
  • Target


  • Size


  • Sample


  • MD5


  • SHA1


  • SHA256


  • SHA512




Malware Config










Ransom Note
-------=== Your network has been infected! ===------- ***************** DO NOT DELETE THIS FILE UNTIL ALL YOUR DATA HAVE BEEN RECOVERED ***************** All your documents, photos, databases and other important files have been encrypted and have the extension: .BcBCdCdDca You are not able to decrypt it by yourself. But don't worry, we can help you to restore all your files! The only way to restore your files is to buy our special software. Only we can give you this software and only we can restore your files! We have also downloaded a lot of private data from your network. If you do not contact as in a 3 days we will post information about your breach on our public news website (avaddongun7rngel.onion) and after 7 days the whole downloaded info. You can get more information on our page, which is located in a Tor hidden network. How to get to our page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 1. Download Tor browser - | | 2. Install Tor browser | | 3. Open link in Tor browser - avaddonbotrxmuyl.onion | | 4. Follow the instructions on this page | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your ID: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 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 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * DO NOT TRY TO RECOVER FILES YOURSELF! * DO NOT MODIFY ENCRYPTED FILES! * * * OTHERWISE, YOU MAY LOSE ALL YOUR FILES FOREVER! * * * HeQKeZVwwkQ72ATEtf








Ransom Note
-------=== Your network has been infected! ===------- ***************** DO NOT DELETE THIS FILE UNTIL ALL YOUR DATA HAVE BEEN RECOVERED ***************** All your documents, photos, databases and other important files have been encrypted and have the extension: .BcBCdCdDca You are not able to decrypt it by yourself. But don't worry, we can help you to restore all your files! The only way to restore your files is to buy our special software. Only we can give you this software and only we can restore your files! We have also downloaded a lot of private data from your network. If you do not contact as in a 3 days we will post information about your breach on our public news website (avaddongun7rngel.onion) and after 7 days the whole downloaded info. You can get more information on our page, which is located in a Tor hidden network. How to get to our page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 1. Download Tor browser - | | 2. Install Tor browser | | 3. Open link in Tor browser - avaddonbotrxmuyl.onion | | 4. Follow the instructions on this page | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your ID: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 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 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * DO NOT TRY TO RECOVER FILES YOURSELF! * DO NOT MODIFY ENCRYPTED FILES! * * * OTHERWISE, YOU MAY LOSE ALL YOUR FILES FOREVER! * * * 7n1AzmIGmM8gua7G5fEfI








Ransom Note
-------=== Your network has been infected! ===------- ***************** DO NOT DELETE THIS FILE UNTIL ALL YOUR DATA HAVE BEEN RECOVERED ***************** All your documents, photos, databases and other important files have been encrypted and have the extension: .BcBCdCdDca You are not able to decrypt it by yourself. But don't worry, we can help you to restore all your files! The only way to restore your files is to buy our special software. Only we can give you this software and only we can restore your files! We have also downloaded a lot of private data from your network. If you do not contact as in a 3 days we will post information about your breach on our public news website (avaddongun7rngel.onion) and after 7 days the whole downloaded info. You can get more information on our page, which is located in a Tor hidden network. How to get to our page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 1. Download Tor browser - | | 2. Install Tor browser | | 3. Open link in Tor browser - avaddonbotrxmuyl.onion | | 4. Follow the instructions on this page | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your ID: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 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 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * DO NOT TRY TO RECOVER FILES YOURSELF! * DO NOT MODIFY ENCRYPTED FILES! * * * OTHERWISE, YOU MAY LOSE ALL YOUR FILES FOREVER! * * * UPcXKy44cyqEHXFIkC8nzp5Z






