
  • Target

  • Sample


Malware Config


    • Target

    • Drops file in Drivers directory

    • Manipulates Digital Signatures

      Attackers can apply techniques such as modifying certain DLL exports to make their binary seem valid.

    • Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Print Processors

      Adversaries may abuse print processors to run malicious DLLs during system boot for persistence and/or privilege escalation.

    • Loads dropped DLL

    • Adds Run key to start application

    • Enumerates connected drives

      Attempts to read the root path of hard drives other than the default C: drive.

    • Legitimate hosting services abused for malware hosting/C2

    • Writes to the Master Boot Record (MBR)

      Bootkits write to the MBR to gain persistence at a level below the operating system.

    • Drops file in System32 directory

    • Modifies termsrv.dll

      Commonly used to allow simultaneous RDP sessions.

MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise v15
