
05-02-2025 11:14

250205-nb82wsvral 1

17-09-2024 18:15

240917-wwdeqaxclh 3

17-09-2024 18:12

240917-wtgpcsxbmh 3

17-09-2024 18:09

240917-wrmslaxbkl 8

17-09-2024 18:08

240917-wqx7yaxajf 3

16-09-2024 14:30

240916-rt67sssfjm 10


  • Target


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  • Sample


  • MD5


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  • SHA512




Malware Config



C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{4d8dcf8c-a72a-43e1-9833-c12724db736e}\ReadMe.txt

Ransom Note
Gentlemen! Your business is at serios risk . There is a significant hole in the security system of your company. We have easily penetrated your network. You should thank the Lord for being hacked by serios people not some stupid schoolboys or dangerous punks. They can damage all your important data just for fun. All files on each host in the network have been encrypted with a strong algorithm Now your files are crypted with the strongest millitary algorithms RSA4096 and AES-256. No one can help you to restore files without our special decoder. Photorec, RannoDecryptor etc. repair tools Are useless and can destroy your files irreversibly. If you want to restore your files write to emails (contacts are at the bottom of the sheet ) and attach 2 encrypted files (Less than 5 Mb each, non-archived and your files should not contain valuable information (Databases, backups, large excel sheets, etc. )) You will receive decrypted samples and our conditions how to get the decoder. Please don't forget to write the name of your company in the subject of your e-mail. You have to pay for decryption in Bitcoins. The final price depends on how fast you write to us. Every day of delay will cost you additional BTC Nothing personal just business As soon as we get bitcoins you'll get all your decrypted data back. Moreover you will get instructions how to close the hole in security and how to avoid such problems in the future we will recommend you special software that makes the most problems to hackers. Attention! One more time ! Do not rename encrypted files. Do not try to decrypt your data using third party software. P.S. Remember, we are not scammers. We dont need your files and your information. But after 2 weeks all your files and keys will be deleted automatically. Just send a request immediately after infection. All data will be restored absolutely. Your warranty - decrypted samples. Contact emails Primary email : [email protected] Secondary email : [email protected]



C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{ef5af41f-d68c-48f7-bfb0-5055718601fc}\ReadMe.txt

Ransom Note
Gentlemen! Your business is at serious risk . There is a significant hole in the security system of your company. We have easily penetrated your network. You should thank the Lord for being hacked by serious people not some stupid schoolboys or dangerous punks. They can damage all your important data just for fun. All files on each host in the network have been encrypted with a strong algorithm No one can help you to restore files without our special decoder. If you want to restore your files write to emails (contacts are at the bottom of the sheet ) and attach 2 encrypted files (Less than 5 Mb each, non-archived and your files should not contain valuable information (Databases, backups, large excel sheets, etc. )) You will receive decrypted samples and our conditions how to get the decoder. Please don't forget to write the name of your company in the subject of your e-mail. You have to pay for decryption in Bitcoins. The final price depends on how fast you write to us. Every day of delay will cost you additional BTC Nothing personal just business As soon as we get bitcoins you'll get all your decrypted data back. Moreover you will get instructions how to close the hole in security and how to avoid such problems in the future we will recommend you special software that makes the most problems to hackers. Attention! One more time ! Do not rename encrypted files. Do not try to decrypt your data using third party software. P.S. Remember, we are not scammers. We don't need your files and your information. But after 2 weeks all your files and keys will be deleted automatically. Just send a request immediately after infection. All data will be restored absolutely. Your warranty - decrypted samples. Contact emails Primary email : [email protected] Secondary email : [email protected]










Ransom Note
~+ * + ' BLACK | () .-.,='``'=. - o - '=/_ \ | * | '=._ | \ `=./`, ' . '=.__.=' `=' * + Matter + O * ' . >>> What happens? Your network is encrypted, and currently not operational. We need only money, after payment we will give you a decryptor for the entire network and you will restore all the data. >>> What data stolen? From your network was stole 500 GB of data. If you do not contact us we will publish all your data in our blog and will send it to the biggest mass media. Blog post link: http://blackmax7su6mbwtcyo3xwtpfxpm356jjqrs34y4crcytpw7mifuedyd.onion/WBO0PqltgJ/46f53c1a25a576184e0429cd24bfcd36 >>> What guarantees? We are not a politically motivated group and we do not need anything other than your money. If you pay, we will provide you the programs for decryption and we will delete your data. If we do not give you decrypters or we do not delete your data, no one will pay us in the future, this does not comply with our goals. We always keep our promises. >> How to contact with us? 1. Download and install TOR Browser ( 2. Open http://supp24yy6a66hwszu2piygicgwzdtbwftb76htfj7vnip3getgqnzxid.onion/LA60VOT96UX8HHOG >> Warning! Recovery recommendations. We strongly recommend you to do not MODIFY or REPAIR your files, that will damage them.






