Windows 7 deprecation

Windows 7 will be removed from on 2025-03-31


Malware Config


    • Exela Stealer

      Exela Stealer is an open source stealer originally written in .NET and later transitioned to Python that was first observed in August 2023.

    • Exelastealer family

    • Shurk

      Shurk is an infostealer, written in C++ which appeared in 2021.

    • Shurk family

    • Grants admin privileges

      Uses net.exe to modify the user's privileges.

    • Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Active Setup

      Adversaries may achieve persistence by adding a Registry key to the Active Setup of the local machine.

    • Downloads MZ/PE file

    • Modifies Windows Firewall

    • Checks computer location settings

      Looks up country code configured in the registry, likely geofence.

    • Clipboard Data

      Adversaries may collect data stored in the clipboard from users copying information within or between applications.

    • Event Triggered Execution: Component Object Model Hijacking

      Adversaries may establish persistence by executing malicious content triggered by hijacked references to Component Object Model (COM) objects.

    • Executes dropped EXE

    • Loads dropped DLL

    • Reads user/profile data of local email clients

      Email clients store some user data on disk where infostealers will often target it.

    • Reads user/profile data of web browsers

      Infostealers often target stored browser data, which can include saved credentials etc.

    • Accesses cryptocurrency files/wallets, possible credential harvesting

    • Adds Run key to start application

    • Checks installed software on the system

      Looks up Uninstall key entries in the registry to enumerate software on the system.

    • Checks whether UAC is enabled

    • Installs/modifies Browser Helper Object

      BHOs are DLL modules which act as plugins for Internet Explorer.

    • Legitimate hosting services abused for malware hosting/C2

    • Looks up external IP address via web service

      Uses a legitimate IP lookup service to find the infected system's external IP.

    • Network Service Discovery

      Attempt to gather information on host's network.

    • Checks system information in the registry

      System information is often read in order to detect sandboxing environments.

    • Drops file in System32 directory

    • Enumerates processes with tasklist

    • Hide Artifacts: Hidden Files and Directories

    • UPX packed file

      Detects executables packed with UPX/modified UPX open source packer.

MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise v15
