max time kernel
4294202s -
max time network
153s -
windows7_x64 -
win7-20220311-en -
14-03-2022 14:15
Static task
Behavioral task
0 signatures
0 seconds
Malware Config
ACProtect 1.3x - 1.4x DLL software 2 IoCs
Detects file using ACProtect software.
resource yara_rule behavioral1/files/0x00070000000126bf-109.dat acprotect behavioral1/files/0x00070000000126e6-110.dat acprotect -
Nirsoft 4 IoCs
resource yara_rule behavioral1/files/0x000900000001231d-60.dat Nirsoft behavioral1/files/0x000900000001231d-59.dat Nirsoft behavioral1/files/0x000900000001231d-61.dat Nirsoft behavioral1/memory/764-62-0x00000000012D0000-0x00000000013CC000-memory.dmp Nirsoft -
resource yara_rule behavioral1/files/0x000700000001273a-75.dat aspack_v212_v242 behavioral1/files/0x000700000001273a-76.dat aspack_v212_v242 behavioral1/files/0x000700000001273a-77.dat aspack_v212_v242 behavioral1/files/0x000700000001273a-85.dat aspack_v212_v242 behavioral1/files/0x000700000001273a-86.dat aspack_v212_v242 behavioral1/files/0x000700000001273a-94.dat aspack_v212_v242 behavioral1/files/0x000700000001273a-95.dat aspack_v212_v242 behavioral1/files/0x000700000001273a-102.dat aspack_v212_v242 behavioral1/files/0x000700000001270c-111.dat aspack_v212_v242 behavioral1/files/0x000700000001270c-112.dat aspack_v212_v242 behavioral1/files/0x000700000001270c-113.dat aspack_v212_v242 behavioral1/files/0x000700000001270c-115.dat aspack_v212_v242 behavioral1/files/0x000700000001270c-117.dat aspack_v212_v242 behavioral1/files/0x000700000001270c-134.dat aspack_v212_v242 -
Executes dropped EXE 9 IoCs
pid Process 268 PANTERA.exe 764 Process Modules DLL.exe 1468 rutserv.exe 1128 rutserv.exe 884 rutserv.exe 1708 rutserv.exe 1640 rfusclient.exe 1944 rfusclient.exe 1596 rfusclient.exe -
resource yara_rule behavioral1/files/0x00070000000126bf-109.dat upx behavioral1/files/0x00070000000126e6-110.dat upx -
Loads dropped DLL 7 IoCs
pid Process 1808 c37cff684ba63f59498e020cc4159f59292d8c2a63db49b08aab9ed8dec2925c.exe 1808 c37cff684ba63f59498e020cc4159f59292d8c2a63db49b08aab9ed8dec2925c.exe 620 cmd.exe 620 cmd.exe 620 cmd.exe 1708 rutserv.exe 1708 rutserv.exe -
Drops file in Program Files directory 16 IoCs
description ioc Process File opened for modification C:\Program Files (x86)\System\install.vbs PANTERA.exe File opened for modification C:\Program Files (x86)\System\rfusclient.exe PANTERA.exe File opened for modification C:\Program Files (x86)\System\rutserv.exe PANTERA.exe File opened for modification C:\Program Files (x86)\System PANTERA.exe File created C:\Program Files (x86)\System\install.bat PANTERA.exe File opened for modification C:\Program Files (x86)\System\vp8decoder.dll PANTERA.exe File created C:\Program Files (x86)\System\rfusclient.exe PANTERA.exe File created C:\Program Files (x86)\System\regedit.reg PANTERA.exe File opened for modification C:\Program Files (x86)\System\regedit.reg PANTERA.exe File opened for modification C:\Program Files (x86)\System\install.bat PANTERA.exe File created C:\Program Files (x86)\System\install.vbs PANTERA.exe File created C:\Program Files (x86)\System\vp8decoder.dll PANTERA.exe File created C:\Program Files (x86)\System\vp8encoder.dll PANTERA.exe File opened for modification C:\Program Files (x86)\System\vp8encoder.dll PANTERA.exe File created C:\Program Files (x86)\System\__tmp_rar_sfx_access_check_259401847 PANTERA.exe File created C:\Program Files (x86)\System\rutserv.exe PANTERA.exe -
Launches sc.exe
Sc.exe is a Windows utlilty to control services on the system.
