max time kernel
150s -
max time network
19s -
windows7_x64 -
win7-20241010-en -
resource tags
arch:x64arch:x86image:win7-20241010-enlocale:en-usos:windows7-x64system -
24-11-2024 15:45
Static task
1 signatures
Behavioral task
7 signatures
150 seconds
Malware Config
Blackmoon family
Detect Blackmoon payload 22 IoCs
resource yara_rule behavioral1/memory/2616-15-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral1/memory/2496-11-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral1/memory/1148-26-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral1/memory/1148-33-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral1/memory/2936-46-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral1/memory/2764-74-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral1/memory/2860-64-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral1/memory/2848-59-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral1/memory/2864-92-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral1/memory/112-105-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral1/memory/2228-114-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral1/memory/1500-123-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral1/memory/2216-132-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral1/memory/592-141-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral1/memory/1812-168-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral1/memory/2344-186-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral1/memory/2920-195-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral1/memory/2484-204-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral1/memory/2460-231-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral1/memory/1576-240-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral1/memory/1172-278-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon behavioral1/memory/1676-285-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp family_blackmoon -
Executes dropped EXE 64 IoCs
pid Process 2616 bxphdd.exe 1148 ntdtd.exe 2936 bnvlppf.exe 2848 fdtxvh.exe 2860 hlnjjn.exe 2764 jfvxrbb.exe 2864 drblb.exe 112 npllbbv.exe 2228 tfvnfp.exe 1500 vrxrp.exe 2216 drbrp.exe 592 ffrnbx.exe 2840 fbhndtl.exe 1832 tndxrb.exe 1812 jlbntdj.exe 956 pbjdlnf.exe 2344 ndrfnb.exe 2920 vvlvjf.exe 2484 vnjtb.exe 2392 pdnnv.exe 1544 ljfvvjx.exe 2460 vrbvxbr.exe 1576 nndnd.exe 1340 bbndn.exe 916 tljpvnv.exe 1060 bfjxnld.exe 1172 rthnbn.exe 1676 dlltpvx.exe 2180 trtjv.exe 888 bltxxb.exe 928 bdxlrr.exe 2496 bffpxn.exe 1720 hxpxp.exe 2320 xjxlh.exe 2268 fhxhxf.exe 2892 fvnflrb.exe 704 fltld.exe 3020 rxddfd.exe 2060 fvdpntn.exe 2904 pjlpnll.exe 2976 pdfnxpb.exe 2564 tfnpv.exe 2704 vhbhntf.exe 2644 nflrjl.exe 1036 vnjbpp.exe 2332 phptvln.exe 2728 fxhtv.exe 3064 bvdrx.exe 2216 dvvfj.exe 592 rnnbfr.exe 2492 hrlhhvv.exe 1900 hjndpl.exe 1380 ndnbv.exe 1760 bfdhr.exe 2068 xtjbbvn.exe 2256 fbdhtf.exe 2264 tftnl.exe 272 drljvxp.exe 2484 vtxxrn.exe 2392 rntdvp.exe 1064 hhtxtp.exe 1104 rtlnpp.exe 2248 vpjfr.exe 1328 nvjftv.exe -
resource yara_rule behavioral1/memory/2496-3-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/2616-15-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/2496-11-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/1148-26-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/1148-24-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/1148-23-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/1148-33-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/2936-39-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/2936-37-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/2936-46-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/2848-51-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/2848-50-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/2764-74-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/2860-64-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/2848-59-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/2864-84-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/2864-83-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/2864-92-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/112-97-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/112-96-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/112-95-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/112-105-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/2228-114-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/1500-123-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/2216-132-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/592-141-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/1812-168-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/2344-186-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/2920-195-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/2484-204-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/2460-231-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/1576-240-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/1172-278-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx behavioral1/memory/1676-285-0x0000000000400000-0x0000000000429000-memory.dmp upx -
System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery 1 TTPs 64 IoCs
Attempt gather information about the system language of a victim in order to infer the geographical location of that host.
