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Malware Config



C:\MSOCache\All Users\{90140000-0016-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}-C\HOW-TO-DECRYPT-FILES.txt

Ransom Note
____ __ __ ____ __ / __ ) / /____ _ _____ / /__ / __ \ __ __ / /_ __ __ / __ |/ // __ `// ___// //_/ / /_/ // / / // __ \ / / / / / /_/ // // /_/ // /__ / ,< / _, _// /_/ // /_/ // /_/ / /_____//_/ \__,_/ \___//_/|_| /_/ |_| \__,_//_.___/ \__, / /____/ ===================== Identification Key ===================== 646D374D68336F4A527A726879766D592B2F78564771625A2B4B763256624 53741385449627A724F2F74434847487449662F33494F4E41745369386F48 54324769746252513847712B2F704F506E537561454A525A2B6E4D6170453 952797955654D50727574686E3379496D634E4E686C495A65785031417A65 49593652334A4C62354257496D542F362B7168713774762B706A615959394 F46594B436A3348626172776C614D5637796E4F364841376C76707842356E 7038634955794D524B56704A6D61547A4667754C56557A6D646F6263707A4 56578466C3877416A7672756A423530537A6F785650633535507259633670 53456579384A4463726C2F5548566F674F44503672736255694C3644594F4 A5646747845556A62747556436A7A754972377966733376552B4C41307865 634351736A69552F33323477393075587361716D685143626967445653647 37743705359513D3D ===================== Identification Key ===================== [Can not access your files?] Congratulations, you are now part of our family #BlackRuby Ransomware. The range of this family is wider and bigger every day. Our hosts welcome our presence because we will give them a scant souvenir from the heart of Earth. This time, we are guest with a new souvenir called "Black Ruby". A ruby ​​in black, different, beautiful, and brilliant, which has been bothered to extract those years and you must also endure this hard work to keep it. If you do not have the patience of this difficulty or you hate some of this precious stone, we are willing to receive the price years of mining and finding rubies for your relief and other people of the world who are guests of the black ruby. So let's talk a little bit with you without a metaphor and literary terms to understand the importance of the subject. It does not matter if you're a small business or you manage a large organization, no matter whether you are a regular user or a committed employee, it's important that you have a black ruby and to get rid of it, you need to get back to previous situation and we need a next step. The breadth of this family is not supposed to stop, because we have enough knowledge and you also trust our knowledge. We are always your backers and guardian of your information at this multi-day banquet and be sure that no one in the world can take it from you except for us who extracts this precious stone. We need a two-sided cooperation in developing cybersecurity knowledge. The background to this cooperation is a mutual trust, which will result in peace and tranquility. you must pay $650 (USD) worth of Bitcoins for restore your system to the previous state and you are free to choose to stay in this situation or return to the normal. Do not forget that your opportunity is limited. From these limits you can create golden situations. Be sure we will help you in this way and to know that having a black ruby does not always mean riches. You and your system are poor, poor knowledge of cybersecurity and lack of security on your system!. ======================================================================================================================== [HOW TO DECRYPT FILES] 1. Copy "Identification Key". 2. Send this key with two encrypted files (less than 5 MB) for trust us to email address "". 3. We decrypt your two files and send them to your email. 4. After ensuring the integrity of the files, you must pay $650 (USD) with bitcoin and send transaction code to our email, our bitcoin address is "19S7k3zHphKiYr85T25FnqdxizHcgmjoj1". 5. You get "Black Ruby Decryptor" Along with the private key of your system. 6. Everything returns to the normal and your files will be released. ======================================================================================================================== [What is encryption?] Encryption is a reversible modification of information for security reasons but providing full access to it for authorised users. To become an authorised user and keep the modification absolutely reversible (in other words to have a possibility to decrypt your files) you should have an "Personal Identification Key". But not only it. It is required also to have the special decryption software (in your case “Black Ruby Decryptor” software) for safe and complete decryption of all your files and data. [Everything is clear for me but what should I do?] The first step is reading these instructions to the end. Your files have been encrypted with the “Black Ruby Ransomware” software; the instructions (“HOW-TO-DECRYPT-FILES.txt”) in the folders with your encrypted files are not viruses, they will help you. After reading this text the most part of people start searching in the Internet the words the “Black Ruby Ransomware” where they find a lot of ideas, recommendation and instructions. It is necessary to realise that we are the ones who closed the lock on your files and we are the only ones who have this secret key to open them. [Have you got advice?] [*** Any attempts to get back you files with the third-party tools can be fatal for your encrypted files ***] The most part of the tried-party software change data with the encrypted files to restore it but this cases damage to the files. Finally it will be impossible to decrypt your files. When you make a puzzle but some items are lost, broken or not put in its place - the puzzle items will never match, the same way the third-party software will ruin your files completely and irreversibly. You should realise that any intervention of the third-party software to restore files encrypted with the “Black Ruby Ransomware” software may be fatal for your files. If you look through this text in the Internet and realise that something is wrong with your files but you do not have any instructions to restore your files, please contact your antivirus support.