Enumerates physical storage devices 1 TTPs
Attempts to interact with connected storage/optical drive(s). Likely ransomware behaviour.
Delays execution with timeout.exe 1 IoCs
pid Process 1164 timeout.exe -
Kills process with taskkill 2 IoCs
pid Process 272 taskkill.exe 1504 taskkill.exe -
Runs .reg file with regedit 1 IoCs
pid Process 1696 regedit.exe -
Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses 13 IoCs
pid Process 1468 rutserv.exe 1468 rutserv.exe 1468 rutserv.exe 1468 rutserv.exe 1128 rutserv.exe 1128 rutserv.exe 884 rutserv.exe 884 rutserv.exe 1708 rutserv.exe 1708 rutserv.exe 1708 rutserv.exe 1708 rutserv.exe 1640 rfusclient.exe -
Suspicious behavior: GetForegroundWindowSpam 1 IoCs
pid Process 764 Process Modules DLL.exe -
Suspicious behavior: SetClipboardViewer 2 IoCs
pid Process 1640 rfusclient.exe 1596 rfusclient.exe -
Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken 7 IoCs
description pid Process Token: SeDebugPrivilege 272 taskkill.exe Token: SeDebugPrivilege 1504 taskkill.exe Token: SeDebugPrivilege 1468 rutserv.exe Token: SeDebugPrivilege 884 rutserv.exe Token: SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege 1708 rutserv.exe Token: SeTcbPrivilege 1708 rutserv.exe Token: SeTcbPrivilege 1708 rutserv.exe -
Suspicious use of SetWindowsHookEx 4 IoCs
pid Process 1468 rutserv.exe 1128 rutserv.exe 884 rutserv.exe 1708 rutserv.exe -
Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory 64 IoCs
description pid Process procid_target PID 1808 wrote to memory of 268 1808 c37cff684ba63f59498e020cc4159f59292d8c2a63db49b08aab9ed8dec2925c.exe 27 PID 1808 wrote to memory of 268 1808 c37cff684ba63f59498e020cc4159f59292d8c2a63db49b08aab9ed8dec2925c.exe 27 PID 1808 wrote to memory of 268 1808 c37cff684ba63f59498e020cc4159f59292d8c2a63db49b08aab9ed8dec2925c.exe 27 PID 1808 wrote to memory of 268 1808 c37cff684ba63f59498e020cc4159f59292d8c2a63db49b08aab9ed8dec2925c.exe 27 PID 1808 wrote to memory of 268 1808 c37cff684ba63f59498e020cc4159f59292d8c2a63db49b08aab9ed8dec2925c.exe 27 PID 1808 wrote to memory of 268 1808 c37cff684ba63f59498e020cc4159f59292d8c2a63db49b08aab9ed8dec2925c.exe 27 PID 1808 wrote to memory of 268 1808 c37cff684ba63f59498e020cc4159f59292d8c2a63db49b08aab9ed8dec2925c.exe 27 PID 1808 wrote to memory of 764 1808 c37cff684ba63f59498e020cc4159f59292d8c2a63db49b08aab9ed8dec2925c.exe 28 PID 1808 wrote to memory of 764 1808 c37cff684ba63f59498e020cc4159f59292d8c2a63db49b08aab9ed8dec2925c.exe 28 PID 1808 wrote to memory of 764 1808 c37cff684ba63f59498e020cc4159f59292d8c2a63db49b08aab9ed8dec2925c.exe 28 PID 1808 wrote to memory of 764 1808 c37cff684ba63f59498e020cc4159f59292d8c2a63db49b08aab9ed8dec2925c.exe 28 PID 268 wrote to memory of 588 268 PANTERA.exe 29 PID 268 wrote to memory of 588 268 PANTERA.exe 29 PID 268 wrote to memory of 588 268 PANTERA.exe 29 PID 268 wrote to memory of 588 268 PANTERA.exe 29 PID 268 wrote to memory of 588 268 PANTERA.exe 29 PID 268 wrote to memory of 588 268 PANTERA.exe 29 PID 268 wrote to memory of 588 268 PANTERA.exe 29 PID 588 wrote to memory of 620 588 WScript.exe 30 PID 588 wrote to memory of 620 588 WScript.exe 30 PID 588 wrote to memory of 620 588 WScript.exe 30 PID 588 wrote to memory of 620 588 WScript.exe 30 PID 588 wrote to memory of 620 588 WScript.exe 30 PID 588 wrote to memory of 620 588 WScript.exe 30 PID 588 wrote to memory of 620 588 WScript.exe 30 PID 620 wrote to memory of 272 620 cmd.exe 32 PID 620 wrote to memory of 272 620 cmd.exe 32 PID 620 wrote to memory of 272 620 cmd.exe 32 PID 620 wrote to memory of 272 620 cmd.exe 32 PID 620 wrote to memory of 272 620 cmd.exe 32 PID 620 wrote to memory of 272 620 cmd.exe 32 PID 620 wrote to memory of 272 620 cmd.exe 32 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1504 620 cmd.exe 34 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1504 620 cmd.exe 34 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1504 620 cmd.exe 34 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1504 620 cmd.exe 34 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1504 620 cmd.exe 34 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1504 620 cmd.exe 34 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1504 620 cmd.exe 34 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1464 620 cmd.exe 35 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1464 620 cmd.exe 35 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1464 620 cmd.exe 35 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1464 620 cmd.exe 35 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1464 620 cmd.exe 35 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1464 620 cmd.exe 35 