Windows 7 deprecation

Windows 7 will be removed from on 2025-03-31


  • Target


  • Size


  • Sample


  • MD5


  • SHA1


  • SHA256


  • SHA512




Malware Config











  • delay


  • install


  • install_file


  • install_folder





C:\Users\Admin\Documents\OneNote Notebooks\q87E3_readme_.txt



Ransom Note
-------=== Your network has been infected! ===------- ***************** DO NOT DELETE THIS FILE UNTIL ALL YOUR DATA HAVE BEEN RECOVERED ***************** All your documents, photos, databases and other important files have been encrypted and have the extension: .abadeCeEcB You are not able to decrypt it by yourself. But don't worry, we can help you to restore all your files! The only way to restore your files is to buy our special software. Only we can give you this software and only we can restore your files! We have also downloaded a lot of private data from your network. If you do not contact as in a 3 days we will post information about your breach on our public news website and after 7 days the whole downloaded info. You can get more information on our page, which is located in a Tor hidden network. How to get to our page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 1. Download Tor browser - | | 2. Install Tor browser | | 3. Open link in Tor browser - avaddonbotrxmuyl.onion | | 4. Follow the instructions on this page | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your ID: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 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 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * DO NOT TRY TO RECOVER FILES YOURSELF! * DO NOT MODIFY ENCRYPTED FILES! * * * OTHERWISE, YOU MAY LOSE ALL YOUR FILES FOREVER! * * * cjOjUmTAPQbSe







Ransom Note
-------=== Your network has been infected! ===------- ***************** DO NOT DELETE THIS FILE UNTIL ALL YOUR DATA HAVE BEEN RECOVERED ***************** All your documents, photos, databases and other important files have been encrypted and have the extension: .abadeCeEcB You are not able to decrypt it by yourself. But don't worry, we can help you to restore all your files! The only way to restore your files is to buy our special software. Only we can give you this software and only we can restore your files! We have also downloaded a lot of private data from your network. If you do not contact as in a 3 days we will post information about your breach on our public news website and after 7 days the whole downloaded info. You can get more information on our page, which is located in a Tor hidden network. How to get to our page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 1. Download Tor browser - | | 2. Install Tor browser | | 3. Open link in Tor browser - avaddonbotrxmuyl.onion | | 4. Follow the instructions on this page | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your ID: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 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 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * DO NOT TRY TO RECOVER FILES YOURSELF! * DO NOT MODIFY ENCRYPTED FILES! * * * OTHERWISE, YOU MAY LOSE ALL YOUR FILES FOREVER! * * * yLV5pyFyl2J10A94







Ransom Note
-------=== Your network has been infected! ===------- ***************** DO NOT DELETE THIS FILE UNTIL ALL YOUR DATA HAVE BEEN RECOVERED ***************** All your documents, photos, databases and other important files have been encrypted and have the extension: .abadeCeEcB You are not able to decrypt it by yourself. But don't worry, we can help you to restore all your files! The only way to restore your files is to buy our special software. Only we can give you this software and only we can restore your files! We have also downloaded a lot of private data from your network. If you do not contact as in a 3 days we will post information about your breach on our public news website and after 7 days the whole downloaded info. You can get more information on our page, which is located in a Tor hidden network. How to get to our page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 1. Download Tor browser - | | 2. Install Tor browser | | 3. Open link in Tor browser - avaddonbotrxmuyl.onion | | 4. Follow the instructions on this page | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your ID: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 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 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * DO NOT TRY TO RECOVER FILES YOURSELF! * DO NOT MODIFY ENCRYPTED FILES! * * * OTHERWISE, YOU MAY LOSE ALL YOUR FILES FOREVER! * * * Kx6SdBYHbe16sbH6uN8







Ransom Note
-------=== Your network has been infected! ===------- ***************** DO NOT DELETE THIS FILE UNTIL ALL YOUR DATA HAVE BEEN RECOVERED ***************** All your documents, photos, databases and other important files have been encrypted and have the extension: .abadeCeEcB You are not able to decrypt it by yourself. But don't worry, we can help you to restore all your files! The only way to restore your files is to buy our special software. Only we can give you this software and only we can restore your files! We have also downloaded a lot of private data from your network. If you do not contact as in a 3 days we will post information about your breach on our public news website and after 7 days the whole downloaded info. You can get more information on our page, which is located in a Tor hidden network. How to get to our page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 1. Download Tor browser - | | 2. Install Tor browser | | 3. Open link in Tor browser - avaddonbotrxmuyl.onion | | 4. Follow the instructions on this page | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your ID: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 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 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * DO NOT TRY TO RECOVER FILES YOURSELF! * DO NOT MODIFY ENCRYPTED FILES! * * * OTHERWISE, YOU MAY LOSE ALL YOUR FILES FOREVER! * * * XiJfJa8PHsRD7x3gluy0HlSP3m







