Static task
URLScan task
Malware Config
Ransom Note
background-color: #3366CC;
h1 {
background-color: RGB(249, 201, 16);
p {
background-color: maroon;
color: white;
<h1><b> Attention ! All your files </b> have been encrypted. </h1></br>
Due encrypting was used algoritm RSA-4096 and AES-256, used for protection military secrets.</br>
That means > RESTORE YOU DATA POSIBLE ONLY BUYING decryption passwords from us.</br>
Getting a decryption of your files is - SIMPLY task.</br></br>
That all what you need:</br>
1. Sent Your ID_KEY on mailbox [email protected] or [email protected] </br>
2. For test, decrypt 2 small files, to be sure that we can decrypt you files.</br>
3. Pay our services. </br>
4. GET software with passwords for decrypt you files.</br>
5. Make measures to prevent this type situations again.</br></br>
Do not try restore files without our help, this is useless, and can destroy you data permanetly.</br></br>
IMPORTANT(2) </br>
We Cant hold you decryption passwords forever. </br>ALL DECRYPTION PASSWORDS, for what wasn`t we receive reward, will destroy after week of moment of encryption.
<p> Your ID_KEY: <br>
<table width="1024" border="0">
Ransom Note
background-color: #3366CC;
h1 {
background-color: RGB(249, 201, 16);
p {
background-color: maroon;
color: white;
<h1><b> Attention ! All your files </b> have been encrypted. </h1></br>
Due encrypting was used algoritm RSA-4096 and AES-256, used for protection military secrets.</br>
That means > RESTORE YOU DATA POSIBLE ONLY BUYING decryption passwords from us.</br>
Getting a decryption of your files is - SIMPLY task.</br></br>
That all what you need:</br>
1. Sent Your ID_KEY on mailbox [email protected] or [email protected] </br>
2. For test, decrypt 2 small files, to be sure that we can decrypt you files.</br>
3. Pay our services. </br>
4. GET software with passwords for decrypt you files.</br>
5. Make measures to prevent this type situations again.</br></br>
Do not try restore files without our help, this is useless, and can destroy you data permanetly.</br></br>
IMPORTANT(2) </br>
We Cant hold you decryption passwords forever. </br>ALL DECRYPTION PASSWORDS, for what wasn`t we receive reward, will destroy after week of moment of encryption.
<p> Your ID_KEY: <br>
<table width="1024" border="0">
Ransom Note
background-color: #3366CC;
h1 {
background-color: RGB(249, 201, 16);
p {
background-color: maroon;
color: white;
<h1><b> Attention ! All your files </b> have been encrypted. </h1></br>
Due encrypting was used algoritm RSA-4096 and AES-256, used for protection military secrets.</br>
That means > RESTORE YOU DATA POSIBLE ONLY BUYING decryption passwords from us.</br>
Getting a decryption of your files is - SIMPLY task.</br></br>
That all what you need:</br>
1. Sent Your ID_KEY on mailbox [email protected] or [email protected] </br>
2. For test, decrypt 2 small files, to be sure that we can decrypt you files.</br>
3. Pay our services. </br>
4. GET software with passwords for decrypt you files.</br>
5. Make measures to prevent this type situations again.</br></br>
Do not try restore files without our help, this is useless, and can destroy you data permanetly.</br></br>
IMPORTANT(2) </br>
We Cant hold you decryption passwords forever. </br>ALL DECRYPTION PASSWORDS, for what wasn`t we receive reward, will destroy after week of moment of encryption.
<p> Your ID_KEY: <br>
<table width="1024" border="0">
Renames multiple (5243) files with added filename extension
This suggests ransomware activity of encrypting all the files on the system.
Disables Task Manager via registry modification
Drops file in Drivers directory
Checks computer location settings
Looks up country code configured in the registry, likely geofence.
Drops startup file
Executes dropped EXE
Drops Chrome extension
Legitimate hosting services abused for malware hosting/C2
Drops file in System32 directory
Sets desktop wallpaper using registry