max time kernel
161s -
max time network
161s -
windows10_x64 -
win10-en-20211208 -
26-01-2022 04:47
Static task
Behavioral task
Malware Config
Modular backdoor trojan in use since 2014.
suricata: ET MALWARE Windows dir Microsoft Windows DOS prompt command exit OUTBOUND
suricata: ET MALWARE Windows dir Microsoft Windows DOS prompt command exit OUTBOUND
suricata: ET MALWARE Windows route Microsoft Windows DOS prompt command exit OUTBOUND
suricata: ET MALWARE Windows route Microsoft Windows DOS prompt command exit OUTBOUND
Modifies Windows Firewall 1 TTPs
Deletes itself 1 IoCs
pid process 2892 -
Accesses Microsoft Outlook profiles 1 TTPs 3 IoCs
explorer.exedescription ioc process Key opened \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-369956170-74428499-1628131376-1000\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Profiles\Outlook\9375CFF0413111d3B88A00104B2A6676 explorer.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-369956170-74428499-1628131376-1000\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Outlook\9375CFF0413111d3B88A00104B2A6676 explorer.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-369956170-74428499-1628131376-1000\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Outlook\Profiles\Outlook\9375CFF0413111d3B88A00104B2A6676 explorer.exe -
Program crash 1 IoCs
WerFault.exepid pid_target process target process 3732 3704 WerFault.exe DllHost.exe -
Checks SCSI registry key(s) 3 TTPs 3 IoCs
SCSI information is often read in order to detect sandboxing environments.
23399ccafc909331789727c2ec6fa4ddfba75ab422da5a4cd2bab72b20a23b4c.exedescription ioc process Key queried \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\SCSI 23399ccafc909331789727c2ec6fa4ddfba75ab422da5a4cd2bab72b20a23b4c.exe Key enumerated \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\SCSI 23399ccafc909331789727c2ec6fa4ddfba75ab422da5a4cd2bab72b20a23b4c.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\SCSI 23399ccafc909331789727c2ec6fa4ddfba75ab422da5a4cd2bab72b20a23b4c.exe -
Enumerates processes with tasklist 1 TTPs 1 IoCs
Gathers network information 2 TTPs 4 IoCs
Uses commandline utility to view network configuration.
ipconfig.exeNETSTAT.EXENETSTAT.EXEipconfig.exepid process 3692 ipconfig.exe 1904 NETSTAT.EXE 1156 NETSTAT.EXE 1316 ipconfig.exe -
Gathers system information 1 TTPs 1 IoCs
Runs systeminfo.exe.
iexplore.exeIEXPLORE.EXEdescription ioc process Key created \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-369956170-74428499-1628131376-1000\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main Key created \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-369956170-74428499-1628131376-1000\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main iexplore.exe Set value (int) \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-369956170-74428499-1628131376-1000\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\DisableFirstRunCustomize = "1" Key created \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-369956170-74428499-1628131376-1000\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\WindowsSearch iexplore.exe Set value (str) \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-369956170-74428499-1628131376-1000\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FullScreen = "no" iexplore.exe Set value (int) \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-369956170-74428499-1628131376-1000\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Recovery\PendingRecovery\AdminActive = "0" iexplore.exe Set value (int) \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-369956170-74428499-1628131376-1000\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TabbedBrowsing\NTPFirstRun = "1" iexplore.exe Set value (int) \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-369956170-74428499-1628131376-1000\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\CompatibilityFlags = "0" iexplore.exe Set value (int) \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-369956170-74428499-1628131376-1000\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Recovery\AdminActive\{A7764C52-5B6C-11EC-9231-66C84E9F3B1F} = "0" iexplore.exe Key created \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-369956170-74428499-1628131376-1000\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Recovery\PendingRecovery iexplore.exe Key created \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-369956170-74428499-1628131376-1000\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TabbedBrowsing iexplore.exe Key created \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-369956170-74428499-1628131376-1000\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Recovery\AdminActive iexplore.exe Set value (str) \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-369956170-74428499-1628131376-1000\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\WindowsSearch\Version = "WS not running" iexplore.exe Key created \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-369956170-74428499-1628131376-1000\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main IEXPLORE.EXE -
Runs net.exe
Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses 64 IoCs