Ransom Note
*************************************************************************************************************** HELLO Campari_Group ! If you reading this message, it means your network was PENETRATED and all of your files and data has been ENCRYPTED by R A G N A R L O C K E R ! *************************************************************************************************************** *YOU HAVE TO CONTACT US via LIVE CHAT IMMEDIATELY TO RESOLVE THIS CASE AND MAKE A DEAL* (contact information you will find at the bottom of this notes) !!!!! WARNING !!!!! DO NOT Modify, rename, copy or move any files or you can DAMAGE them and decryption will be impossible. DO NOT Use any third-party or public Decryption software, it also may DAMAGE files. DO NOT Shutdown or Reset your system, it can DAMAGE files ------------------------------------- There is ONLY ONE possible way to get back your files - contact us via LIVE CHAT and pay for the special DECRYPTION KEY ! For your GUARANTEE we will decrypt 2 of your files FOR FREE, to show that it Works. Don't waste your TIME, the link for contact us will be deleted if there is no contact made in closest time and you will NEVER restore your DATA. !!! HOWEVER if you will contact us within 2 day since get penetrated - you can get a very SPECIAL PRICE. ! WARNING ! ! Whole your International Corporate Network was fully COMPROMISED ! We have BREACHED your security perimeter and get access to every server of company's Network in different countries across all your international offices. So we has DOWNLOADED more than 2TB total volume of your PRIVATE SENSITIVE Data, including: -Accounting files, Banking Statements, Government letters, Licensing certificates -Confidential and/or Proprietary Business information, Celebrity Agreements, Clients and Employees Personal information (including Social Security Numbers, Addresses, Phone numbers and etc.) -Corporate Agreements and Contracts with distributors, importers, retailers, Non-Disclosure Agreements -Also we have your Private Corporate Correspondence, Emails and Workbooks, Marketing presentations, Audit reports and a lot of other Sensitive Information If NO Deal made than all your Data will be Published and/or Sold through an auction to any third-parties - There are some screenshots just as a proofs of what we got on you. (you can find more on Temporary Leak Page) Screenshots: ------------------------------------- Whole data that gathered from your private file-servers and directories could be SOLD to any third-parties and/or PUBLISHED in MASS MEDIA for BREAKING NEWS! Yours partners, clients and investors would be notified about the LEAK, the consequences of LEAK will have a DISASTROUS effect on your company's stock index and reputation. So better contact us ASAP to resolve this issue. If we make a Deal everything would be kept in Secret and all your Data will be Restored, so it is much cheaper and easier way for you to make deal with us, than to pay lawsuit expenses. You can take a look for some more examples of what we have, right now it's a private, temporary and hidden page. But it could be supplemented and become permanent and accessable for Public View if you decide NOT pay. Use Tor Browser to open the link: http://p6o7m73ujalhgkiv.onion/?tfR4tkhpcE2pUg To view the page's content use password: WrNz8hSLai ============================================================================================================== ! HERE IS THE SIMPLE MANUAL HOW TO GET CONTACT WITH US VIA LIVE CHAT ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a) Download and install TOR browser from this site : b) For contact us via LIVE CHAT open our website : http://rgnar43spcnsocswaw22lmk7jnget5f6vow7kqmnf4jc6hfwpiwoajid.onion/client/?8035A17A1e1cdaABB8BfDecEC0e94FA224C1Fc86D09C60540E56e972EDa7327c c) To visit TEMPORARY LEAK PAGE with your data on our News Blog, open this website : http://p6o7m73ujalhgkiv.onion/?tfR4tkhpcE2pUg ( password: WrNz8hSLai ) d) If Tor is restricted in your area, use VPN When you open LIVE CHAT website follow rules : Follow the instructions on the website. At the top you will find CHAT tab. Send your message there and wait for response (we are not online 24/7, So you have to wait for your turn). *********************************************************************************** ---BEGIN RAGN KEY--- ODAzNUExN0ExZTFjZGFBQkI4QmZEZWNFQzBlOTRGQTIyNEMxRmM4NkQwOUM2MDU0MEU1NmU5NzJFRGE3MzI3Yw== ---END RAGN KEY--- ***********************************************************************************




    • Target


    • Size


    • MD5


    • SHA1


    • SHA256


    • SHA512


    • SSDEEP


    • Avaddon

      Ransomware-as-a-service first released in June 2020 and currently expanding its userbase among criminal actors.

    • Avaddon family

    • Avaddon payload

    • Azorult

      An information stealer that was first discovered in 2016, targeting browsing history and passwords.

    • Azorult family

    • Detected Xorist Ransomware

    • GandCrab payload

    • Gandcrab

      Gandcrab is a Trojan horse that encrypts files on a computer.

    • Gandcrab family

    • Modifies Windows Defender Real-time Protection settings

    • UAC bypass

    • Xorist Ransomware

      Xorist is a ransomware first seen in 2020.

    • Xorist family

    • Deletes shadow copies

      Ransomware often targets backup files to inhibit system recovery.

    • Modifies boot configuration data using bcdedit

    • Renames multiple (1286) files with added filename extension

      This suggests ransomware activity of encrypting all the files on the system.

    • Clears Network RDP Connection History and Configurations

      Remove evidence of malicious network connections to clean up operations traces.

    • Downloads MZ/PE file

    • Modifies service settings

      Alters the configuration of existing services.

    • Stops running service(s)

    • Checks computer location settings

      Looks up country code configured in the registry, likely geofence.

    • Drops startup file

    • Executes dropped EXE

    • Loads dropped DLL

    • VMProtect packed file

      Detects executables packed with VMProtect commercial packer.

    • Adds Run key to start application

    • Checks whether UAC is enabled

    • Drops desktop.ini file(s)

    • Enumerates connected drives

      Attempts to read the root path of hard drives other than the default C: drive.

    • Indicator Removal: File Deletion

      Adversaries may delete files left behind by the actions of their intrusion activity.

    • Legitimate hosting services abused for malware hosting/C2

    • Network Share Discovery

      Attempt to gather information on host network.

    • Writes to the Master Boot Record (MBR)

      Bootkits write to the MBR to gain persistence at a level below the operating system.

    • Suspicious use of NtSetInformationThreadHideFromDebugger

    • Suspicious use of SetThreadContext

MITRE ATT&CK Enterprise v15
