manager press associated author issues additional characters lord zealand policy engine township noted historical complete financial religious mission contains nine recent represented pennsylvania administration opening secretary lines report executive youth closed theory writer italy angeles appearance feature queen launched legal terms entered issue edition singer greek majority background source anti cultural complex changes recording stadium islands operated particularly basketball month uses port castle mostly names fort selected increased status earth subsequently pacific cover variety certain goals remains upper congress becoming studied irish nature particular loss caused chart dr. forced create era retired material review rate singles referred larger individuals shown provides products speed democratic poland parish olympics cities themselves temple wing genus households serving cost wales stations passed supported view cases forms actor male matches males stars tracks females administrative median effect biography train engineering camp offered chairman houses mainly 19th surface therefore nearly score ancient subject prime seasons claimed experience specific jewish failed overall believed plot troops greater spain consists broadcast heavy increase raised separate campus 1980s appears presented lies composed recently influence fifth nations creek references elections britain double cast meaning earned carried producer latter housing brothers attempt article response border remaining nearby direct ships value workers politician academic label 1970s commander rule fellow residents authority editor transport dutch projects responsible covered territory flight races defense tower emperor albums facilities daily stories assistant managed primarily quality function proposed distribution conditions prize journal code vice newspaper corps highly constructed mayor critical secondary corporation rugby regiment ohio appearances serve allow nation multiple discovered directly scene levels growth elements acquired 1990s officers physical 20th latin host jersey graduated arrived issued literature metal estate vote immediately quickly asian competed extended produce urban 1960s promoted contemporary global formerly appear industrial types opera ministry soldiers commonly mass formation smaller typically drama shortly density senate effects iran polish prominent naval settlement divided basis republican languages distance treatment continue product mile sources footballer format clubs leadership initial offers operating avenue officially columbia grade squadron fleet percent farm leaders agreement likely equipment website mount grew method transferred intended renamed iron asia reserve capacity politics widely activity advanced relations scottish dedicated crew founder episodes lack amount build efforts concept follows ordered leaves positive economy entertainment affairs memorial ability illinois communities color text railroad scientific focus comedy serves exchange environment cars direction organized firm description agency analysis purpose destroyed reception planned revealed infantry architecture growing featuring household candidate removed situated models knowledge solo technical organizations assigned conducted participated largely purchased register gained combined headquarters adopted potential protection scale approach spread independence mountains titled geography applied safety mixed accepted continues captured rail defeat principal recognized lieutenant mentioned semi owner joint liberal actress traffic creation basic notes unique supreme declared simply plants sales massachusetts designated parties jazz compared becomes resources titles concert learning remain teaching versions content alongside revolution sons block premier impact champions districts generation estimated volume image sites account roles sport quarter providing zone yard scoring classes presence performances representatives hosted split taught origin olympic claims critics facility occurred suffered municipal damage defined resulted respectively expanded platform draft opposition expected educational ontario climate reports atlantic surrounding performing reduced ranked allows birth nominated younger newly kong positions theater philadelphia heritage finals disease sixth laws reviews constitution tradition swedish theme fiction rome medicine trains resulting existing deputy environmental labour classical develop fans granted receive alternative begins nuclear fame buried connected identified palace falls letters combat sciences effort villages inspired regions towns conservative chosen animals labor attacks materials yards steel representative orchestra peak entitled officials returning reference northwest imperial convention examples ocean publication painting subsequent frequently religion brigade fully sides acts cemetery relatively oldest suggested succeeded achieved application programme cells votes promotion graduate armed supply flying communist figures literary netherlands korea worldwide citizens 1950s faculty draw stock seats occupied methods unknown articles claim holds authorities audience sweden interview obtained covers settled transfer marked allowing funding challenge southeast unlike crown rise portion transportation sector phase properties edge tropical standards institutions philosophy legislative hills brand fund conflict unable founding refused attempts metres permanent starring applications creating effective aired extensive employed enemy expansion billboard rank battalion multi vehicle fought alliance category perform federation poetry bronze bands entry vehicles bureau maximum billion trees intelligence greatest screen refers commissioned gallery injury confirmed setting treaty adult americans broadcasting supporting pilot mobile writers programming existence squad minnesota copies korean provincial sets defence offices agricultural internal core northeast retirement factory actions prevent communications ending weekly containing functions attempted interior weight bowl recognition incorporated increasing ultimately documentary derived attacked