Ransom Note
-------=== Your network has been infected! ===------- ***************** DO NOT DELETE THIS FILE UNTIL ALL YOUR DATA HAVE BEEN RECOVERED ***************** All your documents, photos, databases and other important files have been encrypted and have the extension: .abadeCeEcB You are not able to decrypt it by yourself. But don't worry, we can help you to restore all your files! The only way to restore your files is to buy our special software. Only we can give you this software and only we can restore your files! We have also downloaded a lot of private data from your network. If you do not contact as in a 3 days we will post information about your breach on our public news website and after 7 days the whole downloaded info. You can get more information on our page, which is located in a Tor hidden network. How to get to our page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 1. Download Tor browser - | | 2. Install Tor browser | | 3. Open link in Tor browser - avaddonbotrxmuyl.onion | | 4. Follow the instructions on this page | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your ID: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 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 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * DO NOT TRY TO RECOVER FILES YOURSELF! * DO NOT MODIFY ENCRYPTED FILES! * * * OTHERWISE, YOU MAY LOSE ALL YOUR FILES FOREVER! * * * uqQ2emuC7U9ITNhiwRO7SQ4QQwoiD







Ransom Note
---=== Welcome. Again. ===--- [+] Whats Happen? [+] Your files are encrypted, and currently unavailable. You can check it: all files on your system has extension 9597fr48. By the way, everything is possible to recover (restore), but you need to follow our instructions. Otherwise, you cant return your data (NEVER). [+] What guarantees? [+] Its just a business. We absolutely do not care about you and your deals, except getting benefits. If we do not do our work and liabilities - nobody will not cooperate with us. Its not in our interests. To check the ability of returning files, You should go to our website. There you can decrypt one file for free. That is our guarantee. If you will not cooperate with our service - for us, its does not matter. But you will lose your time and data, cause just we have the private key. In practise - time is much more valuable than money. [+] How to get access on website? [+] You have two ways: 1) [Recommended] Using a TOR browser! a) Download and install TOR browser from this site: b) Open our website: http://aplebzu47wgazapdqks6vrcv6zcnjppkbxbr6wketf56nf6aq2nmyoyd.onion/FA3B0F6938582C86 2) If TOR blocked in your country, try to use VPN! But you can use our secondary website. For this: a) Open your any browser (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE, Edge) b) Open our secondary website: Warning: secondary website can be blocked, thats why first variant much better and more available. When you open our website, put the following data in the input form: Key: jmqo2DL1Uys30yDJ2GWkVJjnedeP45xeHcW45uNqvPiTbIwdUN3CkPHBjpk8xOdD CLuqbjFTklTabb6CAF+9T2gQvUykJL0vxszEBNwf+eUbBfQnmNXFMHJVo2yR7un6 de8JnlPZ9Zigl6AlrCsLvR9Hav7gUGuhQwsE2yeB/OfUxJ3wZVn9qEji7WBQsrYu WWfe1lhghYXQnbM9cJzBvg5j3v/5ZSdKfOoNVzQZg9oPMFasJW2Mug/GzSPiwwrk OSdr3FHV/tdN3xQ5K4H4UOobR1LajutSGYicA0tuSrIajrrxlxsPWhdJKSr6hmXr ZO8zt02HviNspmT6wDyuctdV9L52mRyRRG4abUTPhSiPWAQw3gqi08bM/+ol8JAs WFxcNdwYz0RwnSjRYnJzBUlpfaoU5HOZ/hlI80wakraqgqlqkUnt/ucHBNj+Gi82 Ixb7E0Yww8Sm1v7iV7TacZsUdLd5+4BthpbHdO5/EJWL4Dnylix1cc9Wt6RTxmti AJEazUzYPxrfn0low0vcgK/HCPizEbvirK9XlvfKD1+PmRS6k7rW0qKXsG2HFy6j qXEhkamYHovwltb8HNcL+WstdMUwXTLP3hZsa0Y0tQ/LP7gQlxqXiQfF0E/8m5yJ x04CCDcYkqO2eGI2tOhqw5OKPlSQggi2k8px+tHM2nQfAjfvnvCWP/CcmMdpbW/s OX3iTwas1XlVZieX7vcPy8ktlcsOSXOFGQoI2Dm2/9iI06XmO0Z8SbZCzH8VabHV cLUjlGliQisVKRVPgzNIiicQxvtyxpTLqkOxa8aL0vhcjj2b+SehJneIlQWyvtYH YGbrM1hS3VSEqdVVMcYDt+aUcHqk3T4UbnzVVGeXHL2BgBdpAkGsx5m79xrc0gGX t/erlHmYGWxuEnIYEME9bM3G7EAB0ILh2vdVqIoaE+ed2T0k/f6tRi/fRoXvTKgH PT8Z1PZAqnPvRE7UPO9lyAebG10sWek7t6go/DzDkSasfmyAXiNHj+gkNBiHHT+2 pwAUJVOxeednsoJ/GktHqbyzMOpPkNxJe5Yw/YqkUH47clBpNK1qR0DJ+Z0HxkT8 TFoEhYCXH+s6Ph84LnueWHUtBo03lIZ610CMMRc9xhGW25QyhfEyxiAwC/eWzD7r oqnR2wRv1CDXLxUcn74K6l876I9eD4Kl1ueevnhvZLAgLiW0zPEd3e3qj/QixKpY QkFCCl6zW+rbuP4mRzdm/UxFN/wUuBzoh6Q4OdXXe2aLDuNygOGAPzrvpl2zO+Hf YXdW6SWday/wH/BeZDVxr9c1xwr2SUGo6dl9o1FeNCvTyZbAotlTLvLpv3cvwwH4 UBeeWP465IwhwOfIM+3pLuIb9XIUOQMEWLt5wMvSEZ1iMgHFzAsq95LxtOW8Q/0Y RR8iiZaoq37l2kGeuX5WTJ1nD5r33hdj7MEbMNwohMkKMig+9LtipXHlgRm3Ju4X cGI= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !!! DANGER !!! DONT try to change files by yourself, DONT use any third party software for restoring your data or antivirus solutions - its may entail damge of the private key and, as result, The Loss all data. !!! !!! !!! ONE MORE TIME: Its in your interests to get your files back. From our side, we (the best specialists) make everything for restoring, but please should not interfere. !!! !!! !!!