23399ccafc909331789727c2ec6fa4ddfba75ab422da5a4cd2bab72b20a23b4c.exepid process 2764 23399ccafc909331789727c2ec6fa4ddfba75ab422da5a4cd2bab72b20a23b4c.exe 2764 23399ccafc909331789727c2ec6fa4ddfba75ab422da5a4cd2bab72b20a23b4c.exe 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 -
Suspicious behavior: GetForegroundWindowSpam 1 IoCs
pid process 2892 -
Suspicious behavior: MapViewOfSection 47 IoCs
23399ccafc909331789727c2ec6fa4ddfba75ab422da5a4cd2bab72b20a23b4c.exeexplorer.exeexplorer.exeexplorer.exeexplorer.exeexplorer.exeexplorer.exepid process 2764 23399ccafc909331789727c2ec6fa4ddfba75ab422da5a4cd2bab72b20a23b4c.exe 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2892 2432 explorer.exe 2432 explorer.exe 2892 2892 2360 explorer.exe 2360 explorer.exe 2892 2892 2760 explorer.exe 2760 explorer.exe 2892 2892 2872 explorer.exe 2872 explorer.exe 2892 2892 3044 explorer.exe 3044 explorer.exe 2892 2892 2076 explorer.exe 2076 explorer.exe 2076 explorer.exe 2076 explorer.exe 2076 explorer.exe 2076 explorer.exe 2076 explorer.exe 2076 explorer.exe 2076 explorer.exe 2076 explorer.exe 2076 explorer.exe 2076 explorer.exe 2076 explorer.exe 2076 explorer.exe 2076 explorer.exe 2076 explorer.exe 2076 explorer.exe 2076 explorer.exe 2076 explorer.exe 2076 explorer.exe -
Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken 64 IoCs
WMIC.exeWMIC.exedescription pid process Token: SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeSecurityPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeLoadDriverPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeSystemProfilePrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeSystemtimePrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeProfSingleProcessPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeIncBasePriorityPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeCreatePagefilePrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeBackupPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeRestorePrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeShutdownPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeDebugPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeUndockPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeManageVolumePrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: 33 2912 WMIC.exe Token: 34 2912 WMIC.exe Token: 35 2912 WMIC.exe Token: 36 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeSecurityPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeLoadDriverPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeSystemProfilePrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeSystemtimePrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeProfSingleProcessPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeIncBasePriorityPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeCreatePagefilePrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeBackupPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeRestorePrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeShutdownPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeDebugPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeUndockPrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeManageVolumePrivilege 2912 WMIC.exe Token: 33 2912 WMIC.exe Token: 34 2912 WMIC.exe Token: 35 2912 WMIC.exe Token: 36 2912 WMIC.exe Token: SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege 2752 WMIC.exe Token: SeSecurityPrivilege 2752 WMIC.exe Token: SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege 2752 WMIC.exe Token: SeLoadDriverPrivilege 2752 WMIC.exe Token: SeSystemProfilePrivilege 2752 WMIC.exe Token: SeSystemtimePrivilege 2752 WMIC.exe Token: SeProfSingleProcessPrivilege 2752 WMIC.exe Token: SeIncBasePriorityPrivilege 2752 WMIC.exe Token: SeCreatePagefilePrivilege 2752 WMIC.exe Token: SeBackupPrivilege 2752 WMIC.exe Token: SeRestorePrivilege 2752 WMIC.exe Token: SeShutdownPrivilege 2752 WMIC.exe Token: SeDebugPrivilege 2752 WMIC.exe Token: SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege 2752 WMIC.exe Token: SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege 2752 WMIC.exe Token: SeUndockPrivilege 2752 WMIC.exe Token: SeManageVolumePrivilege 2752 WMIC.exe Token: 33 2752 WMIC.exe Token: 34 2752 WMIC.exe Token: 35 2752 WMIC.exe Token: 36 2752 WMIC.exe Token: SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege 2752 WMIC.exe -
Suspicious use of FindShellTrayWindow 1 IoCs
iexplore.exepid process 1740 iexplore.exe -
Suspicious use of SetWindowsHookEx 4 IoCs
iexplore.exeIEXPLORE.EXEpid process 1740 iexplore.exe 1740 iexplore.exe 904 IEXPLORE.EXE 904 IEXPLORE.EXE -
Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory 64 IoCs