lyrics mexican external churches centuries metropolitan selling opposed personnel mill visited presidential roads pieces norwegian controlled 18th rear influenced wrestling weapons launch composer locations developing circuit specifically studios shared canal wisconsin publishing approved domestic consisted determined comic establishment exhibition southwest fuel electronic cape converted educated melbourne hits wins producing norway slightly occur surname identity represent constituency funds proved links structures athletic birds contest users poet institution display receiving rare contained guns motion piano temperature publications passenger contributed toward cathedral inhabitants architect exist athletics muslim courses abandoned signal successfully disambiguation tennessee dynasty heavily maryland jews representing budget weather missouri introduction faced pair chapel reform height vietnam occurs motor cambridge lands focused sought patients shape invasion chemical importance communication selection regarding homes voivodeship maintained borough failure aged passing agriculture oregon teachers flow philippines trail seventh portuguese resistance reaching negative fashion scheduled downtown universities trained skills scenes views notably typical incident candidates engines decades composition commune chain inc. austria sale values employees chamber regarded winners registered task investment colonial swiss user entirely flag stores closely entrance laid journalist coal equal causes turkish quebec techniques promote junction easily dates kentucky singapore residence violence advance survey humans expressed passes streets distinguished qualified folk establish egypt artillery visual improved actual finishing medium protein switzerland productions operate poverty neighborhood organisation consisting consecutive sections partnership extension reaction factor costs bodies device ethnic racial flat objects chapter improve musicians courts controversy membership merged wars expedition interests arab comics gain describes mining bachelor crisis joining decade 1930s distributed habitat routes arena cycle divisions briefly vocals directors degrees object recordings installed adjacent demand voted causing businesses ruled grounds starred drawn opposite stands formal operates persons counties compete wave israeli ncaa resigned brief greece combination demographics historian contain commonwealth musician collected argued louisiana session cabinet parliamentary electoral loan profit regularly conservation islamic purchase 17th charts residential earliest designs paintings survived moth items goods grey anniversary criticism images discovery observed underground progress additionally participate thousands reduce elementary owners stating iraq resolution capture tank rooms hollywood finance queensland reign maintain iowa landing broad outstanding circle path manufacturing assistance sequence gmina crossing leads universal shaped kings attached medieval ages metro colony affected scholars oklahoma coastal soundtrack painted attend definition meanwhile purposes trophy require marketing popularity cable mathematics mississippi represents scheme appeal distinct factors acid subjects roughly terminal economics senator diocese prix contrast argentina czech wings relief stages duties 16th novels accused whilst equivalent charged measure documents couples request danish defensive guide devices statistics credited tries passengers allied frame puerto peninsula concluded instruments wounded differences associate forests afterwards replace requirements aviation solution offensive ownership inner legislation hungarian contributions actors translated denmark steam depending aspects assumed injured severe admitted determine shore technique arrival measures translation debuted delivered returns rejected separated visitors damaged storage accompanied markets industries losses gulf charter strategy corporate socialist somewhat significantly physics mounted satellite experienced constant relative pattern restored belgium connecticut partners harvard retained networks protected mode artistic parallel collaboration debate involving journey linked salt authors components context occupation requires occasionally policies tamil ottoman revolutionary hungary poem versus gardens amongst audio makeup frequency meters orthodox continuing suggests legislature coalition guitarist eighth classification practices soil tokyo instance limit coverage considerable ranking colleges cavalry centers daughters twin equipped broadway narrow hosts rates domain boundary arranged 12th whereas brazilian forming rating strategic competitions trading covering baltimore commissioner infrastructure origins replacement praised disc collections expression ukraine driven edited austrian solar ensure premiered successor wooden operational hispanic concerns rapid prisoners childhood meets influential tunnel employment tribe qualifying adapted temporary celebrated appearing increasingly depression adults cinema entering laboratory script flows romania accounts fictional pittsburgh achieve monastery franchise formally tools newspapers revival sponsored processes vienna springs missions classified 13th annually branches lakes gender manner advertising normally maintenance adding characteristics integrated decline modified strongly critic victims malaysia arkansas nazi restoration powered monument hundreds depth 15th controversial admiral criticized brick honorary initiative output visiting birmingham progressive existed carbon 1920s credits colour rising hence defeating s




    • Target


    • Size


    • MD5


    • SHA1


    • SHA256


    • SHA512


    • Executes dropped EXE

    • Loads dropped DLL

    • Reads user/profile data of web browsers

      Infostealers often target stored browser data, which can include saved credentials etc.

    • Checks installed software on the system

      Looks up Uninstall key entries in the registry to enumerate software on the system.

    • Drops Chrome extension

    • JavaScript code in executable

MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise v6