C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\at\# DECRYPT MY FILES #.txt



Ransom Note
C E R B E R R A N S O M W A R E ######################################################################### Cannot you find the files you need? Is the content of the files that you looked for not readable? It is normal because the files' names, as well as the data in your files have been encrypted. Great! You have turned to be a part of a big community "#Cerber Ransomware". ######################################################################### !!! If you are reading this message it means the software "Cerber" has !!! been removed from your computer. !!! HTML instruction ("# DECRYPT MY FILES #.html") always contains a !!! working domain of your personal page! ######################################################################### What is encryption? ------------------- Encryption is a reversible modification of information for security reasons but providing full access to it for authorized users. To become an authorized user and keep the modification absolutely reversible (in other words to have a possibility to decrypt your files) you should have an individual private key. But not only it. It is required also to have the special decryption software (in your case "Cerber Decryptor" software) for safe and complete decryption of all your files and data. ######################################################################### Everything is clear for me but what should I do? ------------------------------------------------ The first step is reading these instructions to the end. Your files have been encrypted with the "Cerber Ransomware" software; the instructions ("# DECRYPT MY FILES #.html" and "# DECRYPT MY FILES #.txt") in the folders with your encrypted files are not viruses, they will help you. After reading this text the most part of people start searching in the Internet the words the "Cerber Ransomware" where they find a lot of ideas, recommendations and instructions. It is necessary to realize that we are the ones who closed the lock on your files and we are the only ones who have this secret key to open them. !!! Any attempts to get back your files with the third-party tools can !!! be fatal for your encrypted files. The most part of the third-party software change data within the encrypted file to restore it but this causes damage to the files. Finally it will be impossible to decrypt your files. When you make a puzzle, but some items are lost, broken or not put in its place - the puzzle items will never match, the same way the third-party software will ruin your files completely and irreversibly. You should realize that any intervention of the third-party software to restore files encrypted with the "Cerber Ransomware" software may be fatal for your files. ######################################################################### !!! There are several plain steps to restore your files but if you do !!! not follow them we will not be able to help you, and we will not try !!! since you have read this warning already. ######################################################################### For your information the software to decrypt your files (as well as the private key provided together) are paid products. After purchase of the software package you will be able to: 1. decrypt all your files; 2. work with your documents; 3. view your photos and other media; 4. continue your usual and comfortable work at the computer. If you understand all importance of the situation then we propose to you to go directly to your personal page where you will receive the complete instructions and guarantees to restore your files. ######################################################################### There is a list of temporary addresses to go on your personal page below: _______________________________________________________________________ | | 1. | | 2. | | 3. | | 4. | | 5. |_______________________________________________________________________ ######################################################################### What should you do with these addresses? ---------------------------------------- If you read the instructions in TXT format (if you have instruction in HTML (the file with an icon of your Internet browser) then the easiest way is to run it): 1. take a look at the first address (in this case it is; 2. select it with the mouse cursor holding the left mouse button and moving the cursor to the right; 3. release the left mouse button and press the right one; 4. select "Copy" in the appeared menu; 5. run your Internet browser (if you do not know what it is run the Internet Explorer); 6. move the mouse cursor to the address bar of the browser (this is the place where the site address is written); 7. click the right mouse button in the field where the site address is written; 8. select the button "Insert" in the appeared menu; 9. then you will see the address appeared there; 10. press ENTER; 11. the site should be loaded; if it is not loaded repeat the same instructions with the second address and continue until the last address if falling. If for some reason the site cannot be opened check the connection to the Internet; if the site still cannot be opened take a look at the instructions on omitting the point about working with the addresses in the HTML instructions. If you browse the instructions in HTML format: 1. click the left mouse button on the first address (in this case it is; 2. in a new tab or window of your web browser the site should be loaded; if it is not loaded repeat the same instructions with the second address and continue until the last address. If for some reason the site cannot be opened check the connection to the Internet. ######################################################################### Unfortunately these sites are short-term since the antivirus companies are interested in you do not have a chance to restore your files but continue to buy their products. Unlike them we are ready to help you always. If you need our help but the temporary sites are not available: 1. run your Internet browser (if you do not know what it is run the Internet Explorer); 2. enter or copy the address into the address bar of your browser and press ENTER; 3. wait for the site loading; 4. on the site you will be offered to download Tor Browser; download and run it, follow the installation instructions, wait until the installation is completed; 5. run Tor Browser; 6. connect with the button "Connect" (if you use the English version); 7. a normal Internet browser window will be opened after the initialization; 8. type or copy the address ________________________________________________________ | | | http://bqyjebfh25oellur.onion/68D2-9176-A03E-0072-8872 | |________________________________________________________| in this browser address bar; 9. press ENTER; 10. the site should be loaded; if for some reason the site is not loading wait for a moment and try again. If you have any problems during installation or operation of Tor Browser, please, visit and type request in the search bar "install tor browser windows" and you will find a lot of training videos about Tor Browser installation and operation. If TOR address is not available for a long period (2-3 days) it means you are late; usually you have about 2-3 weeks after reading the instructions to restore your files. ######################################################################### Additional information: You will find the instructions for restoring your files in those folders where you have your encrypted files only. The instructions are made in two file formats - HTML and TXT for your convenience. Unfortunately antivirus companies cannot protect or restore your files but they can make the situation worse removing the instructions how to restore your encrypted files. The instructions are not viruses; they have informative nature only, so any claims on the absence of any instruction files you can send to your antivirus company. ######################################################################### Cerber Ransomware Project is not malicious and is not intended to harm a person and his/her information data. The project is created for the sole purpose of instruction regarding information security, as well as certification of antivirus software for their suitability for data protection. Together we make the Internet a better and safer place. ######################################################################### If you look through this text in the Internet and realize that something is wrong with your files but you do not have any instructions to restore your files, please, contact your antivirus support. ######################################################################### Remember that the worst situation already happened and now it depends on your determination and speed of your actions the further life of your files.