cmd.exenet.exenet.exenet.exenet.exenet.exedescription pid process target process PID 2892 wrote to memory of 3436 2892 cmd.exe PID 2892 wrote to memory of 3436 2892 cmd.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 2912 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 2912 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 2752 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 2752 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 608 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 608 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 3416 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 3416 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 480 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 480 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 1684 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 1684 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 2028 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 2028 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 2288 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 2288 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 1868 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 1868 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 3024 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 3024 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 3900 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 3900 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 1776 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 1776 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 1928 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 1928 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 3932 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 3932 3436 cmd.exe WMIC.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 3692 3436 cmd.exe ipconfig.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 3692 3436 cmd.exe ipconfig.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 1720 3436 cmd.exe ROUTE.EXE PID 3436 wrote to memory of 1720 3436 cmd.exe ROUTE.EXE PID 3436 wrote to memory of 3172 3436 cmd.exe netsh.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 3172 3436 cmd.exe netsh.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 1312 3436 cmd.exe systeminfo.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 1312 3436 cmd.exe systeminfo.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 2824 3436 cmd.exe tasklist.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 2824 3436 cmd.exe tasklist.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 3036 3436 cmd.exe net.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 3036 3436 cmd.exe net.exe PID 3036 wrote to memory of 60 3036 net.exe net1.exe PID 3036 wrote to memory of 60 3036 net.exe net1.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 3768 3436 cmd.exe net.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 3768 3436 cmd.exe net.exe PID 3768 wrote to memory of 3500 3768 net.exe net1.exe PID 3768 wrote to memory of 3500 3768 net.exe net1.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 588 3436 cmd.exe net.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 588 3436 cmd.exe net.exe PID 588 wrote to memory of 1260 588 net.exe net1.exe PID 588 wrote to memory of 1260 588 net.exe net1.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 2916 3436 cmd.exe net.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 2916 3436 cmd.exe net.exe PID 2916 wrote to memory of 1232 2916 net.exe net1.exe PID 2916 wrote to memory of 1232 2916 net.exe net1.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 2912 3436 cmd.exe net.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 2912 3436 cmd.exe net.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 396 3436 cmd.exe net.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 396 3436 cmd.exe net.exe PID 396 wrote to memory of 2752 396 net.exe net1.exe PID 396 wrote to memory of 2752 396 net.exe net1.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 680 3436 cmd.exe net.exe PID 3436 wrote to memory of 680 3436 cmd.exe net.exe -
outlook_office_path 1 IoCs
explorer.exedescription ioc process Key opened \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-369956170-74428499-1628131376-1000\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Profiles\Outlook\9375CFF0413111d3B88A00104B2A6676 explorer.exe -
outlook_win_path 1 IoCs
explorer.exedescription ioc process Key opened \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-369956170-74428499-1628131376-1000\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Outlook\9375CFF0413111d3B88A00104B2A6676 explorer.exe
c:\windows\system32\svchost.exec:\windows\system32\svchost.exe -k unistacksvcgroup -s CDPUserSvc1⤵PID:2352
C:\Windows\SystemApps\ShellExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\ShellExperienceHost.exe"C:\Windows\SystemApps\ShellExperienceHost_cw5n1h2txyewy\ShellExperienceHost.exe" -ServerName:App.AppXtk181tbxbce2qsex02s8tw7hfxa9xb3t.mca1⤵PID:3232
C:\Windows\system32\DllHost.exeC:\Windows\system32\DllHost.exe /Processid:{3EB3C877-1F16-487C-9050-104DBCD66683}1⤵PID:3704
C:\Windows\system32\WerFault.exeC:\Windows\system32\WerFault.exe -u -p 3704 -s 8922⤵
- Program crash
C:\Windows\System32\RuntimeBroker.exeC:\Windows\System32\RuntimeBroker.exe -Embedding1⤵PID:3460
C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy\SearchUI.exe"C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy\SearchUI.exe" -ServerName:CortanaUI.AppXa50dqqa5gqv4a428c9y1jjw7m3btvepj.mca1⤵PID:3248
c:\windows\system32\taskhostw.exetaskhostw.exe {222A245B-E637-4AE9-A93F-A59CA119A75E}1⤵PID:2472
- Checks SCSI registry key(s)
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
- Suspicious behavior: MapViewOfSection
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:3436 -
C:\Windows\System32\Wbem\WMIC.exewmic /namespace:\\root\SecurityCenter2 Path AntiVirusProduct Get displayName /format:csv2⤵
- Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken
PID:2912 -
