max time kernel
66s -
max time network
129s -
ubuntu-24.04_amd64 -
ubuntu2404-amd64-20240523-en -
resource tags
arch:amd64arch:i386image:ubuntu2404-amd64-20240523-enkernel:6.8.0-31-genericlocale:en-usos:ubuntu-24.04-amd64system -
27/02/2025, 04:14
Behavioral task
Malware Config
Detected Gafgyt variant 2 IoCs
resource yara_rule behavioral1/files/fstream-1.dat family_gafgyt behavioral1/files/fstream-4.dat family_gafgyt -
Gafgyt family
Executes dropped EXE 44 IoCs
ioc pid Process /tmp/fileX7UzYz 2480 c8e23dad72cec959fc3a9fd530bf839ca04bb3f7e433364e5aabf62160ee4da9.elf /tmp/filelLMFWi 2487 fileX7UzYz /tmp/fileqJM7fS 2488 filelLMFWi /tmp/filee6xJYm 2489 fileqJM7fS /tmp/file87P8DF 2490 filee6xJYm /tmp/filev4XNKm 2491 file87P8DF /tmp/filekFEaLf 2492 filev4XNKm /tmp/fileheTOQv 2493 filekFEaLf /tmp/file0yY6a7 2494 fileheTOQv /tmp/filenop69F 2495 file0yY6a7 /tmp/file0NGIQL 2496 filenop69F /tmp/filekNo7SJ 2497 file0NGIQL /tmp/fileYaBQPs 2498 filekNo7SJ /tmp/fileLb0kLu 2499 fileYaBQPs /tmp/fileAXjp0l 2500 fileLb0kLu /tmp/filejkivVD 2501 fileAXjp0l /tmp/fileAtLFPj 2502 filejkivVD /tmp/fileVVmQAj 2503 fileAtLFPj /tmp/fileGgt6Mf 2507 fileVVmQAj /tmp/fileo8pfiC 2508 fileGgt6Mf /tmp/fileolkmbf 2509 fileo8pfiC /tmp/fileiiNdT0 2510 fileolkmbf /tmp/fileaFLRaS 2511 fileiiNdT0 /tmp/filepB8YaB 2512 fileaFLRaS /tmp/filejuBJqJ 2513 filepB8YaB /tmp/file7DcHwJ 2514 filejuBJqJ /tmp/filecsMZ64 2515 file7DcHwJ /tmp/filejq0KQr 2516 filecsMZ64 /tmp/file7uEvpS 2517 filejq0KQr /tmp/filextZpm7 2518 file7uEvpS /tmp/filePFHrtq 2519 filextZpm7 /tmp/fileTZfTOj 2520 filePFHrtq /tmp/fileDyBFkx 2521 fileTZfTOj /tmp/fileg7Dr0r 2522 fileDyBFkx /tmp/fileGqWqoN 2523 fileg7Dr0r /tmp/fileIWvv9u 2524 fileGqWqoN /tmp/filez60v1F 2525 fileIWvv9u /tmp/fileEdx69D 2526 filez60v1F /tmp/fileTnqHBR 2527 fileEdx69D /tmp/file6TFpDx 2528 fileTnqHBR /tmp/fileKCmbYY 2529 file6TFpDx /tmp/fileR9Vs44 2530 fileKCmbYY /tmp/filetJYamo 2531 fileR9Vs44 /tmp/file5As9Zv 2532 filetJYamo -
Creates/modifies Cron job 1 TTPs 44 IoCs
Cron allows running tasks on a schedule, and is commonly used for malware persistence.
description ioc Process File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileTZfTOj File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileGqWqoN File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 file6TFpDx File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileAXjp0l File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileIWvv9u File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileEdx69D File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileR9Vs44 File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 filenop69F File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileGgt6Mf File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileiiNdT0 File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 filecsMZ64 File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileDyBFkx File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileg7Dr0r File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 filelLMFWi File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 file87P8DF File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 filev4XNKm File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileheTOQv File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 filejkivVD File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 file7uEvpS File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 filee6xJYm File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 filekFEaLf File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 file0yY6a7 File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileAtLFPj File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 filepB8YaB File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 file0NGIQL File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileVVmQAj File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileLb0kLu File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 filejq0KQr File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 filextZpm7 File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileTnqHBR File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileKCmbYY File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 filejuBJqJ File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileYaBQPs File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 c8e23dad72cec959fc3a9fd530bf839ca04bb3f7e433364e5aabf62160ee4da9.elf File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileqJM7fS File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 filekNo7SJ File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileolkmbf File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 filez60v1F File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 filetJYamo File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileX7UzYz File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileo8pfiC File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 fileaFLRaS File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 file7DcHwJ File opened for modification /etc/cron.hourly/0 filePFHrtq -
Writes file to system bin folder 1 IoCs
description ioc Process File opened for modification /bin/ls c8e23dad72cec959fc3a9fd530bf839ca04bb3f7e433364e5aabf62160ee4da9.elf -
description ioc Process File opened for reading /proc/self/exe file5As9Zv File opened for reading /proc/self/exe filekFEaLf File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileYaBQPs File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileiiNdT0 File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileaFLRaS File opened for reading /proc/self/exe file7uEvpS File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileTZfTOj File opened for reading /proc/self/exe file6TFpDx File opened for reading /proc/self/exe c8e23dad72cec959fc3a9fd530bf839ca04bb3f7e433364e5aabf62160ee4da9.elf File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileqJM7fS File opened for reading /proc/self/exe file87P8DF File opened for reading /proc/self/exe filenop69F File opened for reading /proc/self/exe filejkivVD File opened for reading /proc/self/exe filextZpm7 File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileIWvv9u File opened for reading /proc/self/exe filetJYamo File opened for reading /proc/self/exe filejuBJqJ File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileDyBFkx File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileR9Vs44 File opened for reading /proc/self/exe file0yY6a7 File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileLb0kLu File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileAXjp0l File opened for reading /proc/self/exe filejq0KQr File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileg7Dr0r