description ioc Process Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language lxtjdb.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language vndvn.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language xdpfn.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language htrvrxl.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language vhvhj.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language xjbhj.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language ttdphdb.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language lhddrj.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language fpfrvb.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language jpdfrn.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language bhprp.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language pbnpltr.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language vrdjrjt.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language nhlrdtt.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language txnrfv.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language flhbxjt.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language xbpvpb.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language hvhrnhn.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language flnltr.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language xrxfl.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language fltld.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language nlfjxrx.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language lxfvt.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language nhxrj.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language jbpvfbh.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language bblxb.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language fftvp.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language jtfvfh.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language vhfrhl.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language jptbx.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language nvvnjp.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language nxpvpv.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language vrbvxbr.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language fhvhvjn.exe Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found Key opened \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\NLS\Language Process not Found -
Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory 64 IoCs
description pid Process procid_target PID 2496 wrote to memory of 2616 2496 95a84f35123fbc4bf54820868d70629d_JaffaCakes118.exe 29 PID 2496 wrote to memory of 2616 2496 95a84f35123fbc4bf54820868d70629d_JaffaCakes118.exe 29 PID 2496 wrote to memory of 2616 2496 95a84f35123fbc4bf54820868d70629d_JaffaCakes118.exe 29 PID 2496 wrote to memory of 2616 2496 95a84f35123fbc4bf54820868d70629d_JaffaCakes118.exe 29 PID 2616 wrote to memory of 1148 2616 bxphdd.exe 30 PID 2616 wrote to memory of 1148 2616 bxphdd.exe 30 PID 2616 wrote to memory of 1148 2616 bxphdd.exe 30 PID 2616 wrote to memory of 1148 2616 bxphdd.exe 30 PID 1148 wrote to memory of 2936 1148 ntdtd.exe 31 PID 1148 wrote to memory of 2936 1148 ntdtd.exe 31 PID 1148 wrote to memory of 2936 1148 ntdtd.exe 31 PID 1148 wrote to memory of 2936 1148 ntdtd.exe 31 PID 2936 wrote to memory of 2848 2936 bnvlppf.exe 32 PID 2936 wrote to memory of 2848 2936 bnvlppf.exe 32 PID 2936 wrote to memory of 2848 2936 bnvlppf.exe 32 PID 2936 wrote to memory of 2848 2936 bnvlppf.exe 32 PID 2848 wrote to memory of 2860 2848 fdtxvh.exe 33 PID 2848 wrote to memory of 2860 2848 fdtxvh.exe 33 PID 2848 wrote to memory of 2860 2848 fdtxvh.exe 33 PID 2848 wrote to memory of 2860 2848 fdtxvh.exe 33 PID 2860 wrote to memory of 2764 2860 hlnjjn.exe 34 PID 2860 wrote to memory of 2764 2860 hlnjjn.exe 34 PID 2860 wrote to memory of 2764 2860 hlnjjn.exe 34 PID 2860 wrote to memory of 2764 2860 hlnjjn.exe 34 PID 2764 wrote to memory of 2864 2764 jfvxrbb.exe 35 PID 2764 wrote to memory of 2864 2764 jfvxrbb.exe 35 PID 2764 wrote to memory of 2864 2764 jfvxrbb.exe 35 PID 2764 wrote to memory of 2864 2764 jfvxrbb.exe 35 PID 2864 wrote to memory of 112 2864 drblb.exe 36 PID 2864 wrote to memory of 112 2864 drblb.exe 36 PID 2864 wrote to memory of 112 2864 drblb.exe 36 PID 2864 wrote to memory of 112 2864 drblb.exe 36 PID 112 wrote to memory of 2228 112 npllbbv.exe 37 PID 112 wrote to memory of 2228 112 npllbbv.exe 37 PID 112 wrote to memory of 2228 112 npllbbv.exe 37 PID 112 wrote to memory of 2228 112 npllbbv.exe 37 PID 2228 wrote to memory of 1500 2228 tfvnfp.exe 38 PID 2228 wrote to memory of 1500 2228 tfvnfp.exe 38 PID 2228 wrote to memory of 1500 2228 tfvnfp.exe 38 PID 2228 wrote to memory of 1500 2228 tfvnfp.exe 38 PID 1500 wrote to memory of 2216 1500 vrxrp.exe 39 PID 1500 wrote to memory of 2216 1500 vrxrp.exe 39 PID 1500 wrote to memory of 2216 1500 vrxrp.exe 39 PID 1500 wrote to memory of 2216 1500 vrxrp.exe 39 PID 2216 wrote to memory of 592 2216 drbrp.exe 40 PID 2216 wrote to memory of 592 2216 drbrp.exe 40 PID 2216 wrote to memory of 592 2216 drbrp.exe 40 PID 2216 wrote to memory of 592 2216 drbrp.exe 40 PID 592 wrote to memory of 2840 592 ffrnbx.exe 41 PID 592 wrote to memory of 2840 592 ffrnbx.exe 41 PID 592 wrote to memory of 2840 592 ffrnbx.exe 41 PID 592 wrote to memory of 2840 592 ffrnbx.exe 41 PID 2840 wrote to memory of 1832 2840 fbhndtl.exe 42 PID 2840 wrote to memory of 1832 2840 fbhndtl.exe 42 PID 2840 wrote to memory of 1832 2840 fbhndtl.exe 42 PID 2840 wrote to memory of 1832 2840 fbhndtl.exe 42 PID 1832 wrote to memory of 1812 1832 tndxrb.exe 43 PID 1832 wrote to memory of 1812 1832 tndxrb.exe 43 PID 1832 wrote to memory of 1812 1832 tndxrb.exe 43 PID 1832 wrote to memory of 1812 1832 tndxrb.exe 43 PID 1812 wrote to memory of 956 1812 jlbntdj.exe 44 PID 1812 wrote to memory of 956 1812 jlbntdj.exe 44 PID 1812 wrote to memory of 956 1812 jlbntdj.exe 44 PID 1812 wrote to memory of 956 1812 jlbntdj.exe 44
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2496 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2616 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:1148 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2936 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2848 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2860 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2764 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2864 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:112 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2228 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:1500 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2216 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:592 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:2840 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:1832 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Suspicious use of WriteProcessMemory
PID:1812 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:956 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2344 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2920 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2484 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2392 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1544 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery
PID:2460 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1576 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1340 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:916 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1060 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1172 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1676 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2180 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:888 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:928 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2496 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1720 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2320 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2268 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2892 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery
PID:704 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:3020 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2060 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2904 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2976 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2564 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2704 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2644 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1036 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2332 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2728 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:3064 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2216 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:592 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2492 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1900 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1380 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1760 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2068 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2256 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2264 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:272 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2484 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2392 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1064 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1104 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:2248 -
- Executes dropped EXE
PID:1328 -
- System Location Discovery: System Language Discovery
PID:2024 -