Windows 7 deprecation

Windows 7 will be removed from on 2025-03-31


  • Target

  • Size


  • Sample


  • MD5


  • SHA1


  • SHA256


  • SHA512




Malware Config



C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\@[email protected]



Ransom Note
Q: What's wrong with my files? A: Ooops, your important files are encrypted. It means you will not be able to access them anymore until they are decrypted. If you follow our instructions, we guarantee that you can decrypt all your files quickly and safely! Let's start decrypting! Q: What do I do? A: First, you need to pay service fees for the decryption. Please send $300 worth of bitcoin to this bitcoin address: 115p7UMMngoj1pMvkpHijcRdfJNXj6LrLn Next, please find an application file named "@[email protected]". It is the decrypt software. Run and follow the instructions! (You may need to disable your antivirus for a while.) Q: How can I trust? A: Don't worry about decryption. We will decrypt your files surely because nobody will trust us if we cheat users. * If you need our assistance, send a message by clicking <Contact Us> on the decryptor window. �







Ransom Note
Attention! ---------------------------- | What happened? ---------------------------- We hacked your network and now all your files, documents, photos, databases, and other important data are safely encrypted with reliable algorithms. You cannot access the files right now. But do not worry. You can get it back! It is easy to recover in a few steps. We have also downloaded a lot of private data from your network, so in case of not contacting us as soon as possible this data will be released. If you do not contact us in a 3 days we will post information about your breach on our public news website and after 7 days the whole downloaded info. To see what happens to those who don't contact us, google: * Southwire Maze Ransomware * MDLab Maze Ransomware * City of Pensacola Maze Ransomware After the payment the data will be removed from our disks and decryptor will be given to you, so you can restore all your files. ---------------------------- | How to contact us and get my files back? ---------------------------- The only method to restore your files and be safe from data leakage is to purchase a unique for you private key which is securely stored on our servers. To contact us and purchase the key you have to visit our website in a hidden TOR network. There are general 2 ways to reach us: 1) [Recommended] Using hidden TOR network. a) Download a special TOR browser: b) Install the TOR Browser. c) Open the TOR Browser. d) Open our website in the TOR browser: http://aoacugmutagkwctu.onion/6d070cc32029c9e6 e) Follow the instructions on this page. 2) If you have any problems connecting or using TOR network a) Open our website: b) Follow the instructions on this page. Warning: the second (2) method can be blocked in some countries. That is why the first (1) method is recommended to use. On this page, you will see instructions on how to make a free decryption test and how to pay. Also it has a live chat with our operators and support team. ---------------------------- | What about guarantees? ---------------------------- We understand your stress and worry. So you have a FREE opportunity to test a service by instantly decrypting for free three files from every system in your network. If you have any problems our friendly support team is always here to assist you in a live chat! P.S. Dear system administrators, do not think you can handle it by yourself. Inform leadership as soon as possible. By hiding the fact of the breach you will be eventually fired and sometimes even sued. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS IS A SPECIAL BLOCK WITH A PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION! DO NOT TOUCH IT WE NEED IT TO IDENTIFY AND AUTHORIZE YOU ---BEGIN MAZE KEY--- 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 ---END MAZE KEY---




C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\@[email protected]



Ransom Note
Q: What's wrong with my files? A: Ooops, your important files are encrypted. It means you will not be able to access them anymore until they are decrypted. If you follow our instructions, we guarantee that you can decrypt all your files quickly and safely! Let's start decrypting! Q: What do I do? A: First, you need to pay service fees for the decryption. Please send $300 worth of bitcoin to this bitcoin address: 13AM4VW2dhxYgXeQepoHkHSQuy6NgaEb94 Next, please find an application file named "@[email protected]". It is the decrypt software. Run and follow the instructions! (You may need to disable your antivirus for a while.) Q: How can I trust? A: Don't worry about decryption. We will decrypt your files surely because nobody will trust us if we cheat users. * If you need our assistance, send a message by clicking <Contact Us> on the decryptor window. �







