Windows 7 deprecation
Windows 7 will be removed from on 2025-03-31
max time kernel
85s -
max time network
88s -
windows10-2004_x64 -
win10v2004-20240226-en -
resource tags
arch:x64arch:x86image:win10v2004-20240226-enlocale:en-usos:windows10-2004-x64system -
05/03/2024, 17:57
Behavioral task
CS2 Bhop_[]_.exe
Behavioral task
CS2 Bhop_[]_.exe
Malware Config
resource yara_rule behavioral1/memory/3504-0-0x00007FF7B2500000-0x00007FF7B260B000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/3504-14-0x00007FF7B2500000-0x00007FF7B260B000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/3504-16-0x00007FF7B2500000-0x00007FF7B260B000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/3504-108-0x00007FF7B2500000-0x00007FF7B260B000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/3504-125-0x00007FF7B2500000-0x00007FF7B260B000-memory.dmp upx -
AutoIT Executable 4 IoCs
AutoIT scripts compiled to PE executables.
resource yara_rule behavioral1/memory/3504-14-0x00007FF7B2500000-0x00007FF7B260B000-memory.dmp autoit_exe behavioral1/memory/3504-16-0x00007FF7B2500000-0x00007FF7B260B000-memory.dmp autoit_exe behavioral1/memory/3504-108-0x00007FF7B2500000-0x00007FF7B260B000-memory.dmp autoit_exe behavioral1/memory/3504-125-0x00007FF7B2500000-0x00007FF7B260B000-memory.dmp autoit_exe -
Drops autorun.inf file 1 TTPs 1 IoCs
Malware can abuse Windows Autorun to spread further via attached volumes.
description ioc Process File opened for modification C:\windows\BITLOC~1\autorun.inf cmd.exe -
Drops file in Windows directory 64 IoCs
description ioc Process File opened for modification C:\windows\INF\TermService\tslabels.h cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Fonts\jsmallf.fon cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Fonts\serifft.fon cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Fonts\YuGothR.ttc cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\INF\miradisp.inf cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\INF\sdstor.inf cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Installer\$PATCH~1\Managed\68AB67~1\157~1.200\ACROPD~2.DLL cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Media\Ring08.wav cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\diagnostics\system\Bluetooth\RC_DriverProblem.ps1 cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\diagnostics\system\Power\TS_IdleDiskTimeout.ps1 cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\diagnostics\system\WINDOW~1\ja-JP\CL_LocalizationData.psd1 cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\IME\IMEJP\Assets\JpnImeModeToast.png cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Installer\$PATCH~1\Managed\1D5E3C~1\100~1.402\F_B2C0~1 cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Logs\WAASME~1\WA4A66~1.ETL cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\BITLOC~1\fr-FR_BitLockerToGo.exe.mui cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Boot\Resources\de-DE\bootres.dll.mui cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\diagnostics\system\IESecurity\TS_PhishingFilter.ps1 cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\ImmersiveControlPanel\images\AppsRtl.png cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\INF\wsearchidxpi\idxcntrs.h cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\diagnostics\system\Apps\de-DE\CL_LocalizationData.psd1 cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\diagnostics\system\Printer\RS_RestartSpoolerService.ps1 cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\INF\nulhpopr.inf cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Installer\$PATCH~1\Managed\68AB67~1\157~1.200\AcroPDF.dll cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Fonts\smallet.fon cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\InputMethod\CHS\ChsPinyinDM06.lex cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Installer\$PATCH~1\Managed\68AB67~1\157~1.200\ADOBEC~1.EXE cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Cursors\aero_busy.ani cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Cursors\aero_nesw_l.cur cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\diagnostics\system\Audio\en-US\DiagPackage.dll.mui cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\diagnostics\system\Power\it-IT\RS_Adjustwirelessadaptersettings.psd1 cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\diagnostics\system\Printer\RS_StartSpoolerService.ps1 cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\INF\wvmbusvideo.inf cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Media\Characters cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Cursors\ns.svg cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\diagnostics\system\Apps\RC_WSReset.ps1 cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\diagnostics\system\Device\CL_DetectingDevice.ps1 cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Fonts\ntailu.ttf cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\INF\nete1e3e.inf cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Fonts\ega40857.fon cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\INF\SMSVCH~1.0\0000\_SMSvcHostPerfCounters_D.ini cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Media\Windows Hardware Insert.wav cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\assembly\pubpol24.dat cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\BITLOC~1\da-DK_BitLockerToGo.exe.mui cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\BITLOC~1\et-EE_BitLockerToGo.exe.mui cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Boot\PCAT\nb-NO\bootmgr.exe.mui cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\diagnostics\system\Printer\RS_PrinterDriver.ps1 cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\INF\c_mediumchanger.inf cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\INF\netax88772.inf cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Installer\{AC76B~1\FDFFIL~1.ICO cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Boot\EFI\pt-PT\memtest.efi.mui cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Boot\PCAT\en-US\bootmgr.exe.mui cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\diagnostics\system\DeviceCenter\TS_DeviceCenter.ps1 cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Fonts\vgas1255.fon cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Globalization\Sorting\SortServer2003Compat.nls cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Media\Invoke_48000Hz.raw cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\INF\RemoteAccess\0000\rasctrs.ini cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\INF\wvmic_shutdown.inf cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\diagnostics\system\IEBrowseWeb\uk-UA\RS_Resetpagesyncpolicy.psd1 cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Fonts\s8514sys.fon cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\INF\c_fscompression.inf cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\INF\mdmdf56f.inf cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\INF\MSDTCB~1.0\0411\_TransactionBridgePerfCounters_D.ini cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Installer\ea9f.msp cmd.exe File opened for modification C:\windows\Boot\EFI\it-IT\memtest.efi.mui cmd.exe -
Checks SCSI registry key(s) 3 TTPs 6 IoCs
SCSI information is often read in order to detect sandboxing environments.