    • Target


    • Size


    • MD5


    • SHA1


    • SHA256


    • SHA512


    • SSDEEP


    • AsyncRat

      AsyncRAT is designed to remotely monitor and control other computers written in C#.

    • Asyncrat family

    • Avaddon

      Ransomware-as-a-service first released in June 2020 and currently expanding its userbase among criminal actors.

    • Avaddon family

    • Cerber

      Cerber is a widely used ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS), first seen in 2017.

    • Cerber family

    • GandCrab payload

    • Gandcrab

      Gandcrab is a Trojan horse that encrypts files on a computer.

    • Gandcrab family

    • LimeRAT

      Simple yet powerful RAT for Windows machines written in .NET.

    • Limerat family

    • Sodin,Sodinokibi,REvil

      Ransomware with advanced anti-analysis and privilege escalation functionality.

    • Sodinokibi family

    • Async RAT payload

    • Deletes shadow copies

      Ransomware often targets backup files to inhibit system recovery.

    • Contacts a large (540) amount of remote hosts

      This may indicate a network scan to discover remotely running services.

    • ACProtect 1.3x - 1.4x DLL software

      Detects file using ACProtect software.

    • Checks computer location settings

      Looks up country code configured in the registry, likely geofence.

    • Deletes itself

    • Executes dropped EXE

    • Loads dropped DLL

    • Obfuscated with Agile.Net obfuscator

      Detects use of the Agile.Net commercial obfuscator, which is capable of entity renaming and control flow obfuscation.

    • Legitimate hosting services abused for malware hosting/C2

    • Looks up external IP address via web service

      Uses a legitimate IP lookup service to find the infected system's external IP.

    • Network Service Discovery

      Attempt to gather information on host's network.

    • UPX packed file

      Detects executables packed with UPX/modified UPX open source packer.

MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise v15
