Windows 7 deprecation

Windows 7 will be removed from on 2025-03-31


  • Target


  • Size


  • Sample


  • MD5


  • SHA1


  • SHA256


  • SHA512




Malware Config




Ransom Note
# coding: utf-8 # Copyright (c) 2016, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # This software is dual-licensed to you under the Universal Permissive License (UPL) 1.0 as shown at or Apache License 2.0 as shown at You may choose either license. from oci._vendor import six import abc import base64 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import algorithms from oci.exceptions import ServiceError from oci.key_management.models import KeyShape, GenerateKeyDetails, DecryptDataDetails from oci.key_management import KmsCryptoClient, KmsManagementClient, KmsVaultClient from oci.encryption.internal.utils import ( convert_to_str, verify_crc32_checksum, raise_runtime_error_from ) @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class MasterKeyProvider(object): """ An abstract base class defining methods to vend MasterKeys for use in encryption and decryption. """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_primary_master_key(self): """ Returns the primary master key for this MasterKeyProvider. :rtype: oci.encryption.MasterKey """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def get_master_key(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a specific master key based on the arguments provided. :rtype: oci.encryption.MasterKey """ pass class KMSMasterKeyProvider(MasterKeyProvider): def __init__(self, config, kms_master_keys=None, **kwargs): """ :param dict config: (required) An OCI config dict used to create underlying clients to talk to OCI KMS. Note, the 'region' in this config must match the region that the key / vault exist in otherwise they will not be found. :param list[KMSMasterKey] kms_master_keys: (optional) A list of KMSMasterKeys. Currently a max of 1 master key is supported. For decryption, you can use a KMSMasterKeyProvder with no master keys. :param signer: (optional) The signer to use when signing requests made by the service client. The default is to use a :py:class:`~oci.signer.Signer` based on the values provided in the config parameter. One use case for this parameter is for `Instance Principals authentication <>`__ by passing an instance of :py:class:`~oci.auth.signers.InstancePrincipalsSecurityTokenSigner` as the value for this keyword argument :type signer: :py:class:`~oci.signer.AbstractBaseSigner` """ if kms_master_keys is not None and len(kms_master_keys) > 1: raise ValueError( "Only one KMS master key is currently supported for KMSMasterKeyProvider" ) self.primary_master_key = None if kms_master_keys: self.primary_master_key = kms_master_keys[0] self.signer = kwargs.get('signer') self.config = config if not self.config and not self.signer: raise ValueError( "Either a config or signer must be passed in" ) def get_primary_master_key(self): return self.primary_master_key def get_master_key(self, **kwargs): """ Get a KMSMasterKey based on the provided parameters. If this key provider already has the KMSMasterKey that was requested, it will return it. If it does not have a representation of the KMSMasterKey locally, it will attempt to retrieve it from KMS. :param str master_key_id: (required) The OCID of this master key :param str vault_id: (optional) The OCID of the vault this master key resides in :param str region: (optional) The region this master key resides in """ if not kwargs.get("master_key_id"): raise ValueError("keyword argument master_key_id must not be None") if self.primary_master_key and self.primary_master_key.get_identifier() == kwargs.get( "master_key_id" ): return self.primary_master_key master_key_config = self.config if self.signer: kwargs["signer"] = self.signer kms_master_key = KMSMasterKey(config=master_key_config, **kwargs) return kms_master_key @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class MasterKey(object): """ An abstract base class representing a MasterKey resource to be used in encryption and decryption operations. """ @abc.abstractmethod def generate_data_encryption_key(self, algorithm): """ Generates a data encryption key (DEK) based on the algorithm provided using this MasterKey. The returned DataEncryptionKey includes a copy of the DEK encrypted under this MasterKey. :param oci.encryption.algorithms.Algorithm algorithm: (required) The algorithm the key will be used for. :rtype: oci.encryption.key_providers.DataEncryptionKey """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def decrypt(self, bytes_to_decrypt): """ Decrypts and returns bytes that were encrypted under this master key. :param bytes bytes_to_decrypt: (required) The bytes to decrypt using this MasterKey. :rtype: bytes """ pass @abc.abstractmethod def get_identifier(self): """ Returns an identifier for this MasterKey. :rtype: str """ pass class KMSMasterKey(MasterKey): def __init__(self, config, master_key_id, vault_id, **kwargs): """ Represents a MasterKey contained in the OCI Key Management Service. :param dict config: (required) An OCI config dict used to create underlying clients to talk to OCI KMS. Note, the 'region' in this config must match the region that the key / vault exist in otherwise they will not be found. :param str master_key_id: (required) The OCID of the KMS master key :param str vault_id: (required) The