max time kernel
120s -
max time network
95s -
windows10-2004_x64 -
win10v2004-20241007-en -
resource tags
arch:x64arch:x86image:win10v2004-20241007-enlocale:en-usos:windows10-2004-x64system -
22/11/2024, 22:46
Static task
Behavioral task
Malware Config
Blackmoon family
Detect Blackmoon payload 26 IoCs
resource yara_rule behavioral2/memory/1660-7-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/5056-12-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/4452-26-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/2748-32-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/1708-19-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/2716-39-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/4088-46-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/5032-54-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/3972-61-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/764-74-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/5052-68-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/4688-83-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/2936-93-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/1532-96-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/3692-102-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/2304-117-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/4136-109-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/1052-132-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/648-140-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/1952-144-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/2028-156-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/712-167-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/4952-180-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/3800-186-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/4364-202-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral2/memory/2664-204-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon -
Executes dropped EXE 64 IoCs
pid Process 5056 66822.exe 1708 5pppj.exe 4452 80640.exe 2748 0026404.exe 2716 06066.exe 4088 0626486.exe 5032 vjdpd.exe 3972 dppdp.exe 5052 1llxlfr.exe 764 s4648.exe 4688 rlfrllf.exe 2936 jdjdv.exe 1532 08004.exe 3692 602448.exe 4136 4884260.exe 2304 pjjvv.exe 3376 0808842.exe 3832 ppvvv.exe 1052 bhhbtn.exe 648 3dpjd.exe 1952 xrfrrlf.exe 1492 3dvjd.exe 2028 djjdd.exe 2648 3frlxrf.exe 712 vjjjd.exe 464 2048226.exe 4952 00264.exe 3800 hbhbbb.exe 2988 jppjd.exe 4364 dvpdv.exe 2664 vpjjj.exe 4620 080048.exe 4860 btbthh.exe 3000 e40044.exe 2152 26462.exe 1488 djjdp.exe 4868 dvpjj.exe 1672 5tbthb.exe 3492 446482.exe 392 28442.exe 1520 1xrlxrr.exe 1296 3bbtnn.exe 4872 w68822.exe 3052 2460882.exe 4960 3nhbtn.exe 3752 dpvpj.exe 4984 llxrffx.exe 4440 btnhhh.exe 4560 btnnbb.exe 744 4284888.exe 1524 s2844.exe 2740 4400404.exe 3468 80262.exe 1004 jvddv.exe 3500 pjpjv.exe 2716 lfxxfxf.exe 2816 bhnhhb.exe 3436 rllxrxf.exe 1156 2244400.exe 3972 66660.exe 2452 20664.exe 3408 26620.exe 2196 m8082.exe 5020 xflfrrl.exe -
resource yara_rule behavioral2/memory/1660-3-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/1660-7-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/5056-11-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/5056-12-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/4452-26-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/2748-32-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/1708-19-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/2716-39-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/4088-46-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/5032-54-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/3972-61-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/764-74-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/5052-68-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/4688-83-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/2936-93-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/1532-96-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/3692-102-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/2304-117-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/4136-109-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/1052-132-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/648-140-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/1952-144-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/2028-156-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/712-167-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/4952-180-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/3800-186-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/4364-202-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral2/memory/2664-204-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx -
System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery 1 TTPs 64 IoCs
Attempt gather information about the system language of a victim in order to infer the geographical location of that host.
description ioc Process Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language vjjjd.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language 00268.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language 0282604.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language pjpjv.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language nbtnhb.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language jvjjd.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language rrrfrlf.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language 20824.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language 4882648.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language s6826.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language 208226.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language ntbbhn.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language 1nhnhh.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language 606668.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language 3fxrrrx.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language a2004.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language 828260.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language xfxxrrl.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language tnnhtt.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language pdvpj.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language rlrllll.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language ppvpv.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language xllxllr.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language 1lrlrrx.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found -
Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory 64 IoCs
