
  • Target

  • Sample


Malware Config



  • Protocol:
  • Host:
  • Port:
  • Username:
  • Password:


    • Detect PureLogs payload

    • PureLogs

      PureLogs is an infostealer written in C#.

    • RMS

      Remote Manipulator System (RMS) is a remote access tool developed by Russian organization TektonIT.

    • RevengeRAT

      Remote-access trojan with a wide range of capabilities.

    • Suspicious use of NtCreateProcessExOtherParentProcess

    • Grants admin privileges

      Uses net.exe to modify the user's privileges.

    • RevengeRat Executable

    • Creates new service(s)

    • Downloads MZ/PE file

    • Drops file in Drivers directory

    • Modifies Installed Components in the registry

    • Modifies Windows Firewall

    • Sets file execution options in registry

    • Sets file to hidden

      Modifies file attributes to stop it showing in Explorer etc.

    • Stops running service(s)

    • Checks BIOS information in registry

      BIOS information is often read in order to detect sandboxing environments.

    • Checks computer location settings

      Looks up country code configured in the registry, likely geofence.

    • Executes dropped EXE

    • Loads dropped DLL

    • Modifies file permissions

    • Reads user/profile data of web browsers

      Infostealers often target stored browser data, which can include saved credentials etc.

    • Registers COM server for autorun

    • UPX packed file

      Detects executables packed with UPX/modified UPX open source packer.

    • Uses the VBS compiler for execution

    • Adds Run key to start application

    • Checks for any installed AV software in registry

    • Checks installed software on the system

      Looks up Uninstall key entries in the registry to enumerate software on the system.

    • Checks whether UAC is enabled

    • Drops desktop.ini file(s)

    • Enumerates connected drives

      Attempts to read the root path of hard drives other than the default C: drive.

    • Legitimate hosting services abused for malware hosting/C2

    • Looks up external IP address via web service

      Uses a legitimate IP lookup service to find the infected system's external IP.

    • Writes to the Master Boot Record (MBR)

      Bootkits write to the MBR to gain persistence at a level below the operating system.

    • AutoIT Executable

      AutoIT scripts compiled to PE executables.

    • Drops file in System32 directory

MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise v15
