Windows 7 deprecation

Windows 7 will be removed from on 2025-03-31


26/02/2025, 17:11

250226-vqhltawyfy 3


  • Target


  • Size


  • Sample


  • MD5


  • SHA1


  • SHA256


  • SHA512




Malware Config



C:\Users\Admin\Documents\@[email protected]



Ransom Note
Q: What's wrong with my files? A: Ooops, your important files are encrypted. It means you will not be able to access them anymore until they are decrypted. If you follow our instructions, we guarantee that you can decrypt all your files quickly and safely! Let's start decrypting! Q: What do I do? A: First, you need to pay service fees for the decryption. Please send $300 worth of bitcoin to this bitcoin address: 13AM4VW2dhxYgXeQepoHkHSQuy6NgaEb94 Next, please find an application file named "@[email protected]". It is the decrypt software. Run and follow the instructions! (You may need to disable your antivirus for a while.) Q: How can I trust? A: Don't worry about decryption. We will decrypt your files surely because nobody will trust us if we cheat users. * If you need our assistance, send a message by clicking <Contact Us> on the decryptor window. �





Ransom Note
<html> <head> <script> function CopyToClipboard(containerid) { if (document.selection) { var range = document.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(document.getElementById(containerid));; document.execCommand("copy"); } else if (window.getSelection) { var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNode(document.getElementById(containerid)); window.getSelection().addRange(range); document.execCommand("copy"); alert("Base64 copied into the clipboard!") } } </script> <style> html{ margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; height:100%; } body { background: #000000; color: #ececec; font-family: Consolas }; .tooltip { position: relative; display: inline-block; border-bottom: 1px dotted black; } .tooltip .tooltiptext { visibility: hidden; width: 120px; background-color: #555; color: #fff; text-align: center; border-radius: 6px; padding: 5 px 0; position: absolute; z-index: 1; bottom: 125%; left: 50%; margin-left: -60px; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.3s; } .tooltip .tooltiptext::after { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 100%; left: 50%; margin-left: -5px; border-width: 5px; border-style: solid; border-color: #555 transparent transparent transparent; } .tooltip:hover .tooltiptext { visibility: visible; opacity: 1; } p#base64{ -ms-word-break: break-all; word-break: break-all; -webkit-hyphens: auto; -moz-hyphens: auto; -ms-hyphens: auto; hyphens: auto; } p#base64:hover{ cursor: hand; } </style> </head> <body> <table style="position: absolute;" width="100%"> <tr> <td style="width: 25%;"> <td style="width: 50%;"> <div style="text-align: center; font-size: 20px;"> <p><b>Maze ransomware</b></p> <p>*********************************************************************************************************************</p> <p>Attention! Your documents, photos, databases, and other important files have been encrypted!</p> <p>*********************************************************************************************************************</p> </div> <div style="text-align: center; font-size: 18px;"> <p><b>What is going on?</b><br>Your files have been encrypted using strong reliable algorithms RSA-2048 and ChaCha20 with an unique private key for your system</p> <p>You can read more about this cryptosystem here: <a href=></a></p> <p>The only way to recover (decrypt) your files is to buy decryptor with the unique private key</p> <p><u>Attention! Only we can recover your files! If someone tell you that he can do this, kindly ask him to proof!</u></p> <p>By us you can decrypt one of your files for free as a proof of work that we have the method to decrypt the rest of your data.</p> <p>In order to either buy the private key or make test decryption contact us via email: <br> <u><b>Main e-mail: [email protected]<br>Reserve e-mail: [email protected]</b></u> <p>Remember to hurry up as email address may not be available for very long as soon as law enforcements of different countries always trying to seize emails used in ransom companies <p>If you are willing to pay but you are not sure knock us and we will save your e-mail address. In case the listed addresses are seized we will write you from the new one</p> <p>Below you will see a big base64 blob, you will need to email us and copy this blob to us.<br>you can click on it, and it will be copied into the clipboard.</p> <p>If you have troubles copying it, just send us the file you are currently reading, as an attachment.</p> <p>Base64: </p> </div><div style="text-align: center; font-size: 12px;"><p id="base64" onclick="return CopyToClipboard('base64')" class="tooltip">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<span class="tooltiptext">Click here to copy</span></p></div></td><td style="width: 25%; text-align: right;"></tr></table></body></html>

[email protected]<br>Reserve

[email protected]</b></u>



C:\Program Files\instructions_read_me.txt



Ransom Note
ATTENTION! Your network has been breached and all data was encrypted. Please contact us at: https://bastad5huzwkepdixedg2gekg7jk22ato24zyllp6lnjx7wdtyctgvyd.onion/ Login ID: 7ab0444a-f73c-4ab0-b3a9-4c2ead84ecf1 *!* To access .onion websites download and install Tor Browser at: (Tor Browser is not related to us) *!* To restore all your PCs and get your network working again, follow these instructions: - Any attempts to modify, decrypt or rename the files will lead to its fatal corruption. It doesn't matter, who are trying to do this, either it will be your IT guys or a recovery agency. Please follow these simple rules to avoid data corruption: - Do not modify, rename or delete files. Any attempts to modify, decrypt or rename the files will lead to its fatal corruption. - Do not hire a recovery company. They can't decrypt without the key. They also don't care about your business. They believe that they are good negotiators, but it is not. They usually fail. So speak for yourself. Waiting you in a chat.




