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Malware Config






Ransom Note
MAME4ALL GAME LIST (2270 romsets) --------------------------------- Name: Description: --------- ------------ 88games "'88 Games" 99lstwra "'99 The Last War (alternate)" 99lstwar "'99 The Last War" 005 "005" vsyard "10 Yard Fight (Vs. version 11/05/84)" vsyard2 "10 Yard Fight (Vs. version, set 2)" yard "10 Yard Fight" 1941j "1941 - Counter Attack (Japan)" 1941 "1941 - Counter Attack (World)" 1942 "1942 (set 1)" 1942a "1942 (set 2)" 1942b "1942 (set 3)" 1943j "1943 - The Battle of Midway (Japan)" 1943 "1943 - The Battle of Midway (US)" 1943kai "1943 Kai" openice "2 On 2 Open Ice Challenge (rev 1.21)" 2020bb "2020 Super Baseball (set 1)" 2020bbh "2020 Super Baseball (set 2)" 3countb "3 Count Bout / Fire Suplex" bowler "4 Player Bowling" 4dwarrio "4-D Warriors" 600 "600" 64streej "64th. Street - A Detective Story (Japan)" 64street "64th. Street - A Detective Story (World)" 720 "720 Degrees (set 1)" 720b "720 Degrees (set 2)" 800fath "800 Fathoms" apb "APB - All Points Bulletin (set 1)" apb2 "APB - All Points Bulletin (set 2)" aso "ASO - Armored Scrum Object" actfancj "Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (Japan revision 1)" actfanc1 "Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 1)" actfancr "Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 2)" hatena "Adventure Quiz 2 Hatena Hatena no Dai-Bouken (Japan)" aerofgtb "Aero Fighters (Turbo Force hardware set 1)" aerofgtc "Aero Fighters (Turbo Force hardware set 2)" sonicwi2 "Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2" sonicwi3 "Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3" aerofgt "Aero Fighters" aeroboto "Aeroboto" aodk "Aggressors of Dark Kombat / Tsuukai GANGAN Koushinkyoku" koshien "Ah Eikou no Koshien (Japan)" airbustr "Air Buster (Japan)" airduel "Air Duel (Japan)" airwolf "Air Wolf" ajaxj "Ajax (Japan)" ajax "Ajax" hcastlej "Akuma-Jou Dracula (Japan)" alcon "Alcon" lwingsjp "Ales no Tsubasa (Japan)" alexkidd "Alex Kidd (set 1)" alexkida "Alex Kidd (set 2)" alibaba "Ali Baba and 40 Thieves" alieninv "Alien Invasion Part II" astorm2p "Alien Storm (2 Player)" astormbl "Alien Storm (bootleg)" astorm "Alien Storm" aliensyj "Alien Syndrome (Japan)" aliensyn "Alien Syndrome (set 1)" aliensya "Alien Syndrome (set 2)" aliensyb "Alien Syndrome (set 3)" aliensj "Aliens (Japan)" aliensu "Aliens (US)" aliens "Aliens (World set 1)" aliens2 "Aliens (World set 2)" aafbb "All American Football (rev B)" aafbd2p "All American Football (rev D, 2 Players)" aafb "All American Football (rev E)" alleymas "Alley Master" alpham2 "Alpha Mission II / ASO II - Last Guardian" alpine "Alpine Ski (set 1)" alpinea "Alpine Ski (set 2)" altbeast "Altered Beast (Version 1)" altbeas2 "Altered Beast (Version 2)" maze "Amazing Maze" ambush "Ambush" horshoes "American Horseshoes (US)" amidaro "Amidar (Olympia)" amidars "Amidar (Scramble hardware)" amidaru "Amidar (Stern)" amidar "Amidar" amigo "Amigo" androdun "Andro Dunos" anteater "Anteater" appoooh "Appoooh" arabiana "Arabian (Atari)" arabian "Arabian" arbalest "Arbalester" arcadecl "Arcade Classics (prototype)" archriv2 "Arch Rivals (rev 2.0)" archrivl "Arch Rivals (rev 4.0)" area88 "Area 88 (Japan)" argus "Argus" rygarj "Argus no Senshi (Japan)" arkarea "Ark Area" arkangc "Arkanoid (Game Corporation bootleg)" arknoidj "Arkanoid (Japan)" arkbl2 "Arkanoid (Japanese bootleg Set 2)" arkatayt "Arkanoid (Tayto bootleg, Japanese)" arknoidu "Arkanoid (US)" arkanoid "Arkanoid (World)" ark2jp "Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (Japan)" ark2us "Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (US)" arkanoi2 "Arkanoid - Revenge of DOH (World)" armwrest "Arm Wrestling" armedf "Armed Formation" armora "Armor Attack" armorcar "Armored Car (set 1)" armorca2 "Armored Car (set 2)" aof "Art of Fighting / Ryuuko no Ken" aof2 "Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2" aof3 "Art of Fighting 3 - The Path of the Warrior / Art of Fighting - Ryuuko no Ken Gaiden" ashura "Ashura Blaster (Japan)" ashurau "Ashura Blaster (US)" assaultj "Assault (Japan)" assaultp "Assault Plus (Japan)" assault "Assault" asteroib "Asteroids (bootleg on Lunar Lander hardware)" asteroi1 "Asteroids (rev 1)" asteroid "Asteroids (rev 2)" astdelu1 "Asteroids Deluxe (rev 1)" astdelux "Asteroids Deluxe (rev 2)" astrob1 "Astro Blaster (version 1)" astrob2 "Astro Blaster (version 2)" astrob "Astro Blaster (version 3)" astrof "Astro Fighter (set 1)" astrof2 "Astro Fighter (set 2)" astrof3 "Astro Fighter (set 3)" astinvad "Astro Invader" astyanax "Astyanax, The" abaseb "Atari Baseball (set 1)" abaseb2 "Atari Baseball (set 2)" atarifb4 "Atari Football (4 players)" atarifb1 "Atari Football (revision 1)" atarifb "Atari Football (revision 2)" soccer "Atari Soccer" ataxxj "Ataxx (Japan)" ataxx "Ataxx (set 1)" ataxxa "Ataxx (set 2)" athena "Athena" atomicp "Atomic Point" aurail "Aurail (set 1)" auraila "Aurail (set 2)" avalnche "Avalanche" avengers "Avengers (set 1)" avenger2 "Avengers (set 2)" avspirit "Avenging Spirit" aztarac "Aztarac" azurian "Azurian Attack" baddudes "Bad Dudes vs. Dragonninja (US)" badlands "Bad Lands" bagmans "Bagman (Stern set 1)" bagmans2 "Bagman (Stern set 2)" bagman "Bagman" bakatono "Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuki" ballbomb "Balloon Bomber" baluba "Baluba-louk no Densetsu" bandido "Bandido" bankp "Bank Panic" baraduke "Baraduke" barrier "Barrier" bstars2 "Baseball Stars 2" bstars "Baseball Stars Professional" basebal2 "Baseball The Season II" bsktball "Basketball" batman "Batman" batsugun "Batsugun" batugnsp "Batsugun Special Ver." battlntj "Battlantis (Japan)" battlnts "Battlantis" bchopper "Battle Chopper" btlfield "Battle Field (Japan)" flipshot "Battle Flip Shot" battlane "Battle Lane Vol. 5 (set 1)" battlan2 "Battle Lane Vol. 5 (set 2)" battlan3 "Battle Lane Vol. 5 (set 3)" battlera "Battle Rangers (World)" bzone "Battle Zone (set 1)" bzone2 "Battle Zone (set 2)" atlantis "Battle of Atlantis (set 1)" atlants2 "Battle of Atlantis (set 2)" battroad "Battle-Road, The" bayrtbl1 "Bay Route (bootleg set 1)" bayrtbl2 "Bay Route (bootleg set 2)" bayroute "Bay Route (set 1)" bayrouta "Bay Route (set 2)" beastf "Beastie Feastie" blswhstl "Bells & Whistles" berabohm "Beraboh Man (Japan)" berlwall "Berlin Wall, The (set 1)" berlwalt "Berlin Wall, The (set 2)" bermudaj "Bermuda Triangle (Japan)" bermudaa "Bermuda Triangle (US early version)" bermudat "Bermuda Triangle (US)" berzerk "Berzerk (set 1)" berzerk1 "Berzerk (set 2)" bigkarnk "Big Karnak" bigprowr "Big Pro Wrestling!, The" bigstrik "Big Striker" billiard "Billiards, The" bioatack "Bio Attack" biomtoy "Biomechanical Toy (unprotected)" bionicc "Bionic Commando (US set 1)" bionicc2 "Bionic Commando (US set 2)" bking2 "Birdie King 2" blkdrgnb "Black Dragon (bootleg)" blkdrgon "Black Dragon" blkhole "Black Hole" bktigerb "Black Tiger (bootleg)" blktiger "Black Tiger" bwidow "Black Widow" bmaster "Blade Master (World)" bladstle "Blades of Steel (version E)" bladestl "Blades of Steel (version T)" blandia "Blandia [Prototype]" blastoff "Blast Off (Japan)" blasted "Blasted" blaster "Blaster" blstroi2 "Blasteroids (version 2)" blstroid "Blasteroids (version 4)" blsthead "Blasteroids (with heads)" blasto "Blasto" blazer "Blazer (Japan)" blazstar "Blazing Star" arkbloc2 "Block (Game Corporation bootleg)" blockj "Block Block (Japan)" block "Block Block (World)" blockbl "Block Block (bootleg)" blckgalb "Block Gal (bootleg)" blockgal "Block Gal" blockhl "Block Hole" blockout "Block Out (set 1)" blckout2 "Block Out (set 2)" blockade "Blockade" blocken "Blocken (Japan)" bloodbro "Blood Bros." bldwolf "Bloody Wolf (US)" blueprnj "Blue Print (Jaleco)" blueprnt "Blue Print (Midway)" blueshrk "Blue Shark" bjourney "Blue's Journey / Raguy" boblbobl "Bobble Bobble" bodyslam "Body Slam" bogeyman "Bogey Manor" bombbee "Bomb Bee" bombjack "Bomb Jack (set 1)" bombjac2 "Bomb Jack (set 2)" bjtwin "Bombjack Twin" bootcamp "Boot Camp" boothill "Boot Hill" boscomd "Bosconian (Midway, new version)" boscomdo "Bosconian (Midway, old version)" bosco "Bosconian (new version)" boscoo "Bosconian (old version)" boscoo2 "Bosconian (older version)" bottom9n "Bottom of the Ninth (version N)" bottom9 "Bottom of the Ninth (version T)" bouldash "Boulder Dash / Boulder Dash Part 2 (World)" bowlrama "Bowl-O-Rama" boxingb "Boxing Bugs" brain "Brain" brkthru "Break Thru (US)" breakrev "Breakers Revenge" breakers "Breakers" breywood "Breywood (Japan revision 2)" brix "Brix" brutforc "Brute Force" bublbobr "Bubble Bobble (US with mode select)" bubbobr1 "Bubble Bobble (US)" bublbobl "Bubble Bobble" bubblesr "Bubbles (Solid Red label)" bubbles "Bubbles" bnj "Bump 'n' Jump" btime "Burger Time (Data East set 1)" btime2 "Burger Time (Data East set 2)" btimem "Burger Time (Midway)" brubber "Burnin' Rubber" burningf "Burning Fight (set 1)" burningh "Burning Fight (set 2)" burnforc "Burning Force (Japan)" bbros "Buster Bros (US)" butasan "Butasan (Japan)" cabal "Cabal (US set 1)" cabal2 "Cabal (US set 2)" cabalbl "Cabal (bootleg)" cachat "Cachat (Japan)" dinoj "Cadillacs Kyouryuu-Shinseiki (Japan)" dino "Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (World)" calibr50 "Caliber 50" calipso "Calipso" cameltry "Camel Try (Japan)" cameltru "Camel Try (US)" canbprot "Canyon Bomber (prototype)" canyon "Canyon