description ioc Process Key value queried \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\SCSI\Disk&Ven_DADY&Prod_HARDDISK\4&215468a5&0&000000\FriendlyName taskmgr.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\SCSI\Disk&Ven_DADY&Prod_HARDDISK\4&215468a5&0&000000 taskmgr.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\SCSI\Disk&Ven_DADY&Prod_HARDDISK\4&215468a5&0&000000\Properties\{b725f130-47ef-101a-a5f1-02608c9eebac}\000A taskmgr.exe Key value queried \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\SCSI\Disk&Ven_DADY&Prod_HARDDISK\4&215468a5&0&000000\FriendlyName taskmgr.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\SCSI\Disk&Ven_DADY&Prod_HARDDISK\4&215468a5&0&000000 taskmgr.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\SCSI\Disk&Ven_DADY&Prod_HARDDISK\4&215468a5&0&000000\Properties\{b725f130-47ef-101a-a5f1-02608c9eebac}\000A taskmgr.exe -
Enumerates system info in registry 2 TTPs 3 IoCs
description ioc Process Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS msedge.exe Key value queried \REGISTRY\MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS\SystemManufacturer msedge.exe Key value queried \REGISTRY\MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS\SystemProductName msedge.exe -
Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses 64 IoCs
pid Process 3504 CS2 Bhop_[]_.exe 3504 CS2 Bhop_[]_.exe 3504 CS2 Bhop_[]_.exe 3504 CS2 Bhop_[]_.exe 3504 CS2 Bhop_[]_.exe 3504 CS2 Bhop_[]_.exe 3504 CS2 Bhop_[]_.exe 3504 CS2 Bhop_[]_.exe 3504 CS2 Bhop_[]_.exe 3504 CS2 Bhop_[]_.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 776 msedge.exe 776 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe 3900 taskmgr.exe -
Suspicious behavior: NtCreateUserProcessBlockNonMicrosoftBinary 2 IoCs
pid Process 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe -
Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken 10 IoCs
description pid Process Token: SeDebugPrivilege 4588 taskmgr.exe Token: SeSystemProfilePrivilege 4588 taskmgr.exe Token: SeCreateGlobalPrivilege 4588 taskmgr.exe Token: SeSecurityPrivilege 4588 taskmgr.exe Token: SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege 4588 taskmgr.exe Token: 33 4588 taskmgr.exe Token: SeIncBasePriorityPrivilege 4588 taskmgr.exe Token: SeDebugPrivilege 3900 taskmgr.exe Token: SeSystemProfilePrivilege 3900 taskmgr.exe Token: SeCreateGlobalPrivilege 3900 taskmgr.exe -
Suspicious use of FindShellTrayWindow 64 IoCs
pid Process 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe -
Suspicious use of SendNotifyMessage 64 IoCs
pid Process 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 4588 taskmgr.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe 2016 msedge.exe -
Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory 64 IoCs
description pid Process procid_target PID 2016 wrote to memory of 1156 2016 msedge.exe 103 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 1156 2016 msedge.exe 103 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 4376 2016 msedge.exe 104 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 776 2016 msedge.exe 105 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 776 2016 msedge.exe 105 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 2320 2016 msedge.exe 106 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 2320 2016 msedge.exe 106 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 2320 2016 msedge.exe 106 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 2320 2016 msedge.exe 106 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 2320 2016 msedge.exe 106 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 2320 2016 msedge.exe 106 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 2320 2016 msedge.exe 106 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 2320 2016 msedge.exe 106 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 2320 2016 msedge.exe 106 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 2320 2016 msedge.exe 106 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 2320 2016 msedge.exe 106 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 2320 2016 msedge.exe 106 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 2320 2016 msedge.exe 106 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 2320 2016 msedge.exe 106 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 2320 2016 msedge.exe 106 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 2320 2016 msedge.exe 106 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 2320 2016 msedge.exe 106 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 2320 2016 msedge.exe 106 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 2320 2016 msedge.exe 106 PID 2016 wrote to memory of 2320 2016 msedge.exe 106