description pid Process procid_target PID 1660 wrote to memory of 5056 1660 fa3093a22c61d8d47fc4edcfe379a354444ddb840cb1d4101dc20333ce66f394.exe 82 PID 1660 wrote to memory of 5056 1660 fa3093a22c61d8d47fc4edcfe379a354444ddb840cb1d4101dc20333ce66f394.exe 82 PID 1660 wrote to memory of 5056 1660 fa3093a22c61d8d47fc4edcfe379a354444ddb840cb1d4101dc20333ce66f394.exe 82 PID 5056 wrote to memory of 1708 5056 66822.exe 83 PID 5056 wrote to memory of 1708 5056 66822.exe 83 PID 5056 wrote to memory of 1708 5056 66822.exe 83 PID 1708 wrote to memory of 4452 1708 5pppj.exe 84 PID 1708 wrote to memory of 4452 1708 5pppj.exe 84 PID 1708 wrote to memory of 4452 1708 5pppj.exe 84 PID 4452 wrote to memory of 2748 4452 80640.exe 85 PID 4452 wrote to memory of 2748 4452 80640.exe 85 PID 4452 wrote to memory of 2748 4452 80640.exe 85 PID 2748 wrote to memory of 2716 2748 0026404.exe 86 PID 2748 wrote to memory of 2716 2748 0026404.exe 86 PID 2748 wrote to memory of 2716 2748 0026404.exe 86 PID 2716 wrote to memory of 4088 2716 06066.exe 87 PID 2716 wrote to memory of 4088 2716 06066.exe 87 PID 2716 wrote to memory of 4088 2716 06066.exe 87 PID 4088 wrote to memory of 5032 4088 0626486.exe 88 PID 4088 wrote to memory of 5032 4088 0626486.exe 88 PID 4088 wrote to memory of 5032 4088 0626486.exe 88 PID 5032 wrote to memory of 3972 5032 vjdpd.exe 89 PID 5032 wrote to memory of 3972 5032 vjdpd.exe 89 PID 5032 wrote to memory of 3972 5032 vjdpd.exe 89 PID 3972 wrote to memory of 5052 3972 dppdp.exe 90 PID 3972 wrote to memory of 5052 3972 dppdp.exe 90 PID 3972 wrote to memory of 5052 3972 dppdp.exe 90 PID 5052 wrote to memory of 764 5052 1llxlfr.exe 91 PID 5052 wrote to memory of 764 5052 1llxlfr.exe 91 PID 5052 wrote to memory of 764 5052 1llxlfr.exe 91 PID 764 wrote to memory of 4688 764 s4648.exe 92 PID 764 wrote to memory of 4688 764 s4648.exe 92 PID 764 wrote to memory of 4688 764 s4648.exe 92 PID 4688 wrote to memory of 2936 4688 rlfrllf.exe 93 PID 4688 wrote to memory of 2936 4688 rlfrllf.exe 93 PID 4688 wrote to memory of 2936 4688 rlfrllf.exe 93 PID 2936 wrote to memory of 1532 2936 jdjdv.exe 94 PID 2936 wrote to memory of 1532 2936 jdjdv.exe 94 PID 2936 wrote to memory of 1532 2936 jdjdv.exe 94 PID 1532 wrote to memory of 3692 1532 08004.exe 95 PID 1532 wrote to memory of 3692 1532 08004.exe 95 PID 1532 wrote to memory of 3692 1532 08004.exe 95 PID 3692 wrote to memory of 4136 3692 602448.exe 96 PID 3692 wrote to memory of 4136 3692 602448.exe 96 PID 3692 wrote to memory of 4136 3692 602448.exe 96 PID 4136 wrote to memory of 2304 4136 4884260.exe 97 PID 4136 wrote to memory of 2304 4136 4884260.exe 97 PID 4136 wrote to memory of 2304 4136 4884260.exe 97 PID 2304 wrote to memory of 3376 2304 pjjvv.exe 98 PID 2304 wrote to memory of 3376 2304 pjjvv.exe 98 PID 2304 wrote to memory of 3376 2304 pjjvv.exe 98 PID 3376 wrote to memory of 3832 3376 0808842.exe 99 PID 3376 wrote to memory of 3832 3376 0808842.exe 99 PID 3376 wrote to memory of 3832 3376 0808842.exe 99 PID 3832 wrote to memory of 1052 3832 ppvvv.exe 100 PID 3832 wrote to memory of 1052 3832 ppvvv.exe 100 PID 3832 wrote to memory of 1052 3832 ppvvv.exe 100 PID 1052 wrote to memory of 648 1052 bhhbtn.exe 101 PID 1052 wrote to memory of 648 1052 bhhbtn.exe 101 PID 1052 wrote to memory of 648 1052 bhhbtn.exe 101 PID 648 wrote to memory of 1952 648 3dpjd.exe 102 PID 648 wrote to memory of 1952 648 3dpjd.exe 102 PID 648 wrote to memory of 1952 648 3dpjd.exe 102 PID 1952 wrote to memory of 1492 1952 xrfrrlf.exe 103
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:1660 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:5056 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:1708 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:4452 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2748 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2716 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:4088 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:5032 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:3972 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:5052 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:764 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:4688 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2936 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:1532 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:3692 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:4136 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2304 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:3376 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:3832 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:1052 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:648 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:1952 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1492 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2028 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2648 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:712 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:464 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:4952 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:3800 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2988 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:4364 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2664 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:4620 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:4860 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:3000 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2152 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1488 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:4868 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1672 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:3492 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:392 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1520 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1296 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:4872 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:3052 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:4960 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:3752 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:4984 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:4440 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:4560 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:744 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1524 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2740 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:3468 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1004 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery
PID:3500 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2716 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2816 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:3436 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1156 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:3972 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2452 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:3408 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2196 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:5020 -
- System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery
PID:2028 -