Ransom Note
Attention! ---------------------------- | What happened? ---------------------------- We hacked your network and now all your files, documents, photos, databases, and other important data are safely encrypted with reliable algorithms. You cannot access the files right now. But do not worry. You can get it back! It is easy to recover in a few steps. We have also downloaded a lot of private data from your network, so in case of not contacting us as soon as possible this data will be released. If you do not contact us in a 3 days we will post information about your breach on our public news website and after 7 days the whole downloaded info. To see what happens to those who don't contact us, google: * Southwire Maze Ransomware * MDLab Maze Ransomware * City of Pensacola Maze Ransomware After the payment the data will be removed from our disks and decryptor will be given to you, so you can restore all your files. ---------------------------- | How to contact us and get my files back? ---------------------------- The only method to restore your files and be safe from data leakage is to purchase a unique for you private key which is securely stored on our servers. To contact us and purchase the key you have to visit our website in a hidden TOR network. There are general 2 ways to reach us: 1) [Recommended] Using hidden TOR network. a) Download a special TOR browser: b) Install the TOR Browser. c) Open the TOR Browser. d) Open our website in the TOR browser: http://aoacugmutagkwctu.onion/6ced0cbb855481b4 e) Follow the instructions on this page. 2) If you have any problems connecting or using TOR network a) Open our website: b) Follow the instructions on this page. Warning: the second (2) method can be blocked in some countries. That is why the first (1) method is recommended to use. On this page, you will see instructions on how to make a free decryption test and how to pay. Also it has a live chat with our operators and support team. ---------------------------- | What about guarantees? ---------------------------- We understand your stress and worry. So you have a FREE opportunity to test a service by instantly decrypting for free three files from every system in your network. If you have any problems our friendly support team is always here to assist you in a live chat! P.S. Dear system administrators, do not think you can handle it by yourself. Inform leadership as soon as possible. By hiding the fact of the breach you will be eventually fired and sometimes even sued. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS IS A SPECIAL BLOCK WITH A PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION! DO NOT TOUCH IT WE NEED IT TO IDENTIFY AND AUTHORIZE YOU ---BEGIN MAZE KEY--- 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 ---END MAZE KEY---




  • Protocol:
  • Host:
  • Port:
  • Username:











  • reg_key


  • splitter



    • Target


    • Size


    • MD5


    • SHA1


    • SHA256


    • SHA512


    • SSDEEP


    • DcRat

      DarkCrystal(DC) is a new .NET RAT active since June 2019 capable of loading additional plugins.

    • Gozi

      Gozi is a well-known and widely distributed banking trojan.

    • HawkEye

      HawkEye is a malware kit that has seen continuous development since at least 2013.

    • Maze

      Ransomware family also known as ChaCha.

    • Process spawned unexpected child process

      This typically indicates the parent process was compromised via an exploit or macro.

    • UAC bypass

    • Wannacry

      WannaCry is a ransomware cryptoworm.

    • njRAT/Bladabindi

      Widely used RAT written in .NET.

    • DCRat payload

      Detects payload of DCRat, commonly dropped by NSIS installers.

    • Deletes shadow copies

      Ransomware often targets backup files to inhibit system recovery.

    • NirSoft MailPassView

      Password recovery tool for various email clients

    • NirSoft WebBrowserPassView

      Password recovery tool for various web browsers

    • Nirsoft

    • Modifies Windows Firewall

    • Modifies extensions of user files

      Ransomware generally changes the extension on encrypted files.

    • Office macro that triggers on suspicious action

      Office document macro which triggers in special circumstances - often malicious.

    • Suspicious Office macro

      Office document equipped with macros.

    • Checks computer location settings

      Looks up country code configured in the registry, likely geofence.

    • Drops startup file

    • Executes dropped EXE

    • Loads dropped DLL

    • Modifies file permissions

    • Reads user/profile data of web browsers

      Infostealers often target stored browser data, which can include saved credentials etc.

    • Uses the VBS compiler for execution

    • Accesses Microsoft Outlook accounts

    • Adds Run key to start application

    • Checks whether UAC is enabled

    • Legitimate hosting services abused for malware hosting/C2

    • Looks up external IP address via web service

      Uses a legitimate IP lookup service to find the infected system's external IP.

    • Drops file in System32 directory

    • Sets desktop wallpaper using registry

    • Suspicious use of SetThreadContext

MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise v6