C:\Windows\System32\Wbem\WMIC.exewmic /namespace:\\root\SecurityCenter2 Path FirewallProduct Get displayName /format:csv2⤵
- Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken
PID:2752 -
C:\Windows\System32\Wbem\WMIC.exewmic /namespace:\\root\SecurityCenter2 Path AntiSpywareProduct Get displayName /format:csv2⤵PID:608
C:\Windows\System32\Wbem\WMIC.exewmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2 Path Win32_Processor Get Name,DeviceID,NumberOfCores /format:csv2⤵PID:3416
C:\Windows\System32\Wbem\WMIC.exewmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2 Path Win32_Product Get Name,Version /format:csv2⤵PID:480
C:\Windows\System32\Wbem\WMIC.exewmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2 Path Win32_NetworkAdapter Where PhysicalAdapter=TRUE Get Name,MACAddress,ProductName,ServiceName,NetConnectionID /format:csv2⤵PID:1684
C:\Windows\System32\Wbem\WMIC.exewmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2 Path Win32_StartupCommand Get Name,Location,Command /format:csv2⤵PID:2028
C:\Windows\System32\Wbem\WMIC.exewmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2 Path Win32_OperatingSystem Get Caption,CSDVersion,BuildNumber,Version,BuildType,CountryCode,CurrentTimeZone,InstallDate,LastBootUpTime,Locale,OSArchitecture,OSLanguage,OSProductSuite,OSType,SystemDirectory,Organization,RegisteredUser,SerialNumber /format:csv2⤵PID:2288
C:\Windows\System32\Wbem\WMIC.exewmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2 Path Win32_Process Get Caption,CommandLine,ExecutablePath,ProcessId /format:csv2⤵PID:1868
C:\Windows\System32\Wbem\WMIC.exewmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2 Path Win32_Volume Get Name,Label,FileSystem,SerialNumber,BootVolume,Capacity,DriveType /format:csv2⤵PID:3024
C:\Windows\System32\Wbem\WMIC.exewmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2 Path Win32_UserAccount Get Name,Domain,AccountType,LocalAccount,Disabled,Status,SID /format:csv2⤵PID:3900
C:\Windows\System32\Wbem\WMIC.exewmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2 Path Win32_GroupUser Get GroupComponent,PartComponent /format:csv2⤵PID:1776
C:\Windows\System32\Wbem\WMIC.exewmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2 Path Win32_ComputerSystem Get Caption,Manufacturer,PrimaryOwnerName,UserName,Workgroup /format:csv2⤵PID:1928
C:\Windows\System32\Wbem\WMIC.exewmic /namespace:\\root\cimv2 Path Win32_PnPEntity Where ClassGuid="{50dd5230-ba8a-11d1-bf5d-0000f805f530}" Get Name,DeviceID,PNPDeviceID,Manufacturer,Description /format:csv2⤵PID:3932
C:\Windows\system32\ipconfig.exeipconfig /displaydns2⤵
- Gathers network information
PID:3692 -
C:\Windows\system32\ROUTE.EXEroute print2⤵PID:1720
C:\Windows\system32\netsh.exenetsh firewall show state2⤵PID:3172
- Gathers system information
PID:1312 -
C:\Windows\system32\tasklist.exetasklist /v2⤵
- Enumerates processes with tasklist
PID:2824 -
C:\Windows\system32\net.exenet accounts /domain2⤵
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:3036 -
C:\Windows\system32\net1.exeC:\Windows\system32\net1 accounts /domain3⤵PID:60
C:\Windows\system32\net.exenet share2⤵
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:3768 -
C:\Windows\system32\net1.exeC:\Windows\system32\net1 share3⤵PID:3500
C:\Windows\system32\net.exenet user2⤵
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:588 -
C:\Windows\system32\net1.exeC:\Windows\system32\net1 user3⤵PID:1260
C:\Windows\system32\net.exenet user /domain2⤵
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2916 -
C:\Windows\system32\net1.exeC:\Windows\system32\net1 user /domain3⤵PID:1232
C:\Windows\system32\net.exenet use2⤵PID:2912
C:\Windows\system32\net.exenet group2⤵
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:396 -
C:\Windows\system32\net1.exeC:\Windows\system32\net1 group3⤵PID:2752
C:\Windows\system32\net.exenet localgroup2⤵PID:680
C:\Windows\system32\net1.exeC:\Windows\system32\net1 localgroup3⤵PID:3416
C:\Windows\system32\NETSTAT.EXEnetstat -r2⤵
- Gathers network information
PID:1904 -
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exeC:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c "C:\Windows\system32\route.exe" print3⤵PID:916
C:\Windows\system32\ROUTE.EXEC:\Windows\system32\route.exe print4⤵PID:3840
C:\Windows\system32\NETSTAT.EXEnetstat -nao2⤵
- Gathers network information
PID:1156 -
C:\Windows\system32\schtasks.exeschtasks /query2⤵PID:1612
C:\Windows\system32\ipconfig.exeipconfig /all2⤵
- Gathers network information
C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exeC:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe /V1⤵PID:2420
C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -Embedding1⤵
- Modifies Internet Explorer settings
- Suspicious use of FindShellTrayWindow
- Suspicious use of SetWindowsHookEx
PID:1740 -
C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE"C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" SCODEF:1740 CREDAT:82945 /prefetch:22⤵
- Modifies Internet Explorer settings
- Suspicious use of SetWindowsHookEx
- Accesses Microsoft Outlook profiles
- outlook_office_path
- outlook_win_path
- Suspicious behavior: MapViewOfSection
- Suspicious behavior: MapViewOfSection
- Suspicious behavior: MapViewOfSection
- Suspicious behavior: MapViewOfSection
- Suspicious behavior: MapViewOfSection
- Suspicious behavior: MapViewOfSection