Ransom Note
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN' ''> <html> <head> <meta charset='windows-1251'> <title>encrypted</title> <HTA:APPLICATION ICON='msiexec.exe' SINGLEINSTANCE='yes' SysMenu="no"> <script language='JScript'> window.moveTo(50, 50); window.resizeTo(screen.width - 100, screen.height - 100); </script> <style type='text/css'> body { font: 15px Tahoma, sans-serif; margin: 10px; line-height: 25px; background: #EDEDED; } img { display:inline-block; } .bold { font-weight: bold; } .mark { background: #D0D0E8; padding: 2px 5px; } .header { text-align: center; font-size: 30px; line-height: 50px; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom:20px; } .info { background: #D0D0E8; border-left: 10px solid #00008B; } .alert { background: #FFE4E4; border-left: 10px solid #FF0000; } .private { border: 1px dashed #000; background: #FFFFEF; } .note { height: auto; padding-bottom: 1px; margin: 15px 0; } .note .title { font-weight: bold; text-indent: 10px; height: 30px; line-height: 30px; padding-top: 10px; } .note .mark { background: #A2A2B5; } .note ul { margin-top: 0; } .note pre { margin-left: 15px; line-height: 13px; font-size: 13px; } .footer { position:fixed; bottom:0; right:0; text-align: right; } </style> </head> <body> <div class='header'> <img src=''> <div>All your files have been encrypted!</div> </div> <div class='bold'>All your files have been encrypted. If you want to restore them, write to us by e-mail: <span class='mark'>[email protected]</span></div> <div class='bold'>Write this ID in the title of your message: <span class='mark'>809AF621-3240</span></div> <div class='bold'>To increase the likelihood of receiving a response to your request, also duplicate your letters to the following e-mails: <span class='mark'>[email protected] and [email protected]</span></div> <div class='bold'>For quick and convenient feedback, write to the online operator in the Wire messenger: <span class='mark'>@sewzok</span></div> <div class='bold'>(The username of the Wire account must be exactly the same as above,beware of fake accounts.)</div> <div> You have to pay for decryption in Bitcoins. The price depends on how fast you write to us. After payment we will send you the tool that will decrypt all your files. </div> <div class='note info'> <div class='title'>Free decryption as guarantee</div> <ul>Before paying you can send us up to 5 files for free decryption. The total size of files must be less than 4Mb (non archived), and files should not contain valuable information. (databases,backups, large excel sheets, etc.) </ul> </div> <div class='note alert'> <div class='title'>Attention!</div> <ul> <li>To get guaranteed assistance in decrypting your files, please contact only the contacts indicated in this note, otherwise we are not responsible for the decryption!</li> <li>Do not rename encrypted files.</li> <li>Do not try to decrypt your data using third-party software, as this may result in irreversible data loss.</li> <li>Decrypting your files with the help of third parties may increase the price (they add their fee to ours) or you risk losing money without receiving files decryption in return.</li> <li>!!! When contacting third parties, we do not give a guarantee for decryption of your files !!!</li> </ul> </div> <div class='note info'> <div class='title'>How to obtain Bitcoins</div> <ul> The easiest way to buy bitcoins is LocalBitcoins site. You have to register, click 'Buy bitcoins', and select the seller by payment method and price. <br><a href=''></a> <br> Also you can find other places to buy Bitcoins and beginners guide here: <br><a href=''></a> </ul> </div> </body> </html>

class='mark'>[email protected]</span></div>

class='mark'>[email protected]

[email protected]</span></div>



    • Target


    • Size


    • MD5


    • SHA1


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    • SSDEEP


    • AgentTesla

      Agent Tesla is a remote access tool (RAT) written in visual basic.

    • BlackMatter Ransomware

      BlackMatter ransomware group claims to be Darkside and REvil succesor.

    • Detected Mount Locker ransomware

    • Detects Zeppelin payload

    • GandCrab payload

    • Gandcrab

      Gandcrab is a Trojan horse that encrypts files on a computer.

    • Modifies WinLogon for persistence

    • MountLocker Ransomware

      Ransomware family first seen in late 2020, which threatens to leak files if ransom is not paid.

    • Zeppelin Ransomware

      Ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) written in Delphi and first seen in 2019.

    • njRAT/Bladabindi

      Widely used RAT written in .NET.

    • AgentTesla payload

    • Deletes shadow copies

      Ransomware often targets backup files to inhibit system recovery.

    • Modifies boot configuration data using bcdedit

    • Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell

      Run Powershell to modify Windows Defender settings to add exclusions for file extensions, paths, and processes.

    • Deletes backup catalog

      Uses wbadmin.exe to inhibit system recovery.

    • Disables Task Manager via registry modification

    • Modifies Windows Firewall

    • Possible privilege escalation attempt

    • ASPack v2.12-2.42

      Detects executables packed with ASPack v2.12-2.42

    • Checks computer location settings

      Looks up country code configured in the registry, likely geofence.

    • Executes dropped EXE

    • Modifies file permissions

    • UPX packed file

      Detects executables packed with UPX/modified UPX open source packer.

    • Adds Run key to start application

    • Enumerates connected drives

      Attempts to read the root path of hard drives other than the default C: drive.

    • Indicator Removal: File Deletion

      Adversaries may delete files left behind by the actions of their intrusion activity.

    • Legitimate hosting services abused for malware hosting/C2

    • Looks up external IP address via web service

      Uses a legitimate IP lookup service to find the infected system's external IP.

    • Uses Tor communications

      Malware can proxy its traffic through Tor for more anonymity.

    • Sets desktop wallpaper using registry

MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise v15
