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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <META NAME="generator" CONTENT=""> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="styles.css"> <TITLE>What's New in NVDA</TITLE> </HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR="white" TEXT="black"> <P ALIGN="center"><CENTER><H1>What's New in NVDA</H1> <FONT SIZE="4"> </FONT></CENTER> <H2>2022.3.2</H2> <P> This is a minor release to fix regressions with 2022.3.1 and address a security issue. </P> <H3>Security Fixes</H3> <UL> <LI>Prevents possible system level access for unauthenticated users. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">GHSA-3jj9-295f-h69w</A>) </UL> <P></P> <H3>Bug Fixes</H3> <UL> <LI>Fixes a regression from 2022.3.1 where certain functionality was disabled on secure screens. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#14286</A>) <LI>Fixes a regression from 2022.3.1 where certain functionality was disabled after sign-in, if NVDA started on the lock screen. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#14301</A>) </UL> <P></P> <H2>2022.3.1</H2> <P> This is a minor release to fix several security issues. Please responsibly disclose security issues to <A HREF="mailto:[email protected]" target="_blank">[email protected]</A>. </P> <H3>Security Fixes</H3> <UL> <LI>Fixed exploit where it was possible to elevate from user to system privileges. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">GHSA-q7c2-pgqm-vvw5</A>) <LI>Fixed a security issue allowing access to the python console on the lock screen via a race condition for NVDA startup. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">GHSA-72mj-mqhj-qh4w</A>) <LI>Fixed issue where speech viewer text is cached when locking Windows. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">GHSA-grvr-j2h8-3qm4</A>) </UL> <P></P> <H3>Bug Fixes</H3> <UL> <LI>Prevent an unauthenticated user from updating settings for speech and Braille viewer on the lock screen. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">GHSA-grvr-j2h8-3qm4</A>) </UL> <P></P> <H2>2022.3</H2> <P> A significant amount of this release was contributed by the NVDA development community. This includes delayed character descriptions and improved Windows Console support. </P> <P> This release also includes several bug fixes. Notably, up-to-date versions of Adobe Acrobat/Reader will no longer crash when reading a PDF document. </P> <P> eSpeak has been updated, which introduces 3 new languages: Belarusian, Luxembourgish and Totontepec Mixe. </P> <H3>New Features</H3> <UL> <LI>In the Windows Console Host used by Command Prompt, PowerShell, and the Windows Subsystem for Linux on Windows 11 version 22H2 (Sun Valley 2) and later: <UL> <LI>Vastly improved performance and stability. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#10964</A>) <LI>When pressing <CODE>control+f</CODE> to find text, the review cursor position is updated to follow the found term. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#11172</A>) <LI>Reporting of typed text that does not appear on-screen (such as passwords) is disabled by default. It can be re-enabled in NVDA's advanced settings panel. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#11554</A>) <LI>Text that has scrolled offscreen can be reviewed without scrolling the console window. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#12669</A>) <LI>More detailed text formatting information is available. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">microsoft/terminal PR 10336</A>) </UL> <LI>A new Speech option has been added to read character descriptions after a delay. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13509</A>) <LI>A new Braille option has been added to determine if scrolling the display forward/back should interrupt speech. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#2124</A>) </UL> <P></P> <H3>Changes</H3> <UL> <LI>eSpeak NG has been updated to 1.52-dev commit <CODE>9de65fcb</CODE>. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13295</A>) <UL> <LI>Added languages: <UL> <LI>Belarusian <LI>Luxembourgish <LI>Totontepec Mixe </UL> </UL> <LI>When using UI Automation to access Microsoft Excel spreadsheet controls, NVDA is now able to report when a cell is merged. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#12843</A>) <LI>Instead of reporting "has details" the purpose of details is included where possible, for example "has comment". (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13649</A>) <LI>The installation size of NVDA is now shown in Windows Programs and Feature section. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13909</A>) </UL> <P></P> <H3>Bug Fixes</H3> <UL> <LI>Adobe Acrobat / Reader 64 bit will no longer crash when reading a PDF document. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#12920</A>) <UL> <LI>Note that the most up to date version of Adobe Acrobat / Reader is also required to avoid the crash. </UL> <LI>Font size measurements are now translatable in NVDA. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13573</A>) <LI>Ignore Java Access Bridge events where no window handle can be found for Java applications. This will improve performance for some Java applications including IntelliJ IDEA. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13039</A>) <LI>Announcement of selected cells for LibreOffice Calc is more efficient and no longer results in a Calc freeze when many cells are selected. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13232</A>) <LI>When running under a different user, Microsoft Edge is no longer inaccessible. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13032</A>) <LI>When rate boost is off, eSpeak's rate does not drop anymore between rates 99% and 100%. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13876</A>) <LI>Fix bug which allowed 2 Input Gestures dialogs to open. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13854</A>) </UL> <P></P> <H3>Changes for Developers</H3> <UL> <LI>Updated Comtypes to version 1.1.11. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#12953</A>) <LI>In builds of Windows Console (<CODE>conhost.exe</CODE>) with an NVDA API level of 2 (<CODE>FORMATTED</CODE>) or greater, such as those included with Windows 11 version 22H2 (Sun Valley 2), UI Automation is now used by default. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#10964</A>) <UL> <LI>This can be overridden by changing the "Windows Console support" setting in NVDA's advanced settings panel. <LI>To find your Windows Console's NVDA API level, set "Windows Console support" to "UIA when available", then check the NVDA+F1 log opened from a running Windows Console instance. </UL> <LI>The Chromium virtual buffer is now loaded even when the document object has the MSAA <CODE>STATE_SYSTEM_BUSY</CODE> exposed via IA2. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13306</A>) <LI>A config spec type <CODE>featureFlag</CODE> has been created for use with experimental features in NVDA. See <CODE>devDocs/</CODE> for more information. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13859</A>) </UL> <P></P> <H4>Deprecations</H4> <P> There are no deprecations proposed in 2022.3. </P> <H2>2022.2.4</H2> <P> This is a patch release to fix a security issue. </P> <H3>Bug Fixes</H3> <UL> <LI>Fixed an exploit where it was possible to open the NVDA python console via the log viewer on the lock screen. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">GHSA-585m-rpvv-93qg</A>) </UL> <P></P> <H2>2022.2.3</H2> <P> This is a patch release to fix an accidental API breakage introduced in 2022.2.1. </P> <H3>Bug Fixes</H3> <UL> <LI>Fixed a bug where NVDA did not announce "Secure Desktop" when entering a secure desktop. This caused NVDA remote to not recognize secure desktops. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#14094</A>) </UL> <P></P> <H2>2022.2.2</H2> <P> This is a patch release to fix a bug introduced in 2022.2.1 with input gestures. </P> <H3>Bug Fixes</H3> <UL> <LI>Fixed a bug where input gestures didn't always work. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#14065</A>) </UL> <P></P> <H2>2022.2.1</H2> <P> This is a minor release to fix a security issue. Please responsibly disclose security issues to <A HREF="mailto:[email protected]" target="_blank">[email protected]</A>. </P> <H3>Security Fixes</H3> <UL> <LI>Fixed exploit where it was possible to run a python console from the lockscreen. (GHSA-rmq3-vvhq-gp32) <LI>Fixed exploit where it was possible to escape the lockscreen using object navigation. (GHSA-rmq3-vvhq-gp32) </UL> <P></P> <H3>Changes for Developers</H3> <H4>Deprecations</H4> <P> These deprecations are currently not scheduled for removal. The deprecated aliases will remain until further notice. Please test the new API and provide feedback. For add-on authors, please open a GitHub issue if these changes stop the API from meeting your needs. </P> <UL> <LI><CODE>appModules.lockapp.LockAppObject</CODE> should be replaced with <CODE>NVDAObjects.lockscreen.LockScreenObject</CODE>. (GHSA-rmq3-vvhq-gp32) <LI><CODE>appModules.lockapp.AppModule.SAFE_SCRIPTS</CODE> should be replaced with <CODE></CODE>. (GHSA-rmq3-vvhq-gp32) </UL> <P></P> <H2>2022.2</H2> <P> This release includes many bug fixes. Notably, there are significant improvements for Java based applications, braille displays and Windows features. </P> <P> New table navigation commands have been introduced. Unicode CLDR has been updated. LibLouis has been updated, which includes a new German braille table. </P> <H3>New Features</H3> <UL> <LI>Support for interacting with Microsoft Loop Components in Microsoft Office products. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13617</A>) <LI>New table navigation commands have been added. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#957</A>) <UL> <LI><CODE>control+alt+home/end</CODE> to jump to first/last column. <LI><CODE>control+alt+pageUp/pageDown</CODE> to jump to first/last row. </UL> <LI>An unassigned script to cycle through language and dialect switching modes has been added. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#10253</A>) </UL> <P></P> <H3>Changes</H3> <UL> <LI>NSIS has been updated to version 3.08. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#9134</A>) <LI>CLDR has been updated to version 41.0. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13582</A>) <LI>Updated LibLouis braille translator to <A HREF="" target="_blank">3.22.0</A>. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13775</A>) <UL> <LI>New braille table: German grade 2 (detailed) </UL> <LI>Added new role for "busy indicator" controls. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#10644</A>) <LI>NVDA now announces when an NVDA action cannot be performed. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13500</A>) <UL> <LI>This includes when: <UL> <LI>Using the NVDA Windows Store version. <LI>In a secure context. <LI>Waiting for a response to a modal dialog. </UL> </UL> </UL> <P></P> <H3>Bug Fixes</H3> <UL> <LI>Fixes for Java based applications: <UL> <LI>NVDA will now announce read-only state. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13692</A>) <LI>NVDA will now announce disabled/enabled state correctly. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#10993</A>) <LI>NVDA will now announce function key shortcuts. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13643</A>) <LI>NVDA can now beep or speak on progress bars. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13594</A>) <LI>NVDA will no longer incorrectly remove text from widgets when presenting to the user. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13102</A>) <LI>NVDA will now announce the state of toggle buttons. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#9728</A>) <LI>NVDA will now identify the window in a Java application with multiple windows. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#9184</A>) <LI>NVDA will now announce position information for tab controls. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13744</A>) </UL> <LI>Braille fixes: <UL> <LI>Fix braille output when navigating certain text in Mozilla rich edit controls, such as drafting a message in Thunderbird. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#12542</A>) <LI>When braille is tethered automatically and the mouse is moved with mouse tracking enabled, text review commands now update the braille display with the spoken content. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#11519</A>) <LI>It is now possible to pan the braille display through content after use of text review commands. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#8682</A>) </UL> <LI>The NVDA installer can now run from directories with special characters. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13270</A>) <LI>In Firefox, NVDA no longer fails to report items in web pages when aria-rowindex, aria-colindex, aria-rowcount or aria-colcount attributes are invalid. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13405</A>) <LI>The cursor does not switch row or column anymore when using table navigation to navigate through merged cells. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#7278</A>) <LI>When reading non-interactive PDFs in Adobe Reader, the type and state of form fields (such as checkboxes and radio buttons) are now reported. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13285</A>) <LI>"Reset configuration to factory defaults" is now accessible in the NVDA menu during secure mode. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13547</A>) <LI>Any locked mouse keys will be unlocked when NVDA exits, previously the mouse button would remain locked. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13410</A>) <LI>Visual Studio now reports line numbers. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13604</A>) <UL> <LI>Note that for line number reporting to work, showing line numbers must be enabled in Visual Studio and NVDA. </UL> <LI>Visual Studio now correctly reports line indentation. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13574</A>) <LI>NVDA will once again announce Start menu search result details in recent Windows 10 and 11 releases. (<A HREF="" target="_blank">#13544</A>) <LI>In Windows 10 and 11 Calculator version 10.1908 and

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    • SSDEEP


    • Executes dropped EXE

    • Registers COM server for autorun

    • Checks computer location settings

      Looks up country code configured in the registry, likely geofence.

    • Loads dropped DLL

    • Checks installed software on the system

      Looks up Uninstall key entries in the registry to enumerate software on the system.

MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise v6