OCID of the vault containing the master key :param signer: (optional) The signer to use when signing requests made by the service client. The default is to use a :py:class:`~oci.signer.Signer` based on the values provided in the config parameter. One use case for this parameter is for `Instance Principals authentication <>`__ by passing an instance of :py:class:`~oci.auth.signers.InstancePrincipalsSecurityTokenSigner` as the value for this keyword argument :type signer: :py:class:`~oci.signer.AbstractBaseSigner` :param str region: (optional) The region this master key resides in """ if not config and not kwargs.get("signer"): raise ValueError( "Either a config or signer must be passed in" ) self.region = None # Get region from **kwargs, config, or signer if kwargs.get('region'): self.region = kwargs.get("region") elif "region" in config: self.region = config["region"] elif kwargs.get('signer'): self.region = kwargs.get("signer").region kms_vault_client = KmsVaultClient(config, **kwargs) # There is a chance that caller specified a region and differs from the config or signer's region kms_vault_client.base_client.set_region(self.region) try: vault = kms_vault_client.get_vault(vault_id).data except ServiceError as service_error: message = "Failed to access vaultId: {vault_id} while targeting region: {region}.".format( vault_id=vault_id, region=self.region ) raise_runtime_error_from(message, service_error) self.kms_management_client = KmsManagementClient( config, service_endpoint=vault.management_endpoint, **kwargs ) self.kms_crypto_client = KmsCryptoClient( config, service_endpoint=vault.crypto_endpoint, **kwargs ) self.master_key_id = master_key_id self.vault_id = def generate_data_encryption_key(self, algorithm): dek_key_shape = KeyShape() # only AES is currently supported for client side encryption if != raise ValueError( "Only AES is currently supported for client side encryption with KMS master key" ) dek_key_shape.algorithm = KeyShape.ALGORITHM_AES dek_key_shape.length = algorithm.key_len generate_key_details = GenerateKeyDetails() generate_key_details.include_plaintext_key = True generate_key_details.key_id = self.master_key_id generate_key_details.key_shape = dek_key_shape try: generated_key = self.kms_crypto_client.generate_data_encryption_key( generate_key_details ).data except ServiceError as service_error: message = "Failed to generate data encryption key using masterKeyId: {master_key_id} while targeting vault: {vault_id}.".format( master_key_id=self.master_key_id, vault_id=self.vault_id ) raise_runtime_error_from(message, service_error) dek_plaintext_bytes = base64.b64decode(generated_key.plaintext) dek_ciphertext_bytes = base64.b64decode(generated_key.ciphertext) return DataEncryptionKey( plaintext_key_bytes=dek_plaintext_bytes, encrypted_key_bytes=dek_ciphertext_bytes, plaintext_key_checksum=generated_key.plaintext_checksum, ) def decrypt(self, bytes_to_decrypt): """ Decrypts and returns bytes that were encrypted under this master key. :param bytes bytes_to_decrypt: (required) The bytes to decrypt using this MasterKey. :rtype: bytes """ decrypt_data_details = DecryptDataDetails() # KMS API expects the key base64 encoded decrypt_data_details.ciphertext = convert_to_str( base64.b64encode(bytes_to_decrypt) ) decrypt_data_details.key_id = self.master_key_id try: decrypted_data = self.kms_crypto_client.decrypt(decrypt_data_details).data except ServiceError as service_error: message = "Failed to decrypt data encryption key using masterKeyId: {master_key_id} while targeting vault: {vault_id}.".format( master_key_id=self.master_key_id, vault_id=self.vault_id ) raise_runtime_error_from(message, service_error) verify_crc32_checksum( base64.b64decode(decrypted_data.plaintext), decrypted_data.plaintext_checksum, ) return decrypted_data.plaintext def get_identifier(self): """ Returns the OCID of this master key in the OCI Key Management Service. :rtype: str """ return self.master_key_id class DataEncryptionKey(object): """ Represents a data encryption key used to encrypt and decrypt payloads. """ def __init__( self, plaintext_key_bytes, encrypted_key_bytes, plaintext_key_checksum=None ): """ :param bytes plaintext_key_bytes: The bytes of the data encryption key in plaintext :param bytes encrypted_key_bytes: The bytes of the data encrypted key encrypted under a master key :param str plaintext_key_checksum: The crc32 checsum of the plaintext data encryption key """ self.plaintext_key_bytes = plaintext_key_bytes self.encrypted_key_bytes = encrypted_key_bytes self.plaintext_key_checksum = plaintext_key_checksum if self.plaintext_key_checksum: verify_crc32_checksum(plaintext_key_bytes, plaintext_key_checksum)


    • Target


    • Size


    • MD5


    • SHA1


    • SHA256


    • SHA512


    • SSDEEP


    • CrypVault

      Ransomware family which makes encrypted files look like they have been quarantined by AV.

    • Blocklisted process makes network request

    • Downloads MZ/PE file

    • Executes dropped EXE

    • Loads dropped DLL

    • Adds Run key to start application

    • Enumerates connected drives

      Attempts to read the root path of hard drives other than the default C: drive.

    • Legitimate hosting services abused for malware hosting/C2

    • Drops file in System32 directory

MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise v15