Bomber" cbasebal "Capcom Baseball (Japan)" capbowl "Capcom Bowling (set 1)" capbowl2 "Capcom Bowling (set 2)" cworld "Capcom World (Japan)" cworld2j "Capcom World 2 (Japan)" captcomj "Captain Commando (Japan)" captcomu "Captain Commando (US)" captcomm "Captain Commando (World)" csilver "Captain Silver (Japan)" caractn "Car Action" carnvckt "Carnival (cocktail)" carnival "Carnival (upright)" cawing "Carrier Air Wing (World)" cninjau "Caveman Ninja (US)" cninja0 "Caveman Ninja (World revision 0)" cninja "Caveman Ninja (World revision 3)" centipdb "Centipede (bootleg set 1)" centipb2 "Centipede (bootleg set 2)" centipd2 "Centipede (revision 2)" centiped "Centipede (revision 3)" cerberus "Cerberus" challeng "Challenger" champbbj "Champion Baseball (Japan)" champbb2 "Champion Baseball II" champbas "Champion Baseball" champwrj "Champion Wrestler (Japan)" champwru "Champion Wrestler (US)" champwr "Champion Wrestler (World)" csprint "Championship Sprint" changes "Changes" checkmaj "Checkman (Japan)" checkman "Checkman" checkmat "Checkmate" cheekyms "Cheeky Mouse" chelnovj "Chelnov - Atomic Runner (Japan)" chelnov "Chelnov - Atomic Runner (US)" cheyenne "Cheyenne (version 1.0)" marukodq "Chibi Marukochan Deluxe Quiz" cshift "Chicken Shift" chikij "Chiki Chiki Boys (Japan)" chiller "Chiller (version 3.0)" chimerab "Chimera Beast" chplftb "Choplifter (alternate)" chplftbl "Choplifter (bootleg)" chplft "Choplifter" chopper "Chopper I" chukatai "Chuka Taisen (Japan)" circuscc "Circus Charlie (Centuri)" circusce "Circus Charlie (Centuri, earlier)" circusc2 "Circus Charlie (no level select)" circusc "Circus Charlie" circus "Circus" cischeat "Cisco Heat" citycon "City Connection (set 1)" citycona "City Connection (set 2)" claypign "Clay Pigeon (version 2.0)" cloak "Cloak & Dagger" cloud9 "Cloud 9 (prototype)" clowns "Clowns" cobracmj "Cobra-Command (Japan)" cobracom "Cobra-Command (World revision 5)" colony7 "Colony 7 (set 1)" colony7a "Colony 7 (set 2)" combat "Combat (version 3.0)" combascj "Combat School (Japan trackball)" combascb "Combat School (bootleg)" combasc "Combat School (joystick)" combasct "Combat School (trackball)" ctribe "Combatribes, The (US)" ctribeb "Combatribes, The (bootleg)" commsega "Commando (Sega)" commandu "Commando (US)" commando "Commando (World)" comotion "Comotion" congo "Congo Bongo" contrajb "Contra (Japan bootleg)" contraj "Contra (Japan)" contrab "Contra (US bootleg)" contra "Contra (US)" cookrace "Cook Race" clbowl "Coors Light Bowling" cop01 "Cop 01 (set 1)" cop01a "Cop 01 (set 2)" copsnrob "Cops'n Robbers" cosmica2 "Cosmic Alien (older)" cosmica "Cosmic Alien" cavenger "Cosmic Avenger" cchasm "Cosmic Chasm (set 1)" cchasm1 "Cosmic Chasm (set 2)" cosmicg "Cosmic Guerilla" cosmicmo "Cosmic Monsters" cosmognj "Cosmo Gang the Video (Japan)" cosmogng "Cosmo Gang the Video (US)" cottong "Cotocoto Cottong" cracksht "Crackshot (version 2.0)" crash "Crash" crater "Crater Raider" crbaloon "Crazy Balloon (set 1)" crbalon2 "Crazy Balloon (set 2)" crazyblk "Crazy Blocks" cclimbrj "Crazy Climber (Japan)" cclimber "Crazy Climber (US)" ccboot "Crazy Climber (bootleg set 1)" ccboot2 "Crazy Climber (bootleg set 2)" cclimbr2 "Crazy Climber 2 (Japan)" crazycop "Crazy Cop (Japan)" ckongalc "Crazy Kong (Alca bootleg)" ckongjeu "Crazy Kong (Jeutel bootleg)" ckongo "Crazy Kong (Orca bootleg)" ckongs "Crazy Kong (Scramble hardware)" ckong "Crazy Kong (set 1)" ckonga "Crazy Kong (set 2)" crimecj "Crime City (Japan)" crimecu "Crime City (US)" crimec "Crime City (World)" crimfgtj "Crime Fighters (Japan 2 Players)" crimfght "Crime Fighters (US 4 players)" crimfgt2 "Crime Fighters (World 2 Players)" vendettj "Crime Fighters 2 (Japan)" crossbow "Crossbow (version 2.0)" crsword "Crossed Swords" cbusterj "Crude Buster (Japan)" cbusterw "Crude Buster (World FU version)" cbuster "Crude Buster (World FX version)" cruisin "Cruisin" crush3 "Crush Roller (Kural - bootleg?)" crush2 "Crush Roller (Kural Esco - bootleg?)" crush "Crush Roller (Kural Samno)" ccastles "Crystal Castles (set 1)" ccastle2 "Crystal Castles (set 2)" cubybop "Cuby Bop" cuebrick "Cuebrick" curvebal "Curve Ball" cutieq "Cutie Q" cybattlr "Cybattler" cyberlip "Cyber-Lip" cyberba2 "Cyberball (Version 2)" cyberbal "Cyberball (Version 4)" cyberb2p "Cyberball 2072 (2 player)" dcon "D-Con" ddayc "D-Day (Centuri)" dday "D-Day" ghoulsj "Dai Makai-Mura (Japan)" dairesya "Dai Ressya Goutou (Japan)" dkgensan "Daiku no Gensan (Japan)" dakkochn "DakkoChan Jansoh" dangar "Dangar - Ufo Robo (12/1/1986)" dangar2 "Dangar - Ufo Robo (9/26/1986)" dangarb "Dangar - Ufo Robo (bootleg)" dangerz "Danger Zone" dangseed "Dangerous Seed (Japan)" dfeveron "Dangun Feveron (Japan)" indyheat "Danny Sullivan's Indy Heat" darkadv "Dark Adventure" darkplnt "Dark Planet" darkseaj "Dark Seal (Japan)" darksea1 "Dark Seal (World revision 1)" darkseal "Dark Seal (World revision 3)" darwin "Darwin 4078 (Japan)" powj "Datsugoku - Prisoners of War (Japan)" 280zzzap "Datsun 280 Zzzap" deadconj "Dead Connection (Japan)" deadconx "Dead Connection (World)" deadeye "Dead Eye" defence "Defence Command" redufo "Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO (bootleg)" defendg "Defender (Green label)" defender "Defender (Red label)" defendw "Defender (White label)" defcmnd "Defense Command (set 1)" destderm "Demolition Derby (2-Player Mono Board Version)" destderb "Demolition Derby" demon "Demon" demonwld "Demon's World / Horror Story" depthch "Depthcharge" desertgu "Desert Gun" desterth "Destination Earth" detatwin "Detana!! Twin Bee (Japan)" devstor3 "Devastators (version V)" devstor2 "Devastators (version X)" devstors "Devastators (version Z)" devilfsg "Devil Fish (Galaxian hardware, bootleg?)" devilfsh "Devil Fish" devilw "Devil World" devzone "Devil Zone" diamond "Diamond Run" digdugat "Dig Dug (Atari)" digdug "Dig Dug (set 1)" digdugb


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    • Ryuk

      Ransomware distributed via existing botnets, often Trickbot or Emotet.

    • Requests cell location

      Uses Android APIs to to get current cell location.

    • Acquires the wake lock.

    • Loads dropped Dex/Jar

      Runs executable file dropped to the device during analysis.

    • Reads information about phone network operator.