File opened for reading /proc/self/exe filez60v1F File opened for reading /proc/self/exe filekNo7SJ File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileo8pfiC File opened for reading /proc/self/exe file7DcHwJ File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileEdx69D File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileX7UzYz File opened for reading /proc/self/exe file0NGIQL File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileAtLFPj File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileVVmQAj File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileGgt6Mf File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileolkmbf File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileGqWqoN File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileKCmbYY File opened for reading /proc/self/exe filelLMFWi File opened for reading /proc/self/exe filev4XNKm File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileheTOQv File opened for reading /proc/self/exe filecsMZ64 File opened for reading /proc/self/exe filePFHrtq File opened for reading /proc/self/exe filee6xJYm File opened for reading /proc/self/exe filepB8YaB File opened for reading /proc/self/exe fileTnqHBR -
Writes file to tmp directory 45 IoCs
Malware often drops required files in the /tmp directory.
description ioc Process File opened for modification /tmp/fileolkmbf fileo8pfiC File opened for modification /tmp/fileqJM7fS filelLMFWi File opened for modification /tmp/filee6xJYm fileqJM7fS File opened for modification /tmp/fileheTOQv filekFEaLf File opened for modification /tmp/fileAtLFPj filejkivVD File opened for modification /tmp/filejkivVD fileAXjp0l File opened for modification /tmp/filepB8YaB fileaFLRaS File opened for modification /tmp/file7uEvpS filejq0KQr File opened for modification /tmp/fileTZfTOj filePFHrtq File opened for modification /tmp/fileKCmbYY file6TFpDx File opened for modification /tmp/fileAXjp0l fileLb0kLu File opened for modification /tmp/fileiiNdT0 fileolkmbf File opened for modification /tmp/fileDyBFkx fileTZfTOj File opened for modification /tmp/filez60v1F fileIWvv9u File opened for modification /tmp/fileXPZS70 file5As9Zv File opened for modification /tmp/fileaFLRaS fileiiNdT0 File opened for modification /tmp/filecsMZ64 file7DcHwJ File opened for modification /tmp/filePFHrtq filextZpm7 File opened for modification /tmp/fileg7Dr0r fileDyBFkx File opened for modification /tmp/fileR9Vs44 fileKCmbYY File opened for modification /tmp/fileVVmQAj fileAtLFPj File opened for modification /tmp/filejuBJqJ filepB8YaB File opened for modification /tmp/filejq0KQr filecsMZ64 File opened for modification /tmp/filekNo7SJ file0NGIQL File opened for modification /tmp/fileX7UzYz c8e23dad72cec959fc3a9fd530bf839ca04bb3f7e433364e5aabf62160ee4da9.elf File opened for modification /tmp/file87P8DF filee6xJYm File opened for modification /tmp/filenop69F file0yY6a7 File opened for modification /tmp/fileIWvv9u fileGqWqoN File opened for modification /tmp/filekFEaLf filev4XNKm File opened for modification /tmp/file0yY6a7 fileheTOQv File opened for modification /tmp/fileYaBQPs filekNo7SJ File opened for modification /tmp/fileLb0kLu fileYaBQPs File opened for modification /tmp/fileEdx69D filez60v1F File opened for modification /tmp/fileTnqHBR fileEdx69D File opened for modification /tmp/file5As9Zv filetJYamo File opened for modification /tmp/filev4XNKm file87P8DF File opened for modification /tmp/file0NGIQL filenop69F File opened for modification /tmp/fileGgt6Mf fileVVmQAj File opened for modification /tmp/fileo8pfiC fileGgt6Mf File opened for modification /tmp/fileGqWqoN fileg7Dr0r File opened for modification /tmp/filetJYamo fileR9Vs44 File opened for modification /tmp/filelLMFWi fileX7UzYz File opened for modification /tmp/file7DcHwJ filejuBJqJ File opened for modification /tmp/filextZpm7 file7uEvpS File opened for modification /tmp/file6TFpDx fileTnqHBR
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Writes file to system bin folder
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2463 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2480 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2487 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2488 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2489 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2490 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2491 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2492 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2493 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2494 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2495 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2496 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2497 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2498 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2499 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2500 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2501 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2502 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2503 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2507 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2508 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2509 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2510 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2511 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2512 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2513 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2514 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2515 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2516 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2517 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2518 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2519 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2520 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2521 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2522 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2523 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2524 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2525 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2526 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2527 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2528 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2529 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2530 -
- Executes dropped EXE
- Creates/modifies Cron job
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
PID:2531 -
- Reads runtime system information
- Writes file to tmp directory
MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise v15
Replay Monitor
Loading Replay Monitor...