C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\CS2 Bhop_[]_.exe"C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\CS2 Bhop_[]_.exe"1⤵
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
C:\Windows\system32\taskmgr.exe"C:\Windows\system32\taskmgr.exe" /41⤵
- Checks SCSI registry key(s)
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
- Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken
- Suspicious use of FindShellTrayWindow
- Suspicious use of SendNotifyMessage
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --profile-directory=Default1⤵
- Enumerates system info in registry
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
- Suspicious behavior: NtCreateUserProcessBlockNonMicrosoftBinary
- Suspicious use of FindShellTrayWindow
- Suspicious use of SendNotifyMessage
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2016 -
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=crashpad-handler "--user-data-dir=C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data" /prefetch:7 --monitor-self-annotation=ptype=crashpad-handler "--database=C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Crashpad" "--metrics-dir=C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data" --annotation=IsOfficialBuild=1 --annotation=channel= --annotation=chromium-version=92.0.4515.131 "--annotation=exe=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --annotation=plat=Win64 "--annotation=prod=Microsoft Edge" --annotation=ver=92.0.902.67 --initial-client-data=0xfc,0x100,0x104,0xd8,0x108,0x7ffaeae546f8,0x7ffaeae54708,0x7ffaeae547182⤵PID:1156
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=gpu-process --field-trial-handle=2124,12904073445041192337,4686067208016480126,131072 --gpu-preferences=UAAAAAAAAADgAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABgAAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHgAAAAAAAAAeAAAAAAAAAAoAAAABAAAACAAAAAAAAAAKAAAAAAAAAAwAAAAAAAAADgAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADQAAABAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAA0AAAAQAAAAAAAAAAQAAAANAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAHAAAADQAAAAgAAAAAAAAACAAAAAAAAAA= --mojo-platform-channel-handle=2136 /prefetch:22⤵PID:4376
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=utility --utility-sub-type=network.mojom.NetworkService --field-trial-handle=2124,12904073445041192337,4686067208016480126,131072 --lang=en-US --service-sandbox-type=none --mojo-platform-channel-handle=2188 /prefetch:32⤵
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=utility --utility-sub-type=storage.mojom.StorageService --field-trial-handle=2124,12904073445041192337,4686067208016480126,131072 --lang=en-US --service-sandbox-type=utility --mojo-platform-channel-handle=2860 /prefetch:82⤵PID:2320
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=renderer --field-trial-handle=2124,12904073445041192337,4686067208016480126,131072 --lang=en-US --disable-client-side-phishing-detection --device-scale-factor=1 --num-raster-threads=4 --enable-main-frame-before-activation --renderer-client-id=6 --no-v8-untrusted-code-mitigations --mojo-platform-channel-handle=3304 /prefetch:12⤵PID:4212
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --type=renderer --field-trial-handle=2124,12904073445041192337,4686067208016480126,131072 --lang=en-US --disable-client-side-phishing-detection --instant-process --device-scale-factor=1 --num-raster-threads=4 --enable-main-frame-before-activation --renderer-client-id=5 --no-v8-untrusted-code-mitigations --mojo-platform-channel-handle=3320 /prefetch:12⤵PID:1084
C:\Windows\System32\CompPkgSrv.exeC:\Windows\System32\CompPkgSrv.exe -Embedding1⤵PID:4012
C:\Windows\System32\CompPkgSrv.exeC:\Windows\System32\CompPkgSrv.exe -Embedding1⤵PID:2492
C:\Windows\system32\taskmgr.exe"C:\Windows\system32\taskmgr.exe" /41⤵
- Checks SCSI registry key(s)
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
- Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken
- Drops autorun.inf file
- Drops file in Windows directory
MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise v15
Replay Monitor
Loading Replay Monitor...