C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\@[email protected]



Ransom Note
Q: What's wrong with my files? A: Ooops, your important files are encrypted. It means you will not be able to access them anymore until they are decrypted. If you follow our instructions, we guarantee that you can decrypt all your files quickly and safely! Let's start decrypting! Q: What do I do? A: First, you need to pay service fees for the decryption. Please send $300 worth of bitcoin to this bitcoin address: 115p7UMMngoj1pMvkpHijcRdfJNXj6LrLn Next, please find an application file named "@[email protected]". It is the decrypt software. Run and follow the instructions! (You may need to disable your antivirus for a while.) Q: How can I trust? A: Don't worry about decryption. We will decrypt your files surely because nobody will trust us if we cheat users. * If you need our assistance, send a message by clicking <Contact Us> on the decryptor window. �





Ransom Note
<html> <head> <script> function CopyToClipboard(containerid) { if (document.selection) { var range = document.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(document.getElementById(containerid));; document.execCommand("copy"); } else if (window.getSelection) { var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNode(document.getElementById(containerid)); window.getSelection().addRange(range); document.execCommand("copy"); alert("Base64 copied into the clipboard!") } } </script> <style> html{ margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; height:100%; } body { background: #000000; color: #ececec; font-family: Consolas }; .tooltip { position: relative; display: inline-block; border-bottom: 1px dotted black; } .tooltip .tooltiptext { visibility: hidden; width: 120px; background-color: #555; color: #fff; text-align: center; border-radius: 6px; padding: 5 px 0; position: absolute; z-index: 1; bottom: 125%; left: 50%; margin-left: -60px; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.3s; } .tooltip .tooltiptext::after { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 100%; left: 50%; margin-left: -5px; border-width: 5px; border-style: solid; border-color: #555 transparent transparent transparent; } .tooltip:hover .tooltiptext { visibility: visible; opacity: 1; } p#base64{ -ms-word-break: break-all; word-break: break-all; -webkit-hyphens: auto; -moz-hyphens: auto; -ms-hyphens: auto; hyphens: auto; } p#base64:hover{ cursor: hand; } </style> </head> <body> <table style="position: absolute;" width="100%"> <tr> <td style="width: 25%;"> <td style="width: 50%;"> <div style="text-align: center; font-size: 20px;"> <p><b>Maze ransomware</b></p> <p>*********************************************************************************************************************</p> <p>Attention! Your documents, photos, databases, and other important files have been encrypted!</p> <p>*********************************************************************************************************************</p> </div> <div style="text-align: center; font-size: 18px;"> <p><b>What is going on?</b><br>Your files have been encrypted using strong reliable algorithms RSA-2048 and ChaCha20 with an unique private key for your system</p> <p>You can read more about this cryptosystem here: <a href=></a></p> <p>The only way to recover (decrypt) your files is to buy decryptor with the unique private key</p> <p><u>Attention! Only we can recover your files! If someone tell you that he can do this, kindly ask him to proof!</u></p> <p>By us you can decrypt one of your files for free as a proof of work that we have the method to decrypt the rest of your data.</p> <p>In order to either buy the private key or make test decryption contact us via email: <br> <u><b>Main e-mail: [email protected]<br>Reserve e-mail: [email protected]</b></u> <p>Remember to hurry up as email address may not be available for very long as soon as law enforcements of different countries always trying to seize emails used in ransom companies <p>If you are willing to pay but you are not sure knock us and we will save your e-mail address. In case the listed addresses are seized we will write you from the new one</p> <p>Below you will see a big base64 blob, you will need to email us and copy this blob to us.<br>you can click on it, and it will be copied into the clipboard.</p> <p>If you have troubles copying it, just send us the file you are currently reading, as an attachment.</p> <p>Base64: </p> </div><div style="text-align: center; font-size: 12px;"><p id="base64" onclick="return CopyToClipboard('base64')" class="tooltip">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<span class="tooltiptext">Click here to copy</span></p></div></td><td style="width: 25%; text-align: right;"></tr></table></body></html>

[email protected]<br>Reserve

[email protected]</b></u>


    • Target


    • Size


    • MD5


    • SHA1


    • SHA256


    • SHA512


    • SSDEEP


    • Black Basta

      A ransomware family targeting Windows and Linux ESXi first seen in February 2022.

    • Blackbasta family

    • Wannacry

      WannaCry is a ransomware cryptoworm.

    • Wannacry family

    • Deletes shadow copies

      Ransomware often targets backup files to inhibit system recovery.

    • Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell

      Run Powershell to modify Windows Defender settings to add exclusions for file extensions, paths, and processes.

    • Sets file to hidden

      Modifies file attributes to stop it showing in Explorer etc.

    • Checks computer location settings

      Looks up country code configured in the registry, likely geofence.

    • Drops startup file

    • Executes dropped EXE

    • Loads dropped DLL

    • Modifies file permissions

    • Reads user/profile data of web browsers

      Infostealers often target stored browser data, which can include saved credentials etc.

    • Adds Run key to start application

    • File and Directory Permissions Modification: Windows File and Directory Permissions Modification

    • Writes to the Master Boot Record (MBR)

      Bootkits write to the MBR to gain persistence at a level below the operating system.

    • Sets desktop wallpaper using registry

    • Suspicious use of SetThreadContext

    • UPX packed file

      Detects executables packed with UPX/modified UPX open source packer.

MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise v15