C:\Program Files (x86)\HOW-TO-DECRYPT-FILES.txt

Ransom Note
____ __ __ ____ __ / __ ) / /____ _ _____ / /__ / __ \ __ __ / /_ __ __ / __ |/ // __ `// ___// //_/ / /_/ // / / // __ \ / / / / / /_/ // // /_/ // /__ / ,< / _, _// /_/ // /_/ // /_/ / /_____//_/ \__,_/ \___//_/|_| /_/ |_| \__,_//_.___/ \__, / /____/ ===================== Identification Key ===================== 51357A4A74446932714F655363456A67534737705033566178337A424F766 24E475951355874546A6731385A774248576358746D427976454156683152 59314C51502F79445664704E745159707763776B3450624B3654747A6E724 B305464304C51494D3676395172514B756C774A572B517038703164395850 5A50357361396D543062786A52422B613543556C6B363072654C692F6F694 D4872754867656C36784237543074572B334A732F656D694C78516A6E4333 56706E54597149534762564353304C68737465435253652F6A78623739693 47831317A506F7A507A6776427A575A7341547749544E316477556C355A2F 44355656476C66792B7554364A4831665930766E65546B3853764F2F6F456 2504C4E5159573445324A646374754D645A562F716A304E5A31736353464F 4D7238636F37397965354B4744512B3630464E3747352B5673444961354B3 83344505250673D3D ===================== Identification Key ===================== [Can not access your files?] Congratulations, you are now part of our family #BlackRuby Ransomware. The range of this family is wider and bigger every day. Our hosts welcome our presence because we will give them a scant souvenir from the heart of Earth. This time, we are guest with a new souvenir called "Black Ruby". A ruby ​​in black, different, beautiful, and brilliant, which has been bothered to extract those years and you must also endure this hard work to keep it. If you do not have the patience of this difficulty or you hate some of this precious stone, we are willing to receive the price years of mining and finding rubies for your relief and other people of the world who are guests of the black ruby. So let's talk a little bit with you without a metaphor and literary terms to understand the importance of the subject. It does not matter if you're a small business or you manage a large organization, no matter whether you are a regular user or a committed employee, it's important that you have a black ruby and to get rid of it, you need to get back to previous situation and we need a next step. The breadth of this family is not supposed to stop, because we have enough knowledge and you also trust our knowledge. We are always your backers and guardian of your information at this multi-day banquet and be sure that no one in the world can take it from you except for us who extracts this precious stone. We need a two-sided cooperation in developing cybersecurity knowledge. The background to this cooperation is a mutual trust, which will result in peace and tranquility. you must pay $650 (USD) worth of Bitcoins for restore your system to the previous state and you are free to choose to stay in this situation or return to the normal. Do not forget that your opportunity is limited. From these limits you can create golden situations. Be sure we will help you in this way and to know that having a black ruby does not always mean riches. You and your system are poor, poor knowledge of cybersecurity and lack of security on your system!. ======================================================================================================================== [HOW TO DECRYPT FILES] 1. Copy "Identification Key". 2. Send this key with two encrypted files (less than 5 MB) for trust us to email address "". 3. We decrypt your two files and send them to your email. 4. After ensuring the integrity of the files, you must pay $650 (USD) with bitcoin and send transaction code to our email, our bitcoin address is "19S7k3zHphKiYr85T25FnqdxizHcgmjoj1". 5. You get "Black Ruby Decryptor" Along with the private key of your system. 6. Everything returns to the normal and your files will be released. ======================================================================================================================== [What is encryption?] Encryption is a reversible modification of information for security reasons but providing full access to it for authorised users. To become an authorised user and keep the modification absolutely reversible (in other words to have a possibility to decrypt your files) you should have an "Personal Identification Key". But not only it. It is required also to have the special decryption software (in your case “Black Ruby Decryptor” software) for safe and complete decryption of all your files and data. [Everything is clear for me but what should I do?] The first step is reading these instructions to the end. Your files have been encrypted with the “Black Ruby Ransomware” software; the instructions (“HOW-TO-DECRYPT-FILES.txt”) in the folders with your encrypted files are not viruses, they will help you. After reading this text the most part of people start searching in the Internet the words the “Black Ruby Ransomware” where they find a lot of ideas, recommendation and instructions. It is necessary to realise that we are the ones who closed the lock on your files and we are the only ones who have this secret key to open them. [Have you got advice?] [*** Any attempts to get back you files with the third-party tools can be fatal for your encrypted files ***] The most part of the tried-party software change data with the encrypted files to restore it but this cases damage to the files. Finally it will be impossible to decrypt your files. When you make a puzzle but some items are lost, broken or not put in its place - the puzzle items will never match, the same way the third-party software will ruin your files completely and irreversibly. You should realise that any intervention of the third-party software to restore files encrypted with the “Black Ruby Ransomware” software may be fatal for your files. If you look through this text in the Internet and realise that something is wrong with your files but you do not have any instructions to restore your files, please contact your antivirus support.



    • Target


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    • MD5


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    • SSDEEP


    • Hades Ransomware

      Ransomware family attributed to Evil Corp APT first seen in late 2020.

    • xmrig

      XMRig is a high performance, open source, cross platform CPU/GPU miner.

    • XMRig Miner payload

    • Modifies extensions of user files

      Ransomware generally changes the extension on encrypted files.

    • Checks computer location settings

      Looks up country code configured in the registry, likely geofence.

    • Executes dropped EXE

    • Loads dropped DLL

    • Reads user/profile data of web browsers

      Infostealers often target stored browser data, which can include saved credentials etc.

    • UPX packed file

      Detects executables packed with UPX/modified UPX open source packer.

    • Adds Run key to start application

    • Drops file in System32 directory



Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder


Defense Evasion

Modify Registry


Credential Access

Credentials in Files



Query Registry


System Information Discovery



Data from Local System