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1464 620 cmd.exe 35 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1696 620 cmd.exe 36 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1696 620 cmd.exe 36 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1696 620 cmd.exe 36 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1696 620 cmd.exe 36 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1696 620 cmd.exe 36 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1696 620 cmd.exe 36 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1696 620 cmd.exe 36 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1164 620 cmd.exe 37 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1164 620 cmd.exe 37 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1164 620 cmd.exe 37 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1164 620 cmd.exe 37 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1164 620 cmd.exe 37 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1164 620 cmd.exe 37 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1164 620 cmd.exe 37 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1468 620 cmd.exe 38 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1468 620 cmd.exe 38 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1468 620 cmd.exe 38 PID 620 wrote to memory of 1468 620 cmd.exe 38
- Loads dropped DLL
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:1808 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Drops file in Program Files directory
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:268 -
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WScript.exe"C:\Windows\System32\WScript.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\System\install.vbs"3⤵
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:588 -
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.execmd /c ""C:\Program Files (x86)\System\install.bat" "4⤵
- Loads dropped DLL
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:620 -
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\taskkill.exetaskkill /f /im rutserv.exe5⤵
- Kills process with taskkill
- Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\taskkill.exetaskkill /f /im rfusclient.exe5⤵
- Kills process with taskkill
- Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\reg.exereg delete "HKLM\SYSTEM\Remote Manipulator System" /f5⤵PID:1464
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\regedit.exeregedit /s "regedit.reg"5⤵
- Runs .reg file with regedit
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\timeout.exetimeout 25⤵
- Delays execution with timeout.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\System\rutserv.exerutserv.exe /silentinstall5⤵
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
- Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken
- Suspicious use of SetWindowsHookEx
C:\Program Files (x86)\System\rutserv.exerutserv.exe /firewall5⤵
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
- Suspicious use of SetWindowsHookEx
C:\Program Files (x86)\System\rutserv.exerutserv.exe /start5⤵
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
- Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken
- Suspicious use of SetWindowsHookEx
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sc.exesc failure RManService reset= 0 actions= restart/1000/restart/1000/restart/10005⤵PID:1968
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sc.exesc config RManService obj= LocalSystem type= interact type= own5⤵PID:1816
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\sc.exesc config RManService DisplayName= "Windows_Defender v6.3"5⤵PID:1164
C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\Process Modules DLL.exe"C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\Process Modules DLL.exe"2⤵
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious behavior: GetForegroundWindowSpam
C:\Program Files (x86)\System\rutserv.exe"C:\Program Files (x86)\System\rutserv.exe"1⤵
- Executes dropped EXE
- Loads dropped DLL
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
- Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken
- Suspicious use of SetWindowsHookEx
PID:1708 -
C:\Program Files (x86)\System\rfusclient.exe"C:\Program Files (x86)\System\rfusclient.exe"2⤵
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
- Suspicious behavior: SetClipboardViewer
PID:1640 -
C:\Program Files (x86)\System\rfusclient.exe"C:\Program Files (x86)\System\rfusclient.exe" /tray3⤵
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious behavior: SetClipboardViewer
C:\Program Files (x86)\System\rfusclient.exe"C:\Program Files (x86)\System\rfusclient.exe" /tray2⤵
- Executes dropped EXE